
Event Management Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"Usually when I talk about events, I talk about how most downsides or complaints can kind of be tolerated, understood, overlooked, even. So long as it's safe and no one got hurt."
"Nobody was attacked, nobody was thrown out, no fire alarms were pulled."
"WrestleMania should be a two-night showcase."
"We're not doing like regular ticket and VIP, we're just doing one ticket for everyone and everyone's gonna get this kind of elevated experience." - Speaker
"Ultimately, if I were to figure out... responsibility still lays in the hands of the concert organizers."
"Even if he cancels his physical event the front-facing Summer Games Fest is going to continue as per normal."
"Nothing bothers me more about the comedy club that starts late."
"We should be keeping the events that are that are safe and uh and also the events that have fun for people too we can't be canceling everything especially if we're going to be living with covet for the foreseeable future."
"At that point you know you know two months three months out from the festival you've sold these [ __ ] tickets this is when the lies get really bad."
"A team org should not have control over the schedule, format, funding, seating of their own players, and the biggest events of the year."
"I'm so happy that there are so many students that want to come to the game and cheer on that they have to make it a better process."
"Las Vegas cannot perform without the return of conventions."
"Officials hoped that by planning carefully, working together, and keeping everyone informed, they could make sure the eclipse was a special memory for everyone who saw it."
"It gives an opportunity to see what unexpected problems there were so that in future years they can plan better."
"I thought I was gonna pass out and I initially had tried to get the opening act to go a little longer."
"The exhibition match is called off immediately."
"If we can create a positive experience for the majority of people who were there, then we have succeeded."
"It's not a wedding day unless there's drama like this, something always happens." - [Jack]
"Literally everyone who needs to see that video will be in the same room at the same time."
"It was going to be a pool party, a little chilly for that. So then we just rented a big slide."
"We never hired PR, we've done some of the biggest events."
"The lavish event was the first major in-person conference in the U.S since the start of the pandemic."
"Japan's Prime Minister urged sports events to be cancelled or curbed immediately while the coronavirus looms over the Summer Olympics."
"I'm not opposed to consumers being at this show. I think it was handled very poorly this year and I think that it needs to be fundamentally redesigned."
"It's been controlled chaos and a shout out to them for doing such an amazing job."
"I think Diablo Immortal is not the problem, I think the way they set up and presented Blizzcon is the problem."
"The fact that it was so crowded... there wasn't enough movie theater staff."
"This is a huge wake-up call for artists to take crowd surges seriously."
"I thought that editing in the people who were given their awards before the telecast... did rob them of their moment."
"They did a really good job. This was the first year back with a host in obviously a while."
"Shout out to John Rich, he's amazing. Tim Poole cancels his show. John Rich said, 'I hate this but downtown Nashville on a Saturday is absolutely packed. The safety of the people comes first.'"
"September is coming to an end, we brought players... that's crazy, I know, we brought Plague Star back for effectively the month."
"Yo, man, people, y'all can't be surprised when stuff like this happens."
"Once the crowd starts chanting 'stop the show,' I don't know why someone didn't listen."
"I'm honestly like I'm just happy that we're having an event this year so I don't really care about the plexiglas if it keeps the scare actors safe and if it keeps us safe I think it's a good decision."
"They just drop the ball in every possible way except for expeditions which were really cool."
"It's super important to have a coordinator on your wedding day."
"We need to break up Donny because we've got sixteen thousand to get through."
"This year's Pokémon GO Fest was a huge cross-functional effort across so many different teams at Niantic."
"You cannot overstate... how important it is... to carry a lot of..."
"Aaron was the one in charge, controlling every aspect of the evening."
"Thank you WWE for looking at the situation and responding and reacting exactly how you should have done."
"We wanted to send people home feeling valued, fulfilled."
"All right, couple things you got going wrong here: one, you need scale tickets; two, this is addressed to the convention center."
"So while the Game Awards is definitely cringy and there are crappy moments in it, I just think that he does a good job when he puts it all together."
"You do not play with the fans' emotions like that. That is not what you do in this type of event."
"Travis Scott gave all the tickets back to everybody who came on day one."
"Thank you to all GDQ staff, tech, and runners and donation readers. This event would not happen without you and all the hard work you put in. Thank you so much."
"CNN shut down Trump's Town Hall 20 minutes early."
"UFC 251: It's possibly the most herculean task the UFC office has ever faced."
"Would it be a Destiny event or launch without a bit of server problems?"
