
Unconditional Quotes

There are 764 quotes

"I think it's life giving to say that you love- When somebody loves you unconditionally, it's life giving."
"There is no self-interest here; there is nothing to be right or wrong about because they are unconditionally friends."
"Christianity says otherwise. Christianity says that the best forms of love are not about deserving; they're not about what we earn or merit or accomplish; they are simply about being a child."
"This is seriously true unconditional love coming through here."
"Being connected with being, you can be happy through that, regardless of that. That's unconditional happiness."
"True love transcends the physical and enters the realm of the unconditional."
"Unconditional love is the most powerful force in the universe."
"Real love knows no bargaining, no give and take."
"Unconditional love is not too strong a word."
"There's nothing stronger in life often than a mother's love."
"Acts of great kindness are done without expectation."
"One of the greatest things that we can learn how to do is to learn how to love and unconditionally love fearlessly love courageously love have boundaries be compassionate and kind."
"This person has like pure unconditional love for you."
"The tragedy is the true meaning of unconditional love."
"I find joy in being your rest, and it shouldn't be conditional."
"Unconditional love is the state where the boundaries between you and everything dissolve."
"All I received from him was pure unconditional love... there was no judgment."
"Love isn't about what you can give the other person it's unconditional it's selfless."
"Love will never come if you put conditions on it."
"Love is unconditional. Whilst you love another and place conditions or reasons on them, you do not really hold love for them."
"Love is emotional, physical, and unconditional."
"God's love for us is uncaused, unprompted, uninfluenced, free, spontaneous."
"Love and value myself without limitation or condition."
"I believe we've been given the gift of the Holy Spirit... it comes without strings attached."
"There's nothing in the world that would stand between myself and me loving my kids. Nothing."
"For me love is unconditional. Love is the greatest gift ever."
"There's only one love that matters, and it's unconditional love."
"Love looks like something. Love doesn't have an opinion. Love keeps no record of wrongs."
"Love is love, it's supposed to be unconditional."
"This person is going to offer you a love of a lifetime, unconditional."
"I've never had a purer love, a more unconditional love than I've had with my children."
"Love is unconditional. You're here to live your divine life purpose, not anybody else's."
"You are his child and he will not stop loving you, never ever."
"Unconditional love starts with loving yourself."
"If you love this country, you love it no matter what."
"I was surrounded by unconditional love, and nothing else mattered."
"Divine Mercy: loving the unlovable, forgiving the unforgivable."
"You've learned to love in a really unconditional way."
"This is a very beautiful loving romantic relationship that is unconditional love."
"There's definitely something here about unconditional love coming in for you."
"God always has and always will love you unconditionally and freely."
"That's what creates true unconditional happiness."
"Love is about the heart and there's not a color you can put on that. It's right in here."
"Love isn't negotiated... love is abundant... you show when you give people unconditional love."
"Agape is different because it had to do with acting on someone else's behalf for the betterment of another without any necessary demand or expectation for anything in return."
"Learning to love yourself fully, unconditionally, compassionately, it's healing."
"Love isn't something that you earn, love is something that just is."
"The universe loves all of us unconditionally."
"You've taught me what it means to Unconditionally Love."
"You will have unconditional love with them."
"This is what unconditional love feels like."
"No matter what, God loves you regardless."
"I support your decision no matter what."
"Unconditional acceptance, unconditional love."
"Love is unconditional, but relationships are not."
"You are who you are, you believe what you believe, but the love your parents have for you really doesn't die."
"I really do believe in unconditional love."
"The only man that ever loved me unconditionally and the only person who has ever loved me right was taken away from me."
"Love which is unconditional. Likewise, forgiveness is unconditional."
"Love doesn't have to be so conditional, and in fact, you deserve to love yourself wholly and completely."
"He would save her regardless of who she was to him or how others would react to it."
"You don't need permission to love your child."
"You and this person will have a relationship based on unconditional love."
"Love is not based on positivity all the time... Love is unconditional, love is always there."
"I'm becoming a better person and I love you unconditionally."
"I stand in Your love, Jesus, a love that is unconditional and pure."
