
Reconsideration Quotes

There are 452 quotes

"Maybe we should reconsider the near-universal supplementation of calcium in our diet."
"These artifacts will send shivers down your spine, compelling you to reconsider embarking on that cruise you've been dreaming about."
"Folks, listen, put everything you think you understand aside for a moment."
"I think you have to rethink Free Speech. Hate to say it, I think you have to rethink it."
"And will we have to rethink everything we thought we knew about the ancient world?"
"Samuel: But I think what you will see now is that the business community and the international community are really going to have to think twice."
"We have to rethink everything we know about climate change."
"Reconsider the way you're looking at the situation and learn from the experience."
"I might need to reevaluate this whole goddamn situation."
"This whole thing has made me just rethink if I wanted to leave my entire channel."
"It might be even in university to reconsider...degree for me..."
"If you gave up on somebody, maybe give them another chance."
"Every single Mega nut who's thinking... hopefully this makes them think twice."
"Things we accepted before as worth the risk... are now in question."
"This was the first book that I read for my English Lit degree, and it genuinely made me consider dropping out."
"When the final piece looks like it's still under construction, it's probably time to rethink your design."
"Do you really want to go through that all over again?"
"Forcing us to totally rethink not just Richard but every royal."
"We need to reconsider the model of capitalism that we have."
"Why is such a bad idea to go back to your ex but maybe, just maybe, it could work for Bennifer part two?"
"Wayne was one of the guys that I heard was like, 'oh [ __ ], I might need to rethink this, you know what I mean?'"
"Maybe it's time to bring this back, I don't know."
"I'm really considering just not playing... maybe we should go make a Final Fantasy guild."
"I think there's more of a case that can be made for views other than young Earth Creationism than what I thought in the past."
"Bastion is heavily Grecian influenced, and Plato is Greek, so I may be having second thoughts."
"There's always a reason when governments plan to do something long in the future, because it gives them a chance to reconsider."
"This person will be back... but is it good for you?"
"Caring isn't part of the job description. Well, maybe you should re-evaluate that."
"And just like that, I've convinced you to completely abandon everything you thought about till this day."
"I think I would like to revisit the case one day with a lot more of the more Nuance I hope I wish I had learned in the process."
"When I said that there was only going to be one waifu per element, I take that back."
"I'm just talking about this because I want the people who think that they need to win the lottery in order to be happy to just reconsider that."
"If you would not be friends with your partner outside of the relationship, there are things to reconsider."
"I just hope you will rethink your relationship with big tech."
"That's weird, but at the same time, it makes me think a little differently about this."
"As much as it might seem like the opposite of what we need to do, I think we really just need to go a little slower."
"Considering everything that's happened, all the money might not be worth subjecting herself to this [ __ ] any longer."
"Somewhere in there we have got to rethink our priorities."
"It's okay to follow something and then look back and admit it was nonsense."
"This is one of those cases that really makes you want to take a second look about who you trust."
"Should Infinity Ward be given another chance? Yes, and that is a conclusion that I have grudgingly come to."
"Everything deserves a second look. Everything deserves a second chance."
"Definitely worth looking into, it will absolutely make you rethink everything."
"Maybe if you saw a little bit more of what they were up to in the past, you might change your mind a little bit."
"I think I fell in love with this car, but I would never do this again."
"Follow your heart, it's not too late to turn back."
"Any teasers? I was on the fence about this one because we said we're not going to talk about her anymore but Colleen was so annoying that I feel like I have to talk about her again."
"I wanted to erase all the opinions that I had previously of him."
"Maybe Rasa wasn't as heartless as he seemed... Maybe he had responsibilities that he had to handle."
"You don't need an RAR 15. I'm serious think about it."
"They're rethinking their decision to walk away from you."
"Let's make sure we're doing the right thing... let's come back to the table."
"Be cognizant of that if you voted depression all that means is that you should consider the other side."
"Why do you feel the need to shoot at somebody with a child, a two-year-old child? Seriously, for the love of God, think for a second."
"Mistakes can prompt reconsideration of judgments."
"I kind of gave up on it maybe I should give it another try it's never too late."
"Somebody wants you to reconsider. They're willing to prove it, they want you to choose them."
"If your economic bet depends upon an acceleration or continuation of globalization you might want to rethink that."
"I take it back, it's within 60 seconds, it'll be included. I take it back."
"What made you change your mind about me being here, Dora?"
"I feel like more speed is not the solution anymore."
"I find myself agreeing with a lot of conservative politicians that I would usually never want to talk to."
"I wanted to be offended by this but the more I thought about it, I was like, this is a really good idea."
"I was about quitting my job but after watching this video I have given it a second thought."
"They really might not be the devil we assume them to be."
"Don't discount anything because all of a sudden if you discount it, you may realize, 'Oh, I discounted that two months ago.'"
