
Hiking Quotes

There are 1823 quotes

"Go on a hike with fam. Yes, this is something that I have wanted to do for so long."
"I love the sense of clarity and purpose that you have when you're hiking."
"The Appalachian Trail has to be pretty life-changing considering we've done like a 15-mile section of it, and it's offered this much variety and interesting things to see."
"The winding trail took us through rocky gullies into incredible vistas of the distant hills below us."
"As a landscape photographer who travels a lot, walks a lot, does hiking, something like this is perfect."
"This trail is incredibly peaceful in the early morning light, shaded pretty much the entire way."
"The trail is not the easiest, but the payoff at the top is worth it."
"Join us on the trail we'll have some fun I'll see you at the trail."
"Even when you're hiking like in Yosemite, you get out a couple miles, you've got it all to yourself."
"He did feel that he did not wish to traverse it."
"But this is a good reminder why you should never hike alone."
"I really enjoy hiking. I like finding cool things on the trails."
"Mount Hua in China... called the most dangerous hike in the world for a reason."
"Now I know some of you watching this video probably think Scott's a royal jerk because he, well, left me alone to hike to a treacherous spot in the mountains."
"If you come across another hiker on the Appalachian Trail, it is your responsibility to help them if they need help, and it is their responsibility to help you if you need help."
"It's the type of woods that if you look away for 2 seconds too many, all the people that you came hiking with, they could disappear behind the massive tree trunks."
"Hike your own hike and not in the sense of 'well hike your own hike I'll do what I want' more in the sense of worry about you and what you're doing."
"If you're brave enough to conquer this hike, you deserve all the commendations coming your way."
"The photographs found on the digital camera in the backpack show two young travelers on a hike."
"It's a special thing to spend four to six months out on a trail."
"The trail has taught me to live a more simple life."
"Hiking in general is a pretty cheap thing, you know you can spend a lot of money balling out in the cities but once you get out of the cities into nature things are typically cheap."
"I really love the challenge of figuring things out myself, I like to go at my own pace so I typically hike solo unguided."
"I fit in it pretty well if I hike with another person."
"When you have ultralight gear, it's just going to probably not last you much longer than a thru-hike, you know? There are trade-offs with all backpacking gear."
"I would never hike in freezing cold temperatures in rain again without an umbrella unless somebody made me."
"Lower the rings at the right moment elevates the experience of any hike."
"Whatever the future may bring, we'll always hike together."
"This is the kind of hike that dreams are made of."
"This is the perfect time for the hike to end."
"There's something weirdly meditative about just hiking at night like this."
"The Bavarian Forest is a popular destination for hiking and outdoor activities."
"Can you imagine like getting all your family and then in the little outdoor gear and like going hiking on a Sunday? I love it."
"This has to be one of the coolest hikes in Utah."
"The dolomites are considered the most beautiful mountains in the world and are a well-liked destination for hikers and climbers."
"Torrey Pines is a great state park to explore."
"I know I've been hiking with you, I know how you get vertigo and you're afraid of heights too, but it's very manageable. It's not as crazy as when we did pill box."
"I was hiking alone with my dog, and a man approached, asking if I was afraid to walk alone. I told him no, and he kept asking if I was scared of being assaulted or killed."
"I want to hike in public lands, I want to show you the beauty that exists in these places."
"Red Rock Canyon: scenic drive with hiking trails of all difficulty levels."
"To preserve this structure, visitors are limited, with a lottery only dispensing permits to 16 people per day to hike up to this striking landmark."
"Everybody who is on trail during a thru-hike is just disgusting and dirty and grody somehow you see beauty in them."
"We could have saved like two hours if I would have taken my boots every time."
"Deadly nail booby traps were found scattered throughout the forest... led to fear and uncertainty within the hiking Community."
"Pulled it off the Black Forest Trail, Pennsylvania, 43 miles of good views and rugged trails."
"This morning we went on a gorgeous hike to a waterfall."
"I'm not scared of hiking alone because I'm not waiting for people to come with me to enjoy my life so I'm going to enjoy my life"
"If you make it to the tea house at the top, you'll be rewarded with super awesome tea."
"Just something that you won't see and you can also do like hikes up to Versus, which is actually not that high of a mountain."
"When you go out and do hikes, the self-discovery is rewarding."
"Let's not forget how big the Appalachian Trail is. It's like the longest trail in the country, it's absolutely massive."
"There really is something for everyone when you're hiking in Grand Teton."
