
Spiritual Empowerment Quotes

There are 373 quotes

"The spirit God gave me does not make me fearful; no, the Holy Spirit gives me power, love, and a sound mind."
"God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him."
"The anointing is divine messaging that you have now been qualified to receive because the Holy Spirit has now entered into your human spirit."
"I can do all things through the one who empowers me within."
"I want to prophesy over this room in the name of Jesus that there would be resurrecting power."
"There is no power in existence that sustains the ability to clamp you down in one position. You will live your life as if Satan does not exist. It's called honor."
"I'm believing for the power of God to be released over us."
"Father as I reverently lift this prayer to you I pray that your people and those who do not yet know you would receive this power now in whatever way they're able let it flow like a river."
"When God calls someone, he will supernaturally enable them to handle the task at hand."
"You carry the authority of Heaven. That Authority rests in you."
"The key to experiencing the baptism with the Holy Spirit is surrender."
"What power we unleash when we cooperate with the purposes of God, that's the point."
"Strengthen him by the power of the Holy Spirit, energize him, give him dunamis dynamite power."
"Fantastic battle from sixth place backwards."
"It's going to be big and I don't think we've ever seen a card like this before."
"God's power love Grace and goodness Beyond you and may you be filled afresh in the power of the Holy Spirit to live for Jesus."
"I pray that from his glorious unlimited resources he will Empower you with Inner Strength through his Spirit."
"The most positive expression... stepping into our power... spiritual awareness... multi-dimensional beings."
"There's a miracle in your mouth, they have the saints and a two-edged sword in their hand."
"We too have authority because the Bible says in Luke 10:19, 'Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.'"
"God is setting you free that you may set free other people God is gonna empower you."
"You have the power and the authority, as a child of God, to rebuke and reject anything that does not come from God."
"Father, I pray for their seer anointing to be open, the anointing of the seer to be released and imparted in Jesus Name."
"God can baptize you in the power of the Holy Spirit right now."
"We can all walk in the spirit and that power gives you Authority."
"Don't chase some anointing you have the anointing."
"Everything of God's powers in your spirit. God's presence is in your spirit. Joy is in your spirit. Peace is in your spirit."
"Elijah left behind his coat. And when Elisha got the coat, his mantle, he was clothed in the spirit of Elijah."
"They won't prevail against you because you're gonna have the power and the ability through covenant and ordinances and commandments and law to not let those gates of hell prevail over you."
"When you love yourself, you are not only seeing yourself as God sees you, but also aligning with the power of God, and allowing that power to shine through you."
"I just believe that God has healed me because if I don't take drugs before I go even go I urinate I will erase my body."
"Greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world."
"The power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that's gonna take you to places you never dreamed."
"One of the anointings is the anointing of warfare."
"God wants you to put the foot on the neck of your situation."
"Tap into the power that is inside you, the same power that resurrected Jesus Christ from the grave. Let the Holy Spirit Kindle the Fire Within You, strengthening your faith and giving you the courage to keep going."
"I bestow upon thee the gift of divine power."
"We know that it is under your anointing that Yokes are broken."
"I speak power into your situation... I speak Jesus down to your insecurities."
"God and the world don't mix. Father, will you feel within me the power of your Holy Spirit?"
"Not by might nor by power, but by Your Spirit."
"You can't do it in your own power, but by the power of Jesus Christ you can."
"Just knowing that you are a living vessel here for the experience and knowing has authority over you and that you are man, God created man and gave you dominion over the earth, just knowing that fact is power."
"The anointing empowers you to excel in life for the rest of your life."
"All power is given unto you in earth and heaven."
"Sin will have no dominion over you since you are not under law but under grace. I declare that no temptation will overtake me because I have been given divine strength to overcome in Jesus' name."
"Authority belongs to us. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places at the right hand of the Father."
"What are we gonna do as followers of Christ? We're gonna do our best by the power of the Spirit of God in our hearts to live at peace with everyone."
"Dare to believe that Jesus Christ can move mountains."
"Jesus says, 'You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and then you will be my witnesses.'"
"May your Holy Spirit fill us afresh and empower us to be witnesses of your love and grace."
"God has not given you a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a disciplined mind."
"Speak to your finances, speak to your government, speak out just stand up in your living room and start talking the word of God."
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline... So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord."
"God is raising you up as an end time warrior."
"Prepare yourselves because I'm releasing such a heavy Spirit of the Lord."
"The Holy Spirit dwells in us, giving life to our mortal bodies."
"I speak a supernatural upgrade to you right now, in the Name of Jesus."
"God lives in us. When I just started recognizing the power within myself, that's the only way that I was healed."
"Walk in the resurrection power. Resurrection power is within you."
"The power of your God is to take what they meant for evil and turn it around to make it good."
"This is a divine feminine that is learning to step into her power, finding power in that independence and solitude."
"I prophesy strength to come upon you right now in the mighty name of Jesus."
"Beloved ones, you are mighty in the earth. God has called you to be mighty."
"There's an anointing that's about to walk out of here with you."
"God has given us the power through the Holy Spirit to survive."
"You have power through the Word of God. You have hope in God. You have tools to win."
