
Economic Criticism Quotes

There are 355 quotes

"You can't really call a nation a society when the three richest people have as much money as the 50% of the poor."
"Inflation is a soul-crushing, job-killing tax on working Americans."
"We must say it simply: the economy is sick. It is the fruit of unequal economic growth that disregards fundamental human values."
"Corporate profits were up 75% 5 times the rate of inflation. That's a rip off on a grander scale. That's greedflation."
"Capitalism left unmanaged...left free to do what it wished, capitalists able to deploy their capital really without limitation...was too prone to bust, cataclysm, too many casualties of the economic system, too much economic power concentrated at the top."
"Cardi B is furious about how expensive everything has gotten. 'How are people surviving? I want to know.'"
"Anyone who believes in indefinite growth in anything physical, on a physically finite planet, is either mad or an economist."
"The capital in the world is so short-term that it forces businesses to act in, you know, really irresponsible ways."
"Our economy is just based on speculation and not people actually creating products."
"Criticism towards that model is valid right now because they're taking your money."
"The U.S. is hiding the worst economy ever in history."
"The greed flaw, the thing that says the rich man will sell you the rope to hang himself with if he thinks he'd make a buck off it."
"What good is a strong economy if it doesn't serve the people of this country?"
"It's a gigantic Ponzi scheme that the US government is operating in its own debt."
"What he's talking about is theft. I earn the money, you steal it from me to give it to people who did not earn it. That's theft. That's how you destroy an economy."
"The problem is that since the Industrial Revolution the world's dominant economic system has been built on the core principles of extraction, accumulation, profit maximization, and endless growth."
"We have to stop worshipping the almighty dollar and that starts from the top."
"Everything in America is beholden to the almighty dollar."
"Companies and the government have taken advantage of those rules to be a predatory, or a better word, a parasitic economy on the United States and other democracies."
"It's literally giving money to people in other countries for things that have no value for most Americans."
"That's what we have to change like that this is this is the winner-take-all economy to its most extreme and history and like you said even the winners lose."
"We pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. We're getting ripped off every day."
"You are getting less, you are paying more, and that's really symbolic for what is happening with our economy right now."
"The problem here isn't that a few reckless people on Wall Street did crazy things. The problem is deeper than that. It's systemic."
"Here's the interesting thing I found...a deep contempt for crony capitalism."
"Socialism is always and everywhere impoverishing, failed in all countries where attempted."
"Their agenda to me is the most self-destructive economic agenda that I've ever seen for this country."
"Capitalism without competition is not capitalism, it's extortion."
"We're falling; we're in a Ponzi. You can't taper a Ponzi."
"The main problem with it and what makes it a waste of money a lot of the time is that you don't actually realize how much you're spending."
"This whole excuse that money makes everything cool, I believe it's problematic."
"If you make $20 an hour, you're really making $120 an hour and the company's stealing a hundred of that and paying you 20. Who's the fool?"
"If all these rules basically lock people, you know, lock the world into a stasis where the rich stay rich and other people can't climb the ladder, then there's no challenge to that economic power structure."
"This is the biggest wealth theft of all time that's going on right now."
"Capitalism is our problem. The profit system."
"Trickle-down theory works wonderfully if you're at the top, kind of like an MLM, you know, or like a scheme."
"Aspects of our economy are literally built on death and suffering."
"Other than some animal spirits that seem to believe that there's a magic potion out there with twenty trillion dollars of printed money by the central banks or thereabout, we're still moving along at a snail's pace."
"That's so the system of commodified private land ownership that we have here is a uniquely egregious example of that."
"Every big tech company is doing subscriptions, which is part of the problem."
"The Fed has destroyed money as a store of value... they've made every single thing you can put your money into more of an investment or speculation."
"Stop luxury developers from gaming the system."
"Basically, bad things have been happening over the last couple of years that in a sane economy would have made the market plateau at least a little bit."
"The economy is in shambles... gas prices are skyrocketing, world war three is looming."
"Biden is hammering your 401k. This is what it really comes down to."
"By 2013, it was becoming clear that there were growing issues within China... its entire success economically came from its slave-like labor."
"Mitch McConnell's proposal doesn't even come close to keeping jobless workers in their homes or stopping the economy from further backsliding." - Senator Ron Wyden
"Just buy bitcoin and watch everything else around you burn to the ground."
"I think that everything is in a bubble because they print the cash and they keep printing it and they're not willing to dig increase interest rates so they're cooking everything and they're raising all the prices up."