"Hiking is probably one of the best things people can do to bring up their overall conditioning."
"I did not use a map and compass for any of the three Triple Crown trails."
"One little aspect that I enjoyed about the AT that I didn't get on the other two trails was little victories."
"The threshold between the trail and civilization is one of my favorite feelings in hiking ever."
"I had made it. I had completed the entire Cleveland Way walk."
"Every step is a milestone along the Great Wall of Northumberland."
"Looking out at the panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, fjords, and the sea below, the hike's highlight is of course the moment when hikers finally reach the stone and can stand on the boulder."
"Being here is kind of getting my hiking juices going."
"Pick up all your trash if you're new to this."
"Remember never hike alone. Tell someone where you're going and always take a GPS tracker and adequate supplies."
"Those pieces of clothing actually belonged to the two hikers who worked around radiation."
"The day has just begun and I'm already out of breath from hiking up this, uh, well it's a four-wheeler trail now but appears to have been an old road like from the early 1800s."
"I solo hike across mountaintops that most people wouldn't dare go."
"We went on really, really beautiful hikes too, tramping in New Zealand they call it tramping."
"The walk out to the ridge took about an hour at a casual pace."
"Hiking... allows you to get your head showered here in Northern Ireland, which means just get out and bathe in nature."
"Honolulu is also home to Diamond Head, one of Oahu's best hikes."
"This is the official end point of the hike, epic views."
"This is a good reminder why you should never hike alone."
"If you like to hike, some of the best trails on this side of the Mississippi can be found in Tennessee."
"Let's plan a hike out and let's go out and do it."
"Let's go ahead and dive into the interface and plan out a hike."
"Let's go ahead and record the track."
"I guess we're gonna be hiking all day so we'll see."
"...that's the hike I hope you found the guide helpful if you did enjoy it if you'd consider supporting the channel I appreciate it do all these videos by user support so no ads no sponsorships."
"I'm a hiker, I love the mountains."
"Through the woods, our squad goes hiking, singing a song together."
"Backpacker magazine called this one of the hardest day hikes in the United States."
"Life was pretty sweet; I got to hike and go for late-night dips in the springs, make some travelling friends, and spend quality time in nature."
"One of the prettiest hikes I've ever done and it's on the beach."
"Day hiking is a gateway drug to happiness."
"This area is a hiker's nirvana and includes the most famous footpath in the country, the Appalachian Trail."
"For an avid hiker, I can say I've seen some extremely beautiful views, but the top of this mountain was the most impressive."
"Be careful hiking in the Big Horn Mountains."
"Hiking the hills of Heartland has that effect."
"I think everyone should have a good pair of walking or hiking shoes in their vehicle at all times."
"The hike itself is really cool, it's not too difficult like I said you go through a little bit of a tunnel and at the end you will get some amazing views of Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head"
"Diamond Head is probably Hawaii's most iconic mountain and probably the most popular hike for people who come to Oahu."
"Hikes: Oahu has some wonderful hikes with stunning views."
"Camping is also available and you can hike to the top of lion head for some spectacular views."
"If you make hiking fun, the dogs want to hike."
"It's worth the hiking if you could do it."
"If you have a bucket list for hikes in America, The Narrows has to be on it."
"Nothing better than a warm meal after a long hike."
"If you can only do one trail in Yellowstone it should either be Grand Prismatic or the Upper Geyser Basin."
"I found plain wreckage while hiking in a state park this weekend."
"The idea of taking a nice hike and getting away from it all has definitely been an enticing prospect."
"Countless hikers go missing in a wide variety of bizarre and mysterious circumstances."
"If you're hiking this one later in the day, expect a long line of people waiting to get their picture taken."
"Spot number five is the birthing cave, one of my absolute favorites in Sedona because it's only 2 miles round trip to reach it."
"It's a terrible idea to go hiking without your cell phone, without an emergency beacon, or a map of the area."
"...it's just a case of thinking on the hoof really, isn't it, and working through any problems when you're out walking."
"...so it's not only using your gps, it's just the hill navigation, those hill skills, isn't it, which you need to think about, what happens when something goes wrong, how can we get ourselves through that potential problem?"
"Now the next thing I want to talk about is something that I did on the Pacific Crest Trail all the time and it's what I call hiker trash pizza."
"So frozen burritos Pizza sandwiches leftovers I think are all really really great things great options if you are stoveless."
"Light hiker is a happy hiker despite what I just said about carrying a pack a little bit heavier."
