
Economic Prediction Quotes

There are 503 quotes

"This is bigger than 2008. This, the subprime is going to look like a boom time."
"Goldman Sachs in 2018 said that water will be the new petroleum."
"Housing is going to be more expensive, and I think people are going to be more renters than they're going to be owners."
"Experts are actually predicting that the metaverse will soon reach a value of 800 billion dollars by the year 2024."
"Just on the mathematical relationship, a 30 to 40 percent decline in home prices would be expected to bring back affordability into the housing market given the big increase in mortgage rates."
"Sentiment can finally change on a dime, and if it does, it's all over next month."
"As long as we measure gold in U.S. dollars, I do believe that we're going to see even stronger prices."
"Ultimately we will have to have some kind of universal basic income. I don't think we're gonna have a choice." - Elon Musk
"You want to lean into and be betting on Bitcoin."
"Gold is just beginning a truly historical bull market."
"The money will be coming, it's just a matter of when."
"In the future, you'll wait decades for both... today with bitcoin you're not buying dollar devaluation but bitcoin appreciation."
"The U.S currency is going to be in very very big trouble."
"People are going to be forced to work again next year, I can assure you that."
"Bitcoin is the thing that is going to end these things like the central bankers, the Federal Reserve, all these things. I think it's a matter of time."
"What goes up must come down. At the very best you're going to get a slow recovery from here on in it's going to look like Obama numbers."
"Provided central banks take appropriate action now, they will see a fall in inflation next year."
"He just had the mentality that he has to win."
"I think next year's going to be a tremendous year."
"The way I expect this to end eventually is with a collapse of the stock market, vastly higher retail prices."
"This is the reality: greatest bubble in history, crash."
"This is a prediction this is nothing that's set in stone they may end up extending it but jerome powell who works for the feds the federal reserve right has not stated anything about this yet."
"A bust is something that could be contained within a year but be the biggest downturn we've had in the post-world war II era."
"I think we're going to have another downturn in US equities, or at least another correction."
"Once it becomes public knowledge that paper notes are being backed by gold then the in my opinion the the value of gold is going to rise huge."
"This election is a choice between a Trump recovery and a Biden depression."
"There's going to be a recession at the beginning of next year."
"This election is a choice between a Biden depression or a Trump super boom."
"We're in this final crack-up boom, which leads to a crack-up boom in which the central banks will print money."
"I think we're going to see stagflationary period like we saw in the 70s and 80s."
"He said this year could see the fastest non-war-related one-year fall in US CPI inflation in a century, with unemployment rate that never gets above 4%."
"When home buying demand falls off a cliff, you know what that means for home prices: they're going to go down."
"What is going to happen is that we'll go for another 5 or 10 or 15 years and have another meltdown and a few more million people will lose their jobs and their houses and their businesses."
"I'd rather bet that they're gonna get more expensive."
"Ron Paul might have been very wrong about the stock market and it could be worth a lot more very soon."
"Gold's gonna soar... forecasted well above $2,000 an ounce."
"I think it's going to be somewhere in that 60 70 80 range, and I actually think 80 is a legitimate number."
"Interest rates have come down further, but they should reverse sometime between 2021 and 2023."
"U.S home prices could plunge 20% by next summer."
"Printing all that money would have dire consequences down the line."
"I still think we're seeing sideways action for a long time, and ultimately I do believe we see new lows."
"No currency, fiat currency, has ever survived."
"Cryptocurrency gonna be the next thing. It's a report that just came out that said the entire world is planning to shift to cryptocurrency and get rid of cash in the next 10 years."
"I think the safe assumption for an investor in this current environment is that over the next 100 years the currency is going to zero." - Charlie Munger
"My prediction is the worse the economy gets, the more relative outperformance this portfolio will have."
"Expert says gold could hit 100,000 in a very short period of time."
"All currencies will be debased against gold."
"If the US government, Fed continues inflation continues to print money, a 100k Bitcoin is inevitable in my opinion, a million-dollar Bitcoin is inevitable in my opinion."
"At some point in the next three to five years, the stock market would go sideways for about a decade."
