
Family Activities Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"Go on a hike with fam. Yes, this is something that I have wanted to do for so long."
"I was like, 'I want to get some,' and she's like, 'Yeah, that'd be cool,' and I was like, 'I'll get some for like so we can have like a family slime thing because Ruby likes slime, Miles likes slime.'"
"You've brought the picnic basket back, and now Peppa's family can enjoy a delicious lunch in the forest."
"I think parenthood is a really fantastic game pack. It allows you to develop your parenting skills, shape your Sims' childhoods, and enjoy new family activities."
"It's important to find... games that they like and play with their kids. I think it can be a wonderful experience."
"This is my best birthday ever. Captain Dog loves canal boats. Everyone loves canal boats."
"You can swim, you can do aquatic exercises, you can have fun with the kids - this will reinvent family time in a way that's fun, relaxing, and great bonding."
"I am super excited for him to get on the Secret Life of Pets ride."
"My daughter's involved in Irish dancing, and there are costs associated with those activities."
"Don't go take your kid to Disneyland... Don't give Disney more money."
"Jenga is second only to bowling in our family... bowling and Jenga are the two points of pride that we hang our hats on."
"We had game night, we had movie night, we watched every like George Lopez."
"Great thing that families are doing right now, absolutely great to see everyone pitching in."
"We made salads for everyone. Look at little Indy, aw, such a sweetheart."
"Watching my daughter was amazing, and I had so much fun watching her and do something that she loves."
"As long as my kids are having a good time, that's all that matters."
"Cooking together is something that we don't do nearly enough, but we always say we're going to do more of."
"Sent the mask for everyone. She also sent nerf guns. Oh Logan and Freddie are so excited about that too. Actually I'm excited."
"Disney hotels have a lot of extra free activities."
"Lessons every home should have: a marmalade day and a bath."
"I think about kids not being able to compete in sports, I think about the things that families used to do and take for granted."
"But it's been so much fun to go to the pool, and our daughter's learned how to swim."
"I think that's half the fun of gardening is connecting with nature and connecting the family together outside."
"We do it every year, so if you're looking for a great way to get your kids to think about being grateful and having gratitude, this is an idea for ya."
"I think it adds some really nice features as a bunch of new stuff you can actually do with the kids and teenagers in your families which is really nice."
"She hopes her children will fall in love with cooking."
"Boating is the thing now. People are starting to realize the value of being out enjoying time with your family and creating as many memories as possible."
"Candy learned how to ride her big girl bike all by herself. She won the race and beat all of us. That's right, I had a feeling everything was going to turn out all right."
"Here's the Trading Post where you can get just like your essentials if you're doing s'mores you can get some marshmallows and some graham crackers and some chocolate."
"Oh yes, nice! Oh, this is so great, we have already been playing games with this table."
"I got us all matching pajamas, what, no way what did you say what did you say and I almost did that, I got us all matching onesies, bro to be honest y'all ain't ready for the Christmas that I created."
"Nigerian Americans are active in schools, youth athletic programs, and parent-teacher associations due to their emphasis on family activities and education."
"We're gonna try some new things this month, and we're gonna expand the kids' taste buds."
"One of my favorite things about my last toddler activity video I did was seeing you guys have your toddlers doing all the activities."
"Gratitude check-in with your kids... it's such a wonderful thing."
"Scavenger hunts: a free, easy way to keep the kids entertained."
"We don't bake together a lot but I thought it'd be really fun to do more of that this year."
"I'd love to take your kids to the aquarium and then be like, 'Look, it's a human!'"
"We've got a really exciting weekend coming up I'm not going to say that too loud just in case any of the girls are still awake but it's going to be a really fun weekend."
"Can you imagine like getting all your family and then in the little outdoor gear and like going hiking on a Sunday? I love it."
"I think dad's off to an excellent start and he just needs to honor that playtime so that he can bond with the boys."
"Slackline obstacle kit: bringing the fun of an obstacle course to your own backyard!"
"We brought games, pillows, and blankets. It's gonna be a fun activity later planned."
"Book them a family photo session for a truly appreciated gift."
"We figured out that if we did good things for other people and each other, it fills up with presents."
"We need to get this entire bag filled up to the top by Christmas Eve or... the Toy Collector will steal Christmas."
