
Tax Reform Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"We can talk for a very long time about all these stupid philanthropy schemes... but come on, we gotta be talking about taxes."
"Most Americans want a higher minimum wage and think the rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes."
"You don't blow a hole in the budget with an unnecessary and unaffordable tax cut for the very wealthiest."
"Tax reform... lowered the individual tax rate to 13% flat tax and increased tax receipts by fivefold."
"All righty, so today is the big tax reform day. It finally has passed through Congress. Your taxes will go down."
"The massive tax reform package that is now passed, the Republican House and the Republican Senate, President Trump is set to sign that into law."
"It's historic because it is a massive reduction in the corporate tax. Everyone's focusing on the individual tax ID. The part that really matters is the corporate tax reform."
"Make corporations pay their fair share in taxes."
"We have to remember who we are, what we are, and we've got to make things like tax cuts permanent. That has to happen."
"American workers will be keeping more of their hard-earned money."
"Mississippi's plan to get rid of the individual income tax is heading to the Senate."
"Flatter rates will mean more reward for that extra effort and vanishing loopholes and a minimum tax will mean that everybody and every corporation paid their fair share."
"At the heart of our economic revival is the biggest tax cut and reforms in American history."
"Love is going to win and the marriage penalty is going to lose."
"We got tax cuts, the largest tax cut and reform in the history of our country."
"I guess suddenly the New York Times is in favor of a flat tax so that's that's great progress."
"The debt ceiling is a symptom of Washington's spending problem."
"I'd get rid of our complicated tax code. I'd advocate and push some sort of flat tax."
"We will make the largest corporations in this country and the wealthiest people stop paying their fair share of taxes."
"We passed massive tax cuts for working families."
"We've passed the largest tax cuts and reform in American history."
"We should be looking at how to reform some of the property taxes but at the same time reducing the income tax."
"The payroll tax cut would be a great thing for this country. I would like to have it regardless of this but this would be a fantastic time to have the payroll tax cut."
"We passed the largest tax cuts in the history of our country."
"We're going to help the 99%, make the billionaires pay."
"Instead of giving tax breaks to billionaire friends, we are finally going to create a tax system that forces them to start paying their fair share of taxes."
"Taxing corporations and wealthy people, just a bit more, you could do that and you'd probably get a lot of voters back on side."
"We've just enacted the most significant tax cuts and reform in American history."
"We gave you the greatest tax decrease in the history of our country."
"Once you start explaining it leads to the obvious conclusion that we should be taxing land for a better system."
"There's gonna come a day when we're not even gonna have to file for taxes anymore."
"You have to have some sort of endowment tax... You have to make it so that exact areas of spending for some of these colleges with public money is just off the table."
"Let me be clear on this: costs will go up for the wealthy, they will go up for big corporations. I will not sign a bill into law that does not lower costs for middle-class families."
"We should expand Social Security, we should expand funding for health care and education, and we must demand that the billionaires stop paying their fair share of taxes."
"We delivered the largest tax cuts in history."
"We just passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history."
"If you raise the cap just to make sure that super rich people aren't getting a huge tax cut here, that seems like it would be pretty important."
"This is not just about tax reform; this is about corruption, inequality, and poverty."
"It'll be paid for by getting rid of tax cuts for the richest americans and big corporations."
"The corporate tax cuts that have been implemented by the administration at the moment in the US have been far-reaching."
"The last Administration's number one Economic Policy was tax cuts for rich people."
"Smart governments are going to institute what I call a tax coin. It eliminates all the cheating and gaming of the system."
"Trump's tax bill obliterates the corporate tax rate."
"We want lower, broad-based flat taxes, spending restraints, sound money, minimal regulations, free trade, and then get the heck out of the way."
"The only effective tax reform is tax reduction."
"Now is our best chance for bipartisan, comprehensive tax reform that encourages job creation and helps bring down the deficit."
"We need to recalibrate our nation's tax system to drive benefits towards working families who need them the most."
"Let's fix the rig tax code so the person of the year Elon Musk who just said yeah can pay his real taxes and stop freeloading off everybody else."
"We have raised the personal allowance to take some of the poorest people out of tax."
"Capital gains tax and the preferential rates here over say income tax is another area that could be reformed to ensure fairness."
"Faceless assessment is one of the biggest direct tax reforms in India based on key principles of efficiency, transparency, and accountability."
"We set out a vision for a low tax, high growth economy that would take advantage of the freedoms of Brexit."
"We need to move away from income tax to wealth tax, too much passive income now."
"Lowering drug prices, cutting taxes for families and workers, addressing the housing affordability crisis."
"The increase in thresholds means 70 percent of workers will pay less."
"He's laser-focused on building an economy that works for all Americans and delivering tax cuts and reforms for these hardworking entrepreneurs by the end of the year."
"Historic tax reform is one of the most significant ways that we will jumpstart our economy, creating jobs and raising wages for all Americans."
"Simplifying the complex tax code would ease the burden on entrepreneurs."
"Increasing the standard deduction means more taxpayers now simply claim the standard deduction."
"We unleashed an economic miracle by signing the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history."
"If we can institute a progressive tax regime where the richest 400 families in the U.S. don't actually pay the lowest effective tax rate in the U.S., that's progress."
"We must simplify our tax system, make it more fair, and bring the rates down for all who work and earn."
"We want tax reform that is pro-growth, pro-jobs, pro-worker, pro-family, and, yes, tax reform that is pro-American."