"Food on top because hiker hunger is real, it is absolutely real."
"Mentally you can break this hike up into three sections."
"Torrey Pines: known for world-class golf, paragliding, and hiking."
"Each of the sections of the Great Divide Trail are challenging in their own way."
"We're heading up a route called the Lycian Way, named for the Aboriginal people that inhabited this region as early as the 15th century BC."
"Over the span of these four days, we've hiked on big loose rocks, small gravel-like rocks, loose dirt, soft fur needles, wet boulders, huge fallen tree stumps, around puddles, and under a great dome of trees. It's been amazing."
"The views throughout the climb were epic, but the most famous viewpoint is postcard corner."
"just doing a bit of a ero hike a bike gets you there faster at least point one mile per hour quicker this way I reckon"
"I've always wanted to be a hike girl."
"It was a truly beautiful hike with its towering canyon walls, trickling waterfalls, and historic sites to explore."
"It rains a lot here and Berg flow is the trail we're about to do."
"Everything I'm going to show you is stuff that I've used on the trail, stuff that I know about, and I'm really excited to share this stuff with you."
"There's something about standing on the rim of that waterfall and realizing that you just hiked all the way up it and it didn't occur to you that that's what you were doing."
"I don't know if I can say this I think I can I asked one of them like oh what like where would you take me on a date and they're like oh probably a nice hike and I was like are you sure you know."
"He likes to hike in pretty deep and camp in a specific spot he found a future of spry er, so he made his way in and set up camp in his usual small clearing for the night."
"I do a lot of hiking and mountain biking in the woods nothing has ever made me not want to go back there but there has been some weird stuff"
"It is overwhelming. The whole underground hike is about a mile and a quarter and it has been called 'the Grand Canyon with a roof over it.'"
"We really felt like explorers. This was the first time in all the years we'd gone hiking that I ever felt an emotion like this."
"I had been hiking for about half an hour when I then heard what sounded like a woman screaming for help in the distance."
"Even if it didn't hold a chance to see the tallest waterfall in the world, the Sentinel Peak hike would be worth it for the views alone."
"This hike is definitely worth its own category. You can find this hike right off the Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail."
"We thought it would be cool to do the whole thing as a team by section hiking it over 4 years."
"If you like to hike go for it but don't feel like you know sometimes on those trips when you just can't get there because you're too tired or not in the mood don't feel like you really missed out if you don't do the hike."
"...it's so perfectly laid out, so accessible, so well-maintained and the walking is just challenging enough to be interesting but not so hard that you feel like you have to over prepare."
"If you hike the trail in the afternoon, then you're going to have a little bit more sun exposure, which can be a good or bad thing depending on the time of year."
"Hiking the Mist Trail is one of my favorite ways to experience Yosemite."
"I've seen people forget this while out on day hikes and it definitely leads to some crappy situations."
"The salomon xa 25 multi-sport backpack is the perfect backpack for long outings and expeditions."
"With a gear capacity of 24 liters and an overall weight of 2 pounds, this is one of the best hydration-friendly hiking packs in the market."
"And there you have it, 10 of the best day packs for hiking that you can buy right now."
"It's really important to stay hydrated and stay warm even when out on day hikes."
"I always bring trekking poles because they help take the load off of your knees and body."
"Because of this, hikers seek out the best day packs in the market."
"West Rim Trail: One of my absolute favorites in Zion National Park. Highly recommend this one too."
"Angel's Landing: It's just a great trail. Lives up to the hype."
"The Zion Canyon Overlook Trail hike is only one mile round trip with 187 feet of elevation gain. This hike is going to have incredible views of the canyon."
"The Narrows is probably one of the coolest trails in Utah and the entire country. The entire hike is unbelievably beautiful, so go as far as you please."
"Angel's Landing is famous for its chain section where you will navigate some difficult terrain with some pretty serious exposure on the trail. It's a very adventurous and adrenaline-filled hike."
"This was insane! Upper Emerald Pools showcases one of the tallest waterfalls I've seen in Utah and you are just surrounded by massive canyon walls. It's definitely a must-do hike in the park."
"Knowing the weather forecast for the area you plan on hiking in will help you decide what gear you'll need to bring for the conditions and terrain you'll be hiking in."
"Solo hiking can be intimidating for anybody, whether you're a man or a woman."
"...this might be one of the most spectacular hikes I've ever been on."
