
Precedent Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"You have to take risks, you have to fight for some things for which there doesn't exist any immediate precedent."
"The Metaverse sets a precedent the likes of which we've never seen before."
"You shouldn't give a crap about precedent if the precedent is bad."
"I took that case and it took four years, a lot of litigation, a lot of fighting, but ultimately we got one of the most important precedents in the country."
"The precedent that's been set, how dangerous this is, and what the future holds potentially."
"The problem is, it sets a precedent, and other governments like to follow suit."
"This is a worrying precedent with wide-ranging implications for journalism."
"The idea of the oversight board is that over time, the decisions that the oversight board arrives at will create precedents which we will then have to absorb into our policies and reflect in our ongoing content decisions."
"What kind of precedent would this set for where we are right now as a society?"
"This just feels like Trump is going to get away with everything. What a terrible precedent this will set."
"If we allow a president to obstruct justice... that will set a precedent that generations to come will regret and lament."
"You need to watch what you do because you're setting the next generation of precedent."
"The first is what you just said which is precedent i mean for the rule of law to mean anything it means that after 48 years a constitutional decision that has been reaffirmed again and again and again for very good reasons needs to stand."
"The unique partnership that was formed between local police and the FBI set a precedent that continues to this day."
"If this goes unpunished, it sets a terrifying precedent."
"That's a precedent we should all welcome: accountability."
"This treaty brought in on-site inspections, setting the pace for all future Arms Control."
"He could have been elected president until the day he died but he stepped down after two terms and he set the standard for presidents."
"This has never been done to a president before. Everything happens for the first time sometime."
"It's good that there's the importance of setting the precedent here so it doesn't happen again."
"You're learning how to speak up, however this resonates for you, and do it unapologetically."
"If you rule that this behavior does not require discipline, that's bad precedent."
"The real issue here is about the legal precedent when it comes to journalism."
"There's not a lot of precedent, so... Chris, let me ask you this."
"Why should social media platforms enforce allegations? It's such a horrible precedent."
"The President pro-tem has historically presided over impeachment trials of non-presidents."
"I think there are enough people in the United States, both on the left and the right, to recognize that the precedent that's being set by the Canadian government here and how they respond to this is very dangerous."
"It's hard to think of a case in recent history... important for the future of international law and of this court."
"I am not sure that all legal scholars refer to it as settled law since the court can always overrule its precedent and three current justices on the Court would do so."
"This isn't just a bump stock battle, it's a precedent-setting spectacle."
"History can provide clues as to how similar situations played out in the past."
"Whatever was the case in Heller, we now have 13 years of experience."
"The Kyle Rittenhouse precedent is that many more people will show up armed to defend themselves and their communities from violent rioters."
"I kind of feel like YouTube as a platform have now set a precedence where they need to do something about big situations like this."
"This sentence is a terrible precedent that hurts others because it sets a precedent for non-violent first-time offenders."
"The outcome of this case will set a precedent for crypto innovation."
"Stare decisis literally means it will stand by previous decisions."
"If she had not fought back, she would be feeding into a precedent of repeated violations that would eventually render the law meaningless."
"Standards are set by precedent, example, success."
"Firing your coach midseason can be messy. It's worked before, like when they got Tyronn Lue in the middle of 2016 with the Cavaliers."
"Under principles of stare decisis, precedents are overruled."
"America is in unprecedented territory. For the first time, a former United States President faces criminal charges in court."
"Bragging about dirt in the streets on social media is a precedent that would be set early in this story."
"Donald Trump should be in prison... it's good to set the precedent I think."
"When we first started, there's this there's so much trailblazing and Gollum there had never been a full ECG character in a film before."
"Apple now has set a precedent for differentiating the two iPhones on a performance basis."
"To have three books on the best seller list at the same time... there is no precedent."
"This is a phenomenally dangerous precedent to have set here."
"No matter what happened, I couldn't lose because it hadn't been done before."
"Once precedents have been established for presidents to exercise expansive presidential powers with little pushback, future Chief Executives will be less likely to feel responsible for dialing them back."
"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you."
"I am the precedent. You erase it, then you can rewrite the future."
"It set a precedent for her that success was always an option, no matter how much others may not have believed in what she was doing."
"By giving up his authority Washington was setting a precedent that would shape the new nation."
