
Personal Struggles Quotes

There are 867 quotes

"You really never know what people are going through in life."
"Being an attractive woman doesn't magically turn life into easy mode. Women are people too, and you never know what they are hiding just by looking at them."
"My hope for all of us, Toby included, is that we can start to be a little more genuine about ourselves and the things we love and struggle with."
"You never know what's going on in somebody else's life. You have no idea."
"The average person has real fears they have to deal with every day... about their job, their bills, their family, and everything else going on in their lives."
"We all have a bag of rocks... You don't need to come in and tell me how bad things are."
"Slander is more difficult than anything else that a person will face in life."
"What form do your personal demons take? Um, you know, I could describe it, but I'm worried that the mere description of these will frighten you to your core."
"Sometimes it feels like you can't do anything right, everyone's judging you."
"The pressures were too much for these young women; they married their Prince Charmings to discover that life within the royal house of Windsor brought loneliness, unhappiness, and despair."
"Judy Garland died of an overdose, a tragic end to a life filled with remarkable highs and devastating lows."
"Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a battle, you know nothing about."
"Ramsay’s response to the prisoner was to opens up about his younger brother's addiction to heroin and his father's alcoholism, saying he was 'dealt a dysfunctional card'."
"You never know what other people are going through."
"You're not supposed to have anything at 24. You're supposed to struggle."
"You may feel caught between a rock and a hard place."
"When does she get the chance to prove herself? Going through hardships in your mid-20s should not result in a life sentence under a conservatorship."
"Being an empath is a blessing in a struggle at the same time."
"You don't know what that person is going through because you have to be going through a lot in order to be able to say something that cruel."
"Addiction, paranoia, resentment, self-hatred."
"I cannot imagine what some of y'all are going through when you get stressed in the opening."
"Nobody does care about my parents, that's hard to grasp because you may get some people commenting on the way that you look..."
"Your oppression and misogyny that you deal with might be as my therapist used to say trauma with a lowercase T versus with a capital T."
"Things that we've had to struggle through usually Empower us at the end of the day."
"Diana's early years were filled with hardships, tenacity, and a desire to make a positive difference."
"Everybody has this obsession with comparing struggles and tribulations and stuff in life, like it doesn't matter, everybody has their own struggles."
"I've always wanted to put out content where it's like I'm not talking about the stuff that's bothering me and I'm not talking about stuff that's making me sad that day." - David Dobrik
"That morning... is the worst." - David Dobrik
"You never really know what people are going through."
"Every single person has internal conflict that they struggle with."
"Why am I struggling in life? It's not because you can't have success and happiness and health and all the beautiful things. It's your program that is limiting you."
"Sometimes the church may not address what you're going through."
"As soon as you actually get the courage to start talking about something how quickly you realize that you're not alone."
"I have compassion for the lostest guys who are mad online. Because they've been through things they won't tell you, they've been hurt."
"You do not have to endure their lies or manipulation alone."
"I apologize for pretending like I've been okay the past two years, I did it because of my pride, I was embarrassed to share what happened to me."
"Under the shimmering veneer was a woman troubled by an unhappy marriage and personal insecurities."
"A lot of [ __ ] don't understand because they ain't never went through what I went through."
"I have learned that my light and momentary troubles are achieving for me an eternal glory."
"I had shame, I had self-doubt, I had confusion. I felt lost for almost two years. I slept on an air mattress that had a f***ing leak."
"Transparency is key when we're talking about these issues because I just want you guys to know that you're not alone when you deal with issues and we all struggle and you know no one is invincible no one has a perfect fucking life."
"They planned how to try to give they wanted to force me to have a mental breakdown."
"We're never alone in our struggles and although we are all different people experiencing different challenges in our daily lives, we are all unified through our experiences."
"It's good to see you all again. I've been going through it, but it's good."
"Personal struggles beyond the spotlight marked Natalie Wood's life, battling depression and relying on alcohol to cope."