"I personally lost an estimated 750,000 on the event."
"Every minute spent planning an event is an hour well-spent."
"I think the other thing that I thought was really important was that no one's bags were getting checked."
"I apologize for making a celebrated moment a hurtful moment." - Bonnie Ross
"Recently it was announced that not only would E3 return in 2023 but it would also be produced by ReedPOP."
"If you're trying to do both which is what they tried to do in the last several years, one's going to hurt the other."
"It's the exit guys, that's all me in the center."
"Nobody in line now. This entrance isn't always open, but it is nice when they do open it up for regular guests rather than just hotel guests or special occasions."
"The cancellation fees were much lower than if we had canceled on the day of the wedding."
"Everyone got to say what they needed to say without being rushed off the stage."
"Despite having sold 5,000 tickets for a venue over 3,000, Bella Thorne tweeted out: 'When there's 20,000 people lined up outside for #Tanacon...'"
"Kafka handles large amounts of data; we produced 10 million events and it handled them with no trouble."
"The last thing you want is to have something derail you." - Commentator
"For any questions, we'll be upstairs for the Q&A. Thank you."
"This is a super spreader event, endangering the lives of everyone."
"Meta event rush: no more daily cap on all world meta event completion rewards."
"If you can't run an event in Brazil and beat valorant numbers, that's a failure."
"Wedding is so soon, lots of last-minute emails, lots of guest count, lots of changes."
"With their ever-growing presence, the esa wanted E3 to be seen as a more professional show in 2006 they banned the common trade show practice of Booth babes."
"Following the heavy criticism the esa announced it would bring E3 back to its former scale they hosted almost 250 exhibitors and raised the attendance cap to 45,000."
"Okay beautiful, let's make sure everybody is getting in."
"Some pieces are here and some pieces aren't. It's a typical thing with overkill and a lot of these events."
"Albedo knew that for every major incident that occurred, 29 minor ones and 300 irregularities would go unnoticed."
"The SPL reported a 24% increase in attendance."
"We've seen enough, grand opening, grand closing."
"It's been an honor to work in and congratulations for all the fantastic work on sustainability putting together one of the biggest events of sports in the planet."
"The one thing award shows really need to do well is present the awards."
"The amount of tickets that we we agreed to sell was 80. really that's manageable."
"Despite the technical issues at the start, it's been overwhelming."
"Anime Boston cared as much about its attendees as it did about industry experience."
"It's on the hour. The final day of the Honor Band Tourney is now beginning."
"We are running the biggest event we can for Final Fantasy 14."
"Way to make everybody wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait and make everyone smile."
"Hopefully this goes smoothly I have never done a giveaway like this before but the giveaways over on Twitter and Instagram went really smoothly and I really enjoyed it it's been a lot of fun."
"Personal connection is still the paramount way to attract people to your event."
"We made like a couple of hundred quid; they paid for our trip."
"They create a detailed itinerary for every event they go to. Love that organization."
"I hope to god that Live Nation, all the organizers, Travis Scott, and Travis Scott's team are hearing these stories and they're not bowing out."
"A quinceanera is a roller coaster. I'm used to the crazy; I think that's the only way I work now."
"When you look at it all they didn't show too awful much, but they did a good job maintaining my attention and made some killer announcements."
"I just don't think it should have been played at this time of year, I don't think it should have been played where it was played."
"So fingers crossed that there is no foul play involved in this one."
"The fairground is built and it has proven to be a lot cuter than I actually thought."
"The crowd levels aren't too much either. Great atmosphere."
"People lost their crap not only because it was canceled, but because they made us wait outside for so effing long."
"If it has to happen, but not in front of millions where this is supposed to be the prestige award show."
"Tonight you took the reins and you were in charge."
"We're not looking for a salesperson but we do conduct sales at our events in order to drive results for out clients."
"One of the things that really started to turn people off this event... it was the way that the speakers were dealt with."
"Will the crowd that's super into Valorant want... 20 minute pre shows at the championship thing... or will they just be like... just play the thing."
"If Saya Con is willing to take the torch and place the Comic Con for this year, please consider supporting them."
"WWE took that opportunity and that importance away from WrestleMania, that importance away from talents and now they're delegating them to a fucking battle royal that means nothing for their careers."
"As long as they check bags and no one gets severely injured, I'm gonna call it a success."
"An event that's not even the premier event for I am able to simultaneously run a female tournament."
