
Omniscience Quotes

There are 825 quotes

"For an omniscient being to put a page of text in there that would even now be confounding us with its depths of inspiration, scientifically, ethically, in every other sense."
"I can see the future and the past and the present."
"The Lord knows all the works of men, their imaginations, and their thoughts."
"God is omniscient, meaning He knows everything. He knows the future as well as we know the past."
"He hears conversations that take place behind your back; he can see very clearly your future."
"Known to God are all His works from all eternity."
"The truth is we want him to be omniscient because you can't think of any kind of trial, trouble, heartache, or burden that you don't want that kind of God."
"After this sermon, I want you to be blown away at one of the most wonderful, and quite frankly, scariest attributes of God: His omniscience."
"Jesus does not guess about the future; he knows the future."
"God is omniscient, he knows all things before they ever happen."
"The orb sees all, like it literally has what you could argue to be Cosmic awareness."
"The lady who knows everything knows what I'm thinking before I can speak."
"No one is this omniscient being who understands the kaleidoscope of society."
"If God feels 100% certain that he knows 100% of things, but there is in fact one more thing to know, he wouldn't know because he doesn't know."
"God knows all, He sees all, there's an intelligence behind creation."
"You can experience states of omniscience in which you become conscious of the entire functioning of the universe."
"God knew everything would happen before the beginning of time."
"I believe in a God who is omniscient and foreknows the future."
"He who remains observed the timeline from The Citadel at the end of time which granted him the ability to know everything that will happen."
"If Jesus was God, he should have known the hour."
"There is no thought or feeling that is hidden from God. There is no motive, attitude, or intention that escapes the probing eyes of God."
"How did you know where I never mind you kind of know everything."
"Thankfulness for God's guidance stems from the recognition of His omniscience; God sees the entire map of our lives, including the pitfalls and the peaks."
"How do you know omniscience is not some are born omniscient so I'm achieve it and some have it thrust fun the hairy creatures are the fifth largest army in the world and they've already got our airports."
"Allah's knowledge of all things and His wisdom balance His dominance and subtlety."
"If God did exist and had all kinds of reasons that we are not aware of because God is omniscient, could God have all kinds of reasons for doing things that I'm not aware of? Yes."
"The god of chickens knows, and now he also knows that you know."
"God doesn't have foreknowledge; he just has knowledge. And if God just has knowledge of something, then there is no incompatibility between present knowledge and free will."
"Everything on this planet has been recorded, everything."
"God knows everything, sees everything, hears everything."
"I believed in God and I believe God knows everything."
"Likewise, if that being has knowledge, will not be limited, not be bound, will be unlimited, all-knowing."
"God knows, God has the video, God has the visuals."
"He's God, He's omniscient, He knows the end from the beginning."
"The Lord searches all hearts and minds and understands every intent and inclination of the thoughts."
"God's love is so special because God knows every intricate detail about us despite that he still loves us."
"Now the philosophers say that the first thing we must learn is this: that there is a God, and that he provides for the universe, and that it is impossible for a man to conceal from him not merely his actions but even his purposes and thoughts."
"God knows your heart even when you're going through life and you're just acting like you're all good."
"We have a God who speaks back to us, we have a God who is all knowing."
"God is a surveillance camera; He keeps watch on all our deeds and conducts."
"God knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him."
"...the archivist is apparently obsessed with the concept of omniscience and believes the overseers to be divine entities far above the rest of humanity."
"...the Tree of Knowledge doesn't bear fruit because the library is the fruit."
"God knows our heart, the universe knows our heart."
"He is the one that knows the end from the beginning."
"God can hear your thoughts, God knows your heart."
"He alone knows the end from the beginning."
"You are the all-knowing, you know the hidden truths, you understand the metaphysical."
"God is the best knower, the greatest mind."
"You are a God who sees beyond the veil, right into our souls."
"God knows you more than you know yourself."
"Only God is all-knowing, and He is on our side."
"God does not just see the events. He sees and understands and knows the thoughts and intents of the heart of each person on this earth at once."
"God hears our prayers and knows our thoughts before we voice them."
"God knows everything, every single thing."
"There's a better reason to worship, it's on the foundation that God, you, you're omniscient, you just know."
"Whatever they found out, God already knew."
"He knows everything that's going to happen."
"Power belongs entirely to God, he hears all and knows all."
"God's knowledge has no beginning, God's knowledge has no ending."
"God sees, God knows, and God cares."
"God knows our thoughts before we think them."
"God knows our hearts and minds fully, deeply, and completely."
