
Life Energy Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"In an ideal world, we would just trade in our life energy directly for those experiences."
"Once we die, it's like all that energy just has to go somewhere."
"Using Yorkshire tea, I've been able to sustain my life force permanently."
"The age of Plenty, marked by life energy falling as dew from the Erdtree itself."
"The true meaning of firebending was forgotten as anger, rage, and a desire to dominate began to replace the ideals of life and energy."
"The spirit is your Consciousness, your awareness. That's the spirit, the life force energy."
"Where does that energy go? That is, to me, the story..."
"If I secure your life force, right, energy, money is energy, is life force, is money is power."
"We are energy in our Essence. Us five percentage, we say you return to the essence of where you came. That means you going back to the universe to energy to this earth."
"Love yourself, love your life, love is the energy to live through."
"The solar plexus is the radiating center of life. The center from which flows the divine energy, love, that can overcome all evil."
"Freedom from suffering, it's bright, it's beautiful, it's life-giving energy."
"For women, the loss of blood transforms into life-based energy."
"The key to eliminate illness is to raise your life force energy."
"Aquarius season is asking everybody to shake up the stagnant energy that has been happening throughout their life."
"There's no life in your food if you cook it."
"When you see it, this is how you call life into you."
"...how do you direct your life energy directed toward that which is wholesome or hell..."
"We empty ourselves out so that life is able to paint through us so that the process of life itself, the creative energy of life itself, is allowed to flow through us and be revealed on a page."
"If we can't master our life force energy, we can't master our life."
"The body needs some energy to move around... otherwise, the life energy that is there is something extraordinary."
"The force is an energy created by all living things."
"I don't mean rich in worldly possessions, but rich in life energy, wanting to take care of nature."
"This spirit guide likes to invoke that same 'keep busy' energy in you, constantly wanting to be moving, experiencing, and doing different things."
"You focus on the good stuff, focus on what makes you happy in this life, put your energy into that."
"Did I receive fulfillment, satisfaction, happiness, and value equal to how much life energy I had to spend?"
"Living life at the vibration of aliveness."
"Everyone needs some energy in life."
"Keep elongating the spine, breathing life energy into every joint of the spine."
"If you want to make any situation the way you want it, you have to have some mastery over your life energies."
"Let your mom's beauty and gratitude fuel your life force."
"It multiplies and it creates success and excitement in your life, man."
"It's really nice and it shines brighter than... I think a lot of like the aura your life, all of that stuff I'm getting."
"You're finally getting in the groove, in the flow of your life energy, your life journey for this incarnation."
"This is the causal body, it is vitality, joy of life, passion, a pristine perfect pure flame."
"Release the tension of holding back; it is robbing you of your precious life force."
"Give 1% to problems, give 10% to problems, it's fine, but give the other 90% to what is infinitely renewable, which is the source of life itself."
"The energy of life flows from the ground, and because it's energy, it's like water; it can flow into any container."
"Our bodies are the banks of the streams, containing our life energy and holding it in bounds while allowing it to freely flow within the banks."
"Wanting something in that open, fresh air of free-flowing energy where the energy that creates worlds is flowing through you is the most delicious form of life experience."
"Just like each one is born with a certain quantum of energy which we have to utilize till the end of our lives."
"This life force energy that pervades all creation flows through us."
"Prana is found within our neural network, our nervous system, and our meridians."
"Energy is a life source; God is energy."
"This point is related to life force, a lot of things connected with our mental health."
"Every cell in his body vibrates with creative energy."
"Financial independence is about flow of money, energy through life."
"Because of his mother, Asta has a lot more life energy than other people, and that is why he is so strong."
"Asta gets his own power, but it's still not magic, it's still not mana, it is just using life energy."
"As living beings, we have this energy that I just don't believe just ends and that's the end of your life. It's over."
"The so-called Star Exercise... is to fill the whole body and especially the solar plexus with Universal Life Energy."
"Breath isn't what keeps us alive; behind the breath is life energy."
"Everything in life is all about energy."
"The very foundation of life reveals itself as dynamic energy with pulsations at specific frequencies."
"You're going to feel this inner happiness, fulfillment, contentment... this is absolutely brilliant and it's going to bring miraculous energies into your life."
"You're going to start feeling like your life force is coming back, you're coming out into the surface, rising again."
"Be mindful of what nourishes your life energy and what depletes it."
"Breathing deep, entering into life, exchange of life bringing energies."