
Spiritual Authority Quotes

There are 435 quotes

"I have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy, and nothing will harm me."
"The merger will accelerate a new era of Pentecost power and Kingdom authority."
"And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven."
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven."
"Authority is greater than power. Though Satan may have some power in this world, Jesus gave us authority over his kingdom."
"The only way to have confidence in our authority over the enemy is to know and walk in the light of the words of God."
"Mary Magdalene's leadership is questioned merely because of her gender despite her prophetic visions, her unique status with Jesus, and even Peter's own acknowledgment of her spiritual authority."
"These awakenings will come when preachers go back to preaching the word of God with the authority and the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Let me tell you, you will never receive from a man until there is genuine honor to God, to his office, and to the anointing."
"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you."
"In the name of Jesus cancer gone blood disorder go arthritis go tumors go skin disease go blindness go deafness go paralysis go."
"If it is demonic, it has to respond to the authority of Christ."
"If you pray from that authority, which is a demand."
"Lord, might we have ministries like Jesus did so that when we speak, it will be with authority."
"We are the ecclesia... we decree and declare downward."
"You've been given the authority to use the name of Jesus."
"God raises up those in authority, He not only rules but overrules the processes of men."
"Anyone that places themselves as the authority and the only one who understands the Father's will is deceiving you and slowly introducing you to Satan."
"Our authority as believers can be fully exercised when we engage in fasting and prayer."
"It's time for the body of Christ arise by cupping that authority you've been authorized about heaven."
"Under the authority of Christ Jesus, I command you to loose your hold."
"At your voice the demons tremble in fear; in your presence no other power can stand."
"God is releasing a decree for the kingdom that is going to intercept the decrees of individuals that are hostile to his purposes."
"I command you by the blood of Jesus, I reject you."
"Your confession releases the authority of the Living God into your battle, into your crisis, into your marriage, into your business, into your health."
"Jesus Christ is Lord and one day your knee will bow."
"We too have authority because the Bible says in Luke 10:19, 'Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.'"
"You cannot obey Jesus without obeying the apostles."
"He didn't give us authority to keep us busy till he returned he gave us authority to make a difference in the world we live in."
"Authority comes when we yield. The more yielded we are, the more authority we walk in."
"We take authority over every foul spirit that's harassing your mind."
"When you rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ, they flee instantly."
"Prayer is the crowning of your life with dominion and authority."
"Your preaching and teaching must be backed up with power and Grace."
"Let her go, let her go now, be healed now in Jesus' name."
"Casting out devils: The only name you need to know is the name of Jesus."
"Jesus didn't need the demon's name to drive it out."
"The authority of Christ is what drives them out, not anything that we do in our own power."
"He's under my feet but you must activate it under your feet."
"Why deny the testimonies of anointed Godly women that are proclaiming the gospel?"
"God says to you in Jesus' name I give you the authority to overcome every obstacle in your life. An abundance of benefits will be yours this coming weekend."
"Jesus Christ is Lord, he wants full control."
"Jesus gave us the power of attorney so that now we can speak on behalf of God."
"If God isn't endorsing it, it doesn't matter who is."
"Submit to the authority of God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
"You will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of the power and coming on the Clouds Of Heaven."
"We have somebody that is of a different order than we are that has powers that we can't even understand."
"We have authority over the powers of the air."
"I tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, nothing shall by any means hurt me." - Luke 10:19
"There's a level of spiritual authority we require that we cannot enter into until a generation of the fathers stretch their hands over us."
"The authority of God is much bigger than the authority of the enemy."
"The authority of God again is much bigger than the authority of the enemy."
"The name of Jesus Christ is bigger than your problems."
"Jesus wants to train you with his authority, Kingdom thinking, Kingdom living, and Kingdom operating."
"We're also considered sons who are going to rule and reign in Revelation chapter, I believe it's chapter 2."
"The mighty name of Jesus Christ, every sickness has to bow, every disease has to leave, every chain has to be loosed."
"I thank you Father God that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and we are far above every principality, every power, and every rule of darkness of this world."
"Your word shall be a consuming fire to the wicked, destroying them."
"I want to be more effective in deliverance. I want demons to listen to me. I want to increase in the power of God."
"You've been given authority and power to drive out demons."
"You have authority over all the power of the enemy."
"It's not your prayer that heals the sick it's his finished work it's faith in his name you get it."
"You have the name of Jesus and every knee bows at the name of Jesus, every demonic structure falls at the name of Jesus." - Mark 3:15
"We have authority over demons... Christians run into great conflict and controversy on this point."
"We are the ones that represent God on this earth."
"We don't just have that authority, it's given to us. I think that's our best bet, is prayer, commanding it."
"I want you to be encouraged to walk in your God-given authority because he wants you to live in freedom and wholeness."
"Accept the Word of God to be the ruling authority in your life."
"Ellen White's writings speak with prophetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction to the church."