"So far, so good when it comes to that, but again let me take the time to thank everyone involved in making this event happen."
"You actually could not ask for better weather, better operations." - Josh Byerly
"Stephanie and Aaron were busily preparing for their wedding scheduled for the 11th Stephanie a perfectionist had spent months meticulously planning every detail."
"Y'all missed it, we had to make things easier because most people just missed a lot of this stuff."
"AEW needs to address their one major downfall, their one habit, and that is being inconsistent in delivering on big moments that take away from what should have been a monumental occasion."
"Shout out to the staff for keeping this stuff running smooth."
"Even doing like a five dollar entry fee is fine if they make it more grand."
"Austin literally won one million dollars at his own damn event."
"Both MSF and GDQ teams are pros at getting things done fast."
"It was the craziest day and it's all thanks to you at Elegant Event Services."
"Every match doesn't have to be the main event."
"Thank you so much for making this event one of the best events in the world. Thank you so much and hopefully see you next year."
"People get pissed off and without fail, you have general admission people getting in before paid VIP."
"During the event: 'Make sure the game runs on its own, even if it catches on fire.'"
"Big thank you to Mary, Das, and Michael. They're the ones really making it happen."
"Backup generator you have? Yeah, apparently quite a big deal. If we didn't have a backup generator, we'd be in all sorts of trouble on a major event like."
"It's the biggest pay-per-view debut gate we've ever had."
"Great to see Merlin doing more events though, of course."
"We understand some may be unable to play... and will provide impacted competitors... opportunities to participate."
"We hope the lesson you take away from this is to never plan or announce anything ever."
"The biggest thing with the bookings is just booking the most diverse lineup possible."
"The fact that you guys think this event's cancelled because of ticket sales is hilarious."
"Cutting Zelina's match on the 9/11 show is atrocious but more than anything It's indicative that WWE just doesn't have their wits about them any more."
"This entire thing wasn't some sort of accident, it was negligence."
"The police chief even said he tried to warn Travis Scott."
"I have a hard time believing that the best action was not taken to prevent injuries to attendees."
"Some things that event planners are doing now is setting up sanitation stations around your location or your venue so there are smart ways to host a small group of people but keep safety and precaution and social distance in mind."
"To convention owners out there: Grow a pair. Bring the fans. What are you doing?"
"Get rid of the show, get rid of the pay-per-view, put the match back at WrestleMania and start building some legitimacy and some prestige around what was once a great concept."
"I've been waiting for two well I've been waiting a lot longer than two weeks but the last two weeks since we announced this opening I've been waiting a long time."
"The biggest problem was just not enough security and the space being too small."
"Private lobbies are extremely valuable. Stay in the lobby after an event ends to potentially get a private lobby."
"These sell out super fast probably faster than any other event I've seen in Disney World or Disneyland."
"Days like today, it's just part of it and we've got to change gears quickly to make sure that our guests are fully entertained the whole time."
"Welcome to everybody who's here... unfortunately as I mentioned there's a delay here."
"Events tend to be the same year over year in terms of the activity, but the cosmetics, the thing people pay for, are the thing that seemingly get more attention, as opposed to investing more in the player experience."
"You've really got to put the well-being of participants and the local population of the host country first."
"Don't forget we have a long line of people backstage."
"We are going to take a balancing pass mostly focused on rewards to try and get better participation in some of these less popular events."
"Any festival that ends in death is a tragedy."
"I saw how a bad performer could really make an attendant's job a lot harder."
"I don't think they can do that here because remember they tried that a couple years ago with Fantasmic."
"It's so incredible what you and everyone behind the scenes has managed to do for this event."
"Users fundamentally control the prize pool for the biggest event."
"I need to have more control over what the cameras are doing and what media or people who are not media are doing with the filming."
"Okay all right fair enough fair enough we have once again slightly missed our giveaway time."
"The convention itself wasn't even all that bad, and the organizers worked their tails off to make sure everything was as perfect as could be."
"The most important thing for me to make this event a successful week is that we all get to the Finish Line safely."
"Being able to adjust the lighting projections, mix the music, and even manage when the fire goes off."
"I really hope she doesn't screw up my fashion show or I'm gonna have to get security."
"...introduce a virtual waiting queue for really popular Events maybe it's admin enabled there's some config here and an admin determines what events we should introduce a virtual waiting queue for."
"The true secret of putting on events is finding these up-and-coming acts treating them better than they have ever been treated before."
"It's like the first match on a show really sets the tone for the rest of the night."