"I think we need to be doing something really, really big, because if doing little things filled up Santa's bag for him, I think if we did something really, really, really big as a family, we get it to fill up all the way up to the top."
"With your guys' help, we will totally beat the Toy Collector. Take that!"
"We did enough good deeds that we were able to overflow Santa's Christmas bag."
"We do that by eating hot dogs, swimming, shooting fireworks, being goofballs, and that's kind of what we do on the Fourth of July."
"Now go outside with your friends, family... and look up into the sky together."
"Every night without fail, our son requests a dance party to your songs."
"Mum's beginning to realize that through doing these activities with her boys, it's just growing their relationship more and more."
"And now she does and she's enjoying it and that's really what it's all about."
"Mom, I want to do a concert in the backyard."
"Moms be like 'I'll take you to see Aquaman' now this happened organically."
"Keep it budget friendly and only go on family friendly vacations."
"I think our daughter would request to pull it out almost every night."
"Now that we have a kid I'm kind of stoked to take my kid out trick-or-treating."
"If you have a kiddo who absolutely adores cars like I do, you will be riding this quite a bit."
"This hunt was one for the books, there's just something about being able to hunt with your family and friends and friends that respect the same things that you do."
"And it's super fun, and I am going to be building decks and playing the game. I'm going to teach Becky and maybe even we'll teach Ned. It's basically Magic light. It's very easy."
"Maybe we can finally take Anders to the Ever."
"It's about letting the family have a fun day."
"Wow, yeah! Mommy, this is fun and my hands are so clean now."
"We've taken this Freddy ride many times today."
"Immediate five stars. Way funner than a trampoline park."
"Staycations are better... making time to spend together."
"Wake up, do stockings, do presents, have dinner."
"if you got kids you probably at some point have taken them or getting ready to take them you gotta you gotta go"
"Your kids are going to be over here and you're like, 'Oh mommy, I've got to go to Red Bull Park!'"
"If one person watches this and decides to take their kid to the range and teach them some valuable life skills, then it was worth it."
"Being from Pure Michigan, I love the outdoors. I love camping. I love looking at bugs. I love Identifying birds with my Dad."
"Fundamentally, I don't see why taking your kids to a drag show is any different from taking them to see a musical."
"Your children told you that they wanted to meet the other kids, and you made that happen."
"Wow dad is like a superhero it's a relaxing day for camping never mind dad seems to be looking for something three."
"It's time to officially bring 'Catch the Fish with Granddad' to the world."
"Enabling people to have those adventures, take their family, take their kids, take their friends."
"It's the best thing we've ever done as a family."
"Remember there are a ton of things for kids to do in Disney World that don't revolve around the rides."
"It's cheaper to stay home and read a book to a kid than it is to keep throwing your money away."
"We're raising our children at home. We want them to be adults at a young age. That doesn't mean they can't have fun. They're out here playing basketball, enjoying the toys, but at a time, they're going to have responsibilities."
"We've decided to bring the fun indoors. Kids actually completely remodeled a room upstairs, a toy room that turned into a storage room that now turned into a gaming man cave if you will."
"We're back to the peanut butter and jelly thing that I talked about earlier. Any amount of time invested in your kid's emotional maturity and development is going to be a positive."
"Honey I wanted to take you camping for years I used to cry when I suppose child and this would be the first trip you weren't crying how nice."
"Exercise is so much more than that. It will help you be able to play with your kids, to be able to play with your grandkids, to be an independent adult when you're in your 80s."
"Who wants M&M's? Ry bear, you earned those M&M's. You flew up that hill, mate, well done, you zoomed up, you're the champion, you won the hill!"
"It is literally rained every day guys it poured rain most of the day today we had that one little opening that we were able to get in the pool so we're hoping we can have a full day of fun in the sun."
"I know how important it is to get your little dude or your little girl...into gaming just like you."
"Let's solve these mysteries alongside each other and have one big family game night."
"Understand your kid and understand what they can handle and be sure to be flexible when you get to Disney World."
"You want to go out there and be able to take them to the amusement park and give them food."
"Over 100 million dads have spent a lot of time at the workbench, and then subsequently pretended their kid helped in some meaningful way."