"This person wants to like rush in and tell you that they do have like unconditional love for you."
"You can't buy God's love, he already loves you unconditionally."
"Love is unconditional; it asks nothing of a person, only love itself."
"But if you offer love and then you offer it unconditionally, is everybody going to love you back? No. But a lot of people will, and they’ll do it in enduring, consistent systemic ways."
"You are the physical manifestation of unconditional love."
"You have my blessing no conditions."
"No matter if your parents are humans or 100 foot giant monsters, they will love you unconditionally and always sacrifice their own happiness to fulfill your dreams."
"Love is the answer to everything and not love, not the eros love, loving the agape, loving the unconditional, love you through it, love you through the hurt."
"Even if you don't, I will still trust you."
"Unconditionally loving, giving and receiving affection, and falling in love."
"Because their love isn't conditional."
"I love you no matter who you are."
"...what she bestowed upon them was an unconditional love that saved each and every one of them."
"Love isn't conditional. Love is love."
"There's nothing we can do to make God not love us."
"I want you to know that I love you, no matter what."
"Love both gives of itself and accepts all things unconditionally."
"Love is not transactional or conditional."
"The greatest thing that parents can give their children is unconditional love."
"Our family loves unconditionally."
"A very deep love, a very unconditional love."
"To really get to the true meaning of love in my opinion, it is unconditional. It has to be because we are all too flawed."
"In my opinion, love is unconditional. It has to be because we are all too flawed."
"This person knows that you are the one because you may be someone who loves them unconditionally."
"There's been no comparison. This love is so pure and so completely unconditional."
"Every area of your life will be touched by this unconditional love."
"We loved those kids unconditionally."
"Unconditional love is present, regardless of whether you choose to be together."
"He loved them in the moment of their darkest disappointing Behavior he loved them even when all their sins were heaped on him."
"Shift your perception of what love is. Love doesn't have to be earned. Love is unconditional."
"I just wanted her to know that I loved her, no conditions."
"If God gave us a spouse that met our every condition, we would never learn how to love unconditionally."
"He who created the world, he who created you, loves you unconditionally, NeverEnding, and he's Relentless about wanting to hold you in his arms to pour out love on you."
"...the thing that it comes down to is that I love them and accept them no matter what, always."
"God loved us while we were yet sinners."
"God loves me with an unconditional, unending, supernatural, unwavering love."
"I love you because you're who you are and I will love you every day of my life and Beyond because of who you are."
"You're somebody that loves with unconditional love."
"You can really put your heart into something and raise someone and love them unconditionally."
"Animals are all unconditional love."
"I kind of wonder if Silco has unconditional love for Powder. And unconditional love is this idea that we love somebody regardless of what they do, what choices they make, anything like that."
"Unconditional love does not mean that. And for me, romantic love is an extension of that same love."
"Love forgave unconditionally on the basis of what Jesus did in eternity and on the cross."
"You know what? Without breasts, without anything, I'm still going to love you."
"Love Is Free that doesn't cost you a damn thing you should try it out it feels really good to love somebody unconditionally."
"A Mother's Love cannot be controlled by any skills."
"There's a love that I have for my family and I think that's an unconditional love."
"I'd love him if he was a janitor."
"Love hard and unconditionally. You never know what moment can be your last."
"Unconditional love is the best way of healing."
"Unconditional love is the greatest force in the universe."
"Unconditional well-being comes from within, not from external conditions."
"You can't do anything so bad that he's going to love you any less."
"I wanted him to love me unconditionally."
"Just remember that we always love you and we'll always be here for you no matter what."
"There isn't a single thing you can do to make God love you more, and there isn't a single thing you can do to make God love you less."
"Unconditionally, this is a soulmate connection definitely coming through."
"It's about I love you. No matter what."
"One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving."
"Love doesn't need to be earned. You deserve love just because you are."
"The only thing that will last is love, true love."
"No matter what you choose, choose love. Love for yourself, love for everybody. Love is unconditional."
"Our love is pure and unconditional."
"The love is unconditional, regardless, you know what I'm saying?"
"Love very seriously, loving someone unconditionally does not come with rules or Commandments."
