
Game Interaction Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I love the feeling of going up to a random person in some obscure part of the map and being rewarded with new, interesting dialogue."
"This theme sounds like the feel of the person who's truly intrigued to find out the awesome power of your Pokémon."
"The camp is basically like the hub where you can sit around, have a party, and feel part of the crew."
"Is your character associated with PewDiePie? Yes."
"I would have better liked to be able to talk to the man himself... maybe even having the option of shooting him."
"Characters react to where you go as Chloe exemplifies when I, for some reason, tried to enter the elevator of a collapsing building."
"Let us play our game how we want to play our game."
"Stop caring about how players play your game, we'll play it how we like it and that's fine."
"Now that we have all the checkpoints, we can interact with this plant, break it, and we will not void out."
"You're gonna get to have almost RPG-like effect on these characters and on who you choose to align with."
"Wendy is just really difficult to answer because the moment it goes to the Graveyard, it fetches you a new mantra."
"I've got a shovel, in fact, Rocket just gave me a proper metal shovel as a gift."
"Hi, my name is Daryl, and this change allowed me to interact with 30 more stops, 40 more gyms."
"Cutting down that blue tree... Oh, it felt so good. I loved it so."
"I know you want nothing more than to have a nice chat with me right now, but you really should scoot on over to Resident Services."
"We set cyan Rainbow Friend on fire. No way, bro! Fire, let me use it again to make sure."
"Setpiece after setpiece and these wild moments of the Spider-Man interacting with each other with characters."
"Sakura Wars executes this particular premise so well; it's a joy to just go around and talk to the other characters..."
"Raven Idol with fandral staghelm one of the awesome things you can do if Raven Idol famous town is well you always get a minion this fall."
"Why haven't more games allowed you to actually interact with the pits? I think that is probably one of the coolest things that they've ever done."
"People are donating a lot of money, that guy Jacob just gave me 1.87 million in my inventory."
"Own your friendship with your buddy Pokemon."
"I would like you to teach me how to craft a diamond sword."
"Oh, I want this, I want this love disc all right oh that love disc might be hard to get we might have to try to go with the score bunny instead let's drop it."
"He dropped the nautilus shell that is what I like to see dude no chests not looking like a bunch of chests over here huh."
"Can we enter it? Oh, this is so much better now."
"Something that we all do when we get into these games we'll just do the Jarek stuff that they tell us to do we always try and create our own modes."
"A competitive speed run should be between a player and the game and nothing else."
"Role-playing in combat: It's just so much fun for us and we absolutely love it when players engage in keeping combat narrative with us."
"What are your thoughts on Gwinnett beer? Do you use it in your everyday gameplay?"
"If you avoid a relationship you also miss out on a few opportunities to get closer to him because Triss and Shani both encourage you to interact with him."
"I will sell the fish but it needs to be for the right reasons."
"The quality of life of being able to play and interact with the game is going to be a million times easier."
"Every level has inhabitants to talk to now and they're nearly all fully voice acted."
"Allowing anyone to make their own civilization in just a few minutes and then actually play it against the AI or your friends."
"A recurring Easter Egg throughout the series is pressing on some form of Freddy's nose to create a honking sound."
"That's what's so good about this game. There's, you know, even though like it looked like you were supposed to type like rooster, if you type the short part, she's like, wait, that's my dad."
"Interacting with captives and psy shrines will award you with psi points you can use to unlock psionic powers."
"You can interact with Variks' full inventory by simply walking up to the window and crouching."
"I will take this card. Your face is taking that away from me." - Wil Wheaton
"The jump boost... adds a lot more interactivity to otherwise standard stretches of track."
"I think every time you get the stick, you smack the Dream mutant with it. Little smack there we go."
"Pokemons become happier when you showed them some care."
"I loved basically the interactions, I loved exploring this world that my friend had made."
"It removes your agency of having a personal experience with the game."
"The block with the red square is where you put a lever to turn it on and off."
"Every time you say 'Nebby,' it just gets riled."
"There's interaction, there's puzzles, you know, there's a ton of really cool stuff in the crypt."
"I've never played something that doesn't want you to play it so much."
"Oh my God, well that's a pretty hard counter to Dr. Zayas."
"Levels and level design are how the player experiences and interacts with the game world."
"If I click again with the left mouse button, it gets released, and we have a debug message saying 'Play the card for targets cardrop area' - perfect."