"You are more than an overcomer, losing is not a possibility."
"Greater is He that is in us than he that is controlling the world."
"I pray for that one watching right now, Lord, that you would begin to impart and to stir, activate that which is dormant."
"Greater is he that is in me and he is in the world, and I don't care who don't believe it."
"The touch of fire is as liberation. It does not burn the chosen."
"Full of faith, full of the Holy Ghost, full of power."
"In the name of Jesus, I take the hammer of the Lord and I smash the spirit of smallness that has come around your life."
"May the true God whose father Sunday Spirit be glorified in this session. May the Holy Spirit bless this young man, empower this young man, and seal this young man for the glory of Jesus Christ."
"The provision of God has now been placed in the hands of the believer. God is saying, 'I'm putting it in your hands.'"
"We've been given that power, John 14. Jesus said, 'The same works I do, you shall do and even greater because I go to the Father.'"
"I anoint thee by the power of the Holy Ghost that the change... are broken off and the Prisoner that the enemy put your talent in I open the prison doors and I bring you out."
"You will also decree a thing and it shall be established unto you."
"The kingdom within you eliminates faulty belief systems and empowers you to overcome sin."
"The more you believe in yourself, the more God and the angels are working through you."
"Jesus has given us a lion-like spirit; we are lions."
"I release boldness now. Signs, miracles, wonders, healing, deliverance, be activated!"
"God never had a plan for you that involved being defeated. When you call on Him, He can make a way where there seems to be no way."
"Through Christ all things are indeed possible."
"I'm going back armed with a word. I'm going back armed with the knowledge of who God has called me to be."
"Being spiritual will empower you to become a principal actor in your generation."
"Tap into the faith of the Son of God, that resurrecting faith."
"God will give you a spirit of confidence, a spirit of boldness, a spirit of courage, and a spirit of might."
"I receive that impartation, I receive that, I receive that I believe the Lord has passed out mantles to some people tonight with that kind of boldness on their lives."
"You are transforming darkness with a capital D."
"This is your moment. Jesus walks in this room and touches you. You are healed, and the fire of God is upon you."
"You're gonna speak from the fire, and the devil's going to wish he never touched you."
"You have the power to challenge the spiritual forces."
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you."
"Come on don't wait for someone to lay hands on you break yourself out with a shout break yourself out with praise God is awakening you."
"God wants to empower and equip us to see how big He is."
"I love in verse 12 when it says but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name."
"It's not by man's might and not by man's power but it's only by the spirit of the living god."
"God's already done his part, now it's up to you to release it."
"I am more than a conqueror brother. I ask in Jesus name, release angelic beings that are assigned to marshal the boundaries of the terrain and territories that belong to me."
"My own virtue is with you and my guarantee unto you that in my name you can cast out devils and you can heal and make holy."
"I stand in the authority of Jesus and decree I operate within my max capacity."
"Rivers of living water, tongues of fire rest upon each of them."
"The hand of God is upon you, prophesy with everything in you!"
"I'm asking that you release over this family of believers a spirit of breakthrough."
"We are saying yes it's stepping across that line saying God used me to demonstrate what is impossible."
"I'm glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me."
"Inside of every believer is the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost to walk all over the devil he's afraid of you."
"As you know, the force we're up against is very serious... but also we have that god-given power in us."
"Know that you're more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. You're an overcomer. You've overcome. Jesus overcame the world."
"Always remind these demons that you have power in the Holy Spirit you have power through Christ and Jesus."
"I pray Lord that you break every Power of sickness in my life. Psalm 75 verse 26 says that my body and my heart May Fail but God is my heart's Rock."
"Exercise your faith. I possess the power to move mountains of sorrow, demolish obstacles of evil, and shatter the chains of sin, vice, and destructive habits."
"The lord is saying you true in the name of jesus be empowered as you do so."
"Blessing is a divine empowerment for advancement, for expansion."
"His hand is coming on your hands through this fast... Wait till you get a double portion anointing this year on your hands."
"There is no one who is filled with the Holy Spirit that is not supernatural."
"God's unlimited power is available to those who seek Him with expectation."
"You walk on what other people drown in, you are a water Walker."
"The holy spirit will unlock your genius because it is not into self-preservation, it is not into fight or flight. It is not into trying to survive. The holy spirit does not put you into survival mode; it puts you into thrive mode."
"God wants to empower you, not just enable you."
"We are Divine empowered and Sovereign beings."
"You as a believer have greater authority than you know."
"God within: reclaiming our own divinity and power."
"That fear thing is crushed in the love of God."
"May His favor be upon you, may God's presence go before you, and may God's spirit inside of you be greater than anything that is against you."
"We're all one, we're a collective, and we get to by putting our positivity, by contributing our light, make the shift."
"Be filled, my friends, ask him to give you what he has, which is power."
"We need some Daniels today who are prepared to stand for Christ and with Christ in the fires because it's in those fires that you'll very often find that that is God's power at work in you."
"We are not given over to that spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind."
"Implant fresh faith, fresh fire in our souls to believe God for the impossible."
"I am what the Bible says I am. I can do what it says I can do. I will have what it says I can have."