"God anticipated everything that would ever happen on this planet."
"God's omniscience includes foreknowledge. If there are true propositions about the future, omniscience includes foreknowledge."
"Omniscience includes knowing all true propositions."
"Omniscience is simply that for every truth, God knows that truth."
"Omniscience includes knowledge of infinite things, if there are infinite things to know."
"God already had his hand on you when you were young. He already knew. God sees everything."
"God doesn't have to come up with a plan because He's omniscient."
"God knew the end from the beginning."
"God sees everyone and everything."
"God knows all the outcomes, even those that would have been the outcomes had you not done them."
"God sees the stuff that nobody else sees, God sees behind closed doors, every sacrifice, every time we could but we don't, because He sees."
"I see all I know all and for centuries I have decided who's naughty and who's nice."
"God knows exactly what is happening and what you need for the future."
"Because God knows what's around the corner, he knows what's going to happen."
"To save time, let's just assume I know everything."
"But since you're such a wise all-knowing mirror, you must have known she's been in the Grim forest all this time."
"Allah knows your thoughts, your actions, and even what you conceal in your heart."
"Jesus looked at your heart and he knows better than you every detail of the story."
"God searches the hearts and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts."
"God knows the beginning and the end"
"Everything is known to that, it is omniscient but not like us, we know things with our eyes and ears but that ultimate reality knows everything directly as a manifestation of itself."
"Allah knows every leaf that falls."
"You know even the very hairs on your head I have numbered you know not even my wife knows how many hair I have in my head but God knows how many hairs we have."
"God knows all things without predetermining all things."
"Satan and God are not all-knowing. God is the all-knowing one, but Satan is not."
"God is not limited by time or distance and so he knows everything before it happens but he needs our cooperation."
"God is actually greater than omniscient. I thought omniscience was the ultimate. And it's not - God is even more than omniscient."
"True omniscience in the sense of knowing everything would be total confusion. Yes, that would be an imperfection, not a perfection and therefore wouldn't be part of God's characteristics of the most perfect being."
"Our God is omniscient. God knows everything perfectly and exhaustively."
"Some people would view the very possibilities themselves as flowing out of God's nature. God knows the present in which I have not yet had dinner. So from the point of view of now, God knows the future as undetermined."
"The Lord does that to let people know He's in your life. He's watching you. Because a man can't know these things, only God knows these things."
"We've got a God that goes, 'I see it all, I've got everything.'"
"I should know what you're going to do before you do it."
"God sees the heart, he knows exactly everything about you."
"He knew everybody who's going to turn to Christ and accept the Gospel of Jesus he knows everyone is going to put their faith in what Jesus did on the cross."
"God knows everything about the future, the past, and everything that is to know."
"God's challenge to the false gods includes knowing the future and understanding the past."
"God knows and God sees everything."
"Only God knows the secrets of the heart."
"...there's no thing hidden from God..."
"So God not only knows what you and I are going to do, God knows what God, uh, God self is always going to do. That sounds circular."
"It was encouraging that this came from the eternal one who knew everything."
"God is Not distant from our world...God sees, he cares, and he knows everything perfectly."
"You're looking upon a framework like you're looking down like looking down on it from an omniscient perspective sort of yeah it feels like a bird's eye view."
"God knows what's in your head and he knows what's in your heart. He knows what you're gonna say even before you say it."
"God is never surprised by the mistakes that we make."
"God is omniscient; there is nothing that He doesn't know."
"The way I think of Eru, if he's outside of time, he can see all paths. That's how I blend the idea of Eru with free will. He knew the end result of all the choices that everyone made because he exists outside of time."
"The fact that he is all-powerful and all-knowing, that's infinitude itself."
"He knows everything you've ever thought about."
"We have a God who knows all things, who knows the end from the beginning, and when you make a statement, the things that you say are things that always come to pass, they're never wrong, and they're always exact."
"The Lord knows the mind and the heart."
"God sees everything, do you know what I mean?"
"Allah knows the past, present, and future."
"The answer must be known if not to men, then to an omniscient being."
"I am the all-knowing god, Jesus Christ."
"There is nothing they do that God isn't 10 steps ahead of."
"God is not in our time, we all have a choice, but he knows ahead of us what it will be."
"God is omniscient, but a whole lot of prayers seem to be trying to offer him information"
"God knows everything, the end from the beginning."
"God cannot forget anything; it's impossible."
"God knows everything because he created everything there is to know, and he's fully aware of all of it at the same time."
"God knows everything about me, God is everywhere, God is close to me."
"He knows everything about you and loves you anyway."