"I think it's great that the kids have been able to come"
"As someone who's sort of revisiting the cycling world, I feel like we're on the cusp of going out as a family of four on four bikes."
"I know so. I can't wait to have a mom where I can watch movies with and go shopping."
"Group lessons engage the whole family in learning together."
"Speaking of which one thing I have tried time and time again with my girls is to get them into superheroes and Thunderbirds especially which is something I was really into in as younger"
"All aboard! I'm still a tiny bit worried about this jump, Daddy Pig."
"My son is going in Zagreus... 3D printed him a sword... I borrowed that for the livestream here."
"We're gonna decorate for Christmas this week and it'll be fun to look forward to that just start taking each and every day up and in a forward direction."
"You're never too old to play bat and ball, Peppa."
"Now we can sleep and get some rest. And when it's time to wake up, we'll be ready to sing and play and make crafts like this one."
"I really wanted to do something with the kids, you know, something fun."
"You can pretty much easily hunt the whole entire family."
"I really enjoy like doing this with my family and teaching my kids about this stuff."
"It's a great way to teach them the value of hard work when they were helping her tear down wallpaper or removing something in a room and the feeling of accomplishment after they saw the finished product."
"Alright guys, the moment you've all been waiting for, we're here in the playroom slash loft slash school room, and we're gonna give you like the full tour."
"Do you see the family triple Egypt free games initiated everybody?"
"I can hardly imagine anything more pleasurable than sitting here with some friends having a chat about the day's activities while your children or your friend's children are splashing about in the hot tub."
"These are for the rice; you've seen my kids use these before to make like the rice balls really shaking back and forth."
"This park has 349 acres of family fun."
"It's great for kids too like when we brought our daughters they were just like climbing these rocks."
"...these projects are great for kids and adults to do together."
"I woke up pretty early because Nikki and I were gonna take Ben to his fiddle lesson."
"There's not a dad in the world that wouldn't want to do this with their son, this is just awesome."
"That looks delicious. Something that's always fun for the little ones at the end of your dinner service here at Animators Palette."
"Mom and dad should go stargazing in the new truck. That is so cute, I love that one."
"The family will absolutely love swimming in these hot springs at the edge of the desert."
"All the joy that comes from making cookies with the girls outweighs the mess."
"The dogs are gonna go trick-or-treating with us."
"Side-by-sides have become so popular for many reasons."
"There is a variety of things to do with the family, so no matter what age range you have."
"I want to make sure that people can camp and bring their kids camping and get out in the wilderness and experience nature for free."
"The car is loaded up because we're going to Center Parcs Sherwood Forest. Yay, excited!"
"It's happiness for us to do things outer, especially during the summer, we want it to be active, do some work, especially the family, we always wanted to work together on the same thing."
"I'm so excited, this is the first Christmassy family type day that we've had in a while."
"We were always doing things with the children; we didn't like to sit around and watch TV."
"It's a nice thing to do with the kids."
"I wrote a list yesterday of activities I wanted to do with the kids this fall that basically cost zero money because we're broke."
"Family fun, lots of adventures coming up."
"We've always brought the kids, and it's always been really good."
"I want to be able to bring my kids to camp."
"We get a different type of people who come to this camp. Here we get older people in their 20s or 30s, even 40s, with their families to come and train."
"This van is going to be so perfect for this family because they love to go climbing, they love to go to music events, and love to be outdoors with their family."
"We're going to get a photo with Santa; we thought about going to the mall, but I feel like the photos at this place are going to be much better because they're professional photos."
"I like to find activities that keep our kids entertained and everyone in the vehicle happy."
"We're going straight from here to the shops to buy you that skateboard."
"The Disney Animation building, and inside there you will find Turtle Talk with Crush, the Animation Experience, Sorcerer's Workshop, and a meet and greet for Anna and Elsa."
"We love taking him for stroller walks."
"I'm so excited for this kind of family activity, getting the tree set up and the living room just a couple extra touches."
"Whether we're at Disney or football games or doing all kinds of fun crazy things, I always try to stay very active."
"We also like to get arts and crafts kinds of things for the girls."
"If you ever thought about visiting Darwin and you're wondering what kind of things are to do especially with kids, I reckon you'll get a lot out of this one."
"This is gonna be great for golfing as well as hiking or any kind of outdoor activities that we decide to do as a family."
