
Third Party Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"A big tent third party that will reach out to people across the political aisle."
"We need something other than first past the post voting or there's no viability for third-party candidates."
"Do we pour our energy into a failed strategy of working within the two-party duopoly or do we create a political party, a new political power base, to fight for the people? These are the most important questions that we need to answer."
"There's a good chance that you'll have third party designs that will be they'll run quieter and maybe faster than the founders edition."
"All it takes is a third party who has not been indoctrinated into these cycles to break the cycle."
"A viable third party would force Democrats to earn our votes."
"History and recent polling suggest a third-party candidate has little chance of winning."
"Focus your energies and your dedication on building a third party."
"Third party candidates often offer fresh perspectives, take risks on stances that no major Party candidate would ever take."
"Many notable third-party candidates cropped up around the turn of the 20th century."
"If the major parties won't do it, I believe the Forward Party will."
"Third-party support on the Nintendo Switch has been pretty solid."
"We need to build a third party at this point."
"America needs a third political party to jockey with the Republicans and the Democrats because those parties are doing such a poor job." - Survey respondent
"Third party is King in any competitive environment."
"Road Rash... one of the most memorable third-party games."
"The only way there's going to be any type of third party here is if Donald Trump launches the Patriot Party."
"Third party candidates don't need a whole lot of support to swing an election since the formation of the two-party system in the 1800s, no candidate outside of the two parties has come close to winning the presidency."
"A majority of people want a third major party."
"So, I think it's very important that we build third-party movements and we challenge and we stand fast for these moral imperatives."
"I hope a third party actually gets on ballots. I'd like to see RFK Jr in the race."
"Your person is going to cut ties with a third party."
"Somebody feels trapped, like they have nothing but the third party left."
"So again, those are just some examples of some first-party ones. Let's talk a bit about some of the third-party ones."
"Get a third party to check we've just talked about this it's easy to miss a mistake in something you've read multiple times."
"If necessary, hire a third party. Go to the outside, find the contract auditor, or somebody, and bring them in to cover the specialized areas."
"I would love personally to see a third political party that was effective and kind of Centrist."
"Technically, what staking really is, is you give your tokens to a third-party website for example this might be Celsius, this might be Binance."
"Widget is a little bit like a third-party sort of app you sort of add in, sort of customizing it."
"Ethical Behavior: Regarding third-party services, vulnerability reporting and hosting, we ask that you don't host proof of concepts or videos externally. They should be uploaded directly to the Integrity platform."
"The /opt directory is reserved for third-party software, highlighting the system's flexibility and adaptability."
"It's so nice to have like a third party person to talk to."
"This had never happened in American history till then, a new third party had come so close to winning."
"In a world where the two leading candidates are only 1% apart, a third party that takes one or two percent can affect the outcome."
"This is going to be the most significant third-party year since 1992."
"Be the knowledge broker because if you can communicate that effectively, then you're using third-party sources."
"The third-party seller business is actually more important than their first-party because the margins are much higher."
"Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party."
"We don't control who wins... it's all third party, it's all legit."
"The Clash of Clans Black Market remains one of the largest third-party markets for a mobile game ever conceived."
"Many of the functions that used to be performed by the government can now be performed by a third party."
"With OAuth, a user can allow a third-party application to access Salesforce on their behalf without exposing a password."
"It also syncs with Zwift, so you can use some third-party apps that will sync directly with the machine."
"Unlike most third-party candidates, he actually has a chance to win."
"A formidable third party that's more middle of the road."
"This could well be a contender for the best third-party figure of the year."
"We loved the idea of having a third party, a free radical in the movie."
"These are not just Spring dependencies that we provide in the starters; they're actually third-party dependencies as well."
"These people need to seek advice from a third party that is more objective."