"That's really unconditional love right there."
"Love should be unconditional, okay? If you have some conditions attached to it, it's going to hurt you a lot. So it should be unconditional love, unconditional volunteering, unconditional willingness to help others."
"Love is emotions, love is unconditional."
"Absolute unconditional love no matter what they're going through."
"It was always unconditional love that's all I knew."
"Let's try to generate unconditional love for someone who is very dear to us."
"When you love unconditionally, it's not based on anything."
"Love is the only law. I don't ask for it, I give it. That's the voice of unconditional love. It wants nothing at all."
"His love is unconditional, it doesn't depend on what we do or don't do."
"I used to think love was conditional. I used to think that it was conditional, but I'm realizing as I get older now it's unconditional."
"Unconditional love starts within."
"My mother taught me not just how to love, but how to love unconditionally."
"I love you unconditionally. Yes, pile four, your person's love runs extremely deep."
"Unconditional love, no conditions to it."
"You have our blessing. No conditions."
"The love is undying, regardless of the situation."
"I just love him so much, it's just always cared for me unconditionally."
"Having people who can support you and look after you unconditionally is really important."
"Love is about giving, love is not conditional, love is not about horse trading."
"His response was, 'I love you and I love you no matter what. I love you no matter what you could ever tell me.'"
"God came for us in our condition as we are."
"Our God loves you with an unconditional, immeasurable love."
"We're called to love unconditionally."
"It's what he taught me, unconditional love. That was his gift to me."
"Unconditional love is I love you in spite of you."
"You're supposed to love that other person whether they do you right or not."
"My love is unconditional for this person."
"God is emotionally involved and doesn't matter what his children do whatever you do good or bad whatever you do it just he just loves and loves you absolutely and completely safe in his indissolvable emotional commitment."
"Love is always on a razor because most human beings don't really know how to love unconditionally."
"God the Father loves you unconditionally."
"Their love for you is unconditional, no matter what mistakes you've made."
"Unconditional love is all there is."
"This has been my path, loving myself more and more unconditionally."
"It boils down to loving your children and showing them, along the way, that love is unconditional."
"He didn't start loving you when you got saved; he has and will always love you."
"A mother's love on the other hand, is something that can never be suppressed."
"You are always unconditionally loved by the Divine."
"Thank you for loving her unconditionally."
"They sacrificed, they loved me with no condition,"
"True love is other focused, self emptying, and unconditional."
"God's love for you is not based on your relationship status."
"Only God can love unconditionally,"
"Yeah, and we know what it is. Love, no matter what."
"A mother's love is unconditional."
"You always loved me and all your children unconditionally."
"I offer you my unconditional love. All I ask is for your heart, not for my sake but yours."
"His love for us is stunning, it is perfect, it is unconditional."
"I love you no matter what. I will love you forever."
"Jesus died because He loves you. His love for you is unconditional, wholehearted, continual. It's the greatest love you could ever imagine."
"This is what you want to see in parents: this unbridled love."
"God wants you to know that he loves you deeply and unconditionally."
"I think the closest anyone could get... to unconditional love is that of a parent to a child."
"I have truly fallen in love with you. I don't know why, I don't know when or how, but there is this intense and immense unconditional love that I have for you."
"When I think about Tate and I think about my marriage, the thing that comes up for me is unconditional love."
"Love is unconditional. If it's got conditions, it's not love. It's something else."
"My love will always be unconditional for you."
"God loves us no matter what happens."
"I could turn to her and experience her unconditional love."
"God's love doesn't heat up by the loveliness of the object."
"Love is unconditional, it should be."
"Unconditional love coming very soon."
"Your parents will always love you, no matter what."
"Unconditional love is the theme coming through here."
"Forgiveness is not conditional; it's grounded in Jesus."
"Make sure that your children know that you love them unconditionally."
"You love me all the time unconditionally."
"Have you ever received unconditional love from somebody? If you do, it's something so incredibly special."
"Someone loves y' unconditionally, warts and all."
"But to get them to believe that I love you no matter what, you know what I mean, there's nothing you can do to make me love you more and nothing you can do to make me love you less."