
Value Increase Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"In a deflationary environment, the value of your dollars goes up."
"A stupid idea and then a year later I see that they've 10xed in value."
"Cryptocurrencies and altcoins long term are going up in value. That's the truth."
"Bitcoin over time will increase in purchasing power as the available supply continues to decrease."
"If you want something, the lesser there is of something, the more valuable it becomes."
"I think we've actually added close to four hundred thousand in value."
"It's all about scarcity—deflationary assets go up in value, benefiting those who hold them."
"These figures were definitely not this expensive when they first came out, but because now they're collectors items, definitely the price now."
"A decentralized protocol will gain much more value than any centralized company in the world."
"Last year I traded a paper clip all the way up to an iPhone 11, and one year later I'm gonna try to trade a penny for the new iPhone."
"Welcome to Hustler's University 2.0... making sure that you become a more valuable person."
"If all things are equal as far as where you expect the values to continue to rise move your equity that's not working hard into houses where it is working hard."
"Our overall rating, our transfer value has gone up to five point nine. We're now a fiery player apparently."
"In multifamily investing, the effort you put into it can have a significant impact on increasing the value."
"Bitcoin price projection for the year 2025 is around 1.2 million dollars per coin."
"That single half decimal point adds a significant amount of value to it."
"You're being blessed here because there's an increase in wealth and value."
"And the value is just gonna keep on going up and up and up and up."
"Regulatory clarity happening right now is setting us up to see a massive increase in the value of these digital assets."
"This place is going to be worth a lot by the time we're done with it."
"The only reason their share goes up is if Man United start winning titles. If you build the stadium and you get better brand deals, so you're paying two ways."
"You want to increase your BTC value as much as you can."
"Yo, we just went from a leopard and Venom with a total value of 54 up to a leopard and a mammoth which has a value of 63 million godl."
"Having an 83 rated player in your club, his value is gonna rise and it means you could just sell him on."
"These items will become so much more valuable after a shtf situation happens so now it's the time to stock up on these things before something was to happen."
"In 2009, if you invested 99 cents into gold, you'd have two bucks today. If you invested one cent in Bitcoin, you'd have over $37,000."
"There's just so much amazing stuff that is gonna be added to the basic pool so the value is only gonna go up and up and up."
"This is insane to say but so far from a penny we're up to nine thousand and five dollars worth of stuff."
"We started with a penny and we're at a 335 value in two hours. We're killing it."
"Bitcoin is the only asset class in the history of the world that as it gets mined, it becomes more valuable."
"That my friends is how you turn 150 into 740 in value in gaming items."
"This is all so much fun. It's great to see all these values going up."
"That might be the biggest asset value increase of anything in history."
"I started at 75 cent a shares, now worth $29."
"They did a short production run on them, and a year later, they quadrupled in value."
"Every $50 a rent bump is worth 10,000 bucks. Every $50 rent bump is $10,000 for every unit."
"The prices of these cars are going up in value."
"Your job as a homeowner is to increase the value of your home."
"We're going to see our utility token gaining more value because it's now being purchased with a stable asset."
"Anything that wasn't a success now becomes rare, and anything that becomes rare goes up in value."
"No guitar that I own has gone up in value as much as this one."
"There is at least the possibility that these will increase in value over time."
"It's increasing in value too, which is weird."
"I'm actually turning this $600 shoe into a $6,000 shoe."
"We grow in value well through our 30s, our 40s, even our 50s."
"Every single chart shows a consistent, very predictable intrinsic compounding; the intrinsic value of this company increases every single year."
"Once he was in charge, he made a bunch of changes that over the past three decades have raised the value of the company to tens of billions of dollars."
"As interest rates go down, asset values are going to go up on everything from Bitcoin to baseball cards."
"Now what you have is more money, more people in a market right now seeking the work of fewer artists, a much smaller supply, and therefore you see prices doubling, tripling, quintupling, and more."
"Values have tripled in this zip code in just five years."
"It's going to keep increasing in value over time, just kind of like gold because it's rare."
"Every vintage pickup truck is quickly skyrocketing in value."
"I could clean this thing up, throw a bumper, put a little bit of work into it, and you'd have yourself a car that retails for 13 grand."
"One application of Liquid Lustre can increase the value of your car by thousands of dollars."
"Gold is doing very well, the price of gold is going up."
"When you stain the brick at the outside of your property, you're going to increase the value of your home by five percent."
"We're all about showing you DIY renovations and remodeling projects to help increase the value of your home."
"Started off as a goat card, then Paddy showed up."
"It's insane that this went from being a dollar chair to now some companies renting the same chair out for four dollars."
"You just increased the value of your application from like nineteen cents to like twenty-three cents."