"...this is one of the most famous hikes in America definitely the most famous hike in Glacier National Park I'm sure."
"...I just love hiking in these...I love the experience of I love to feel the grind underneath my feet..."
"Not only was it great on the trail but it feels like a good value as well."
"Hiking is the best entertainment in Switzerland and it's totally free."
"It's an awesome hike that's only 4.3 miles round trip."
"Let's hike, yeah! So slather on some suntan lotion, put on your little hat, and when we go, take a hike."
"Have we wasted 3,000 calories hiking up this thing just for the cloud?"
"Hiking is usually an incredibly safe activity, but sometimes due to either mistakes, poor choices, or just plain bad luck, things can go very, very wrong."
"It's probably the most popular hike in Canyonlands National Park and probably for good reason."
"It's almost a straight vertical hike with some Class 3 scrambling towards the top, so this hike is definitely not for the faint of heart."
"I finally got to experience the Whites as a thru-hiker, something I've been watching others do for years."
"I think a lot of times when people hear about the narrows they think about the 16 mile overnight hike that you need a permit for but really, you don't really need to do that if you have average ability you can hike the narrows and in this video we're going to show you how."
"Hiking is a great way to reap the benefits of what nature has to offer, but venturing into the wild has its risks if you're not adequately prepared."
"Hiking in rugged terrain with steep inclines and declines can quickly lead to physical exhaustion, especially in extreme heat without sufficient water and proper hydration strategies."
"I just knew deep in my heart that hiking this trail was something I was meant to do."
"That's the hike guys, I hope you have a good time and I'll see you on the trails."
"Please bring a paper map when you go out hiking, just in case something happens to your phone or your GPS. You will have some options in terms of navigating and finding your way back out of the situation."
"These stories should serve as a reminder to all of you to keep your wits about you when you're hiking."
"Embarking on a hiking journey can ignite a sense of excitement."
"Before hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2016 I had already done about 2,000 miles worth of these little tiny overnight trips."
"An innovative stove for your hiking trip, optimized for three-season performance and engineered for lightning-quick boil."
"This bridge is definitely one of the highlights of this hike plus it's more fun to be excited about this than the uphill it's about to happen."
"This is really great for new hikers and even some of us seasoned hikers we get turned around every once in a while."
"10 miles in about 7 to 8 hours, that's more than 1 mile an hour non-stop."
"Pretty sure this trip has been the most hiking we've ever done in our lives."
"Devil's Lake State Park offers 30 miles of hiking trails on 500-foot bluffs overlooking a 360-acre Lake."
"If you're a hiker, you should probably be intimately familiar with the time of the year, the food source for the grizzly bears, and where they typically travel and which way the wind's going and when to make noise."
"Technical terrain and trekking poles are everything. Highly recommend."
"As always, thanks for watching. We'll see you next time. Keep hiking."
"On the trail, every ounce counts, but every memory weighs infinitely more."
"Camp shoes: a hiker's oasis after a day on the trail."
"Pack liners, a hiker's best friend."
"My gear may change, but my love for the trail remains constant."
"The people you meet on the trails come from many lands, and your days are filled with cheery greetings."
"This hike is absolutely gorgeous."
"You're more likely to see a celebrity or an actor or a famous person doing a hike in the canyon or riding a bike on a trail than you will in Beverly Hills or Hollywood."
"This hike like this is such a treat. It's new, it's basically undiscovered and you get to stay in these wonderful Villages without any other tourists around."
"That is my four season hiking and backpacking layered outfit system."
"The point of going on a hike isn't really to get to the destination, it's to go on the hike."
"Table Rock State Park, features several trails with scenic overlooks."
"Are you ready for the most haunted hikes in Oregon?"
"Okay, it goes without saying the best way to see the Great Smoky Mountains is to do it on foot."
"The LeConte lodge is located at the top of a mountain and you have to hike to get here."
"After hours of hiking in soaking wet clothes, socks, and boots, it makes you appreciate moments like these a thousand times more."
"The hike to the viewpoint is easy and safe, offering one of the best views you will ever enjoy."
"A paradise for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts."
"...the elevation gain here is not a joke, definitely a tough one but it was so worth it."
"The hiking out here is wonderful and there's such a variety of trails."
"What if we got a ride to where that group we knew was, hiked Northbound with them to Katahdin, celebrated, rested, and then us two would jump back for the miles between where we left off and where we jump forward to?"
"There's nothing better than jumping in a cold River after hiking in the hot sun."