
Learning From Others Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"I prefer to follow a path, a blueprint that somebody's already developed because they've spent countless hours failing and falling and figuring out what doesn't work."
"I can't imagine not being in a co-ed work environment. I learn so much from men. I'm a guy's girl."
"A wise man learns from other people's mistakes while a fool makes his own."
"Don't learn from mistaken, learn from other people's mistakes bro."
"Driving with better drivers... is the best way to progress your skill set."
"We can look at them as cautionary tales in order to make a difference in how we go about living our lives."
"A smart person learns from their mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of other people."
"It's like Pokémon, after each round, each different circumstance, I will become stronger, I will adapt to that environment, I will absorb all the great things from the people."
"I look at people now as my teachers. That's fantastic."
"Let's learn from their mistakes, not have to make all of them ourselves."
"Don't be afraid to ask people that have been doing this a long time questions, yeah, ask a lot of questions."
"I think anytime you can read the biography of great men who have amassed massive wealth you walk away learning a ton."
"I've long been a believer that I can learn something from everybody."
"I really do hope that when I talk to someone, they'll tell me something that someone as stupid and potentially malevolent as me might really need to know."
"Just assume always assume that the person you're talking to has something to teach you."
"Comparing yourself to someone else... is pointless. Instead, just listen and learn and determine how you can benefit from others' experiences to ultimately improve your own financial path."
"Speak to people that know more about something you're looking at than you do."
"It's better to learn from other people's mistakes than to make them yourself."
"There is no doubt in my eyes that Elden Ring learned some lessons from Breath of the Wild."
"Learning from wisdom means listening to others and learning from their mistakes and knowledge."
"It's really important to look at other artists and don't be afraid to lift a bit of what they're doing and put it into your own."
"Get a mentor. Making mistakes yourself is okay, but having someone else having already made those mistakes for you so you don't have to do it, is even better."
"I think you can learn from every man. It's old Confucian saying: learn from every man. Learn from some man you learn what to do, and from some men you learn what not to do."
"Hello everyone and welcome to One Civil Law where we learn through the misfortunes of others. As always, I hope you'll enjoy this live legal education."
"It's easier to look at what someone else did right."
"Learn from the people that came before you who made the mistakes."
"You should want your children to be sort of more successful. When somebody else has success, you should say good for them and then you should look at what they did and learn from and try to be successful yourself."
"Please learn from the mistakes of other people so that you don't have to end up making those mistakes."
"Tim burger tiny is a guy that you really should study... You have to be aware of your pitfalls."
"If you learn from other people and don't do the things that screwed up their careers, that's a pretty good method."
"Learning from other people's experience is the key to success."
"I want to convince you that if you watch the speakers you admire and ask yourselves why they're successful, then you can build up your own personal repertoire."
"Wisdom is learning from someone else's mistakes."
"If you want to be one of the greats, truly one of the greats, you gotta study the greats."
"Reading other people's code helps you a ton in terms of writing better code and understanding different ways of doing things."
"If you want to learn anything from that guy, he's a winner."
"Look for people that are doing stuff better than you and then steal it. That is the best advice I've ever been given."
"Take the records that you love and use them as templates for what you want to create."
"Success leaves clues, I'm obsessed with passing the word on."
"Learn from your opponents. If somebody has something good, you can benefit by adding it to your arsenal."
"The greatest lessons that I've ever learned, I've experienced, but the second greatest is lessons that other people experience when things go wrong for other people."
"If you want to be great at anything you have to find someone who's done that before you achieved high-level results."
"I think it's fascinating and we actually need to learn from them."
"The purpose of life is to pick up from everybody you're exposed to, learn from them, and evolve from it."
"Smart people learn from the mistakes of other people. Dumb people don't learn from their own mistakes."
"We're excited to learn from these world-class studios." - Jade Raymond
"The biggest takeaway I had from this whole challenge is that yes, it absolutely helps to play people better than you."
"I'm always interested in your comments and what you can do to help us all learn."
"Part of being a genius is learning from someone else's experience."
"Every man is my superior in some way, and that I can learn from him."
"Why reinvent the wheel if someone took the plane? You can learn so much from them."