"I do not want my data being harvested so that tech billionaires can get even richer."
"As much as we think we are a capitalist Society we have veered into this collectivism in certain markets and where it's measurable and obvious we need to point at it and say let's go fix it."
"I love markets, but I'm willing to critique markets when I think they're not serving people and they're not serving the nation."
"The world is ruled for the benefit of the 1% more than the benefit of the 99%."
"Corporate capitalism is about the destruction of democratic institutions and national economies to enrich a tiny cabal."
"Quantitative easing is precisely counterfeiting."
"The only way you could believe the economy is good right now is if you are not paying attention."
"The longer the shutdown, the more people will be hurt."
"It's been proven time and time again in history that communist approaches to economics command economic approaches just don't work."
"The whole notion of stakeholder capitalism is just a rebranding of neoliberalism."
"Neoliberalism has accomplished absolutely nothing but the redistribution of income from the majority of people to the richest people."
"Maybe not everything should be valued based on how much money it makes."
"Stupid price caps don't work, it should be like econ 101. Oh wait, it actually is econ 101."
"If this is what capitalism produces, maybe it's time to try something else."
"These global bank CEOs accepted taxpayer bailout money, but claim to be capitalists."
"COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy."
"Under Joe Biden's economic policies... sixty-five hundred dollars."
"I just looked up the model number and look at that, it's $500 at Walmart. Do you know how crazy and psycho you have to be to spend $500 on a vacuum cleaner? That is just wild."
"American economy is not working for workers."
"Our economic and political system in this country is broken."
"Inflation, it's just pumping a whole bunch of hot air into the economic system."
"It's just strange that there's no real like use for them but there's already these huge price tags attached to them."
"It's not a left-wing conspiracy. The billionaires get trillions of dollars to split among themselves as everybody else goes down."
"Profit is simply theft, and what you're stealing is the talent and hard work of your workforce."
"No American should ever have to lower their expectations while living in the most prosperous country in the world."
"So we've all bought into this globalism, which is really predatory capitalism, which is a race to the bottom."
"America looked at capitalism as a failed experiment. This is the example."
"We allow our richest people to be way richer."
"The prevailing economic model under which we are operating is not working for the mass of the people."
"The problem with socialism is that they run out of other people's money."
"Monopolies are always a result of government intervention into the economy."
"Capitalism crashes, bails out the capitalists, and shifts the costs and burdens onto the mass of people."
"Living in your car and getting a gym membership so you can have shower facilities and such is cheaper than paying rent, that's really flipping sad."
"The Democrats are trying to fault him for the collapse of the economy."
"Cryptocurrencies basically have no value at all. It's a delusion."
"This old system doesn't create an engaging player controlled universe and it enables the game developers to reap all the profits of any in-game markets where cosmetics are sold to players."
"We're talking about reasons why this would suck and some people have said it sucks because everything's too expensive and I think that's a fair argument."
"I think we saw just evidence in Spades yesterday about how inefficient markets can be."
"This is a guy who helped coin the notion of Russia being nothing but a gas station disguised as a country or, yeah I think that's it, a gas station disguises the country."
"Bitcoin serves as the exact opposite of these institutions, where you can basically get all the security and the preservation of purchasing power, but you get the sovereignty as well."
"But the reason people attack capitalism is that capitalism is today's world and that imbalance exists in it fundamentally."
"You privatized profits but you socialize losses."
"I honestly need to have a break from thinking about Disney for a little bit, because the never-ending cycle of creating a thing that children love, and then killing it because it doesn't make enough money, gets a little bleak."
"Bitcoin is a profound tool to opt out of a ruinous fiat system."
"If this is capitalism, give me some communism, give me some socialism."
"The dirty little secret of the Swedish model is that we don't squeeze the rich we squeeze the poor."
"It's an open ponzi scheme. It's like having an imaginary best friend who's also a banker." - Comedian Bill Maher
"He's wrong because when the Romans pumped water into a reservoir they didn't put it in the reservoir because they thought a greater fool would pay them more money for the water in the future." - Michael Saylor
"Bitcoin is our only hope in this, but of course, what do the governments do? They don't want you in Bitcoin. They want to keep their Ponzi scheme going, and we just allow it. But people are getting fed up and they're understanding."
"Our reckless spending is a contributing factor to our inflation."
"You don't support Manchester United, you are business people. United's DNA was never about providing enough revenue to give it to dividends of American owners who don't support the club."
