
Mummification Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The discovery of this [mummification] process is amazing because we now have evidence that the Egyptians were perhaps not the first to mummify their dead."
"The Egyptians invented a very complex system of mummification so that that body could be preserved physically forever."
"The screaming mummy...because it was allowed to naturally mummify and it did so in a way that the mouth is agape while the facial muscles are strained."
"The Monks Who Mummify Themselves To Death In The Hopes Of Achieving Immortality."
"In ancient Egypt, mummification was an essential process in preparing the deceased for the afterlife. It was a complex and time-consuming procedure carried out by skilled embalmers."
"We know that the brain was removed by some sort of force up through the nose with a metal tool."
"Mummification, the preservation of dead bodies became more than a science in ancient Egypt. It developed into a sacred ritual."
"The mummified penguins were found inside of rocky mounds which they had used hundreds of years ago as nests."
"Self-mummification was a rigorous and disciplined practice undertaken by certain Buddhist monks."
"Their heads and necks are twisted upward, contorted into a silent scream destined to resonate amongst those walls for decades, if not towards their ceiling."
"Here visitors can find the mummies of 38 children of various ages, many of them tiny toddlers, babies even, whose innocence was withdrawn in fear."
"Arsenic Chinchorro mummification was a way to cope with the mystery of death."
"Number 4: Screaming Mummy - While most mummies went through a tired and tested process to fully equip them for their journey into the afterlife."
"Perhaps with death all around them, the Chinchorro believed that mummification could cheat it, a way of keeping loved ones almost alive."
"Bizarre mummies: golden tongues placed in their mouths to help them speak in the afterlife."
"Perhaps most famously of all, the Egyptians were compelled by their religious beliefs to embalm the bodies of the Dead ritually cleansing them in preparation for the afterlife."
"Mummification was expensive and only those with wealth could afford it: rich Merchants, Royal officials, and of course, the Pharaoh himself."
"The ancient Egyptians used this naturally occurring salt Natron to dry out the body artificially and then wrapped it in bandaging."
"Up until this point mummification was believed to be an exclusively Egyptian practice."
"Cats have been mummified in the pyramids, meant to accompany the dead Pharaohs during their final voyage."
"Their mummification technique was absolutely unique."
"The earliest evidence of advanced mummification in the world predates the earliest Egyptian mummy by nearly a thousand years, showcasing African ingenuity."
"One of the most well-known calic find from Europe is the naturally mummified body of a man who lived in the Austrian Alps."
"The Egyptian god Anubis was responsible for the mummification and protection of the dead for their journey into the Afterlife."
"He was naturally mummified and is the oldest known natural human mummy ever found in Europe."
"Anubis had the head of a jackal and was the god of funerals and mummification."
"For the dead of ancient Egypt, it wasn't enough to be mummified; he had to be laid to rest in style."
"Mummification of bodies originated in ancient Egypt and was also done on animals."
"The ancient Egyptians often mummified animals, and there were some creatures which were prized as being close to the gods."
"She was only a child, about five years old when she was mummified."
"The mummification levels are so superb; the quality of the preservation of the soft tissue is exquisite."
"The standard of mummification isn't given to just anyone; this is really the crème de la crème."
"This miraculous preservation was thanks to the unique conditions of the peat bog that essentially mummified the body."
"Ancient Egyptians preserved bodies through a complex process of mummification in hopes that the soul could re-inhabit it in the next world."
"I am so excited about this mummy, and I'm sure you'll all agree it's a fantastic example of mummification."
"This expert at rare preservation has allowed the team to breathe life back into this individual and unravel the secret sealed in his mummified body for almost a thousand years."
"The ancient Egyptians believed that death occurred when the 'ka' left the body. After death, the body was mummified... this was intended to give back to the dead person the use of the mouth and the dead body's other senses."
"The very fact that both cultures came up with the idea to preserve dead bodies so that their souls could travel safely into the afterlife is a wild coincidence."
"We even set up a mummification experiment."
"Mummification was a way of preserving things."
"The salt kept the body tissues dry and helped preserve the mummies for thousands of years."
"The sarcophagus contained the mummified remains of a woman who likely died about 2,000 years ago."