
Network Effect Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Bitcoin overall, actually has that potential to operate on a network effect as well."
"The network effect is why social media is so powerful. It's the same with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, but now you can be the beneficiary of it."
"The industry is about network effect. The more people you have, the more money the networks will be worth."
"Investors love user growth because having more people using a networked platform exponentially makes the platform more valuable."
"I think ethereum has the most robust Network effect around it right now of any chain."
"You positively affect people and they positively affect other people."
"The network effect... a competitive advantage that one company has over another."
"BitTorrent has over 250 million concurrent active users... the only way you could have a protocol like that run consistently for more than 15 years is if you have a property that when someone enters the protocol the protocol gains resources."
"Bitcoin has had the largest, it's had the largest persistent one that network effect builds liquidity builds the amount of adoption which grows the price which allows larger and larger market participants coming in."
"Bitcoin is not just the code itself, it is what's called a network effect."
"The thesis for bitcoin's network effect is playing out."
"This PayPal integration could potentially double or triple bitcoin's network effect."
"The more users a blockchain has, the more value there will be as more people are using it to trade and invest."
"The layer 1 and 2 projects that become winners in this space will be the ones that successfully create and grow an economy on their blockchain network."
"Even if the network doubles, you're likely going to see a 4x or more in the HNT token."
"As the number of users grow, the value per coin increases."
"You can have the best tech in the world but if you don't have some form of network effect... it's a very difficult transition to make."
"Bitcoin will forever dominate finance with open, global, censorship-resistant networks."
"Network effects are golden. Like you want a great business? Find a powerful network effect. The more people that use your product over time, the better your product becomes. That becomes a flywheel of competitive advantage."
"A powerful network effect kicks in, and each go-to-market motion becomes easier because the other exists. In short, one plus one is greater than two, and the business becomes greater than the sum of its parts."
"Are there places that you can accentuate your network effect by expanding into new markets?"
"A network effect can deliver a lot of value."
"Losing users and the network effect is really really really strong."
"The best consumer companies incorporate both virality and network effect."
"The way we model the effect of molecules is by how they interact with protein targets, since proteins interact with each other, the effect on one target ripples through the PPI graph and affects other proteins - a kind of network effect."
"It's like the network effect benefits of putting composability inside of this one single system."
"Transit feeds into the demand for more Transit." - [Unspecified]
"Bitcoin grows stronger with every new participant at any level."
"The classic one here would is the Microsoft and OS network effect."
"...projects dependent on a network effect are always hard to get off the ground, but once you start to get some momentum, they can just take off on their own."
"It's like an ant colony; everything you do within it adds to or changes the structure of the whole."
"Big tech using Google has this remarkable network that they're layering activities on top of."
"If there's somebody who has a lot of contacts with other people and if that person got sick, they could spread the disease to a lot of other people."
"Solana and of course Chainlink as well are building already this network effect because people know them, they trust them, and they're relying on them."
"Developers keep choosing Ethereum... the network effect of Ethereum is growing stronger and stronger."
"The value of the network goes up exponentially with the adoption of the network."
"The effect of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the connected users to the system."
"Bitcoin is definitely going to benefit from a network effect of growing adoption across multiple industries."
"We're all stronger together; if you can get even one person on board with you, even just a little, the chances are that person knows someone, and that person knows someone else."
"The value of an enterprise is driven by network effect."
"When you leverage this kind of network effect in the data ecosystem, your data becomes really portable."
"The network effect is about looking at the interaction and saying where is the interaction failing and how can I remove that point of failure from the interaction."
"Bitcoin has a very powerful network effect."
"Bitcoin has a network effect with four sides: miners, developers, merchants, and users."
"Bitcoin is valuable because of its network effect; its adoption is growing faster than the internet."
"The network effect that it's been able to build could allow it to really gain traction long term."
"How can you use this technology in other new and unique ways is the driver that turns it into a Metcalfe's law adoption model."
"The network effect is going to continue to grow; it's going to continue to take over the space."
"The value of tribe comes from the network effect."