
Self-choice Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Fully committing is waking up every day and choosing you."
"I choose me, and I hope that this inspires you to choose you too."
"You've got to choose yourself, even when others don't choose you."
"Enough is enough sitting around waiting on waiting for somebody to choose you I choose me."
"You're moving very quickly, ahead of many people when it comes to choosing yourself."
"You have to choose yourself. You have to say that now is the time."
"Your guides want you to make the choice to choose yourself in this situation."
"Choosing yourself is never going to bring in a bad situation for you."
"So what I believe actually happens when a kid or an adult chooses their truest self is that they are choosing God."
"I now understand why you had to choose yourself and your highest path, and I admire you for that."
"I'd rather be happy alone than with the wrong person."
"Guess what? That's the life I like. That's the life I want for me."
"I think you do the bravest thing and choose yourself."
"The finale highlights the importance of loose choosing herself."
"Everyone should live that way... Why can't it happen to me?"
"Choose happiness. If you don't choose anything else, choose yourself. And within you is happiness."
"You don't have to accept what comes your way or who comes your way. You can decline and keep looking because the right opportunity, the right person, the right place, the right success will come to you."
"If I can't make a choice, I'm choosing me instead."
"The only person that needs to choose you is you."
"Choose yourself, choose your happiness, choose your future over this toxicity."
"You're going from hoping to being chosen in romance to you being the one deciding and choosing, all right, that's what I have here."
"When you don't choose yourself, things get very murky very fast."
"You have permission to choose yourself and you have permission to honor your heart."
"Your spirit guides are proud of you choosing yourself despite the consequences, and for honoring yourself. You live true and inspire others to do the same."
"It's about choosing you. You choose you."
"It's like you're the chosen one 'cause you choose yourself."
"I think being yourself is kind of BS. I think choosing yourself is the way forward."
"Women are not getting married at the same rate as before, and I think that's a positive thing because it just means that we're choosing ourselves."
"I'm choosing differently. I'm choosing me."
"When all else fails, choose you. Choose you man."
"It's the only decision that you're going to make to spend life with somebody actually choose you. Choose you."
"That's why she's so happy. She started choosing herself and realized she could no longer be with Corey."
"I know that I'm a strong person because I've chosen this for myself."
"Moving away and choosing to be happy is probably the first decision that you have ever made where you chose yourself."
"This year I'm choosing me, and it's been a beautiful thing."
"I work to accept that choosing me will disappoint others."
"It all starts with deciding that you are going to choose what it is that lights you up."
"The best route is the route where you choose yourself."
"By choosing yourself and choosing freedom, you have the ability to focus on self-development."
"Kendrick Lamar said, 'I choose me, I'm sorry.' That's real talk."
"Choose yourselves, realize that you are a part of creation and a very crucial one."
"It's about choosing myself and choosing life."
"When you choose you, you're going to see who's really for you."
"Go for what's in your heart, choose yourself."
"Choose you every single time, no matter what the situation is."
"God chose you, you have to choose yourself."
"I chose me a long time ago, but I'm still choosing me every day."
"I do give myself grace because I trust myself; I know that I will always choose what's best for me in the end."
"You're worth the risk when you choose yourself."
"The karma happens when you have shifted your energy and you have chosen yourself."
"Choosing yourself is so scary, but it's necessary."
"You must marry, that's to your match, make it to yourself."
"You have a responsibility to choose you."
"You have a right to choose you, or to choose someone else, or choose to be alone, or whatever they want to choose."
"There is change bigger than you can ever imagine just by deciding to choose you."
"We really have to learn how to choose ourselves."
"I think Tia just chose herself, which is what I'm starting to realize."
"It was either choose me or them, and I chose me to be happy."
"Choosing yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself."
"Embrace the change and choose himself over others."
"Being a woman, it is okay to choose yourself; you're not a bad person, you are not selfish."
"When you take the very first step, you begin to choose yourself again."
"You are choosing yourself and your authenticity."
"Welcome to 2023 where you have the opportunity to choose for yourself."
"It's time to choose yourself, and anyone that is for you will be right there choosing themselves with you."
"Start choosing yourself a little more and understanding that just because you have history does not mean that you have happiness."
"I choose me, and I choose my future."
"Am I going to do the scary thing and choose myself and be potentially very happy, even if I'm going to be alone?"
"You're walking into a ten-year cycle of happiness and emotional fulfillment because you've made the decision to choose yourself above all else."
"At some point, you just gotta choose you and choose to be healthy."
"It goes to show that she needed basically to choose herself... it's a choice that is so deeply ingrained in every fiber of your being that that is all that matters."
"This was about choosing yourself."
"For the first time in your life, you're choosing yourself."
"You've continued to choose you, and you are definitely passing with flying colors."
"When you pick you, the universe picks you, and everything falls into place."
"You have to choose yourself for ultimate happiness and well-being."
"Choosing yourself puts you into this very balanced, very aligned, very harmonious energy."
"The test was, was you going to choose yourself, and you did."
"You should have picked yourself and then come into alignment with somebody who is an energetic vibrational match to the choice you made."
"You always look ten times better and you always just glow and shine differently when you're just choosing yourself."
"You feel free now, it's like you've chosen yourself."
"I don't want you to choose me; I want you to choose you and what's best for you."
"You're choosing yourself here or you're giving yourself the chance to be who you truly are meant to be."
"Choosing yourself and other people need to see because it's going to empower other people to choose themselves."
"This is when happiness begins, when you start choosing yourself and saying [ __ ] it to the rest."
"You're choosing yourself, which is part of what this Jupiter in Aries energy and the North Node in Taurus is also highlighting."
"It's the telling someone's safe is the beginning of choosing yourself."
"Once the smoke clears and you're able to see clearly, it's more or less me seeing this as an energy of choosing oneself."
"Choose Yourself, that's how you find happiness."
"The ultimate choice here is someone choosing themselves, choosing what they truly feel."
"Face your fears and choose you, basically, Pisces."
"We are stepping into high-level commitment and choosing ourselves."
"Choosing yourself, choosing your own personal happiness."
"You've made the choice to choose yourself and when you choose yourself and you make the choice to follow your heart, you're on the right path."
"Choose you, don't let this harden your heart but choose you and do you."
"Having the courage to choose yourself."
"It's time you choose you. Choose yourself."
"I don't need them to choose me; I'm choosing me."
"When you choose yourself, when you choose your future, people around you will be offended that you're choosing you over them."
"Choosing you, choosing yourself, choosing to live life how you want to live life."
"Choose yourself, because they're wrong about you."
"You've chosen yourself, and that's something you should be proud of."
"You have to choose yourself and you have the opportunity to mold your own life."
"Really choose yourself, choose the path that's meant for you."
"You're choosing yourself all day every day."
"You have to step forward into your life and choose yourself."
"Whenever you choose yourself, that's when you're a frequency match to a person who harmoniously resonates with the frequency of true love."
"Choosing you really is choosing the best thing for you and your connection."
"Choose you, and get into a relationship for the right reasons."
"In the end, choosing themselves, trying to find safety in a world that has neglected them."
"You have the courage to choose yourself."
"Sometimes that is the most shocking thing that a person can do, is to choose themselves."
"Somebody is finally saying I choose me."
"I'm choosing myself, my heart is in the right place, I'm sending you love, I wish you the best."
"You chose to be great for the day, not sitting there dwelling on everything that happened in the past."