"It's pretty surreal to say that you put on the largest Subaru enthusiast festival in the world."
"If you have a wedding planner that's worth their salt, they'll know how to take those mishaps on and turn those negatives into positives and problem solve right there on site without the client ever knowing anything went wrong and thinking this was the plan the whole time."
"But WWE did themselves a huge favor by not overloading the month of October and really spacing this pay-per-view out quite nicely."
"People even that were there that helped us organize it said oh you guys will never sell it out we sold it out 400 plus people."
"You got your proper winner and and you didn't leave that awkward spot where everybody goes oh he's really hurt and now they don't know what to do."
"Safety is a Cornerstone of these events and that's how it should be."
"It's a great responsibility to put on a great event."
"He's a promoter and you're back promoting an event and it's a tremendous event for a tremendous person."
"My number one goal is to make this event better every single time we have it."
"For example, the recent wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton was managed by 5,000 police officers, each with their own walkie-talkie, ensuring that everything ran smoothly and everyone had a marvelous time. For that reason alone, they've proven their greatness."
"I think that's all. I might have one more back here in the center. Maybe not. No, maybe I've got them all."
"...even the most well-attended events can actually be a hindrance to our growth if those events are not leading our students somewhere strategic."
"I'm just hoping nobody gets arrested okay, nobody gets in trouble, nobody gets hurt okay. Whoever has fun and those three things don't happen, it's a win. Very good, it's like we're running a summer camp, that's pretty much what I'm thinking."
"Event management creates actionable incidents from captured events."
"And the evening also has the little slight advantage that it can be a little more open-ended if people still have questions after the normal time is over."
"I'm like you [ __ ] [ __ ], he just did it, yeah, did he, you're this is a live event you're here, you're the host, you're right, you're keeping us all together, yeah, you're not making [ __ ] appetizers while we're, you know, you're not feeding us."
"It's a wedding, it's not a casino!"
"You need to stop overselling your VIP experiences. You need to limit the number of people in those experiences."
"Understanding the importance of the roles and responsibilities that event producers and consumers have is really fundamental to understand working with EventBridge."
"Most importantly safe competition here for the remainder of this event."
"Diddy's choice to not focus on the event security despite the massive crowd casts a shadow of doubt over his career and his way of doing business."
"Running an event is really hard. And there's a lot of responsibility. But I think if we were to put it off, I think it'd be awesome."
"I was really worried that the people competing were gonna get mad. Because, yeah, so... So, I went on the stage, grabbed the mic and I was like, 'You know, guys, if everybody could be super quiet, super safe...'"
"It's been here with us 24-hour security slightly stressful um and we've had cues every single day so it's been really really cool."
"Chick-fil-A restaurants and football stadiums refuse to make exceptions for special Sunday events like Super Bowl Sunday."
"Always remember to use stage timeouts."
"They say they're putting phones in locking bags so you can't use your phone during the concert, which I guess is smart."
"I don't know why they was acting like that though that being going on because my my last show I know the homie that's a rapper he tried to get in they didn't they wouldn't let him in like past capacity yeah yeah fire Marshall's gonna come."
"If you prank or harass any staff member, even in jest, you'll be escorted from the event."
"One trick with these is you typically don't want to point them directly at your crowd because if you do that you're probably going to pick up one person whoever it's facing you actually want to put it up in the air above the crowd."
"I think they expected this. Not the loss of life part, but I'm saying they knew people were going to rush and start crashing."
"The decision was made in the interest of safety for our fans and competitors."
"A slight positive: without spectators here, a little bit more of Goodwood's real estate can be used."
"So what I'm going to do, I'm actually going to give a free ticket away because Dmitry's like don't sell anything. I was like okay, I'm just going to give you a free ticket."
"So I probably, I says they didn't even give away free tickets but, but that's what he used to tell TNA, don't get seat fillers, just go to smaller arenas with no seats."
"It just takes a lot of planning and a lot of organization to get things together for an event like this."
"One of the most wonderful things about the whole event was it was this massive team effort."
"Opening day is going smoothly, but this is definitely a different vibe than opening day of the past few big attractions."
"I want to thank the staff of All Saints Church because lent events and all of the other marvelous conferences simply don't happen on their own."
"It's my sister's wedding and I'm quite good at dealing with people."
"We make our money through walk-in visitation, group visitation, and educational tours, and weddings, corporate events, things of that nature."
"You need to spend money on safety, run a safe event."