"To call what someone is doing in these situations a side hustle is just sugar-coating a shitty situation."
"Consumers really shouldn't be paying a premium right now to run what essentially amounts to a tech demo on their PCs."
"My whole argument against modern Wall Street has been that it's anti-capitalist."
"Bitcoin is so amazing because it's so hard and they can't create more of it unlike this debt they can create more of the whole time."
"Plutocrats of the world, my name, of course, is Over the Potato, and this is plutocracy - the game about money and politics and everything in between."
"Inflation is just a hidden tax and it's really theft and debasement of your hard-earned money."
"Just the amount of wealth concentration is just incompatible with democracy let alone socialism."
"Interest rates, which affect the cost of borrowing for credit cards and mortgages, are now set to hover between 2% and 2.25 percent."
"It's incredibly inefficient, and frankly, we'd be better off just handing big sacks of cash with dollar signs on them to developers rather than this complex tax credit system."
"Capitalism is a fundamentally unstable system..."
"Capitalism drains a country's resources into recession or even total collapse."
"Voting for free money for yourself is literally the only thing rich people do."
"Inflationist because it is. It's one of the largest taxes levied against the people."
"We've done absolutely the worst thing we could do to stabilize the economy: we have incentivized people not to go back to work."
"I love gold, silver, and crypto because we have an enemy in common: the Federal Reserve." - Robert Kiyosaki
"That's the game, and I've always told people, if you find yourself being angry at someone on the economic rung lower than you, you're probably being manipulated by someone higher on the economic ladder than you."
"Socialism may sound great on the surface, but in practice, it really doesn't provide the type of economic prosperity that we in the states have become accustomed to."
"It's greed. You get rid of capitalism, you'll still have this. This was happening whenever Grug and Ugg were collecting rocks."
"All fiat-based currency systems collapse... there is no example in all of history that has been tried thousands of times it doesn't work."
"The biggest scam we've ever had has been the dollar."
"I think people have tremendous potential that's being quashed."
"Bitcoin fixes a lot of these problems but now the world is beginning to realize how bad it actually is especially the damage that money printing does to individuals and their life savings."
"The monetary system is broken. We live in this MMT environment where there's infinite money printing."
"We have a shortage of life-preserving equipment and you're putting out a call-out on gumtree. I thought we were supposed to be a leading economy. This is insane."
"Us bailing out, you know, Virgin Atlantic is not socialism. Actually, it's pretty the worst form of capitalism there is."
"The welfare of a Nation depends upon the welfare of its children."
"We deserve more than a dollar store economy and a GoFundMe healthcare system."
"Anything that can be printed to infinity has no value it's just that for the past generations we've been told that the dollar and these fiat currencies have value."
"Let's learn from our mistakes and not let any more of our natural wealth be lost in something as senseless as greater profits."
"Americans know we're already paying through the nose for health care in so many ways."
"Americans have had it. They are done supporting companies that rank in hundreds of millions and billions of dollars while trashing this country and the success that made all of it possible."
"I think our culture, our society has put itself above all living creatures, creating needs purely to support destructive economic practices."
"When President Biden took office the inflation rate was 1.7... look where it's gone now."
"The doctrine of unlimited growth is a failed doctrine. It cannot work and it's creating absolute disaster."
"These social media companies are really trying to suck up all the money themselves and not flow it to content providers."
"What we have now in this country is not free market capitalism, it's corporate crony capitalism."
"Every other asset class is more easily impaired, seized, confiscated, taxed, or regulated."
"The worst cliff that we're heading towards is due to market systems. There's a fundamental flaw in markets."
"That's a huge chunk of money that we're just given away to this new world order force."
"Even socialists run out of other people's money."
"The printing of money is always and only theft... it only benefits those inside the monopoly."
"Neoliberalism has failed us in terms of distribution of resources."
"You can't use the tools that capitalists have given you to win in a game against those who own capital. You're nothing."
"I think it's been an immoral and unethical activity for the Federal Reserve and the US government for that matter to really minimize risk of investing to the point where we've seen what I would call rampant and really Reckless speculation."
"Corporations are raising prices even as they rake in record profits."
"Your fiat is going to zero. Even if there are volatile times in bitcoin like now, it doesn't matter."
"Our entire monetary system is nothing but a form of legalized theft."
"The economy is a joke, honestly. I can't take it very serious."
"It's a giant attack on the current monetary system."