"God is extremely particular about your life, he knows the hairs that are on your head, he knows the days in your life how many heartbeats you have left before you die, every detail is completely and olden by God."
"God sees and knows everyone and everything on the earth."
"God knows you before you know him."
"God knows what you're thinking right now. He created you for His pleasure."
"You forget that he will see all. He will see the lives you have saved, the worlds you have defended, the course you have taken, and the reasons why."
"God always knows, his omniscience means that he knew about the economic downturn we're going through right now."
"Nothing surprises God. He's also not only all-knowing, he's all-powerful."
"They know everything, everywhere, all at the same time. Nothing is hidden or kept from them."
"He's all-loving, all-wise, all-knowing, and all-powerful."
"...God knows every detail about the universe now and about the future."
"God's knowledge is immediate, comprehensive, and without deterioration."
"They probably know everything that's going on."
"God alone knows the hearts of all the sons of men."
"The secret to this life is... I know everything."
"So it’s a unique feature of the God of the Bible that He declares both the past and the future."
"It makes sense for Death to address the reader, since he is quite literally all-seeing and all-knowing."
"God knows everything before it even happens."
"He can see the future, he knows what's going to happen."
"He has knowledge of all things, He has complete omniscience."
"We should fear God because he is all-knowing."
"He knows details about us that we don't even know about ourselves."
"I do not know all things, but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come."
"God knows all about you, and there is nothing you can hide from the Lord. But he loves you no matter what."
"Jehovah can actually sly limitations for himself and that he can choose to not know what will happen in the future."
"God sees the end from the beginning."
"The Lord knows the thoughts of man that they are emptiness."
"You're not escaping my justice. You're not escaping my sight."
"He is the only God who sees into the midst of tomorrow."
"God knows the words that we're going to speak even before we speak them."
"God knows everything, but the angels don't."
"God is the master and he knows everything."
"He holds all knowledge because he is the source of all knowledge."
"God sees the end at the beginning."
"What is that by knowing which everything can be known?"
"Jesus had the power and knowledge of God while walking around as a human."
"The Holy Ghost knows all things, even the deep secrets of God."
"God knows the future because he performs the future."
"God does know exactly what. He's not guessing at it."
"Almighty God knows, he has knowledge of the future."
"My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor my ways your ways, mine are higher because I do see everything not just now but the end from the beginning."
"God can omnipotently, omnisciently, and self-sufficiently, without anybody else, know before he creates every possible thing he could create, every scenario, every quirk, every atom, every little tiny change."
"God knows everything and everything has been planned by Him."
"Math has infinite information, like being all-knowing."
"Allah's knowledge knows what will happen in the future, and even things that will not happen."
"Allah knows everything, past, present, future, possible, and impossible."
"Allah knows everything and that Allah has written everything and that everything happens by Allah's will."
"When God blesses you, he already knows the worst and the best about you."
"It's not just that God knows everything, He knows me."
"Allah knows not only what's happened, what is happening, what's going to happen, but if something was to happen, how it would happen."
"The Holy Spirit knows everything because He knows the deep things of God."
"Jesus is omniscient; He knows everything the Father knows and the Spirit knows."
"Yahweh knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish."
"Allah knows our secrets and he knows the real us."
"Allah definitely knows what it looks like."
"Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, oh Lord, you know it altogether."
"Here's one of the benefits of him having a mind: You have someone living inside of you who knows everything about everything and has committed himself to be your teacher. That's pretty good news."
"God cannot learn anything; He knows it all. Is that awesome?"
"The Holy Spirit knows everything about everything, and He has committed Himself to be your teacher."
"God sees everything, knows that certain people are going to break under certain circumstances."
"He sees you so much, he hears you so much, that he knows what you need before you ask him."
"We only know in part, God knows all things."
"The most high God can see what we can't, can understand what we can't."
"God sees the picture of your life."
"God knows everything about your life."
"Anything that is said and done on my ship, Gaia will see, hear, and sense."
"God knows everything it's written exactly how it's going down."
"...God knows what you're thinking right now. You don't even have to say it out loud."
"God knows what you're thinking. He's a mind reader, you don't have to say it out loud. No one can ever, ever tell you you cannot pray because they don't know whether you're praying or not. God does, and that's what's important."
"Not only does He know what you need before you ask, He knows what's in your heart."
"He determined the end from the beginning."
"God sees everything. We just want God to see what we want him to see but he sees what we need him to see."
"Trust in the Lord. He knows everything, everyone, and what is happening. Leave it in the hands of the one who is capable of everything."