"There is power in your name. When you speak, chaos turns into order, darkness turns into light, evil is conquered and righteousness prevails."
"There is not one square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry 'Mine.'"
"Stop reacting to the situation and lead your people, lead them upon the authority of the word of God."
"I declare and I decree freedom from the top of their head to the bottom of their feet in Jesus mighty name."
"I want to give you the kingdom, but you need to become a queen and a king and a priest and a priestess in order to enjoy that gift."
"You have to know who you are in Christ... before operating in his authority."
"I command all arthritis out of these bodies and broken bones to be mended in the name of Jesus."
"Taking authority over the region before you even go into it means you've already won the battle."
"There is a conscious dominion Jesus Christ gives to the Christian soul."
"The time of the lion has begun and you're the voice of Judah."
"When you see Jesus Christ in Scripture, you know He is Lord."
"The Catholic Church does not have a monopoly on the practice of exorcism... The main actor in an exorcism is Jesus Christ."
"You can cast demons out of people... you can lay your hands on the sick and they be healed."
"As soon as they got in her presence the demon just like I can't do this anymore and then the possessions over because of her holiness."
"I command this door to open by the grace given to me by the Lord Jesus."
"My own virtue is with you and my guarantee unto you that in my name you can cast out devils and you can heal and make holy."
"I command mountains to be removed and cast into the sea."
"Jesus has given us his authority and power to cast out demons. It's a promise you must know."
"There's another King, and His name is Jesus."
"There is no regime that can replace him, there is not a UN resolution that can alter him."
"Tick tock has been a breath of fresh air across the pandemic."
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end."
"Boldly exercise the authority given to you by Jesus."
"Jesus has given us the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions."
"In the name of Jesus, that devil's gotta go."
"Your credentials come from the secret place where we stand before the Lord our God."
"The authority of the Name of Jesus is greater and more powerful."
"Dream interpretation belongs to God first and the dreamer second."
"We rebuke them in the name of Jesus." - Paul Begley
"Let me give you Scripture lest someone leave here and say he was a bunch of fluff with no substance."
"I declare that sickness has no power over my life."
"Hello, there's no coincidence there. The name of Jesus Christ, I command you to reveal your identity."
"The fundamental calling of the church is to bind and to loose."
"We break racism, we break the power of hatred, by the authority of Jesus Christ and by the blood of Jesus."
"There's a new sheriff in town, his name is Jesus."
"You as a believer have greater authority than you know."
"Your final authority is not a man, woman, church, congregation, denomination, YouTube channel, a vision you saw, a dream you dreamed, your mother, or your father. Your final authority, if you are a believer, is the Holy Bible."
"I have no power to say whatever I want. I can speak only the message that the Lord puts in my mouth."
"We don't have to be pushed around, we have been given authority."
"There is no other name higher than the name of Jesus."
"Not everyone who says to him 'Lord, Lord' will be allowed to enter his kingdom in heaven."
"If it is true you are anointed, then the opening of your mouth is like the opening of the cage of men's destiny."
"In the Kingdom, the assignment determines access."
"Listen carefully: I have given you authority... and nothing will in any way harm you."
"The only name you need to know when casting out a demon is the name of Jesus."
"It's not me, that's right. It's not Geno Jennings, that's right. It's the Holy Ghost, that's right."
"The Lord has given you authority through his name and through the blood that is why we address these things in the name of Jesus."
"Jesus has the keys to death and hell." - Revelation 1:18
"Some of you have such a high spiritual ranking that people need your approval to access you."
"Jesus did not operate with the keys of Adam because the keys of Adam are with Satan."
"Jesus went to hell and took keys of Hell, death, and the grave. He came out with keys."
"You have the power, and God has given you authority."
"No word of Samuel ever fell to the ground. Everything that Samuel said happened."
"Everything in heaven can be settled, but the job of the church is to declare on Earth as it is in heaven."
"Lucifer wanted to use serp worship that did not belong to him and that will never belong to him."
"Jesus Christ is walking around as the owner and coach of his church."
"Why would I take a demotion to be a president when I can move in the power and the anointing of God?"
"By calling out he abruptly stops his abduction experience, these entities can be stopped in the name of authority in Jesus Christ."
"We have all power and authority to tread on serpents and scorpions."
"We have authority over sickness. Speak against it, drive it out, just like Jesus did."
"Even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."
"I'm giving you governmental authority to tell my angels what I want them to do."
"We must be the example to emperors and kings and presidents and persecutors that we serve the one who is truly Lord and God."
"If you got a key, you got authority in the kingdom of God."
"The Word of God is the most potent thing; a decree is literally the power of God."
"The gates of hell cannot prevail because we have knowledge of the authority given by Christ."
"The devil is indeed our enemy, but through the authority in the name of Jesus, we can cast him down from our lives."
"Those who are really under Christ's lordship are those who are under the authority of Christ in the Church."
