
Emotional Suppression Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Strength is not running from it, not suppressing it. You ain't really overcoming it; that's still something that's there."
"Guys bottle everything up and are so afraid of being seen as emotionally weak or co-dependent that they will sabotage their relationships to avoid demonstrating any of those basic human inner vulnerabilities."
"I don't show any emotion because if I do, I won't stop crying."
"Stop telling your sons that crying is a weakness. It's harmful and perpetuates a cycle of emotional suppression."
"Suppressing that voice only makes it stronger, and the less work you do up front, the more you're going to have to do later."
"How difficult it must be to suppress your feelings and your emotions and not be with the person that you really truly love for 28 years."
"Bottling up emotions... eventually, those bottles have to be uncorked. It takes energy to keep the lids on all of those bottles."
"You don't have depression because you have a lithium deficiency, sure, sure you have depression because you're depressing pushing down on feelings you don't want to feel."
"Silence kills men inside, gives you control over them."
"If you want to cry or you want to be afraid, just hold it in, smile, and be happy."
"Men in professional spaces feel like they still have to somehow keep their guard up."
"Happy families make me unhappy—I repressed my need to be loved."
"Men do live shorter lives and that's because of a repression of emotions."
"Communication, I grew up suppressing feelings so much that I doubt if I ever actually dealt with an emotion as a child."
"Just kind of smashing their feelings down and telling them that they can't have the feelings that they have, like that just crosses an unhealthy line."
"The emotion can't be expressed, I think that actually is a driver of the sheer amount of panic that we see."
"Men don't cry, you know it's basically like yeah half the population of people out there told to suppress their feelings."
"If you have certain forbidden emotions, anger being probably the most popular one... a lot of misnaming."
"Telling men to suppress emotion contributes to higher rates of suicide."
"You've been burying your emotions for somebody for a very, very long time."
"I make myself believe I don't care but I really do. I just in the moment you're able to table it, you're able to curb it and do the thing."
"When you feel something negative you don't say it, you let it grow inside."
"Emotions simmer when you push it down for something like duty, yet you see with the consequences of that can be."
"When you suppress what you are, it comes back with a vengeance."
"If you're silent about your pain they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it"
"It's the worst feeling in the world to feel like you're suppressed."
"Pride and ego. I was taught to be hard, don't show weakness."
"As humans, we have a desire to connect with each other, and the fact that that is being suppressed by society at large is just a shame."
"They really want to let you know how they feel but they're shutting their mouth and keeping their feelings to themselves."
"Toxic positivity... could cause the person it's directed at to feel worse later on since they're bottling up their emotions."
"People who hold back anger routinely... create almost like a barrier in your cells."
"It's time to be honest about what you're not happy about. It's time to be honest about whatever it is that you've been suppressing to be working this hard. That's what it feels like to me."
"They're choosing to suppress their feelings instead of being vulnerable."
"Kyōraku resolved to push whatever sadness he was feeling down until the job was done."
"I'm tired of suppressing my feelings, tired of being villainized."
"Don't feel, don't feel, don't let it show."
"...if you keep pushing down emotions and you keep choosing not to acknowledge them, eventually the body has a really strange way of just bringing them all up."
"You were taught to hide your emotions, you were taught to be quiet, you were taught not to say anything."
"I covered up my feelings with a nice layer of spirituality and hid a lot of garbage inside me."
"Suppressing our sadness can grow into a cruel cynicism making us scared of our own feelings and doubtful of the fullness of life."
"I went ten years without telling someone that I was sad. I didn't say the word sad for ten [__] years. Wow."
"Literally for ten years didn't say the word sad, crazy."
"I just push them down, literally I just push them down."
"I shut those feelings away because I felt they were going to hinder me from progressing as a hero."
"In my effort to not feel my grief, I have made it far harder for me to feel any of the things in my life that I actually do want to feel."
"I think men especially suffer a lot from suppressing emotional or just trauma in general."
"But I'm like the complete opposite I just don't cry at all I know you I just I'm just used so used to like suppressing my feeling not suppressing my feelings I guess I I did like growing up so this what this is how I am now so I'm like May from Avatar."
"Don't push things down. It creeps up, it'll find you."
"They've learned that if they suppress certain feelings for a while, that they'll be acceptable, and then behind the scenes they just can't do it forever."
"She would do whatever she could to make sure they did not see her feelings, which actually had the opposite effect."
"I feel like you're really bottling up your emotions right now."
"If you're constantly stomping on the stuff you don't have time to deal with, then over time you're going to also unconsciously be stomping out joy, laughter, tons of fun, reckless romance with your husband."
"There's a lot of things that we haven't really come to terms with; we kind of bury it inside."
"It's the cultural ideal of manliness where strength is everything while emotions are weakness."
"They're going to bottle a lot of their emotions up, but they're going to be full of happiness and joy."
"Part of the Jedi order is to deny your emotions. That is just a recipe for... that's a pressure cooker to create a Darth Vader, right?"
"When you suppress the pains of your life, you tend to suppress the joy as well because you don't want to put yourself out there for anything."
"You try to suppress the feelings that you have and try to be who you're supposed to be."
"When you fight yourself from crying for a long time, the heart starts to get hard."
"All of us have pent up frustration and anger that we keep in from ourselves, our family, or situations at the world, and we're just not taught to have any outlet for it."
"It's like putting a lid on a boiling pot; every time you shove down that emotion and you put the lid on it, eventually it's going to bubble over."