
African History Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"These African inventions and discoveries certainly contributed to the overall advancement of human knowledge and civilization."
"The invention of the metallurgical sciences in various parts of Africa is an absolutely brilliant contribution to human civilization."
"The invention of writing by Nilo-Saharan Africans from Nubia would change history considerably and prove the invaluable contributions of Nubians to human civilization."
"All of humanity is in debt to the pioneering force of ancient Africans."
"We start in ancient Africa because we did not want to reinforce the notion, either implicitly or explicitly, that Black history started with slavery or the slave trade."
"A story in which Africans exemplify courage, determination, and the splendid magnificence of the human spirit."
"Africa is still putting itself back together after centuries of conquest, colonization and exploitation by European powers."
"The CFA Franc: a colonial currency born of France's need to Foster economic integration among the colonies under its Administration and thus control their resources, economic structures, and political system."
"Colonialism has left African countries with damaged political institutions."
"Powerful, tragic, and nuanced, this is the life of Haile Selassie, Africa's king of kings."
"Amin would hold power for eight years in one of Africa’s most brutal dictatorships."
"The elephant slabs describe elephants living in New Mexico and they may have been created by a group of Africans who somehow sailed to America hundreds of years before the Europeans."
"Achievements that would make the emperor proud they include ending white minority rule in southern African nations helping to create a new nation in South Sudan and promoting stability in Somalia."
"Yasuke: The African man who would come to be remembered as the only ever black samurai."
"The first and only African man who became a samurai during Japan's most iconic age."
"The cemetery is filled with black men's names, known and unknown, who gave their lives for the freedom and liberation of African people."
"There are so many firsts in mathematics from the Africans in Kemet."
"A lot of people don't understand that Africans were also enslaved within Africa itself."
"As we move through time and space, how have African people passed on knowledge, experiences, memories of their moment in time?"
"Ethiopia's victory went on to inspire African nationalists fighting for decolonization."
"It stood at the heart of a thriving African culture, a magnet for trade from as far away as China and a home to skilled artisans and stonemasons."
"Independence of Ghana was meaningless unless linked up with total liberation of African culture."
"Miles Davis is talking to Quincy Jones in his autobiography: 'The Black Moors were over there in Spain because Africans had conquered Spain a long time ago.'"
"We should also have that same love for the Mali Empire for Timbuktu for Seneca or for Nigeria and for all of these other places."
"Knowledge of agriculture arrived to the African continent through the Nile River valley."
"One of the serious literature crimes Europe did was to write African history as it liked."
"Let us not forget that before all of these revolutions taking place all African societies had their traditional Chiefs and traditional elders and they worked things out in an African way."
"Africa is a continent steeped in history and mystery."
"It is life. It is part of life. So we just embrace it in yoga and we practice letting go."
"The arrival of new European powers completely changed the status quo in Africa."
"The Ethiopians, like the Egyptians, would become the forgotten participants in the scramble for Africa."
"The evidence thus proves that ancient Egypt was simply an extension and the epitome of the preexisting Nubian or Black African culture."
"Join me as I unveil the story that unfolded in the heart of the Congo."
"The Battle of Adwa secured Ethiopian sovereignty and became emblematic of African valor and resistance."
"Challenging the false Narrative of technological inferiority, acknowledging these achievements helps counter the legacy of colonial biases and promotes a more accurate and respectful understanding of African cultures and their advancements."
"Africa gives us some of the most important and diverse history of any continent."
"Mansa Musa was the wealthiest man to have ever lived."
"The whole world can recognize that Great Zimbabwe is a fantastic place, an amazing achievement."
"We commit to supporting existing efforts for the return of artifacts, monuments, human remains connected to our memory as African people."
"Somalia was the first African power to defeat a European power on African soil."
"Most obviously, the European form involves the Middle Passage, the journey from Africa to the Americas. This involves being herded by people who don't speak your language into the lower deck of a ship with no more space than a man in his coffin."
"The African Names Database provides personal details of 91,491 Africans taken from captured slave ships or from African trading sites."
"Afrocentricity is the idea that African people must be viewed in a historical context as centered within the framework of their own realities and experiences."
"Africa not only played a pivotal role in the origin of writing but also continued to cultivate this practice long after the decline of the Nile Valley civilizations."
"He understood the psychological impact of oppression and tried to counteract it by emphasizing the greatness of African history and the potential for a bright future."
"The earliest evidence of advanced mummification in the world predates the earliest Egyptian mummy by nearly a thousand years, showcasing African ingenuity."
"Genetic data hopefully will come through to also support this idea of a pan-African model."
"Local resistance was often effective in various instances, African leaders and communities mounted effective resistance to Portuguese encroachments."
"The class that I'll be teaching is an African history course."
"No one who has lived in this century or before of African descent has made such a major contribution to the reconstruction of African history."
"The linguistic evidence of Diop was so startling that everyone had to admit that Egyptian language was not Semitic or Hamitic, it was African."
"We have to be proud of our African Heritage and also the story of the African in the new world. We should be proud of both of them."
"The African was unlike the European; he did not seek to destroy what he found."
"Humanity comes out of the continent of Africa, that Africa's history in terms of humanity is extremely old."
"The Mali Empire was the largest and richest empire yet seen in West Africa."
"Homosexuality existed in Africa way before colonial masters."
"Our history has been spoken about, written about, and everyone else wants to say something about us except that the Africans have never had an opportunity to speak our own history, not as Outsiders."
"Meroë was famous for its African queens who reportedly participated in battle."
"One man from a forgotten African land did his best writing several treatises on theology and history, and notably his own biography in Arabic."
"The Futa Toro scholar Omar Ibn Said deserves to be remembered."
"African kingdoms had largely shaken themselves out of the ill effects of slave trade and had started prospering."
"The transatlantic slave trade also created conditions for the subsequent colonial conquest of Africa by European powers."
"The African for example did not have these monolithic religions where you would go like the Arab or the European Christians when they distorted Christianity, would go and say in the name of such and such I'm going to wipe you out."
"They stole our arts and sciences from Africa. Then why should we be ashamed of ourselves?"
"Never again, never again, never again; any corrupt official in Africa, you're behaving like the people who enslaved our brothers and sisters."
"Make sure that you are reading books about the great African societies and empires and expose them to their culture."
"The advantage that the Haitians had is an advantage that most African people do not understand."
"The Nok culture lived in what is today Nigeria, one of the first in Africa to master iron working."
"A proper understanding of African Pentecostalism requires to appreciate the depths of this shared Christian history."
"The African knew the world was not flat because they had already figured the world out."
"From the time the dynastic period started, whenever pure Africans ruled, you had a golden age."
"Egypt did not detach itself from Africa and float off to the Middle East."
"When we attempt to describe ourselves without Kemet, without those great African nations, we're giving away those people who are the progenitors of human civilization."
"Great Zimbabwe was the capital of this kingdom and the ruins of this city are the second largest ancient ruins in Africa, behind the great pyramids of Egypt."
"Study Timbuktu, study the Ashanti Empire, study the Mandingo, the Zulu, the Zulu science is very profoundly deep."
"Reading in between the lines of History can be beneficial to understanding African history in a deeper way."
"As a professor of ancient African history, I've been teaching ancient African history for a long time."
"For most of the time African people have been on the earth, they have been free people, determining their own destiny."
"This saw thousands, if not millions, of African lives affected."
"The strength and greatness of the African people can be measured by how in the face of what at times seemed to be all the forces of hell, they fought through to survive it all."
"The new research efforts call for black experts not only in the field of history but also in the allied fields from which African history must heavily draw."