
Hormone Therapy Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"We have like a billion studies on the effects of hormone therapy with regards to happiness, lowered suicide rates, decreased gender dysphoria, longer life expectancy, and low regret rates."
"The medical community only provides hormone treatment and surgery options because of the dysphoria."
"Puberty blockers and hormone therapy had 60% lower odds of moderate or severe depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality."
"Boys and girls are different, and injecting kids full of hormones is a very, very bad idea."
"Whenever you're altering the hormones in your body there are risks that you need to consider... decide is this really worth it."
"Testosterone replacement therapy is a great way to help with all those things."
"I think at that point err on the side of caution and not pumping... full of estrogen which we know has these negative ramifications, incredibly negative side effects."
"Honestly, it was really quickly. I started seeing a change in my voice as quickly as two months into testosterone."
"So how do I approach this? Do I want to take testosterone directly?"
"Consenting to puberty blockers is in essence consenting to cross-sex hormones."
"There's your evidence why muscle memory is a real thing and trt plus is a significant protocol."
"After hormone replacement therapy, trans women produce the same testosterone as those of normal women."
"Estrogen receptor beta agonist...possesses anabolic potency."
"Do you genuinely, legitimately think that trans women are transitioning to win at women's sports, especially given you know we are on hormone replacement therapy?"
"Growth hormone commonly referred to as the Fountain of Youth."
"Titrating up GH is some of the best results that I've seen with guys."
"The good news is that hormone replacement therapy has proven to improve thyroid function."
"Testosterone is awesome if you need it. It's great for sex, mood, energy, focus, motivation, and definitely body composition changes."
"The best treatment for gender dysphoria is gender confirmation via hormones."
"But what about trans women who are assigned male at birth but undergo hormone replacement therapy?"
"I wish I'd known that it wasn't going to take effect very quickly in terms of how being on testosterone replacement therapy was gonna impact my mental health."
"We are not willing to go gracefully into older age, whether you choose or not to have hormone therapy is a personal decision—your body, your choice."
"The potential for gene therapy to increase natural testosterone production to 2,000 nanograms per deciliter could disrupt the TRT industry."
"No better hormone than one the body produces on its own."
"I've become a huge proponent and not an antagonist of low-level hormone replacement therapy in females."
"I'm doing fairly well on my targeted therapy and hormone therapy."
"You know, I am very open that I use testosterone and I wish I'd started it about 10 years ago. I was probably perimenopausal for many years without realizing."
"So who should take hormone replacement therapy and who shouldn't? The answer isn't perfect, but it is very well-documented."
"Any abnormal bleeding, abnormal to you, needs to be evaluated before you start hormone therapy."
"Your quality of life matters. If you're going to go on hormone therapy, it's good to know what to expect and what you can do to take care of yourself in the process."
"Hormone replacement therapy is an amazing thing for the right people, but it’s not right for everyone and it’s not a magic potion."
"The idea that testosterone is not important for women is baloney; it's been the most important hormone throughout our lives."
"Testosterone given as replacement decreases the incidence of breast cancer and reduces the chance of recurrence."
"Testosterone is fantastic for protecting our bones, and both estradiol and testosterone work together to improve bone density."
"Orthocycline is the brand name for ethanyl estradiol norgestimate. It's an estrogen-progesterone hormone combination."
"I want every single person listening to consider their decision to go on hormone therapy and early and continue until you die so that your cartilage is well preserved."
"Nothing works better than estrogen therapy."
"The estrogen window of opportunity is not about your age, it's about the aging process."
"Your body no longer has estrogen in it, and so you need it to keep the bladder healthy. And so it's lifelong therapy."
"By denying their female patients hormone replacement therapy, they are possibly putting them at risk of disease."
"The only reason that my libido dropped was because I was on too low of a dose of estrogen. Once I got my hormones in check and I got the right dosages and everything like that, my libido came back full force."
"Starting estrogen in the first five to 10 years of your postmenopause can help prevent heart attack, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease."
"20 years ago, the majority of women decided to stop taking their hormones."
"If you choose not to take hormone replacement therapy or if you've missed your window, there are other options."
"Hormone therapy continues to have an important clinical role in the management of menopausal symptoms. There's still many women who can benefit from hormone therapy."
