
Spiritual Experiences Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"The overwhelming consistent comments from people that have been in that unearthly heavenly realm: that we're all one, we're all unified, we're all together."
"I heard a voice, I thought it was an angelic voice from Heaven."
"Life after death experiences and angelic communications are on the increase."
"If they saw it in the Book of Acts, if they saw it in the New Testament, we can see it today."
"It's definitely possible for people to have experiences outside the domain of their normal consciousness that produce the intimation of the divine."
"I believe that I had a reincarnation and believe that you can be reborn over and over again." - Lady Gaga
"Sometimes people do have even extraordinary experiences of their guardian angel."
"José believed that he was actually in touch with Angelic beings."
"Fasting done correctly can have a very good stabilizing effect on the mind and enhance the function of the mind as well as opening the door to a variety of voices such as clairvoyance clairaudience Clarence etc."
"The Lord has this thing whereby he will simply download prophecy at such a speed it will either be all at once."
"I single-handedly proved that spiritual power is a real thing by breaking the veil that obstructs differing consciousnesses from each other."
"People have made genuine discoveries about self-understanding and ethical intuitions under the banner of mysticism and spirituality."
"Can one believe and be baptized without receiving the spirit? Yes."
"A lot of downloads, a lot of memories from the soul level."
"Just having miracles happen, I see it every day in my own life."
"This worship is going to be the springboard that is going to cause miracles signs and wonders to take place..."
"Many viewers report testimonies of miracles, signs, and wonders."
"When somebody actually has a near-death experience and they experience heaven, it's a whole other level, you know, when you actually have the experience."
"More diverse bacteria is always better... certain bacterias produce lots of butyrate."
"The most comprehensive book about near-death experiences."
"2020 came and a lot of us, me included, felt like some crazy stuff was happening and I had a major spiritual death."
"Miracles are one of the most testified to experiences in humanity."
"God can release a wave of His glory, maybe what we're going to see is a combination of tribulation, judgment, with outpouring in glory."
"Obey the Holy Spirit; you'd be surprised what he will do in your life."
"It's going to be the feelings, the moments, and the experiences that you had with as many beautiful Godly Souls on this planet that is what's going to flash between your eyes."
"Why don't we get to go to Aladdin and think we can fly? Why can't I come to church and feel like Jesus will help me walk on water?"
"Miracles will spread before your eyes, transforming your occasions."
"You're going to get visitations from the Lord, angelic visitations at night."
"I truly believe God has done things that have brought tears out of my eyes but I believe for myself that between now and December 31st I'm here to see the hand of God."
"Deceased loved ones appear picture-perfect and instantly recognizable."
"I've taken, like so many other near-death experiencers, a little piece of heaven back into what I do in my daily practice with patients."
"When we enter the supersensory worlds, life takes on a completely new meaning for us."
"Perhaps electric current stimulated a spiritual experience."
"When we show up expecting something from God, he always meets us."
"Doing psychedelics has kind of unlocked that part where I could... it's like... like imagine being in the Psychedelic temple with the beings that you're like, these are not humans but talking to you, you know?"
"People all over the world are gonna start hearing stories about visitations."
"Do you all agree that she was there to warn us? If I ever see her like that again, I will be really walking on eggshells for a few days."
"Hospitality is love incarnate that welcomes strangers and guests."
"God reversed a decision. Theologically, God took him; God gave him back."
"Out-of-body experiences, and I know there has a beggar."
"I feel like what the Lord is doing at this moment there's been in the last 12 months has been dramatic release an increase in the earth of of the glory of God."
"It's a style that I don't think I've built to this level of detail and commitment before... it was really, really fun."
"Spiritual experiences are often described as an overwhelming presence."
"He's so outside of the context of himself that he's made room for something greater to happen."
"When she started teaching this, she saw more supernatural manifestations of good things happening than anything she'd ever done!"
"Eclipses can feel like the veil between the worlds is especially thin, allowing us to recognize our spiritual lessons more easily."
"So one way or another, you'll get past it. You'll learn from it, you'll grow from it, you'll experience God in a new way. That is often just the next right thing."
"It's strange for atheists to say we think all those experiences aren't real."
"It's one of the most incredibly spiritual times I've felt in a long time."
"I dream of having a daughter named Crystal, a dream from God."
"It is interesting to note that many people entering stone circles or burial mounds notice an elevated sense of consciousness."
"What's happening with these healings is we're putting our faith into experiences that we read about in the Bible and then experiences that we're hearing and now experiencing for ourselves."
"My prayers for healing miracles have been heard and answered."
