
Culinary Experiences Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"If there's one meal you break the bank for on your trip to Japan, make it Teppanyaki."
"Singapore offers an impressive array of all-you-can-eat experiences that range from the intimately local to the expansively international."
"I love squid in like a squid ink dumpling I never had that before I really like squid ink pasta."
"That black bean sauce is so good kind of like the Chinese barbecue sauce you'd have like an aashu it's very similar to that really great flavor though."
"This is one of my favorite shrimp and pork dumplings or wantons let's have it that was nice I loved Chinese black vinegar there's a good amount of that going on in there and it's spicy yeah I know."
"I have never had a tofu tastes like that, that was really good."
"I love anytime I can try something new especially something that I don't even know existed is really a treat for me."
"I love going to my black friend's house because I was exposed exposed to food I love going to my Mexican friend's house because I was exposed to food oh dude and they love it when you just eat yes sir right."
"Quite often the best way into a culture is through good food, a dinner table, and the right people."
"The food is probably my favorite thing about living in Shanghai."
"Food is about sharing experiences, and what food is better at sharing experiences than cake?"
"Diversity means all kinds of different people can serve you all kinds of amazing dishes."
"I would've loved to eat with Anthony Bourdain."
"I've never gone to a seafood buffet in an Asian country and not had just the most amazing time."
"I never thought I'd be eating hot dogs with the Michelin star Chef."
"You can't go wrong with Tsuki Samu Anban, sweet bread stuffed with anko. But this time around, instead of it being bread, it's a straight-up brownie."
"I love the whole family being here. You could actually try another food."
"It's all about rice noodles, isn't it? Anyway, I'm told it's now the number one destination for food lovers, and that's why I'm here."
"That's stunning. Say 'Oishi Yoshi.' It's so light, melts in the mouth."
"I'm a happy man. Thank you for bringing me here. This is spectacular."
"Hawaii is always one of my favorites during food and wine."
"Honestly, being here is like finding out the secret behind all the places you go and eat at. It's like a revelation."
"Oozy cheese is a trend that just keeps on going."
"I think I'm ready for it. Yeah, we're going to appreciate all of it, especially the food."
"This too was so good, really, really so good. I hope you're able to try it."
"They wanted to provide a chef experience for everyday people."
"It's funny, like to have the barbecue like the Texas style meats and American style cooked meats and then some Asian Vibes in it, it's just, it's nice."
"I've got Hong Shao to the left of me and Empire to the right of me."
"Forever, you will have ingredients that you don't recognize and they're prepared in a way that is like, I can't believe I've gone my whole life without trying this."
"Soy sauce, the sesame oil makes love with the egg fried rice. I don't use 'make love' and 'egg fried rice' in the same sentence. That's how Uncle Roger got fired from the Chinese restaurant."
"Thank you for encouraging me as I do all this cookin', and thank you for sticking with me."
"There are many low-key establishments that serve some of the most delicious food you can imagine."
"I need to get good sushi so I can come back and tell everybody how good it was."
"We have come, we saw, we conquered, we tried the stir-fried milk as well as a lot of other yummy things from Shunda."
"Well, we had such an amazing time exploring the city, eating everything it had to offer."
"Owning a restaurant, we get to taste a lot of different things, but tasting caviar never gets old."
"What's the point in going away if you can't eat like a king?"
"That was the best one, that Dosa, that was the best pick I got though. Edit movies, yeah, that's like the ultimate demo."
"This convinces him not to dislike a food before you try it."
"It's like eating the watermelon green... it's very cool to go from seeing a food I've never really experienced at all in my life."
"Sharing food is also a way of sharing tongue."
"That's it, I'm starting my own passive income small business. It's called She Smokes Weed and I marvel at how much better food tastes when you're high."
"I've honestly, hand on heart, never had a recipe that I've not liked."
"Fries are one thing every fast food restaurant has, but what KFC used to have was more like a slice of baked potato you could eat with your fingers."
"I love food and not just like food, I love experiences to do with food."
"You could try those foods for free today."
"Seriously, never had a bad recipe."
"There are still so many more restaurants to explore."
"I seriously love trying new food, so I try my best to try as much food in place as I could."
"Have you had a Peking duck bao before? I have not, and I'm so excited."
"I've never had chanterelles in one of the fish wraps before. Honestly, that's one of the best flavor combinations I think I've ever tasted."
"I'm going to have a completely different perspective over food."
"For us, there's nothing better than eating where the locals eat when we travel around, so we try to seek these Cheap Eats places out."
"That cinnamon roll was excellent, definitely the highlight of the meal today for me."
"Be daring, it's kind of like food, if you don't try something like a different flavor, a different cuisine, you never know if you're gonna like it."
"When I first thought about coming to St. John's, I thought I'd be eating simply prepared meat, game, and lots and lots of cod."
"I very much PID a lot less for this in the UK one of the the first things you know talking about food not just the price of food but some of the food things is there were a couple things that once we got back here I really wanted to have again and the first one was barbecue."
"I've tried the peanut butter one here, amazing."
"When we're visiting a location, truthfully, I plan a lot of our trips around places I must eat."
"We're gonna just walk around, explore, find some delicious things to eat, and meet some amazing people."
"It's not often you come across something in food that truly puts you in a state of awe."
"Montreal is one of the most gloriously decadent food cities I've ever eaten in."
"Here, the ice cream is tastier with pineapple."
"I love food. Yeah, like the best part of my job is I get to travel and just like eat all around the world."
"People in New York love that about this city: that you can literally go to a different corner of the world whenever you want to taste how differently human beings have understood the relationship between us and the food we eat."
"We're going crabbing. We've been told that we can get some Dungeness crab, and that is one of my absolute favorite meals in the entire world."
"The best stories are found between the pages of a passport and the bites of a good meal."
"The most memorable meals of your life always pull at a heart string of familiarity of something you've experienced before."
There is always a "only here" flavor which is memorable.
"This is definitely where you want to go if you're a foodie or you want to cook something delicious because everything is here."
"I love being here for food and wine; I can't wait to try everything."
"There is so much to see and do in Heidelberg with so many great restaurants to experience."
"We get to try literally different things every time."
"If there's food involved, I'm loving it."
"We want to share some highlights of some of the great restaurants we've been to and some of the cool experiences we've had."
"Pizza ovens are great for families; it definitely has a bonding experience."
"There's a lot of great variety of foods to choose from, so no matter what you're in the mood for, you're probably gonna find something to enjoy."
"Farm to Plate is the best type of Tourism."
"To bond with your family over delicious food."
"We went to the restaurant where Obama met with Bourdain, and that food was delicious."
"We need to hold ourselves true to answering the question of what is the best thing we tasted of the year."
"That just spoke to my soul; we're communicating, it's food communication."
"I think cooking in the Arizona Sun is definitely worth it."
"The more flavor experiences we have, the more we can go back to those experiences and dig into them."
"I just want to see the world, I want to go try food in different countries, and I want to see something in person."
"I love finding places like this because, you know, there's so many now popping up."
"Green Chef, you're helping us make some memories."