"Learn from others, it’ll not only get you much further on your journey much faster than you could on your own, but it’ll probably save you from making a few crucial mistakes along the way as well."
"You have to have that humility to learn from others."
"Play to win FIFA is horrible and I don't view the game that way let's just make that very clear."
"Let them make the mistakes so that you don't have to."
"A wise person will learn from their mistakes, but an even wiser one will learn from the mistakes of others."
"Every person that I've talked to... from whom I have learned things about life and their experience, I find that invaluable."
"Stop whining, learn from the Fine Bros, and accept the fact that you can’t hold a monopoly on ideas or a genre."
"Happy is he who by listening to the experience of others avoids the rocks and shoals on which so many have been wrecked."
"I would try to learn the good from everyone around and forgive the bad done to me."
"Everybody can learn something from the fashion mistakes of others."
"Confucius says, 'If three people walk in, one must be my teacher.'"
"The wise person learns from the mistakes of others so that they don't repeat them today."
"I've been taking notes on me. I watched Tupac, I watch Biggie. I learned not to put your life in the hands of your people."
"I love the bit where we stole from the best."
"We have to take a step back and listen to what people are saying and learn from it."
"Find those people and realize what they're doing that maybe you're not and learn from it and take it on."
"A wise person learns from the mistakes of others."
"Real magicians listen to people that's wiser than themselves."
"If you watch the video and you like the results that I'm having, then you can go back and replicate those settings."
"Being able to see other people do things and take bits and pieces of what you like, what they don't what you don't like and being able to add that to your game to your leadership style to who you are as a person."
"Study in other people and then try to integrate in ourselves."
"I think if you and I did makeup on identical twins it would look the same because so much of my makeup style has literally been taught to me by you."
"...sometimes the best lessons you have in life are when somebody does something and you say I would just do the opposite of that were I to be in that person's position."
"The people are so amazing and one of the things that I learned from them that left an imprint on my heart is their view of what is sacred."
"Innovation is hard, but we're good at recognizing and copying good outcomes from others."
"You don't have to reinvent the wheel if someone else has done it you can do it as well."
"There's so much you can learn from people right, and we can apply that back to our faith so that we can grow in what we're doing."
"Research what other people have done to solve the same problem."
"Everything that I do, like 99.9% of it, I've learned from listening to other people."
"Why would you pay the school fees if somebody else has already paid it? So you should just tap on to that and apply that to the best of your knowledge within your own business and then making it a success."
"Rather than unwinding the NHS we should seek to improve it, and there is a lot to learn from other countries when doing so."
"Everyone has their own unique writer quirks; there's going to be different things that we can learn from everyone's writing."
"Be a student of other people's point of view."
"It would be extremely stupid of me to refuse to learn from other people's experiences and try instead to reinvent the wheel myself."
"Take advice from people's personal stories, learn from it at least."
"You can learn essentially from my mistakes, so you're giving yourself an even better opportunity of making it to that level."
"If this resonates with you, it has been resonating with me to listen to these two guys talk about their experiences and learn from them."
"I've learned the most from watching the other actors around me work."
"That's what you're supposed to learn from other people's mistakes, not your own."
"It's exciting to watch people who are further along with you."
"All musicians are equal, that all music is equal, and that one can learn from other musicians."
"There's a lot we can learn from Tesla, and we want to take advantage of those learnings."
"The best way to fix something is to find somebody who has already fixed that problem."
"If you want to learn to play tennis, play with someone who's better than you because that's how you learn to play tennis."
"You just can learn things from other people, sometimes even without them saying a word."
"We can always learn from each other's stories."
"Stop focusing so much on what other people are doing and what they got going on. You can learn from them, you can watch them, but don't just spend all your time focusing on them because you gotta focus on you."
"I'm always very curious to see how she does things, how she just the experiences she has because it helps somebody like me understand a bit more what people go through."
"A fool never learns, a smart man learns from his mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others."
"Never be ashamed to be the least wise man in the room, as long as you listen to the others."
"I feel like all my life, I learn by observing other people and other people's mistakes."
"Every man might not be your friend, but every man is your teacher."
"I think it's important to learn from your mistakes, but since I don't make any, I try to learn from Jake's."
"A wise man learns from the mistakes of others; a foolish man does it himself."