
Natural Language Processing Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"It also has improved natural language support."
"I think the most important thing is just knowing a lot of stuff about the world is really important to actually being able to understand natural language in a useful situation."
"The idea of AI being integrated in search is instead of just giving you a list of links, it can actually crawl information from those pages and from all these websites and give you a natural language answer to your question instead of you having to dive into the links."
"And taking a look at the challenges that come about as a computer tries to understand natural language."
"Dialogflow understands conversational language."
"AI is helping us make big strides so everyone can have a more natural conversation with their Assistant."
"Natural language processing allows computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language, making communication between humans and machines more natural and intuitive."
"The set of untapped opportunities in NLP is just massive."
"NLP is all about trying to understand how humans communicate with each other and how to get a computer to replicate that behavior so that we can interact with computers in a more natural manner." - Justin Zhao
"So showing many examples to answer questions, you might say, so that you can write fewer rules." - Yufeng Guo
"Eliza's impact was profound, sparking interest and research in the field of natural language processing."
"The perplexity option, like, it's great, like, 'oh yeah, we can add 30,000 tokens and the perplexity isn't going up at the end,' like, essentially we're not losing information."
"Large language models have revolutionized natural language processing."
"Chat GPT is pretty human-like when it comes to text because by golly it just read a large fraction of the text that we humans at least publicly wrote."
"Self-attention helps identify which of these tokens in a sentence are more important and how much attention you should pay to each of those characters or words."
"...and when you look at these numbers they don't actually make sense but they capture the meaning of this particular sentence in a right way."
"Natural language processing aims to give computers the ability to understand textual and spoken language in the same way that humans can."
"Customizing Foundation models for domain-specific language."
"Natural language interface with the use of chat GPT a software application can be given a natural language user interface that enables users to communicate with it through natural language instructions rather than through conventional user interfaces."
"Chat GPT is an advanced AI model that uses natural language processing to understand and respond to user queries."
"Sentiment analysis: Sentiment analysis determines the author's feelings about a text, employing natural language processing and text analysis technology."
"This course will help you understand the significance of text embeddings, showcase their diverse applications, guide you through generating your own with OpenAI, and even delve into integrating vectors with databases."
"This is truly incredible and it's all thanks to text embeddings."
"It's worth noting that BPE is not the only type of tokenizer. You have another one here called wordpiece tokenization."
"Natural language processing allows machines to understand and interpret human language."
"There's an exposure of meaning as natural language, which is a fuzzy thing."
"NLP enables you to analyze text documents, extract key phrases, recognize entities, perform sentiment analysis, interpret spoken language, synthesize speech responses, and translate languages."
"Creating a chatbot introduces you to the concepts of AI and ML, especially in the realm of natural language processing."
"Charity is trained to generate code or even the entire program described in the natural language specified by what they want a program to do."
"BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers."
"GPT can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks."
"The space in which words are present is called an embedding space."
"FastText is a great way to understand morphologically rich languages via sub words."
"What is sentiment analysis? It's a natural language processing technique that allows us to classify text and speech as either positive or negative, subjective or objective."
"Our model is better with GloVe than without it."
"...a real sea change in natural language processing that's, you know, all of like 12 months old but is one these things I think is incredibly significant in the field..."
"Developers can now brainstorm, plan, build, test, and run code in natural language."
"The Natural Language Toolkit, or NLTK, is one of the most popular natural language processing libraries."
"Natural language processing... the next five years we're going to see some gigantic breakthroughs."
"Natural language processing will surprise everybody."
"Attention is all you need, and this kind of set off a whole new wave in natural language processing."
"Every NLP concept that we try to implement needs to be visualized in a way that's easier for you to understand."
"We're going to be able to ask a question in natural language and return documents that are related to our particular question."
"Attention means you're going to decide which hidden states, which time steps are more important to actually predict my output."
"This embedding has made really important contributions to improving the quality of natural language processing."
"The amazing thing about this particular model is that it's really flexible and performs really well on a range of natural language tasks."
"You're able to leverage really sophisticated NLP models relatively easily."
"Once we have gone through the sentence end, I'll have the probabilities for all the states possible at the end, the ending word. I'll take the maximum of those and back-trace from there and that will give me the optimal automatic sequence for this particular sentence."
"Natural language is a really nice way to unify all the tasks and just let the model respond to instructions."
"Natural language generation really focuses on how you can build a system that can automatically produce a coherent and useful written piece of text for human consumption."
"In the next three to five years, we will be surrounded by AIs that can speak fluent natural language."
"It makes things much easier for you! You don't need to have too much detailed NLP knowledge."
"The GPT 3.5 model is a set of models that improve on GPT-3 and can understand as well as generate natural language or code."
"I hope you have liked this tutorial of natural language processing, particularly sentiment analysis, to analyze the tweets from Twitter in real time using Python."
"You can use machine learning in order to do your natural language processing."
"Alec has pioneered many of the latest advances in AI for natural language processing."
"When a user needs to query with natural language, we can use these embeddings to look up only the documents that are relevant to the query and then present that information to GPT to generate the response."
"Question answering in NLP actually means many different things."
"If your question is not perfectly asked, you know with maybe synonyms and stuff, neural systems might actually work."
"And so in the last sort of ten years, you've just sort of seen this huge sea change in natural language processing."
"The universal sentence encoder takes sentences and turns them into lists of numbers that encode the meaning and syntax of those sentences."
"The T5 is fast, it's generative, and it solves many NLP problems."
"Deep learning is much more than just image processing; one such application is speech and natural language processing."
"It's currently dominating natural language processing, often with amazing results."
"Getting computers to work with natural language falls under the general heading of natural language processing."
"You track through a conversational interface and make use of natural language processing."
"For me, the goal of natural language processing is for computers to process or 'understand' natural language in order to perform tasks that are actually useful for people."
"A lot of signals in natural language are sparse."
"And it turns out in natural language that's already actually quite a useful representation."
"With natural language processing, you can simply type in a question using your language to get the reports you need."
"We're building out our own Postgres analytics agent; we're giving it queries in natural language."
"We significantly lag behind when it comes to applications in natural language processing... if you are to call up any call center and talk to one of the automated agents there, the effectiveness of those techniques lag far behind a precocious five-year-old."
"NLP refers to any kind of modeling where we're working with natural language."
"This is very important for a lot of natural language processing tasks, especially when we build a deep learning model."
"The early NLP systems were very much rule-based, written by experts."
"Comprehend uses natural language processing to give you highly accurate information about what it contains."