"It felt good to see people standing up for you in your worst times."
"Revisiting the interview, it's distressing to think of the pain she was concealing behind her smile."
"No matter how perfect your life may look on the internet, everyone's going through something."
"Just because you can't see the hope in your situation, it doesn't mean that it's not there."
"We just want to be here with you. You never know what people are going through."
"Recognizing the struggle that you've had, that fight or flight."
"I'm not saying you have to be distressed in your life or like you're... Yeah, I mean, but I do think a lot of people in society are like 'Oh, that person's going through a breakdown', you know what I mean?"
"So much of our misery comes from just not listening... It's okay to be like I am not over this guy I know that I should be thank you Jessica I know that."
"Do you know what I'm really tired of? Men [___] me. I separated from an 18-year marriage in my early 40s. I'm 50 now."
"Even if life is hell right now, there’s a future out there for you where then, you’ll love your life."
"Nobody can see the trials you've been through, only you can see that."
"Whatever it is that haunts him seems to have no intention of letting him go."
"You never know what battle someone's dealing with inside their own head, heart, and soul."
"It's not easy to be vulnerable in your position with the career you have, in the way you have."
"For anyone going through this, if I can only do one thing in this video, it is to humanize what you are experiencing."
"Perry's candidness about his battles with addiction was well known, and Hertz's post alluded to the challenges they faced together, concluding her tribute. She expressed her solace in Perry's newfound peace. Tributes to Matthew Perry."
"You're very open about your darkness and your light."
"One of the major reasons why I stopped all of a sudden is because I just collapsed. I collapsed over the anxiety and depression I was having."
"I never want my son to see the things I go through."
"I feel like someone's really hurting over the fact that there's not more stability in this, basically."
"This is her last moments, perhaps, of happiness on Earth, trying to grab some happiness in between the abuse that was taking place."
"I've been through [ __ ] the dirt with this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like I've been through so much [ __ ] with this guy like are you serious."
"No one is perfect. Everyone struggles. Everyone has bad days."
"But everyone was greed that thing that said you're nothing that self-esteem that hit in the chest that just says you've done what you've done physically but now it's all emotional notes up here."
"Chino has certainly had his struggles over the years and he's been perhaps one of the most transparent people when it comes to that"
"Just because you're not crying doesn't mean you're not still healing."
"Traditional superheroes protect normal society and the persistence of the status quo. The Doom Patrol is mostly just working on their own ship."
"My greatest misery always points to my greatest ministry."
"I've been through an alphabet of tragedies and trials, and I'm still here."
"You just never know what that person is going through."
"Through all of the darkness and the rough things that she had going on, Phoebe did find an outlet."
"Hopefully the next one doesn't have to do it as hard as I did."
"Tell me why you're sorry, don't just say sorry."
"Physical pain is nothing to me, emotional pain is heavy."
"There's a new beginning coming up for you that has come as a result of the tough stuff you've given up about yourself."
"I'm so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man."
"Everybody's got stuff in life... this is how I dealt with it to make this short journey we have on this earth the best it can possibly be."
"Being real about poetry, sexuality, her struggles with abuse, and other areas of her life was a better way to connect with her fans."
"Being distracted by options is like the worst torture you can ever subject yourself to."
"In life there are wounds... that silently scrape at and consume the soul."
"Thank you so much for that question I used to stay awake at night every night for like years sobbing about this."
"I think you know I'm gonna have bad days, but I have to lift with my hope."
"I was old when I was young. I had arthritis in my knees when I was 14."
"I've been persevering through a whole lot of stuff."
"Life isn't easy for anybody. Maybe you woke up today and stepped on the scale and the scale simply said no thank you."
"Success is sweeter and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats."
"Can't do it alone... I realized I can't handle this by myself... invite more people into my life."
"Sometimes it just feels really overwhelming and you just need someone you can talk to."
