
Perception Vs Reality Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"You are literally living in an illusion because 51 of the most powerful economic entities are corporations."
"What you see online isn't really true. It's not all real."
"Quantum mechanics is drawing this distinction between what we see and what is."
"We live in a world of make-believe politics, make-believe media news, make-believe science, make-believe history."
"Perception and reality are two different things."
"The map is not the territory, and when the world was not mapped well, maps changed frequently."
"You get pleasant surprises when you actually look at trends instead of headlines."
"I'm aware, because I am only, I think a lot of the times people can get caught up in my sizzle but it's the steak that I'm most proud of."
"If you see something a thousand times that doesn't mean that it happened a thousand times."
"Your idolized perceptions of influencers are usually not going to be accurate."
"The point is the perception you're saying that there's a reality and a lie and there's no lie there's no the point is that you are a."
"You should always take things with a grain of salt because people usually will show you what they want you to see, they won't really always show you the reality of the situation."
"Real life is not what you see on Twitter or mainstream media."
"People are happy to be fed lies and pretend that they live in a world that is much better than it actually is."
"The real story of the Chinese economy could be very different from how it looks from the outside."
"It's pretty surreal to think the luxury lifestyles you see online could be faked so blatantly."
"Uncanniness presents a clash between perception and reality."
"Things are typically not as bad as the media makes it seem and things are typically also not as good as the media makes it seem."
"Things are not as they appear; the lower the price of love, the higher its value."
"It's what they say to each other that is becoming more real to them than the actual events and that is incredibly dangerous."
"To the pessimist the glass is always half-empty. To the optimist the glass is half-full."
"If she's not into you, dude, then it's just fake TV writing."
"There’s comfort to be had in unshakeable certainty, regardless of reality."
"Sometimes you are losing when you think you're winning."
"They're constantly projecting how they think the situation is, and they're not comparing it to the actual reality."
"Leadership is hard but a lot of people think they want to be leaders but in reality they just want the perks of leadership."
"The reality doesn't match up with what's in our minds."
"This is powerful right here, and we need to start holding men to higher standards."
"It's not defending truth, you're defending something that feels more real than truth to you."
"This is one of those workouts that looks easy but is an absolute killer."
"It's crazy how easily we thought we can break it down."
"Everyone goes around pretending the perception reflects reality it doesn't."
"Common sense is not always the best guide for science because the world is far grander than our experience."
"This entire societal disorder... amounts to the prioritization of the perceptual world over reality."
"Very rarely are things exactly the way it seems."
"It doesn't matter what's true because what you believe is what you believe."
"Social media is just what people want you to see. It's not everything, ain't as good as it seems."
"Don't trade your perception, trade the reality."
"We suffer more in our imagination than we do in real life."
"But his most famous invention was the tranquilizer chair... Doesn't sound like the humane treatment everyone thought."
"I definitely think that the fear and what's going on is probably going to be much worse than the actual illness itself."
"Reality will be different from rumors because he is stronger than they think he is."
"I thought that car accident was pure cinematography."
"Even though it feels like you're in a bad place, it could possibly be the furthest thing from the truth."
"Success is a bigger problem for relationships."
"Every single time somebody left on their wagon train or their handcart, it was just like this perilous journey, how could it not be? But that's again a kind of false perception."
"The reality is not the point, it's the illusion."
"There are people who appear perfectly content and at peace with their life who are actually fighting internal battles."
"I think it was both perception and the truth."
"Instagram is not reality. You'll just see a split second or a split galaxy."
"The goal, brothers and sisters, is to win, not just look like we're winning."
"What she's seeing real or all just being manifested by a troubled mind losing touch with reality, which is where some frustration comes in."
"The power of it is in the story, it's not in the reality of it actually being the case."
"It's not about what you tell us, it's about what we see."
"You can't ask just because we think something doesn't make it true."
"What we thought was right, is it right? How it appears on the surface, is that what it actually is? I can guarantee you if you're one of those dissociative priests and priestesses, you have no clue what actually is."
"You're far from any kind of reality. Everything has been merely just in your head."
"Sometimes we don't fall in love with the actual person at first, we fall in love with the way that the person makes us feel."
"There is a useful distinction to be made between things that we call illusory or hallucinations and things that we call real."
"One of the most important distinctions you can make: actuality versus concepts, beliefs, and imagination."
"The perceived amount of power that corporate media has and the reality... there's such an asymmetry."
"Perception and reality... Cardano has never been stronger."
"The fear is only in the mind, it's nothing real, it's not out there."
"Draw things as they are, not as you think they are."
"What you see on the surface isn't always the reality."
"People's life online looks so amazing because they only post their very best moments."
"I felt like, what you were showing me and what you were showing the world and your friends was two different things, so I had to confirm whether or not you were somebody that could be trusted."
"'Unsane' is a tense, unsettling exploration of perception versus reality, touching on themes of mental health and the thin line between sanity and insanity."
"You want real wealth, not just wealth that's perceived."
"Just because something looks scary doesn't mean it is scary."
"Instagram pictures are not always a reflection of how something actually is behind the scenes."
"Sometimes there's a difference between what you feel and what reality is."
"The word creates the perception, but the work creates the reality."
"What you see is not always how it is."
"Most of us know that what people post on social media is just the highest of highlights in a person's life."
"The world itself is nothing like our experience."