"Potter was doing it all the way back in 1902, 1903."
"Washington sets a precedent that a strong American leader chooses to withdrawal from power."
"Reliance interest is important with respect to precedent, and I think all those other eight justices have signaled that."
"...and this is one of the first coaches we ever showed that off with..."
"Historically, we have seen that this strategy has worked."
"This film is already setting a fantastic precedent."
"I'm so glad this one set a solid precedent for how good they can be even if this battle is too unconventional for you, there's no denying its legacy."
"Historically they don't reverse those, but I feel like he might have a case."
"The U.S. is actually an important country for regulation because it has been a model for much of the regulations around the world."
"...the case that followed after the remaining men were rescued and arrested for murder represented a landmark ruling in English law."
"The existing principle of the rule of law as understood in this country for the last three or four hundred years has involved the ability of the court to say that the decision that a clause does not protect somebody who is going outside its path."
"This also set a precedent to let homeowner associations know they cannot micromanage their residents."
"This ruling marked the first time a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig has been recognized as a pet in court."
"The success of The Flintstones set the standard for many popular Prime Time adult cartoons to come."
"Precedents are when you base current rulings on previous ones."
"I would only appoint judges that would respect precedent and one of those key precedents is Roe v. Wade."
"The January 6th Committee can be a model for other committees in Congress."
"... as you point out this is still a major precedent being set legally right I mean this is only the second of its kind."
"...the NCPA's cramped Public Interest Exception...are at odds with this court's precedence in First Amendment values."
"...there was nothing before it was ever like it... it set the pattern what was to come."
"The succession is already set by precedent and by law."
"The story of Ruth creates the ultimate precedent for the Moabites and their descendants that they should be welcomed into the congregation into the Assembly of the Lord."
"When I was a kid, I did it because there were no interviews."
"The Sephora lipstick lawsuit isn't actually the first time this happened."
"I'm not the first one that's done this stuff. I'm not going to be the last person."
"They were setting a precedent that would be copied and emulated for the next 40 years."
"Prosecuting him on these charges would set an alarming precedent that could change the very future of Journalism."
"It sets a precedent because it means that from this point going forward Al Ewing can at any point change the Incredible Hulk into something else."
"The best experience I could have possibly had and one that became a template for what I was doing."
"This year sets the tone for the rest of the year."
"WWE offered him to do that, but then they realized, 'If I offer you that, is that going to open the door for everybody else?'"
"This is setting a dangerous precedent."
"It's very important that we set precedence that people know the penalties they will likely incur if they transgress."
"Republicans are establishing a precedent that will haunt us forever."
"Every single thing we are doing today... had a precedent somewhere sometime in history."
"What's the difference between principle and precedent? Well, precedent, you're letting something that has happened in the past control you. The principle is that there's always a better way. It doesn't matter what you're doing, better is a beautiful word."
"The precedent-setting decisions issued by his court have stood for two centuries and shaped the role of the judicial branch of our government."
"I entirely agree with you, and it's established in our precedent that it's not always illegal to take race-conscious measures, remedial measures are an example of that."
"Procopius sets a Byzantine precedent."
"It could set a precedent, not just in terms of not getting fluoride out of our water but in terms of what a citizen is able to do."
"There's case law going back to old England where murders have been prosecuted without a body successfully."
"Each pardon, in essence, legitimates the following pardons precisely and it crept out further and further."
"The original Sam Raimi Spider-Man films wrote the playbook of what Marvel Studios would go on to begin the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"...it just creates a bad precedent for anybody who tries to come out about it in the future."
"Litigation helps change... Litigation, if carried out far enough, creates what we call precedential value."
"We're not asking the court to extend gruder in any way here we're only asking the court to reject petitioners request for the court to overrule that precedent because I think it would have these destabilizing ramifications in just about every important industry in America."
"The U.S. Supreme Court decided in his favour."
"...it turns out though I'm not the first one to experience something like that."
"The Supreme Court has been willing to revisit its precedent. Are we still be living with Plessy versus Ferguson? Or dread, Scott."
"This type of power-up is supported by precedent in the series as in the time skip between the elf Arc and the Spade Saga you know actually surpassed his elf ARC Power with his base form."
"He sets a precedent... simply Mr. President."