"At the center of all three of those is just, 'I'm not enough.'"
"I think the biggest struggle besides relationships with me is personal image like self-image and just insecurity."
"It's okay to just say it's difficult. You don't have to make it sunshine and unicorns."
"My life has been hard, I've had battles all my life, but I never bow down to a bully."
"The most unhappiness you will ever have is the secret you're hiding."
"Everyone has their own way to deal with pain."
"It feels bad to get [__] on... you gotta consider whether people are actually available to help you."
"I don't care who you are. We all want to be liked. Usually those are the people who struggle the most."
"People struggle with knowing who they are and what they want to do."
"I went through a period that when I felt trapped I would cut myself. I have a lot of scars." - Angelina Jolie
"Hell isn't just like this cave underground with full of lava and you know, the devil or whatever. It's like your own personal hell, right? Everybody gets a personal hell."
"Your greatest ministry will likely come out of your deepest hurt."
"His battles with substance abuse and legal challenges never overshadowed his dedication to kindness and philanthropy."
"His openness about these personal struggles allowed fans to connect with him on a deeply human level, transcending the stage persona."
"Everybody is struggling with something. If they feel upset enough to lash out in a certain way, they're probably dealing with something."
"Not every man struggles with this... don't think that because you struggle, everyone else does."
"Our past and our pain were not for the purpose of burying us, but to use as leverage to rise in life, to catapult us forward."
"Seem to be repeating the same cycles that they were born into."
"I guess you never really know what someone's going through unless you experience it yourself."
"Sometimes I am my number one fan and sometimes I think that I should have all my teeth ripped out and tongue cut out and just you're done you're you're absolutely done I'm silencing myself you're done."
"I never been afraid to say I struggled and I think that's what's wrong with a lot of people."
"Once you give voice to whatever demon is swimming around in your head, it gives it a power that you can't take back."
"This person has been in a dark place, this person couldn't fully be there for you or express their emotions to you because they're in a place of depression or going through some difficulties."
"Daddy couldn't man up and get his balls together."
"Everyone has their darker side, and Six has been through far more than most, especially for a child."
"Every fight, every struggle, every last bit of anger and fear, all of it was about this. Adonis was the child of infidelity, born after the death of a father who didn't seem to care enough about him to stay alive for him all this time."
"Everyone is dealing with some version of this thing... we're watching families split apart."
"You don't know what people are dealing with."
"People don't like Dei, for example, her own family... flush it because why? Because she's a piece of [__]."
"Life is really [expletive] can be very challenging and confusing and overwhelming."
"Jinju shares with a heavy heart that all she wanted was to live a normal high school life."
"The dismantling of my online life was far from painless."
"It's gonna take a minute in a drought when your pockets got mumps, that means nothing's going on in your life."
"I think perhaps the best words to describe YG would be disruptive... they really like to break the rules."
"It wasn't Hollywood that was driving me crazy it was Hollywood that had me questioning what they were doing but it was my family that was driving me crazy."
"I know it feels like you're losing right now but God told me to tell you you anointed to win."
"I have been physically assaulted, lost friendships, received death threats, and hate emails."
"I'm talking about my life, not something that I read, I ate out of trash cans."
"We're all fighting demons, whether they're in human form or just distractions."
"It's just a lot of stuff that's been going on, just with you know, Katie Bell and you know, Kyrie situation, so it's just, it's been a lot."
"The past is the past and there's no point in dredging it back up. Everyone fights for themselves."
"Suppression is depression. Listen, I'm speaking my heart and mind every single day."
"Everything I never told you reminds us of the importance of recognizing other people's struggles."
"It just... I kept going, and the little things just seemed—it always reverted back to that one thing."
"Part of the burden I carried wasn't mine to bear."
"All that glitters is not gold, a lot of people have a lot of issues going on."
"The lore mentions that Sparta finds cut off... Odin's using that place to basically imprison Tyr."
