
Animation Industry Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Illumination is the worst major animated studio right now since they seem incapable of hitting Sony's highs with all of their creative decisions tending to prioritize profit over art."
"Nickelodeon: There's no feeling quite like watching a previous force be reckoned with in the animation scene slowly crumbled to pieces over corporate greed."
"Nick has been getting a little frustrating with their treatment of other cartoons, though, most of the time not giving them a single chance to walk before smothering them in broad daylight."
"They underpaid their animators to squeeze out more content."
"To the folks who work on Hell of a Boss, well done. You accomplished something truly amazing."
"Every single Pixar movie brought at least one groundbreaking innovation, each changing the future of animation and moviemaking as a whole."
"Just as Disney's a household name for most in the United States and pretty much the whole world really, you can say Studio Ghibli has the same reputation in Japan."
"This is a new day, a new beginning... the story Dave Filoni and Lucasfilm Animation were truly weaving had only just begun."
"Making a cartoon is expensive, time-consuming, and most horrifying of all to me, it requires working with others."
"Attack on Titan: a show that defines the decades, impressing a whole lot of people with its incredible animation."
"The animation industry itself has been shifting towards more stylized movies and shows as of late and I am 100 here for it."
"The tale of the most profitable and critically adored animation studio in the history of the world."
"We are entering a very important era of animation."
"Rebecca Sugar is the first Cartoon Network show creator to be a female. You go, girl!"
"The Disney Renaissance didn't just save the animation department at Disney, it also inspired other studios to create their own animation departments to try and replicate what Disney was doing."
"The longevity of this project when no one believed in it to make animation efficient, profitable, and enjoyable is a hard thing to do."
"Holy crap, what an insane year we've been through in animation alone."
"That is how animation as a medium grows, adapts, changes over time, and remains interesting."
"Toy Story 3 was the first animated movie to hit the 1 billion mark at the box office."
"Inside Out was the first Pixar movie with no input from Steve Jobs."
"This connection may also have been the driving force for her to pursue a career in animation herself."
"Disney Underpaid His Employees, Causing Them to Go On Strike and Changing Animation Forever."
"In the Early Days, Walt Disney Didn’t Allow Women to Do Full Animating Work for the Company."
"A professional animator gets paid minimum $700 a week."
"Netflix is shaping up to be the only legit competition Disney has in the animated space."
"There's more opportunity to work in the animation industry than ever before in history."
"Disney still has plenty of 2D animation in the movies, just have to look a little harder."
"Shrek was just a massive middle finger to everything American animated movie stood for at the time."
"I love this new experimentation in animation era."
"Despite all of his ups and downs one cannot deny how much Dawn has impacted the world of animation."
"The next time you're watching South Park or Rick and Morty or Bojack, just remember what Fritz the Cat did for the animation industry."
"The fight for equality regarding work pay and all sorts of stuff with animators has been a long one coming."
"My message is: pay your goddamn animators. Pay your animators. Stop trying to get these people to work for 10 cents and giving them nothing."
"It finds a nice joy-inducing middle ground of just being a damn nice start for this new animation company."
"The future of animation is in the hands of Netflix Lika maybe even Sony."
"I had felt so rejected and like I had missed out on my chance and that I was never gonna get a job in animation and then suddenly I have these two offers at once."
"This is a massive wakeup call to fans around the world to demand better working conditions for animators."
"I just really hope that things get better for the animators who are working on Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen."
"Titan AE made less than 10 million dollars its opening weekend... making it one of the worst performing animated movies in history."
"Animation look-back is taking flight in the world of Studio Ghibli."
"Studio Ghibli: Blowing the animation industry into a whole new direction."
"2023 was honestly a pretty amazing year for animation."
"John Lasseter was one of the nicest guys, just trying to be a team player."
"I don't know if an animated film would ever have what the weight the Academy would require of a Best Picture winner."
"How to Train Your Dragon movies is when I see them. I don't feel like DreamWorks is trying to copy anything."
"Japanese animators are both grossly overworked and disgustingly underpaid."
"To me, I always believe as long as there's kids on this planet there's always going to be animation."
"The pandemic proved animation can function when we work from home. There's no argument to having artists physically come to work five days a week anymore."
"If it wasn't for Pixar, Disney's animated film presence would have tanked."
"The mainstream adult animation scene has a very follow the leader type mentality."
"Animation takes an ungodly amount of time if you want to keep your vision intact."
"If any of the animators felt like I was hurtful to them or I manipulated them or that I scared them tell me and let's chat it out."
"Pixar exploded again with monsters inc and DreamWorks came out of the gates hot with chicken run and Shrek 2 secured 900 million dollar in the box office."
"...for me I am a comic artist story artist working in the animation industry and I recently came out with my very first graphic novel Mich the bad demon..."
"The animation union basically helps protect the rights of a lot of artists working at any unionized studio."
"I feel like I've made more long-lasting genuine friendships from working in animation than I've ever had in school or college."
"90% of the animation industry are failing to do what 'Craig of the Creek' does."
"Animation honestly is failing black girls."
"Disgusting how people defend Toei's business practices when it ruins the pacing, the audience experience, overworking animators, and diminishes the story."
"If there's any time to get into it, now's the time. There's so many, like, it's so easily accessible now."
"It's movies like this that make me believe that Blue Sky can become as respected and beloved as its more successful competitions."
"To get hired in the animation industry, it really helps to show that you're really focused on one aspect of the process."
"Shrek was a real game changer in animation."
"One Punch Man unsurprisingly rocketed Natsume's career to new heights, turning him into a household name within the industry seemingly overnight."
"Making an animated show during a pandemic that got undeservingly cut short is even harder than that."
"His contributions to the animation industry and children's media will forever be remembered, and his legacy continues to this day."
"It began a cartoon revolution that inspired Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon alike!"
"Learn how to work with people, that's the biggest part outside of animation."
"So much hard work and talent is involved in every piece of animation you see."
"This movie is really hopefully gonna spark a lot of interest in getting traditional hand-drawn cel animation into the world of 3D."
"John Lasseter is going to be leaving the Walt Disney Company."
"John had a remarkable tenure at Pixar and Disney Animation, reinventing the animation business, taking breathtaking risks, and telling original high-quality stories that will last forever."
"We are profoundly grateful for his contributions, which included a masterful and remarkable turnaround of the Walt Disney Animation Studios."
"Pixar and Disney have cemented themselves as the power couple in the world of animation."
"It's a good time to be an animation studio in Hollywood."