"Make an effort to enjoy recreational activities with your kids."
"That's something you can do with your kids, you take a kid fishing or something, you can have little competitions with them."
"Now it's back into the school year and that doesn't mean the fun has to end."
"We're just trying to read books and keep the kids as busy as possible."
"We've had two days at John Pennekamp and it's been fantastic, it's really really good, plenty for the kids to do here."
"We're going to make stuffed animals, sew quilts, and make pillowcases."
"It's very common on the weekend to take the kids to practice."
"Why not bring babies to bikes and really expand what's possible from a family standpoint with motorcycles?"
"Pizza ovens are great for families; it definitely has a bonding experience."
"We fight for freedom; you get out, we fight. People, take your families on an adventure."
"It's so cool to be able to do something that we love with our kids."
"We have a fun-filled day planned for tomorrow."
"I want to take my grandkids hiking. Got to stay healthy and illness-free."
"I'm embracing more time around the fireplace, baking simple recipes that the kids can help with."
"Looking at my calendar, I'm so busy right now with my work schedule, my kids are busy running to sports, but I still want to be able to eat healthy."
"My favorite part was the ski lift for the whole family."
"Cooking with kids doing anything with kids is always going to be a little bit stressful, but you can do things to ensure that there's a lot of fun in it as well."
"I cannot wait to go trick-or-treating with Micah."
"It's all about love, taking them to jeepers, feeding them, helping with homework. You're just daddy."
"We get a fireplace going every night, and sometimes we have like s'more roasting inside."
"But the community that we're building, having the kids together, a place to swim, a place to enjoy, a place to hang out, some place that we built."
"We would cut down our own trees for Christmas."
"For family fun, a thrilling run over wide open space is where the land is for living."
"Now we are set for this summer, I got some fun things for the kids."
"Without a doubt, one of the most incredible hikes we have done together as a family."
"We're cooking together, we're playing cards and games in the evenings together."
"Finding ways to get around with the kids, maybe teach them about biking, explore different areas around your community by bike, it's a really nice way to go."
"Doing something with your family, your offspring... feels so much more important."
"Between a good Seattle Mariners home game and fishing or camping, there is nothing more I love to do with my kids."
"You have the lower crowds plus creative ways for kids to stay entertained between attractions."
"The kids love fishing, they have had a love for fishing ever since they've been little bitty tiny."
"That's why I like doing the Junior Rangers with the kids because I learn so much more."
"Incredible facilities here at Waterford Oaks, the county park not only has this BMX track in the middle of beautiful trees and campgrounds but it's got enough other fun activities to keep the whole family busy."
"We build stuff like that with the kids too."
"I'm thankful that dad gets to be out there doing what dad wants to do right now."
"Some of these things are activities for the kids to do while we're driving, and others are snacks for us to have during the long trip."
"I choose to bring you along because hopefully it's inspirational and you want to take your family out and do those things as well."
"I'm not going to lie, I love taking the kids to like school events."
"Around my city, Vancouver, we have a lot of farms... it's a very fun activity for families, especially for kids, so they can learn more about farm and farmers."
"The greatest enjoyment is to be able to be out here on this type of run and your child is right there with you."
"Now we can have fun doing things together again."
"We played outside, went for rides on the quad, went to the trampoline park."
"This sounds like a really fun and cute way to do some adventures with your kids."
"Minivans aren't boring; they're super practical and more important than what the vehicle is, it's what the vehicle allows you to do."
"You'll go out to any park and there's dozens or even hundreds of people walking out with their kids as a family."
"It's just really cool that we found a sport that we can compete in and play together."
"Being a family man, I am taking my family out hiking, and I want to do more things with them."
"We're doing games, games, games, word games, backgammon, trivia games."
"Dirt bikes were a little too dangerous anymore, and just gave me something I could still do with the family."
"You're gonna go down a slide with your kid while you still can because it's awesome."
"We love seeing your families doing things together, it's just awesome for us."
"Life is a winding road, just go ahead, take the day off, maybe take your kids sledding or something."
"We're gonna want to go on walks together and carry a baby around."
"We've actually been enjoying getting out there and going grocery shopping together; it's been fun."
"We talk about you every day and the things that we're gonna do and have so much fun."