"Gordy proved it was possible, but he wasn't the founder."
"If nothing happens and there's no consequences to this type of action, is the precedent going to be set where fan Wars are going to happen in real life?"
"This first short which is universally considered the best part of the entire holiday special set the precedent from the very first animated series for Star Wars for creating a character in another medium and then putting that character into the movies."
"Changing the world, coming up with a precedent that everybody else can refer to."
"Let's hope this establishes some sort of a precedent. Good night, Sergeant."
"As a citizen of Saudi Arabia, she's the first and only non-human to be granted citizenship of any country."
"We need to challenge it in court to set precedent."
"There's very little precedent for a vehicle like this, aside from maybe the first sailing ship and the first passenger airplane."
"President Eisenhower's decision was a good one and I think would be a good precedent."
"Breaking a precedent of a thousand years of history."
"By seizing the throne, Hattushili had set a dangerous precedent that seems to have triggered civil war thirty years after his death."
"The question though is can that then later become precedent and be extended where state legislatures are the ones who basically pick who's going to be the president."
"He could have made the presidency anything he wanted, but his careful and cautious actions helped set the precedent of an office that is powerful in its limitations, decisive through its diplomacy, and respected in its humility."
"What precedent does is ensure that there's consistency across the different individuals who are tasked with the solemn responsibility of interpreting the law."
"The outcome of said trial led to a first in English legal history."
"The First World War set the precedent for all that we take for granted about violent conflicts that have followed it."
"Never before has the Senate dismissed impeachment charges without holding a trial."
"It's a bad precedent when decisions about public health issues are made by people that don't have experience or expertise in public health."
"The Ripple vs SEC case will be a precedent-setting case for the entire crypto market."
"We can't look for a precedent because there isn't one. Our generation will create the precedent for the next generation of girls."
"For the first time, we have a mother and a father who have been convicted of homicide for the murders committed by their child."
"For the first time in our history, block the peaceful transfer of power, something that's never happened before."
"We need to set a precedent that if you lose an election, you can't just continue contesting it and trying to overturn the will of the people."
"Setting a precedent for safe driving is crucial."
"We live in a vastly interconnected world, and if we start letting strong men destabilize entire regions through military conquest, that sets a horrible precedent."
"Fair use hasn't changed in almost 50 years, so there's an incredible amount of precedence set involving fair use in America."
"You'll find most legal precedents are based on common sense."
"Going after sponsors in general is just like a bad precedent."
"I understand, but that's an interesting precedent."
"Whatever God has done is to be looked upon as a precedent."
"I'm actually about to produce a case law that will be monumental."
"It's been cited 1600 times and never overturned since 1906."
"The pattern that was set in January 1976 continues to the present."
"The lawsuit went on to set a legal precedent on fair use that benefited the entire platform."
"Marbury v. Madison is going to establish judicial review."
"How we handled this situation could set a precedent for future encounters."
"This decision could set a dangerous precedent going forward."
"Starry decisis meaning letting the precedent stand is a very important pillar of the rule of law."
"For the first time in 30 years, a case made it to the American Supreme Court."
"The first boat in the anchorage sets the precedent for how to anchor."
"Forgiveness always sets the precedent for miracles."
"The supposed floodgates have been open for generations, and there's never been a flood."
"King Jesus' miraculous birth was setting a precedent for the unprecedented."
"When it's decided by more than one judge, that means the case is precedential, which means that it doesn't just affect the veteran who is going before the court but it actually applies to all veterans going forward."
"This might set a precedent for others to understand that as long as one does not cross certain lines, redemption is available."
"What the Supreme Court did in essentially repealing women's reproductive freedom was not only a terrible break with precedent, but it was dangerous."
"It was a great win and I'm sure has set precedent for other students to be able to do that."
"It sets precedent, right? And if there is no pushback to that, that means it can happen again."
"It would have established the precedent that a president is not above the law."
"When you have the Supreme Court taking certain things as a given, that tells you that that's pretty much what the law is."
"The Albany plan of Union... set a precedent for later when more Revolutionary Congress's were able to develop."
"Everything we did in the New Deal actually had its predecessors or its precedent in the Hoover administration."
"I'm taking a stand not just for me, but to set a precedent for all athletes."
"This sets precedent for what is to come."