
Speeches Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The talks that we heard are actually incredibly inspirational."
"Joe Biden's ratings are in. He gave a speech, less than half even CNN says that in their polling. Donald Trump did better in his first speech than Joe Biden did."
"Putin's speeches...are incredibly detailed. They are packed with facts and figures, they outline plans for the future."
"Heroic speeches are great when they come out of nowhere, especially from a character who never gives speeches."
"In terms of rally cry, there's two speeches he needs to play... He needs to pull up William Wallace's speech from Braveheart or he needs to go to Any Given Sunday and play the big speech in that."
"He endured his hate for weddings for his best friend, giving a pretty touching speech before everything went horribly wrong."
"Getting rid of light speeches and all laughter."
"Speeches alone will not solve our problems -- it will take persistent action."
"Trump's speech last night had MSM in the comment section pulling their hair out."
"Remember the Titans: Denzel's powerhouse speeches."
"Churchill rallied the populace with some of the most famous speeches ever broadcast."
"We might look back on this era and see the turning point as when Dom Irara went up there and said, 'My [__] friend told me so.'"
"Coming from someone who served in Iraq, Obama and Biden really hit home with their speeches."
"You can see in the response to that extraordinary impassioned speech just how hungry as you rightly stated voters are, Democrats are, disaffected Dems in particular."
"Lincoln wrote five different versions of this November 19th, 1863 speech."
"Who gave the 'I Have a Dream' speech? Martin Luther King."
"Lewis's speeches were a candid address to his listeners on issues of faith and morality and good and evil."
"Oswald Mosley averaged 200 speeches a year each of them accompanied by a large group of black shirts."
"And if you read those speeches which you have, do you feel that power or is just a personal power? His speeches sometimes ran as long as 60 to 70 printed pages."
"I thought your speech was the best thing I've ever heard"
"I think the talks and the speeches are absolutely important because it gives the world an opportunity for a very inexpensive price to be able to go learn from the absolute best in the world in this industry about the absolute bleeding Cutting Edge of Technology."
"So I'm thinking prior to going into the chapel, okay, we got 100 people now, out of 100 people, how many people do you think would speak? As kind of like a final 'Hey, this man was great.' How many speeches do you think out of 100 people?"
"The speeches were pretty. They really got me. Like your speech was really amazing. The speeches, yeah, yeah, I just honestly it's just everything like friends being there, family being there, speeches, the first dance, just oh when it went dark as well."
"Iron Man's zingers are actually being more effective than my greatest speeches."
"Speeches are about feelings, not names."
"In an unstable world... speeches might make the difference."
"Some of the most important speeches are the shortest."
"The famous speeches are famous for a reason."
"Bride speeches is something that I've definitely seen grow in popularity over the last year and I think it's set to do so even more gone to the days where it's all men having speeches now we've got bride standing out we've even got Maids of Honor we've got moms and it's epic."
"He has some of the best speeches and it's really heartwarming to see him fight for causes he believes in."
"All you need to do is give a few speeches, wave to the crowd. You've earned it by killing people."
"But yeah, good morning, some motivational uh speeches, let's do it, let's do it."
"The weddings, the speeches were not long at all, they were like four minutes tops, and you need those."
"Delivered what would become one of the most iconic speeches in film history."
"There's a big difference between speeches and dialogue."
"One of my things in my speeches that I talk about is in life, it could always be worse."
"Deuteronomy is Moses's last three speeches to the children of Israel."
"Some great ones have been delivered in our nation's capital."
"We had a few poignant speeches in here about mortality."
"Whoever heard of awards without acceptance speeches? It's barbaric."
"I'm terrible at speeches and all that stuff, but I just want to say that you're going to be definitely missed."
"He's a mascot, he's a pep rally guy. He can give a great speech."
"This guy's made so many speeches we had to fire up the orchestra to get him off stage."
"I wish I could watch the speeches back."
"A quote would always come from an interview or a speech."
"Winston Churchill used to come here and do his kind of speeches."
"Your speeches really change people."
"I think speeches... people that you truly care about, people that love you, and all the words that they said, as cliche as it is, touched my heart."
"Formal speeches are complex because they are well structured and always have logically sequenced and strongly coherent sentences."