
Venezuela Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Look what's happening in Venezuela, one of the richest countries. It is the richest country in oil in the world. They're broke."
"People who work in or are familiar with the oil industry in Venezuela describe a sector that is a shadow of what it once was."
"Venezuela was never able to replace the thousands of highly trained oil engineers, executives, and workers who were purged from the state oil company or fled into exile."
"Venezuela's oil industry is in intensive therapy."
"The capitalist have been trying to overthrow Venezuela since Venezuela became Venezuela. That's what the capitalists are doing right now; they're overthrowing America."
"Venezuela is truly a treasure trove of breathtaking sights. There's something here for everyone."
"The Catatumbo Lightning dance is an atmospheric phenomenon in Venezuela... it's essentially a storm that happens on average 260 nights a year and up to 280 times per hour."
"Chavez ran under a socialist campaign promising to distribute Venezuela's massive oil wealth more equitably." - Narrator
"The giant guinea pig wandered the earth 8 million years ago through what is today Venezuela."
"One-third of the people in Venezuela are only eating one meal per day."
"4.4 million housing units have been created for poor and working Venezuelans."
"The growing partnership between China and Venezuela is even more significant."
"So they kind of reignited this territorial dispute and the thing that happened in the last few weeks was that Venezuela held a referendum asking its own citizens if it rejected a previous ruling about that territory belonging to Guyana."
"Venezuelans can solve all their problems themselves."
"The solution of Venezuelan situation is through inclusive dialogue."
"It's not a problem created by Venezuela, it's created by external pressure."
"It's up to Venezuelans to decide who will be part of the solution."
"In the end, if you print too much, you end up in something like Venezuela."
"Maduro said he will resume talks with Venezuela's interim president in Mexico."
"We are heading down the same road as Venezuela did."
"I don't know if I even really fully believed it but I'd say Venezuela. We would indeed become Venezuela."
"Venezuelans have a profound love for their country."
"Corruption in Venezuela is unbelievable in order to get a passport a place in a kindergarten and so on you have to know someone who knows someone who's friends with someone."
"Without sanctions, Venezuela's oil production would have recovered with the recovery in global oil prices."
"Venezuela, a rich country blessed with bountiful natural resources, is now a hell hole." - Tucker
"Venezuela is freaking amazing. It's not even that dangerous."
"What actually happened was the United States government gave its blessing to the Republic of Venezuela."
"Maduro is part of the problem and will never be part of the solution."
"Venezuela in 1989 and 1998 and then you see Venezuela on the right before the u.s. crashed oil prices inflation dropped from forty seven point eight to twenty seven percent unemployment dropped from ten point six to five point five."
"It's been a couple of eventful kind of months, you know, for me, definitely, first being in Venezuela, we already talk a little bit about that in the offseason."
"This is a must if you come to Venezuela."
"Las Sabaneta prison in Zulia, Venezuela earned a notorious reputation for its extreme levels of corruption and just deplorable conditions within its walls."
"I think giving back to my community and to my people in Venezuela is important and I think this is one way to do it."
"All this is only found in Venezuela."
"Corruption in Venezuela is a deeply entrenched issue that permeates various levels of society."
"While this video was fun and exciting to make, I am aware that Venezuela is suffering from an economic crisis."
"Venezuela has turned from what was the richest country in South America... into just a garbage heap."
"This is Venezuela, the most oil-rich country in the world and also the world's most dangerous."
"Venezuela's heating oil program...more than $100 million worth of heating oil to more than 200,000 families."
"He knew this country before it was named Venezuela."
"The Katat Tumbo River in Venezuela might be the most electric place in the world."
"What happens when people are denied access to markets? Look at Venezuela."
"He's one of the best rated hitters of all time and arguably the best player ever from Venezuela I mean they've had really really good players but he's at the top of that list."
"Despite its wealth, Venezuela is facing a huge humanitarian crisis."
"Venezuela has enormous oil resources."
"I am from Venezuela; we moved here escaping from the government."
"How strong is Venezuela's military capacity? Could the Bolivarian Armed Forces really sustain an invasion and war effort?"
"The world's highest waterfall, the Angel Falls, is situated in which South American country? Venezuela."
"In Christmas Eve in Venezuela, they block all the roads off so people can roller skate to church."
"That is something that I have always asked myself, right? Venezuela is rich in oil."
"Venezuela is simply one of the richest countries in the world and in large part this wealth is due to its abundance of resources among which is oil."
"We are talking about Venezuela being one of the countries that could have the greatest potential."
"El Silbón, the Whistler, is a legendary figure in Venezuela."
"This animal is endemic to Venezuela, meaning it's only found in Venezuela and nowhere else on the planet."
"May God blesses him and continues to support all Venezuelans."
"It's a great pity Venezuela, before. The richest country in all of Latin America."
"As President of the United States, I am committed to the future of stability, prosperity, and liberty for Venezuela."
"Interestingly enough, a lot of people in Venezuela have actually turned to the old online game RuneScape to actually make some good money."
"Welcome to the beautiful city of Caracas, Venezuela's capital."
"The United States and the regional community stood in solidarity with the Venezuelan people and demanded that their voices be heard."
"Kellogg's flees from Venezuela after more than half a century."
"The stable and peaceful Venezuela is in the best interest of the entire hemisphere, and America stands with all of the people in our great hemisphere yearning to be free."