
Wildlife Observation Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"It was absolutely gargantuan. I haven't really let this sink in, but you realize this is the exact same spot that I saw, like, three blue whales last time in my only ever whale watching."
"Installing a camera near a bird feeder can allow people to observe and learn about the different species of birds that visit that feeder."
"How do animals show they're happy? Well, dogs find it easy enough; they just wag their tails. But what do deer do when they're happy? If this trail cam footage is anything to go by, they dance and hop around as if they don't have a care in the world."
"Just look at how it pulls a few acrobatic skills before diving back into the water. That was amazing!"
"Trail cams indeed provide us with intriguing glimpses of the natural world."
"Check out that elephant, man! Wow, that's cool!"
"Now we get to see the elephant's bum-bum from over here, though."
"He's alive, he's moving a little, I think y'all see that, Barry."
"Animals were just amazing. Did that just happen? It's one of those moments, nature's wild."
"The wildlife in there is astonishing, you know, there's a deer population on Staten Island."
"Our trail cameras look like a glowing freaking ball of sunshine in the forest to these beings."
"We jumped on a literal submarine and went out to see how the sea lions hunt flying fish at night."
"I'm sure that next time, that drone operator will simply look at the monkeys from afar."
"In one of the last wild places on earth, is it possible that here and only here, wolves still live the way wolves once everywhere did?"
"After weeks filming wolves on a tiny island in the remote northwest corner of British Columbia, our camera crew is starting to believe that it's the wolves who are watching them."
"A high school chemistry teacher found very interesting footage in the cameras set up around her property—the camera picked up footage of a mother fox and four pups playing and spending quality time together."
"Every time we went fishing, I'd be keeping my eyes open for black bears and maybe hoping to see something like a Bigfoot."
"Safari trips are exciting. You can drive around and see all the animals in their natural environments. However, it's easy to get confused between a zoo and the wild."
"Drawings are essential, and then being able to imaginatively create it from imagination."
"So it really does feel kind of special that we get a chance to take a peek at this thing in its natural habitat."
"Something truly is a miss to witness this many odd behaviors in one day decades watcher Halina."
"Fred the crocodile is around here somewhere guys trust me if you stick around long enough you're going to see him he's going to show up."
"The Z8 is absolutely essential for me as a wildlife photographer."
"It was like an elephant's trunk, the largest I've ever seen in my life."
"She just sat there waiting for us to bugger off. I think we've ruined her lunch."
"I've never been this close to a wild cat before, and she is absolutely beautiful."
"Running in a jungle... I just saw monkeys running across rooftops."
"But no, we are still finding crazy new critters every day, and believe me, they seem to be getting weirder and weirder."
"This ant seems just as inconspicuous as any other brownish-red ant that makes its home in the Borneo forest. It lacks large mandibles, cannot bite, and seems easy pickings for any predators looking for an ant colony-sized meal."
"It is a completely unique experience and incredible phenomenon to watch these penguins just all arrive at the same time..."
"We get the pleasure of seeing two eagles locked in a duel where they appear to be mirror images of themselves..."
"This is the best, seeing an animal doing some natural behaviors."
"The biggest black bear that I have ever seen."
"Researchers from the wildlife conservation Society spotted a pair of humpback whales off the coast of New York."
"Even though these mule deer do look very similar and score similar, these two are much older than this guy is because his genetics just in general are better."
"He didn't walk like a normal animal a wolf would do."
"According to Georgie, so far we've seen zebras, elephants, giraffes, zebras, hippos, and umpalumpas..."
"As you watch the footage, you'll notice a distinct large figure with thick dark fur."
"Safe to say, this trail camera footage has provided a unique insight into the wild world of bears."
"You can pretty much easily hunt the whole entire family."
"I've actually talked to a lot of hunters who have either seen them or not seen them and they'll describe it as yeah I've had it described so many different ways like to chimpanzees chattering back and forth."