"I commanded that skin disease to dry up in the Name of Jesus."
"The Bible is timeless truth, the inspired Word of God."
"Demons do not come out because you renounce. Guys, please hear me. What I'm going to say, demons come out in the name of Jesus."
"In the name of Jesus, God's given me authority. Whatever I loose on earth is loosed, whatever I bind is bound. I have a right to use His power. Not coronavirus, you cease right now! You stop right now!"
"A real believer that knows who they are... can cause demons to shudder and tremble."
"So I release the presence of Jesus, right where you are, and I command everything that is in your body that should not be there, has got to leave now, in the name of Jesus!"
"The most important thing: Jesus Christ said Himself, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man can come to the Father but through Me.'"
"We're seated with Christ, we've been given authority."
"The Holy Spirit does not debate with demons, He dominates them."
"The only authority that any of us have over demonic power comes from Christ directly."
"You have power over all the plans of the enemy and all the darkness around you."
"The blessed are rebuking things that should make them have everything."
"It's the power and the authority of Jesus Christ and his name that will always cast out evil spirits."
"Everything that has stood over you, in the name that is above all names, we bring it under your feet."
"We have this massive spiritual authority, 90% of the body of Christ didn't know."
"We have authority over the power of the enemy."
"We have authority over the devil. God gave us authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the works of the devil, and nothing will harm us." - Fernando Perez
"When you say 'You are Lord,' you're saying you are boss. You have veto rights over my life."
"You can command these things to go in the name of Jesus Christ."
"The divine says, 'I'm stepping in, enough of this nonsense.'"
"Don't listen to man, go to Jesus. Man will send you to hell."
"You don't need to rely on a pastor or going to somebody else's crusade. You have this power."
"Demons are not listening to you because of what you did, they're listening to you because of what Jesus did."
"Exercise your Authority and stay free by submitting to God."
"God gave you the authority to name something, to call it blessed, to call it the plan of God for my life, to call it His hand on me. You have to name it even when you don't know it."
"I serve a higher government, the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords."
"Trust your intuition because you are a high priest or a high priestess here."
"God doesn't give control of your will to a demonic being."
"But just know that we have all authority in the spiritual realm, we don't have to submit to any Spirits, the only spirit that we submit to is the holy spirit."
"Jesus is making these claims to be the Savior and then also to be God."
"She yelled aloud, 'You have no power here. Leave now,' and it vanished into thin air."
"We are empowered by the Spirit of Almighty God."
"I get to decide if I'm going to make some vessels worthy for Destruction and some worthy for praise. I get to decide if some people get drawn to me or not."
"The whole point of the prayer is to get heaven here."
"We have authority over all the power of the enemy."
"An undeniable truth, almost like a spiritual wisdom, a Divine wisdom that you are utilizing here as you're heading forward. I love it. Authority, I'm hearing authority. Authority, authority, authority. It's just what I heard."
"I am giving my remnant church a powerful voice in the midst of chaos."
"The anointing represents position, power, and authority. It also represents consecration."
"What matters at the end of the day is whether people know that Jesus is Lord."
"Stand on the authority and truthfulness of God's Word."
"Religion relates to the supernatural order, the supreme authority."
"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword."
"The proof of your dominion in the kingdom is that you speak things and they happen."
"There is nothing in the Bible that says that if you say something negative you're giving the devil legal rights over you."
"Your faith should not be in your pastor, should not be in a man, but it should be in the power of God."
"You always have authority over any spirit that would try to bother you, always."
"I bless you with the blessing of authority, that you'd be such a servant of God that you would have authority against and overcome all the powers of the enemy in your own life and the lives of others."
"A new guru is popping up every week, but Satguru doesn't subscribe to that."
"If you have a word, you have the authority of God backing you up to see it through."
"When you have a word, you have the authority of God backing you up to see it through."
"I don't care what's going on in the world we operate in a kingdom come on we operate in a kingdom and we are the ones who take authority of what's going on in the world."
"Even the demons when they saw Jesus they said he was the son of God."
"One car in exchange for knowing what a man's made of, that's a price I can live with."
"You will prophesy, it shall be your portion."
"Jesus is above every principality... He is above all the demons... He is above all the dominions and Powers..."
"She never studied Theology and never learned formally to read or write, she came to be recognized as a doctor of the church and a master of the spiritual life."
"Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name."
"I have been given authority to overcome the powers of the enemy"
"Nobody but Jesus sits on the throne of our lives and because Jesus sits there we have righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost."
"I command the morning to take hold of the ends of the Earth and shake the wicked out of it."
"Your words and prayers have tremendous power to destroy the works of darkness."
"True spiritual authorities faithful to the Word of God are called by God, gifted by God, set apart by God, not self-appointed."
"Jesus said use your binding and loosing powers because whatever you bind, Kevin, is bound. He said go to the root of the evil in this country and in this world. He said cut it off at the root."