"Stagflation... I believe is coming you should prepare."
"The market's probably being too complacent in terms of what the Fed and central banks are likely going to have to do."
"The U.S. dollar may lose Global Currency status... according to Forbes."
"Forget stagflation and global recession is now almost inevitable as the war in Ukraine adds to skyrocketing food and energy costs."
"Every single one predicts an economic downturn."
"Big parts of the British state are going to go bankrupt within my lifetime." - Steve Baker
"I am fairly gosh darn certain that we have seen the local bottom for now."
"For at least for asset prices absolutely, we're going to see tremendous inflation." - Andrew Axelrod
"Feudalism returns—the lords these big investment firms will own the land and they'll say in exchange for work will let you live on the land you'll be a vassal."
"We might not be creating a frugal decade; we might be creating a 1929-style depressionary decade."
"This is a story of how Putin's economy is about to evaporate."
"I think the world is going to ultimately reject that dollar."
"The world is broken, so yes, 10 I would bet my bottom dollar over the next five years will be the real inflation rate."
"Bitcoin is going to have a baseline at 500k as the US dollar continues to lose its value."
"In this new world order, there will be one digital currency. No more US dollar or any other world fiat currencies."
"You've heard a lot of economists come out and say we're not heading to recession, we're heading to a depression. And I'm one of them."
"Autonomous ride-hailing could have more economic impact than any innovation in history."
"South Korea is either about to have its best decade ever or one of its worst, and whichever way the economy goes can give us a lot of insight into what our own economic futures have in store for us."
"The risks in the real estate sector are underestimated with the worst yet to come in 2024."
"Markets may actually rally fairly hard here in the short term."
"The tide is turning... US dollar will not go on as the world's reserve currency for very much longer."
"This is a sequel to 2008 and like all sequels this one's going to be worse."
"Predicted post-reopening inflation last year."
"We're all going to see probably two negative quarters in a row of GDP."
"If oil goes to 150 bucks and the bond market breaks down, that's really bad."
"This is the next big thing, but they have a baby bubble, the most extreme crash, then they have the daddy bubble, okay?" - Harry Dent
"If they do launch the staking and DeFi stuff and get a couple of big games on here, this platform and the token could definitely explode in price."
"China knows that the dollar is slowly dying."
"Within one to nine months, asset prices go up... commodities tend to go up almost instant once you get a big change in the money supply."
"This excess already... we will have inflation in the six to nine percent range going into 2024."
"Life is really [expletive] can be very challenging and confusing and overwhelming."
"If I had to pick a date for the next recession, it would be sometime in 2020."
"There's probably going to be more downward pressure on rents"
"I think we'll see a hundred thousand dollar bitcoin by the end of next year."
"What we do know is there's going to be recessions, what we do know is there's going to be stock market crashes, what we do know is there's going to be stock market corrections."
"Prices in the Bay Area could go down by 30% over the next couple of years."
"Recession risks are high and there's even a pretty sizable chance that a recession has already begun."
"By 2027 Arc invest expect the average price of an electric vehicle to be under 20,000 US Dollars Which is less than half of the average new vehicle price today half not 10 not half."
"The period between about 2024 to 2028 will be the largest period of economic wealth creation and transference in the history of mankind."
"I'm forecasting boom and zooming instead of doom and gloom."
"Rates decline? Homes drop rapidly. The crash is coming, get ready."
"We think the miners could potentially become the new growth stocks of the next 10 years or so."
"Short-sighted investors with short-term thinking are also generally speaking short on gray matter."
"Gold reserves will once again be placed at the center of the financial system."
"It's almost a trillion dollars by itself, and it will be here pretty soon, I believe."
"The dollar will be weaker thanks to the exploding deficits and the Fed going back towards zero."
"A new financial crisis on the scale of the 2008 collapse could happen in less than 18 months."
"This is going to be an epic market crash that will rival the Great Depression."
"Rates are going to go up. So the fact that you see the market determining a yield curve that's upward-sloping-- that's telling you that people expect that rates are going to go up."