"I do feel already so much better with just one month being on my hormones. I am able to sleep at night for the most part. But I don't have any night sweats, no hot flashes. I just feel like my brain is just working more clearly."
"When you go on hormone therapy to normalize or optimize your hormones don't change anything allow your body to dictate if something needs to be changed."
"Hormone therapy is not a complete band-aid."
"I can't speak to your hormone regimen specifically, but for all women on vaginal estrogen products, they should be forever."
"They didn't want to just put their kid on hormones and like hope for the best, which is just very responsible I think."
"...most women do not need hormone replacement therapy for many many years or decades to treat their menopause symptoms."
"Hormone users who develop breast cancer have a reduced risk of dying of breast cancer."
"Body identical hormones including transdermal estradiol in association with progesterone are probably the best choice in terms of benefit-risk ratio."
"Chris sees these tweets and she quote tweets saying, 'What happened was hormone therapy, it saved my life and it saved many other people's lives.'"
"The WPATH recommends to be on hormones for at least a year before having any gender affirming surgeries."
"The most common symptom that I hear patients report is a general sense of calm when they start hormones."
"...a bioidentical hormone made by a pharmaceutical company will be composed of the same molecules that are identical to the molecules in your human body..."
"...compounded and pharmaceutical bioidentical hormones are products of the two different camps in medicine compounded hormones belong to the alternative and complementary camp while pharmaceutical bioidentical hormones belong to the traditional medical camp."
"...and because they have to conform to the strict standards of the FDA they are stronger more consistent and tend to work much better than compounded hormones."
"If you didn't know this already or you were just brainwashed by the nonsense that's been going around for the past 20 years and you haven't taken estrogen and you are in your mid-60s, it doesn't mean you can't take it."
"Women in their 60s who've not been on hormones, is it safe to start now? No."
"HRT is better for most women, more women than is recognized, and will help many, many more women live longer and healthier lives."
"Estrogen on its own is safe and reduces breast cancer risk and mortality."
"I went off my hormones for like a good three months. I'm trans and you know, I think I had a little bit of a voice drop."
"HRT is safe, it can be started early, it can be started in the perimenopause."
"There are more benefits than risks and any type of HRT if women take it they actually have a lower risk of dying from more causes including from breast cancer."
"When I stopped the testosterone, I had very emotionally and psychologically unstable next few months after that but I was able to cry again and I could just ball and I was in so much pain but I finally had a release."
"The decision to continue hormone therapy should be individualized."
"The Lancet authors made this chilling conclusion... about a million [breast cancers] would have been caused by menopausal hormone therapy use."
"Testosterone is very, very cheap, it's extremely inexpensive, it's extremely easy to get, and it's also pretty safe."
"Hormone blockers should be available for trans kids because they are reversible."
"Tamoxifen and Raloxifene are selective estrogen receptor modulators, also known as SERMs."
"I did my first T-shot yesterday, the trans joy was real."
"We don't recommend hormone levels for giving hormone therapy; it's not based on levels, it's based on symptoms."
"If you're taking a transdermal estrogen and oral progesterone which is our standard starting therapy, we believe that the risk of breast cancer is very low."
"If you have menopause before the age of 45, we do recommend everybody take hormones regardless of symptoms until at least the average age of menopause."
"The gold standard for menopause and perimenopausal treatment is sex hormones."
"Once you take HRT, it will shut your body down."
"Don't think that just because you need HRT that you're never going to be able to have a family."
"There shouldn't be a stigma against people who are prescribed HRT."
"There is some good effects of the ramp up approach, specifically if you're trying to mimic the natural development which cis females go through in their puberty."
"The beauty of treating secondary hypogonadism with a SERM is that we're blocking the effect of its conversion to excess estrogen."
"Having your hormones balanced and receiving a bit of testosterone can mitigate the effects of stress."
"When we give those women testosterone, it has amazing changes; they get their life back."
"We are replacing our own body's hormones. These are hormones that we have anyway, but we know that as we get older we lose them."
"Taking HRT is not a failure; actually, it's a disease preventative treatment."
"It is important that patients with PCOS get some sort of progesterone exposure."
"Progesterone is the real needle mover for menopause."