
Character Depiction Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Lilo was a realistic depiction of a child, perfectly expressing the awkwardness and loneliness of youth."
"The Lego DC Super Villains game is fantastic for how they captured each of the DC characters it's ridiculous especially the main villains."
"The little baby Na'vi with a blanket around it is so cute."
"The way that Tolstoy writes a person, he really takes into account almost every single time like the language that a person uses."
"It makes fans less nervous about this movie by showing off, he looks less purple they make him a lighter shade of blue."
"It's showing that bad people don't always go around announcing how evil they are."
"He captures the steely optimism and determination of Steve Rogers from the first few scenes."
"The scum and scoundrels of Star Wars have finally been done justice."
"This is Zoro in his purest form, stoic, indomitable, willing to suffer anything for the ones he cares about."
"Mario has this innocent quality in the game. His face in the game looks very sweet and innocent."
"Yamper here represents that perfectly; it is literally known as the puppy Pokemon."
"It's just rare to see SpongeBob angry, not comically angry but casually angry."
"Gotham's famous Iceberg Casino heats up with that swinging Casanova of the cabaret, that devilish director of dancehall do-si-do, Stoveplate Sullivan and his Potbelly Orchestra."
"The Red Queen is a tyrannical ruler with a penchant for ordering executions."
"I think blue sky fucking nails every single character in the game."
"Sonic's inferno won it strong literary references indeed exactly on the library on the library."
"They've made a She-Hulk show that is almost bursting at the seams."
"I think he looks great among the shelves and if you were to show this character to anyone and they had seen the DOTM movie, I'm pretty certain they would know exactly who this character was supposed to be."
"Aiden Pearce is a slightly chubby white guy who runs around a normal-looking City fighting crime using his cell phone and a police baton."
"Miss Marvel, fan-girling with her Captain America toy."
"Captain America dedicates his life to justice." - Narrator
"This Pakistani wizard from Harry Potter has got the most evil laugh I've ever heard in history."
"Ahsoka Tano fully embodies the Ataru form, using her entire body as a weapon."
"Zari is giving me very much older Vibes Witch Doctor Vibes."
"And in the cases of Yang and Tai, their appearances seem more Caucasian than Chinese."
"But notice Spider-Man Noir who still only glitches in black and white."
"Everything from the robes to the creepy hands to the half walk half glide it does is spot-on from its first appearance to its last scene, this thing is the best embodiment of this ghost I've ever seen, and it's damn impressive."
"She's gonna be wearing a leather jacket. Oh, she's a biker. She's a biker mice from mars."
"Skin tones are different in any lighting, so Isabella's skin isn't going to look the same in every drawing. What you need to look at is how the skin contrasts with surrounding factors."
"The movie pays homage to anime in its characters' expressions and in the acting."
"I've always really liked sometimes the female equivalents of the male characters x23 whenever she's basically female Wolverine really interesting depiction."
"I think having that arrogant expression on that Pokemon is probably accurate but I guess patience would be a skill."
"It depicts a black and white billy and mandy however you know they look a bit different as mandy has a gigantic smile plastered across her face."
"I love the little pose she's doing with her hand, oh my god that is so adorable."
"Scarlet Witch causing destruction with her awesome hex powers."
"Clark saves jimmy and he also kills the smuggler. No f's given this is very appropriate for this time period of superman 10 out of 10 performance and i'm not joking george reeves really captures the essence of the vibe that this superman had."
"I just arrived myself, actually. Name's Adam. Boomer."
"You get this really cool ragged version of Mayuri."
"Thor's like 'you are a vile horrible detestable person and if I see you again I'm going to kill you with my hammer' and he leaves."
"Let's start at the end we see Hank mlan in a full suit of t60 power armor walking through the Mojave Wasteland."
"Troy was made out to be the badass of the seas."
"I do think camilla khan and especially in the first half of the single player does an incredible job it's a bit over the top with the oh my gosh it's iron man kind of bits still not bad."
"Pretty much cage plays a criminal slash hero who gets his nuts locked up until he finds and returns the mayor's daughter."
"There's just this amazing sense of slithery motion to it from geen's curved pose as he says Bankai."
"Shirtless Spider-Man does it, you know, drinks a lot."
"I like the depiction of Clark throughout here and what we get at the end of this."
"She would die as she had lived, with an axe in her hand and a laugh upon her lips."
"Declared the smartest man in the universe, Rick always has a way of coming out ahead."
"I appreciate she's the typical Moody girl yet they still animate her getting excited and showing emotion."
"This is one of the most intricately designed characters ever that could have gone a little bit simpler with the printing."
"they were finally able to depict the character as a fully molded individual and I feel like they went above and beyond when crafting the likeness for this character"
"One of the best things about this movie is the creative ways they show the nun."
"I think Zoro used his max strength to do this attack because, man, see those biceps, the triceps right there, the chest, the ab muscles."
"I think both of these movies are some of the greatest depictions of a younger Batman that I've ever seen."