"There's so much meat, really having second thoughts about breaking the spawner."
"Could it be that our ancient ancestors were not primitive fools?"
"Perhaps you should give him a second chance," I interrupted.
"Does it give me the opportunity to rethink?"
"You may want to revisit those plans, Colonel."
"I slept on this one for a while, and I'm glad it was requested enough to make me reconsider."
"Respect means to look again. That's what it means. It means to look back and to stop and take another look at something to consider something."
"Those looking to leave the company have reconsidered that decision because of how happy they are."
"Sometimes it could be something like I'm taking a break from it and I'll revisit it later or maybe I'll pursue it at a later point in my life."
"Please give it a second chance. It absolutely deserves it."
"Oz was not such a bad wizard after all," said the tin Woodman.
"Wow, maybe I can go back to my town and maybe look at these individuals as an employment possibility."
"Reconsider your alliances and make new ones. Somebody is reconsidering their alliances because some energies didn't mix right. Frog prints, oh boy."
"...it gives you this newfound perspective that allows you to reconsider things, yes absolutely."
"Someone never thought they would come crawling back, but now they're considering it."
"INTPs provide a nuanced take that can get people to reconsider something they've taken for granted."
"A fallen political star rethinks her future."
"I think maybe angelene isn't a total turd."
"Maybe we've been thinking about this all wrong."
"...if you don't like it buddy, then you might just need to take a second look."
"I've had more time to think about my rating I loved it"
"If you're thinking about buying an RV, don't do it."
"If you feel uncomfortable at any point, stop and rethink because it may well be that a different course of action is right for you."
"so at what point does one start to decide hey I I kind of want want to you know cool my brakes a little bit if you will and go back into you mean pump your brakes or cool your jets you said a combination of the two well pump your jet"
"You know what, I've been thinking for a while, Virgil might have had a point."
"I realized maybe this isn't a great long-term career plan."
"I do like the foundation, I really do, but a part of me kind of wants to give this another try."
"It still makes me reconsider my beliefs."
"He did well and the Jedi Order has much to reconsider about their ways."
"Harbor Freight hater, did I change your mind at all about some of the tools they have available?"
"History is unfair. Perhaps there really is more to the AMC Pacer."
"But I think I'm going to pause the roads for now."
"As long as you feel that way, I have an idea. Your case needs reconsideration, Roberts."
"I think I was on drugs. I may have been on drugs for that one 'cause why did I rate a five stars? That's definitely not five stars like thinking about it now, definitely not."
"Everybody pumped the brakes on the preconceived notions, right?"
"I would give Lazenby another try absolutely why not"
"Now we have reconsider and don't stop like what is this about reconsider?"
"I kind of learned to like Batman v Superman."
"But probably more importantly, I've rethought the list, I've thought a lot about this list, I thought a lot about classic horror and classic horror books since I made that video and my mind has changed on a few things."
"So, bounty hunting is actually not such a bad gig in One Piece when you really think about it."
"When that movie came out, it was popular. People liked it. It wasn't taken seriously, but I think it's taken far more seriously now. People look back on it much more fondly."
"We need to reconsider how we handle things."
"Finally got your account in this round. Had other thoughts."
"The case was reopened after a police review."
"There is this other energy when you talk about it where it's like, I think we'll all reapproach it."
"We decided to keep the tour going cuz you know it made up these guys aren't as bad as I thought they were originally."
"I thought that was a crazy lady and then a week later I saw this thing."
"I have decided to try and think better of him," she said.
"Maybe humans just aren't as bad as I originally thought."
"I just might be willing to give you a second chance."
"Just know there are things out there that can make you rethink your entire thoughts about the woods you're familiar with."
"This person is thinking a lot about you lately and reconsidering how things went between you."
"I'm reevaluating whether my stance on eating animals but they matter morally and shouldn't be Factory farmed."
"I decided to kind of backtrack on some things that I initially got rid of."
"I'll be curious to hear what you think though... I love a good debate and I love to get a comment that actually makes me rethink a position."
"I have never considered the block being the cornerstone."
"I want to just throw it all away right now."
"Are you regretting putting the reserves on?"
"What if our early picture of human societies... are all wrong?"
"It's time to take a second look at Catwoman."
"I urge you to reconsider one last time. Sura will be free in this life or the one after with her husband by her side."
"Initially I was like, ew, this video is gonna go in the trash."
"it makes me look at certain things from another perspective"
"The big question for me is that on the back of last night's experience, who would stay here again?"
"If God speaks well of a person, you better change your opinion about them."
"I really think we should go back."
"Caution is needed. There is a hidden problem. Warning: reconsider."
"Are they worth reconsidering? Let's find out."
"I think we made our minds up a little too quick on this thing"
"Remember if the relationship is robbing you of joy then it's something to reconsider."
"So, in reality, the .50 GIAC may not be as inaccurate as we first thought."