"They are dictating the odds. That's not capitalism. That's communism."
"All of this capital, all that money is being given to these big companies who are going out and increasing in value. Like that's not capitalism that's central planning."
"On balance every Mexico harder than the rest of Latin America... Mexico made no progress whatsoever."
"I think it's irresponsible for custodians of these great clubs to basically take money off the table for shareholders or for profitability or both and not reinvest every penny in maximizing the value of the assets."
"It's corporate socialism. It's a bailout for those who are connected and it has nothing to do with merit."
"I am sick and tired of trickle-down Economics it has never worked we're building an economy from the bottom up and middle out."
"I want something real. I want real money. I don't want some new iteration of fool's gold."
"We are allowing the worst kind of monopoly to maintain a grip over the distribution of wealth."
"Let's fix the economy by giving more money to the people who broke it in the first place."
"The housing market just seems fake, and I'm tired of it!"
"If the Fed was not so how bad on producing this two percent inflation while not understanding what it really is or the nature of what they seek perhaps more people would want to have kids."
"I've shown the globalist special interest donors who have made a fortune off of destroying our country."
"The economic consequences under the Biden Administration have been basically catastrophic."
"The bailout as an enormous theft and consolidation of Monopoly capital."
"Capitalism lies at the core of the failure of this economic system."
"There's something fundamentally wrong with that and that is cronyism not capitalism."
"Trickle-down economics doesn't solve the actual people's problems."
"Some people have said that this inflation move by the fed is the worst call in the history of the federal reserve bank."
"Everything it touches turns to crap and the reason is because they don't understand how the machine of economics works, and that's it."
"The false prosperity of the West was built on what happened by moving all the manufacturing to China, to Asia."
"Gas is expensive, college is a scam, rent is outrageous."
"The theft has already taken place... We're all living under an illusion of all of these assets that are actually worth what we say they're worth, and they're not."
"Catabolic capitalism is a self-cannibalizing system whose insatiable hunger for profit can only be fed by devouring the society that sustains it."
"Biden is at fault for a lot of the economic problems we're facing..."
"Debt slavery is an economic system that hides the truth behind words like 'Fidelity and Trust' while ripping you off."
"Let's stop blaming everything on this infection. The real cause of all this is the massive debt, the poor and weakening economy."
"Central planned economies have always created misery and death."
"I believe we've gone in a fundamentally bad direction of the last couple of years. I think people deserve to go to the grocery store without completely breaking the bank." - JD Vance
"China is stealing our jobs... China's problems are exacerbated by our own leadership's failures." - JD Vance
"Calling a bust or a crash a failure of a free market is like calling withdrawal from drugs a failure of your drug habit. It's the result of your drug habit, not a failure of it."
"There are people out there who can and don't and actively choose not to because they actively don't have to. That is a fucking flaw in the economic mechanics of our business and it has been for years."
"It's a disgusting trade right to just use your father's name to make money off of that."
"A moral hazard: rich people do stupid things, get your money."
"The crisis wasn't endogenous to the free-market system. It was a virus. But why is our healthcare system bursting at the seams?"
"The problem is every time they print money, it never goes into the economy. It only goes to the investor class."
"The church has likewise refused to accept in the practice of capitalism individualism and the absolute Primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor."
"You killed a bunch of people and your economy crashed. So fuck that."
"Inflation is how the government steals from the people."
"Education, housing, healthcare—any market the government has decided to subsidize, where the government has come to help, has proven the words of Ronald Reagan prophetic."
"Inflation is theft. Inflation causes these riots all over the world happening right now."
"These corporations that own 190 plus percent of the world won't do [ __ ]."
"Manipulation of money means manipulation of everything."
"It's socialism for the wealthy and rugged individualism for everybody else."
"Crashing the economy only because you [__] up and because of your political Ambitions is pathetic."
"It's the end of capitalism... morphed into something even worse where we're all in service to these feudal Tech Lords."
"Just do your fair share. Trickle-down economics has always failed. It hasn't built this country."
"The basic idea is that our system, our society, our government, our economies are all wrong, that they are exploitative, they're oppressive."
"Private capitalism is turning more and more to an authoritarian State."
"But let's be honest for a second. Does any serious person actually believe that hamburger and chicken patty manufacturers are holding back supplies of their products because they are greedy?"
"Profit is what led to us not being prepared... profit is what led people to fire 52 million people... profit is what making workers... suffer lower pay and lost benefits."