"God Himself starts to speak to them in dreams."
"I have no doubt they exist, but you have many accounts of people that proclaim the name of Jesus and get an immediate response."
"You really do have to have the spiritual eyes to be able to see these kinds of things."
"Sorry, you may think Mary appeared to you but what you're hearing from Mary is not authentic."
"What happens when we die? Is there a life beyond this one?" - "Remarkably, four out of 10 people say they've experienced some form of communication with the dead, often through dreams."
"God is now going to show up in a dream or in a vision of the night."
"For individuals attuned to spiritual practices or engaged in manifestation Endeavors, the recurrent appearance of the number 11... serves as a catalyst for Spiritual purification and Alignment."
"In certain states, even when we're alive in this world, we slip into that inner self or into that state where we're sort of more in the spiritual world than we are in this world."
"You don't need psychedelics to have a very deep spiritual experience."
"Dreaming dreams is simply a way of receiving revelation from the Lord in the night."
"When the Lord tells you to stay put, He's got a good reason for it. And I did, and I prayed, and the Lord sent in His warring angels to remove this very angry entity."
"We've seen healings, deliverance, breakthroughs, salvation."
"Many blessings, love and light. A very intense intense story."
"Was it an angel? Was it Jesus? Was it the Holy Spirit? At 12 years old, I don't know."
"Father, I pray for a supernatural release of dreams and visions."
"This is what we're doing God has been showing up she's been showing off there's been signs wonders."
"That's next to going to hell, do you see in the head? Yeah, so you were hearing voices, we seen things."
"Sometimes God gives certain people a very powerful experience of his presence so they can share that. Those are prophets."
"Miracles are not only a possibility, but a reality that unfolds before your eyes."
"If you hear and obey God's voice, you will experience miracles and become a miracle to someone else."
"I was transformed instantaneously in that moment, so I do believe in the power of prayer because I experienced it."
"Spiritual downloads are extraordinary moments when the universe whispers directly to our souls."
"You may have psychic dreams... messages from the Divine."
"I refuse personally to answer to any religious person when it comes to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit."
"You are aligning with truly beautiful magical High vibrational realities some of which others have never even allowed themselves to visualize let alone experienced before."
"Astral projections are not going to repeat themselves because it's not a pre-designed story that you're following, it's real life just in a different plane of existence."
"Here we have Pastor Dana Coverstone who's receiving downloads meaning this: the prophetic spirit is causing him to dream."
"Father, cause them to see visions, cause them to hear your voice, cause them to have open visions, closed visions if you could give it to evil men who had never prayed, who never sought you."
"Every single time something or someone appeared in my life that said something or did something that restored my faith and knowing."
"Wonderful times of spiritual Bliss are coming your way. But also, you might find that there will be some powerful and transformative Guru people that come into your life."
"Faith stands in the gap between you understanding and you experiencing."
"When you exit your body, you are potentially bringing something back with you."
"The walks on this stretch Are Spiritual."
"To heighten our intuition, to be able to take ourselves other places, to have experiences that support our manifestations."
"Everyone's had a spiritual experience in the bush where they felt something, but they've never been able to see it."
"If nothing is happening in your church that good organization and good marketing couldn't duplicate, then why are we laying our lives down? Why are we spending our time like this? It's only when something is happening that the people have to say, 'That's God.'"
"Joseph Smith claimed to have been visited by Peter, James, and John."
"You will see somebody being used by God beyond your comprehension."
"I call Jesus Lord. I prophesy, I preach. Raised a couple of dead people, and cast out some demons."
"Real miracles include things like profound ecstatic experiences that may cause a total change of heart."
"...remember what the Lord has done for you. Have you ever been forgiven? Delivered? Snatched out of a situation?"
"You all went completely different places in worship today."
"I still have visitations of ecstasy."
"Most spiritual experiences I find go away because we're trying too hard to hold onto them."
"There does seem to be certain places that have a kind of energy that maybe facilitates it for the visitors to actually access."
"How can we trigger those mystical experiences in ourselves and then create environments where it's triggered in others too?"
"We're all wired to have those kinds of experiences, and they're so cleansing, so beautifying, so enlivening and life-affirming."
"2015 will be a year of visitations, manifestations, and demonstrations from the Holy Spirit."
"This is our time for visitations, manifestations, and demonstrations from the Holy Ghost like we have never experienced before."
"He experienced out-of-body experiences, kundalini awakening, third eye awakening."
"...there are a lot of similarities, particularly in, sort of, the transcendent kind of experiences that people report."
"Sometimes messages and information percolates through from the cosmic mind into our individual minds."