"But it was really, really cool to see just the amount of big bucks that are down in that area, and I can't wait to see what they become as we continue to move forward."
"You'll see hundreds of birds and animals like otters and sea lions while you wait for the glacier to break off, and when it does, the entire vibe of the otherwise peaceful place completely changes."
"So we have over 100 different species of birds throughout the year because of the creek again I don't know if you can see it I'm sure you have eagles."
"Yay Kilimanjaro safari has a posted wait time of ten minutes... I'm hoping to see a lion."
"We've got one, a mom with one little baby, but it looks like she had twins and it looks like we lost one."
"Animal droppings indicate how recent the current track is."
"Life goes on and it's great to see that this Randy rabbit's offspring are happy and healthy and continuing to delight urban kids who love this special place."
"I feel like he's a resident. He's had another year to grow his antlers."
"It's a rare thing to ever see a lone wolf traveling this close to a built-up highway, but to see an entire pack of wolves, that's a truly astonishing event to witness."
"I realized that the coyotes weren't after me, but clearly hunting the deer, which was odd to begin with," he explained.
"If you're wanting to see some of this beautiful wildlife for yourself, keep as still as possible and don't give up."
"I didn't see any more deer. I haven't had more than four hours of sleep for the last three nights."
"As they're sitting there observing this carcass and what could have killed it, that awful odor comes back and slaps them all right in the nostrils."
"I would love to be able to find a nesting area and be able to videotape what they do."
"You're in it, you're snuggled in. It's very fatiguing as little strain that I can put on myself, the longer and more effectively I can glass."
"I literally just watched this jaguar come and grab this caiman, pull it out of the river."
"Come on, this is that one time of the year when bucks both young and old become more visible."
"As I admired this rare bird, the sound of a car climbing the hill startled it, and it quickly hid in the trees."
"That right there is the biggest red spotted toad I have ever seen."
"Knowing exactly what type of bird is gravitating to a birdhouse would be really neat."
"I may just turn into one of those people that just sits and watches hedgehogs."
"In the end, the unbothered tiger crosses the road completely and goes on minding its own business."
"If I see a pelican spiraling and then crashing into the water head first, I know that this plunge diving behavior can only belong to the brown pelican species."
"It's a spectacular thing to watch."
"Binoculars are imperative when it comes to catching those dolphin and finding them feeding under the frigates."
"The warblers are none the wiser and they raise the cuckoo birds as their own."
"As a general rule, I don't like to wait around; if I see a bunch of deer using the same trail, I like to get aggressive and move that set right into bow range and get in their kitchen."
"What a cool opportunity to observe bear behavior and to watch a mother teach her Cubs."
"Right now, it is migrating season for the whales."
"Look at the two, look at the contrast between the two, absolutely incredible turtles."
"We're on it. There's one individual up in that tree, preening itself, preparing for the day."
"The men were astonished at the number of salmon in the river."
"It's a good sign reptiles are up today."
"We have seen more wildlife today than I saw on my '21 through-hike. It's been really cool."
"When you see those small groups of three, four, or five birds, that's where you want to fish."
"The Sacred Monkey Forest provides a unique opportunity to observe the mischievous gray long-tailed macaque in their natural habitat, roaming freely among the ancient temples and towering trees within this important spiritual conservation site."
"Look at that little guy underneath the water go, with the red eyes on them, absolutely gorgeous little species of turtles right there."
"From here to there, there's oftentimes a lot of bald eagles that do a lot of fishing out here, so the views of the eagles and stuff out here is really cool."
"It's nice to see an area that experiences an extremely high-quality rut."
"Gorillas do not snore, rise soon after sunup, and can spend up to three hours eating breakfast."
"These are all snow leopards, look at her, beautiful."
"If you ever see one in the wild, what you should do is just leave it alone and observe it."
"Our baby mallard ducks have been extremely fun to watch."
"There's nothing as good as watching elephants in the mist."
