
Statements Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"When you're wearing pink, it means a statement."
"Statements from victims can't get rid of sex trafficking; a victim can't consent to that."
"That's a prediction we can't fact-check. That's a prediction we can't fact-check."
"However, you’ll never hear me blame anyone other than myself for those statements. Nobody made me say those things; I said them. That’s on me, forever."
"But when you say terms like 'I do not support homosexuality,' believe it or not, you're also saying I don't support this realm of the black family."
"It's funny how when you put your name to a statement, people can actually go ask for receipts."
"Indeed, I should say, oh that is what I like to eat."
"I firmly believe that Luffy said the things that Roger said before eating the fruit."
"Republican Senator Lindsey Graham's own words are coming back to haunt him."
"During the course of Mr. Walden's representation, he in depth met with Daily Mail published a series of negative statements accurately confirmed they accurately quoted him."
"McCarthy's harsh words about Trump would soon be a distant memory."
"Monkeys are definitely the smartest animals in the world."
"The statement comes from the shoe, so it's easy to wear something understated."
"The goal was to make the game feel exactly as it did but to have it look like how your memory preserved it, not as it actually is." - Nick
"When we get upset and angry, we often make grand statements and overreactions."
"Jeezy had more statements on him than me."
"It is wrong to utter statements of kufr. The ends do not justify the means."
"The court actually says these are admissions by Donald Trump and Michael Cohen."
"What's implicit in that statement makes me weak."
"Customers get monthly statements, otherwise quarterly. They're very testable."
"I think that statement has immense leverage."
"Ethical statements were much more like commands."
"It's not necessarily just about statements of fact, it's about an allocation of risk."
"Problem statements help us establish goals."
"It's weird how it's usually only characters with strong abilities that get these weird statements applied to them."
"Comments made by parties and lawyers are not evidence and should thus not be considered as such."
"It is possible to say both things that are and things that are not in a statement."
"Theorems, corollaries, lemmas, propositions... these are simply statements of fact in mathematics."
"The whole set of financial statements needs to be clear and understandable."
"The buddy statements are very useful, especially if you get a diverse group of them."
"I'm not going to make a blanket statement that all people are this or that."
"If it is true, the statement agrees with the information; if it is false, the statement contradicts the information; and if it is not given, there is no information on this."
"I feel compelled to make a record of certain things in light of many of the statements that were made here today."
"Paradoxes are generally self-contradictory statements."
"Either you can support your statement with facts from multiple credible sources or you can't."
"It's not news that Ilhan Omar would make outrageous and clearly false statements about America and Israel."
"A positive economic statement is a statement about how the world is; a normative economic statement is a statement about how the world should be."
"Non-inferential statements are groups of utterances that do things but don't provide arguments because there's no inference to be made."
"No statement is immune to revision."
"Ice cream cannot stand alone, that's a statement that'll go down in infamy."
"Positive statements are descriptive and reflect facts, while normative statements are prescriptive and subjective."
"Not every statement of a scientist is a statement of science."
"Opening statements are not evidence; they are a framework, if you will, that the attorneys will give you this morning on their best estimate of how the evidence will come in."
"Opening statements are important."
"Sometimes I like to make bold predictions."
"The best statements are made with simplicity."
"We always start and end conferences with positive statements."
"The statements that the attorneys make is not evidence."
"I don't know why you would say something so controversial and yet so brave."
"I keep making statements, and I haven't lied yet."
"They're powerful, the VA raters read your personal statements."