"You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus because the very same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells inside of you."
"I am destined for victory, I'm destined to overcome, I am more than a conqueror."
"We can do all things through Christ that gives us strength."
"His grace is sufficient for us, not just to forgive sin, but to make us overcomers."
"We are our own saviors. If Yeshua, aka Jesus, aka the Christ, whatever, was a real live being that did incarnate in here, it was to teach mankind that each of us had the power to raise our vibration."
"Grace is actually empowerment to do the word of God."
"Now is the time for the average believer to walk in the supernatural power of God in their everyday life."
"It is time to live unhindered, uncompromised, unbound, bold, all out, on fire, and mighty in the power of the Living God. It is time to rise."
"The truth is within and the power is within."
"The breaker anointing is going before you, setting your paths clear."
"Prophesy even the dry bones can able to change, transform."
"You have literally been given so much spiritual power that you're not even aware of."
"Grace is God's enabling power to overcome sin."
"I love how fast it dries, I love how it applies, and it lasts so long without chipping."
"You have the power to break generational curses."
"This church will be a church of Miracles signs and wonders but it starts with us having faith to believe standing."
"Release miracles, boldness, and victory in your life."
"Live in Victory, Yah is reaching out to you to build you up in faith for the Times ahead."
"It's time for the body of Christ to grow a pair."
"If God assigned me to it, he built me for it."
"Every single soul on this planet is powerful and how can you look at any of your own unconscious programming and make sure that you're sending light you're sending empowerment you're sending amazing synchronicities to those who need it right now."
"There's nothing like God's people getting free."
"From today you will have divine wisdom, divine understanding, divine strength."
"When you've got mustard seed a living faith you will tell the mountain what it must do you will not simply recite what it can do."
"God touched me as only you can do. I say, God, give me power."
"Jesus said, 'If you believe in me, you will do the same thing that I do.'"
"From that moment forward the spirit of the lord god came upon david."
"Your spiritual inheritance of the power of the Holy Spirit... you've got an inheritance in the Lord."
"I speak to every mountain in my life and command it to be removed."
"Whatever has covered your glory so that it is not seen and celebrated, I command that veil be torn into pieces."
"God is looking to raise up a generation of Holy Ghost terrorists that are endued with power from heaven."
"Your centurion-like faith shall raise up the gates of the ancient of days."
"You can change the reality of closed doors that have been shut by Satan."
"This is powerful stuff. This is grace going on that you don't even know about."
"You'll receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you."
"Greater is He in you than he that's in the world."
"Elijah wasn't afraid of anything when you're in the power of God and you know God's power is in your life, you don't have to be afraid."
"There's nothing that we cannot do when we're doing everything through Him."
"You have access to the power of God. We came for one name, one king, one Lord."
"You are breaking off the spirit of timidity, that boldness is not a gift, it's not a personality, but it's an identity of the righteous."
"You gotta stop talking to God about how big your mountain is and tell your mountain how big your God is."
"Holy Spirit, be released in Jesus' name. Release your power, release your anointing in Jesus' name. Be filled right now."
"Whoever believes in Me will do the works that I do and will do greater ones than these."
"You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you."
"Salvation prepares us for the life to come, but the baptism and the Holy Spirit empowers us to live out our destiny on the earth today."
"Denying our flesh empowers your spirit, rebuilds you if you've ever been destroyed."
"He gave you an anointing to destroy the yoke."
"The Holy Spirit empowers us to do what God's calling us to do."
"God is arresting you right now by the power of the holy spirit god is calling you and god is bringing pain off your body god is bringing sickness off your body."
"Grace does empower you to say no to the temptations."
"For Jesus said the comforter will come, and the comforter is the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost is fire."
"Realities are first fear a man who has arrived in his mind because God testifying said no power in existence sustains the ability to stop such a man."
"You will never see it in your life again. I declare unto you by the power of the word of God that these Egyptians you see today you will see them no more forever."
"You are a divine, powerful, eternal spiritual being."
"Align yourself with your purpose and the power in your soul."
"You are the gods and the Earth's of this particular Realm."
"Grace is not a license to live recklessly, it's the power to live righteously."
"The Empress Divine Feminine is definitely in the building, and they know it. There's wish fulfillment, there's empire building with you two being together. This is longevity, this is like all that."
"I gained the strength day by day, I gained more power to overcome my weaknesses, and then I gained a testimony that when we immerse ourselves to the scriptures every day, we will be more powerful than the enticings of Satan."
"There's a superpower inside a believer that keeps the line of hope from ever hitting zero."
"I declare victory. I declare breakthroughs. I declare the anointing, a fresh anointing from heaven coming upon your life now." - Fernando Perez
"The resurrection power of God is available to us right now."
"Talking about dreams and situations where we feel paralyzed, the name of Jesus, calling on the name of Jesus, is something that frees us from all darkness, no matter what it's doing with us."
"Grace is the empowerment to live a holy life, not the license to live in sin."
"You are called to break the yoke from Isaiah 10:27 in 30, 60 and all the way to 100-fold."
"A savior isn't Jesus or someone outside of you, that you are your own savior."