"So I would expect to see that continue and this points to where I think fiat will just ultimately fail against bitcoin because everyone wants to know borrow and sell basically go short dollars and long bitcoin."
"There will be at some stage some type of reset."
"Interest rates can go to 9% or 10% if inflation's at 15%. That's what has to happen."
"A lot of wealth is going to be lost by the people who have it wrong, but I think simultaneously there's going to be a lot of people who understand what's going to happen and they're going to be positioned to profit from it."
"We're in the eighth inning of what could be the ninth inning."
"And as I mentioned look at the money coming in look at the bond market all that money is about to hit bitcoin all roads lead to bitcoin..."
"The profit motive isn't as apparent there yet but it will be."
"If America doesn't come back to God, its economic power is going to crumble."
"Whales are scooping bearish coins off exchanges at a very bullish rate. Eventually, we should get some kind of supply crisis."
"The truly inflationary move hasn't come yet. It'll come after bread is five dollars, milk is ten dollars."
"Price matters. The Chinese are coming, I guarantee it."
"I think the FED is absolutely going to break this economy."
"I don't see evidence that China is going to avoid a difficult adjustment."
"The market is expecting that the dollar is going to be worth less in the future than it is today."
"Especially if you have an environment again like Japan where stocks go down by 50 and stay down..."
"A recession is on the books, but it doesn't mean the markets are going to tank."
"Precious metals and precious metals related assets for the next three to five years will do very well."
"This is the age of abundance, the Tesla bot will drive deflation like we've never seen before."
"Best case scenario for China is probably an 80% reduction in their standard of living."
"I think we're going to have a recession with inflation much higher than people think."
"Will the markets drop another 50% from here? I mean, things are bad."
"If you assume that inflation is gone... you could be sadly mistaken."
"I believe markets are absolutely mispricing the risk we face."
"What is worth 1 million today may actually be worth 1 billion in 2038."
"The potential for the beginning of the end of the US dollar."
"I think that if you look at the 500 trillion dollar monetary planet and the one trillion dollar crypto asset fire burning in the core, you can expect that that will continue to expand." - Michael Saylor
"If the economy does become rapidly more productive just like it has in history, then as Deutsche Bank tells us, yes you are going to likely see 'dislocations in labor markets' okay."
"We are witnessing the birth of what will become the world's biggest industry."
"This will be one of the most epic economic disasters."
"Even Goldman Sachs says don't expect inflation to be transitory."
"You want to get woke, you're gonna go broke."
"The next 10 years to be bullish for commodities but what about equities?"
"The money printer can only go burr interest rates will not go up in any time in the near future that's why gold is actually such a valuable asset at this point in time."
"In my opinion, very bullish for the crypto market."
"Their money is about to fail. The U.S. dollar, the world reserve currency, the fiat money system is about to fail."
"The great wealth transfer that's about to manifest is a fulfillment of Proverbs 13:22."
"I don't think this idea that some people have that we're a decade away from this happening is the case it's we're on the cost of major problems in the Western Financial system all the time now"
"The fed put is much lower than it was at any other time since 1987. and that means the market could easily go down 30 to 50."
"This crash is either over or about to be over literally this month. It won't last this month."
"If we end up going even slightly negative on Revenue year over year for Apple by as much as a dollar we will be at the start of an earnings recession."
"I think there's going to be a massive upward swing."
"We're looking at a gold price that is very significantly higher than it is today."
"Every economist damn near now is saying at the very least we're going to see a 30 to 40 percent correction in the traditional markets."
"We need to anticipate appreciation in home prices translating into higher rents."
"There's no exception in modern history: when your debt for a nation is over 100%, you have a depression and an economic financial failure."
"I do see bitcoin eventually reaching a million dollars."
"The short answer is I do think we can still have a housing crash, but this time it will be different."
"The truth is, we are going to see some pretty significant upward swings for the markets."
"There will be a dip in the pound if Britain leaves, but it's not the end of the world."
"Ethereum will flip Bitcoin, and Polygon Matic is helping them with that with layer 2 scaling."
"I think the U.S dollar is about as doomed as it was in the late 60s."