"Dusk is a nice time to see animals; a lot of animals come out at dusk."
"Bald eagles were actually everywhere."
"Oh, how wonderful, I've never seen a fledgling magpie."
"If you'd like to see more deer during the deer season and more sign when you're scouting, hang in there. I've got a really great tip for you today that I promise will work."
"Look at him right here, oh look, he's poking his head up right there, a little polka-dotted turtle, look how cool he is."
"I love seeing them close up like this on the cameras, they're such impressive animals."
"It's hard to explain to people what a joy it is just being able to be so close to them as they grow and get more curious about everything around them."
"I saw like a bird fight today, like a little one dive-bombing a hawk. It's crazy."
"So ladies and gentlemen, if you could be able to help me identify what we saw run in the grass."
"Penguins are incredible creatures. I love watching them swim."
"I got a chance of a lifetime to see a creature in its habitat, in its environment, doing what it's been doing for hundreds of years."
"It's very, very lucky to be spending so much time with these animals so close up and so intimately."
"Look at how close the lioness and cub are. Domestic bliss. No animosity at all."
"Well, you don't get nice rewards like leopard cubs out here unless you put in the boring parts, the bits that don't seem very exciting."
"It's amazing when you've got a leopard that close that you could actually see each individual hair perfectly."
"When they're resting on the ground or in trees, they are a committee of vultures."
"It's just absolutely amazing to watch."
"You're going to see deer all the time."
"It's more like a nature walk and see some animals, so it's kind of nice, you know, get out and go for a nice walk and enjoy a nice cool breeze from the ocean."
"We didn't see any snakes or alligators, just turtles and fish."
"We're not obviously using camouflage today, and there's birds right here within 15 feet of us."
"It is quite something being opposite an elephant at five meters, sitting on a mound in a misty rainy morning watching them go about their business."
"We have seen two males fighting, an utterly astounding sighting."
"It's amazing how alert they are, they see these birds of prey in the trees and they're all alarm calling."
"It's going to be worth us waiting here until they've decided to go back towards the food and eat it."
"These are two male bearded woodpeckers, everybody. I never thought they'd tolerate each other, but clearly, they are."
"My heart is going a hundred miles per hour, what an intense situation."
"That's just evidence of how full they really were and how much buffalo they managed to secure for themselves last night."
"Excuse the pole, they again a bit mopey in the rain."
"This watering hole is artificially fed from underground to attract animals to the camp area so we can observe them from our rooms."
"What we wear on safari is neutral-colored clothing."
"It can really vary from day to day how many animals we can see."
"The whole objective of what we do is to view them naturally, safely, in their natural state without influencing them."
"We're very very fortunate to be able to sit and watch them as they go."
"It's the eye shine that we are after; it's how we find animals after dark or before light."
"Really interesting discussion there, really interesting too for us to be able to view these things and to spend time with these leopards for years and years."
"It's always a nice focus just to go there, see if there are a couple of birds or maybe a thirsty, thirsty elephant that forgot to drink yesterday."
"It's always nice when you get big prides of lions kind of moving around; it's such a pleasant way to spend a morning, that's for sure."
"Certainly one of the cooler things to see in the bush, an aardvark is such a rare animal."
"It's amazing also how old habits die hard and places where you've seen leopards in the past, you always find yourself going slightly slower and just double triple checking that they're not there once again."
"Watching leopards in this kind of situation is just crazy."
"Elephants are such social creatures."
"What a way to start our afternoon, to have two leopards lounging about in close proximity to the camp."
"We'll probably make our way slowly towards before sub dam and see if the hippos aren't at home."
"This can provide incredibly good sightings and it's always such a good feeling when they just take no notice of you."
"Let's try and get one last view of him before the end of the sunrise Safari."
"It's marvelous to be able to see them in the wild."
"When you're out on safari, you need to have patience; it's very important to get to see the incredible interactions we do."
"We're going to sit with these elephants for as long as they hang around."