"It's sort of tempting to say that perhaps our view of Neanderthals as sort of insensitive brutes may be wrong."
"Just when you think you've heard it all, something new comes along that makes you rethink everything you may think you know about the world around you."
"She seemed taken aback at first but then she told me she had thought about it and she was willing to take the risk."
"Maybe in a re-watch I'll go 'oh, I gave this too much credit.'"
"This isn't a slippery slope. It just shocked me so much, and I changed my view on contraception. And then so that had just happened, and I'm walking around going, 'Wow, that's amazing.' And then I said, 'You know what? The Catholic Church got something right. How about that?'"
"Maybe I've been thinking about this all wrong."
"Put the debit or credit card on ice for a little bit and reconsider what you're spending your money on."
"That's it, I'll go back to maybe 250."
"In fairness to this scene because I have forgotten one important point."
"At first I was like this is too chaotic too stressful and now i'm like i want to live here! Yeah okay i think i'm gonna put all the no's back in the proper category and then check out!"
"I think everything should be up for re-examination."
"The value of reconsidering The Impossible."
"On second thought, maybe we don’t even have to run away at all."
"People who were refused previously get issued every single day, every single day."
"If you are turned off by religion, please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Don't give up on Jesus."
"Recharging is another factor that might make you rethink a trip."
"It's possible I was wrong about you."
"Maybe you still don't think these movies are great or even good, but if you still remember The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions as being dumb and bloated then I implore you to reconsider and give the films another shot."
"On second thought, maybe going to the dealer wasn't such a bad idea."
"Think you know the Astra? Maybe it's time to take another look."
"I won't lie and say that I'm not reconsidering a Miata again."
"Were we too harsh towards the Emoji Movie? Oh wow, I can't believe those words left my mouth, but it's no longer 2017. That was 29 years ago."
"That was disappointing for me was upsetting whatever so I decided to go into Force awakens and give it a shot even though I was not very happy at the time."
"I may have been wrong, a vehicle like this little X2 is a great daily vehicle."
"So was I wrong in dismissing the brand? Will you in fact see me in another BMW again in the future? Time will tell."
"Perhaps it's time to consider a possibility that most archaeologists still find unthinkable."
"I was a vegetarian for you said 20 years as you began studying this clearly you said hmm maybe I was misled."
"So suddenly this is looking like real value."
"Think of the romanovs Benito melini and his wife and maybe you'll reconsider the direction that you are taking."
"Okay, upon second thought, I'm gonna keep this for one more summer, see if I get any wears out of it."
"Wizard King awesome, I reconsider."
"Perhaps we were too quick to judge."
"It's not as far-fetched as it once was considered."
"If it was just because arm templates were ugly hey maybe I will go and reevaluate that."
"Doors would be opened that we thought we had closed."
"Use this Mercury retrograde to reassess things in your life, to really rethink things."
"Mercury retrograde is going to help you reassess things, re-evaluate things, rethink things."
"It's crazy how something can feel so right in the moment and then when you take a second look at it, feel differently."
"I'm gonna be giving this bad boy right here a second chance."
"I emerge from The Experience feeling bad for how mean I've been about Subarus in the past."
"A beloved wedding planner? I'm not going to call her that anymore. Can we have a different title, please?"
"There is a very good reason why we ought to be contemplating a world without an abundance of referees."
"I completely agree with both your parents and with her when she's now reconsidering marrying you."
"I just went back to the word and said, you know what, I'm going to change my mind. I did have to repent. That's what repent means, it means a change of mind."
"An extreme measure that drove Kellet to change his mind about the relationship and go back to her, but this didn't last for long."
"I've come back. I changed my mind."
"She hadn't accepted the position... But she reconsidered and decided to take the job."
"Perhaps this is the wrong way of looking at it."
"That raises the question, what about all these other people who are serving life without parole who didn't kill anyone? And should they get a second chance? Should their cases be examined?"
"Perhaps just reevaluate why we think the things that we think."
"If you can't stand up tall and proud and say this is what I did and this is why I did it, maybe you should really reconsider what your actions are gonna be."
"We need to go back and really pay attention to what we've left out."
"It makes you reconsider your opinion on a character you didn't like before."
"I just thought it was fine, but I should not do it."
"I hope that there will be a time whether it's five years from now or 20 years from now when this decision will be rethought and revised."
"...Gone Girl flips a story we all already know on its head, cheating husband kills his wife, think again."
"If you think you know what Zayre is all about, take another look."
"Hermione, I'm like, 'Alright, let's hold on here a second.'"
"Maybe we've been looking for the wrong thing."
"The leader of the group slides open a large door on the front of the warehouse and immediately the whole group is struck by a site that makes them reconsider just how easy this mission is going to be."
"Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. It might be something you can just change."
"If you ignored it in the past it's worthy of a second chance"
"It isn't worth it. It isn't worth it."