"Analysts are already predicting a billion dollars in the first week of sales."
"Experts can only tell you what was, they can't tell you what will be." - Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman
"As people come in and they say, 'Ah, cryptos, they're nothing,' just remember, there's the same type of people out there that predicted that the internet would come to nothing." - Rob
"Gold, I'm still a huge bull on... big money's buying gold, that means it's going up." - Gareth Soloway
"If people just stop using the dollar, it's the end of it."
"The dollar is going to get worse. We will have less clout."
"The biggest surprise that will catch most market participants off guard is when they realize that the majority of the growth in 2020 and 2021 will probably never be replicated again."
"It's going to make the Great Depression look like a picnic."
"I honestly think that we're gonna have some kind of economic collapse the next five to two the next five to ten years which is gonna be on an unparalleled level."
"We will likely see more inflation falls...and probably a return to growth in Russia next year."
"We are setting ourselves up for an incredibly promising gold market over the next few years."
"The high quality precious metals producers are cheap... particularly given the outlook that I see for gold as a consequence of government action."
"In five years I would say that we would definitely be in the midst of hyperinflation on a global basis."
"China's going to be growing into the future right, I mean it just makes logical sense."
"Interest rates are likely to hit a similar level to the USA in Canada of four or five percent within the course of the next six months."
"These are the people that are printing all the money and they know they're going to have to print in the future."
"If we have a panic scenario sure gold will dump in the short term but then logic comes to play and smart money is buying it."
"The US dollar will continue to go down which means cocoa prices will continue to go higher."
"I do think they're going to go down over time, but in the meantime..."
"At some point, the price is going to explode because there is real physical buying."
"The Global Financial collapse as far as I can tell has been slightly deferred but make no mistake it's inevitable."
"I'm comfortable with it. That's my central case, as you know, Joe. I can change my mind, but yeah, I think it's more likely than not within 15 years we lose reserve currency status." - Stan Druckenmiller
"Gold will outperform as the dollar fades away."
"Copper will rise and become the dominant and most important element in modern times."
"Gold's not going back to 1200 again in our lifetimes."
"If you're able to own one full bitcoin, you are going to be in a very good spot."
"Bitcoin's going to hit 300,000 this year. Very confident. Some people will say it's got to take longer than that. No, it's this year bust."
"Historically, a very bullish sign and it means no more downside from here at the very least you would agree with that."
"The dollar's days are numbered as the reserve currency."
"Oil almost has to go up in price because of disruptions caused by the worst European conflict since World War II."
"For the dollar, the natural conclusion is, well, that just means we're going to have to go back to a gold link."
"Your fiat is going to zero. Even if there are volatile times in bitcoin like now, it doesn't matter."
"In case you don't remember, it wasn't even six months ago that the Federal Reserve was forecasting less than three percent inflation."
"If Coca-Cola turns out to be more resilient in the face of Delta, the stock price will move higher."
"So this is a rare event but it's going... when they raise rates uh in November that is where the economy will break."
"Inflation is here to stay unless something really breaks."
"In the long run, I truly believe that an open financial platform like Bitcoin will take over most of the economy."
"I think the surprise will be that China will abide the deflation of its credit bubble."
"Record highs are almost inevitable for gold in short order."
"I think it is a very high certainty that bitcoin survives and thrives."
"The welfare state is going to end, it's either gonna be a soft landing or it's gonna be a hard landing."
"This whole thing is going to end in a worst-case scenario for the middle class."
"The market is twice as overvalued as the average, so there's far more downside risk right now than there is upside risk."
"Stocks imply 85% chance of a U.S. recession."
"There's no likely way that I can foresee that the cost of energy overall is going to do anything but climb higher."
"The s2fx model's correlation is purely built on bitcoin's past performance."
"It's the dollar that's going to crash, not the bond market."
"U.S. home prices could plunge nearly 20% as erratic market activity and rising interest rates drive a risk of a deep global housing slide."
"In my opinion, the people who understand this powerful transition will be some of the wealthiest and most powerful on earth."
"I promised hyperinflation and he delivered that."
"That could lead to five to ten percent inflation."