"He's walking through this golden grass at the moment, which is absolutely beautiful."
"We don't actually directly shine the spotlight on the animal."
"It's really incredible to watch them try and eat it; the whole process is amazing."
"What an incredible sighting we've just had, that has really been absolutely amazing."
"It's just amazing to watch animals as they are so relaxed."
"Look how relaxed they are, just feasting away, doing exactly what they do during the day."
"It was the most incredible thing to witness these guys hunting giraffe."
"Hippopotamus fights are common... it's not so much that the bull has to impress the lady, as the bull has to chase away the competition."
"It's quite an interesting leopard, she comes from her mom who used to be the black Dam leopard."
"We are in for some action here, what lucky timing."
"Definitely one of my favorite things, getting to see pit vipers doing their thing in the wild."
"It's so cool to see this; it is not every day that we're gonna see three lipids in one spot."
"We are so lucky to be able to get close to these wild lions and view them."
"It's very pleasant to be looking at the elephants in the afternoon."
"We're just seven, I have found this Wahlberg's Eagle being dive-bombed by this fork-tailed drongo."
"It's been regular sightings of him which has allowed us to really get to know him incredibly well."
"This is the best place in England to see seals, and many people take special boat trips to visit them."
"Patience is always good to sit with them because the longer your patience, the more you'll be able to see."
"Termite mounds often are quite shady, and you'll find that they sit on top in the shade and they can just get a higher perspective of what's going on out here."
"We've got a beautiful young elephant bull feeding on marulas."
"It's so beautiful to see these animals up close and candid."
"I am indeed thoroughly enjoying the sighting."
"Isn't this amazing, you can see how patient cats are... sometimes leopards will stalk an animal for two, three hours."
"Common as you like in Kenya, but here to have a sighting of wildebeest, this is fantastic."
"Because of their height, they can see very far and sometimes when there's any slight movement in the bush they have to concentrate and check if there's a predator within."
"I'm very, very happy that there may be the first cheetah mating sighting this morning."
"Look at those guys, they're in the tree, that's so cool."
"If the babies are out in the open, elephants are relaxed."
"It is warm today and there you can see, look at how full her belly is."
"We are having spectacular luck because at least one elephant is still here at the watering hole having a splash about."
"Imagine sitting on the deck right now and watching the elephants coming down."
"It's amazing how many elephants we've had in the last few days."
"We are getting lucky; you remember, as the cool air comes, we get more live action."
"This has been an absolutely fantastic sighting."
"Learn to recognize patterns, behaviors, and those things will take you a little bit farther on understanding your birds than will color."
"Hyenas are my favorite animals because they're always doing something."
"This is pretty amazing. This is the first time for me ever seeing Kalahari tent tortoises emerging out of their burrow system."
"We have a lilac-breasted roller that's come to join the party, come to say 'I'm also colorful'."
"Got to be patient with wildlife because if you aren't, often you don't get to see anything."
"It's very rare to see a potto on the ground."
"The whale sighting is only one of the many things offered, really."
"Wow, that's incredible. Can honestly say that is the first time in my life that I have seen an Nyala that even has any sort of blotching of white like that around the face and neck area."
"We are very fortunate now, having these cubbies around."
"I think maybe the boys got super lucky this morning."
"Keep your eyes and ears open to the world of animals all around you."
"We're gonna do some shopping later, first we're just gonna walk up there to show you how it's done, maybe see some salmon run."
"We're just going to give her a moment of silence as we watch these elephants graze."
"It's not edited, so we're not trying to make a story and put clips to that story; this is nature unfolding right before your eyes."
"We're probably seeing more lions or have more lion sightings at the moment than we have leopard."
"Good luck to this lioness; in the meantime, we're gonna go look and find out where the one with the cub could be."
"Elephants don't sleep that much; it's funny though, sometimes you see them almost nodding off."
"It's just amazing actually to see very, very cool to see."