"Everybody is fighting a battle that you don't know about... it's about compassion."
"Even when you have nothing left to give, you keep going."
"No matter how horrible it got, it was always teaching me something."
"Everyone has demons, everyone has struggles. I've never met somebody who said they have too many people to talk about important things with."
"You have no idea how hard it is to just be... criticized all the time."
"Don't ever judge a person for what they've been through."
"I get that it's hard to walk away from. Whatever this resonates with you in your life, it may be able to be salvaged."
"Luke's easy to love because he's so open and vulnerable, you just want to wrap him up in a blanket and protect him from the shit he's going through."
"Nobody believes that. That was how bad it was for me without analyzing."
"Times are hard right now you know that okay parents kicked me out I'm only 25 years old."
"You wouldn't scream at the person, you wouldn't tell, you would try to reason, then you try to maybe empathize."
"That's when you are favored when you start to discover that your struggles was not because they didn't like you or because you weren't deserving it's because they saw a certain level of strength in you."
"The devil wasn't coming back. He preyed on me in my time of weakness."
"People only see like the final version uploads of your stuff and they don't see like oh my god he's slogging through all these responsibilities."
"Mayweather showed us why he is the pound for pound number one."
"I want you to see these sides of me because I'm human and I do struggle."
"They want to overcome their wounds, their inner demons."
"There's no excuse for anyone like me, going to school almost done, to be homeless and on the streets. Where's the American Dream?"
"I don't want Robin to see this... how dark I've gotten."
"At the end of the day, you're all you got. Like, yeah, you can have family, you can have friends that are there for you, but nobody truly knows what you're going through other than you."
"His strength is made perfect in my weakness."
"You never know what a person is going through, you never know what a person is feeling inside."
"Hang in there, keep thinking about those who battled through."
"My story is actually more a series of unfortunate events."
"Even being a deity myself... it is quite rough and tough on me as well."
"You never know the struggles people are going through, so please be kind."
"One thing that's particularly tough for me is I'm trying to break the cycle of like being treated badly and then like it like a battered you know bringing it back in."
"The comfort of people who don't really know about your personal situation can be super patronizing."
"It's the pain of being you that creates the power of being you."
"You can have some advantages in life... still need help."
"You were certainly the recipient of some of my low moments in that three-hour shift."
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."
"Never actually know what somebody's going through, if somebody's going to hate on you they're usually going to be unhappy in their own lives."
"Bam Argera is not going to be in the Jackass Four movie perfect Bam Argera has had a very troubled couple of years mostly it seems like the death of his friend Ryan Dunn really is what put him over the edge."
"Sometimes there's a silent battle that people go through that only their closest friends and family know about."
"If I'm able to deal with my issues and, I guess, find people to talk with, then I think pretty much everyone else can."
"This is like a good message, be nice to people you don't know what they're going through."
"You're not the problem, you just dealt with a lot of people who made their problems yours."
"Even though it comes with a lot of strife and a lot of emotional overload, it's still worth it."
"There's so many pressures and there's so many ways that the forces of evil work."
"I receive hundreds of death threats regularly if not daily, thousands since this trial has started. People mocking, mocking my testimony about being assaulted, making fun of my objection."
"Contrary to her distorted perception, there are no perfect lives, there are no perfect people, and people are always going through something behind the scenes."
"Seeing Jessica struggle to process her past while saving lives made her into a truly engaging protagonist."
"Alimony drama" - the intersection of personal struggles and public scrutiny.
"Your struggles are coming to an end, something beautiful is blossoming from that darkness."
"What I do believe and what I do know is ELISA was a girl who might have had some issues and she might have been going through some stuff, but she had a good heart."
"Mary wants revenge, and I kind of understand."
"Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you, I have self-esteem issues but I keep it hidden."
"I just want to win because I suffered a lot."
"You made me laugh and got me through a lot of internal struggles."
"Our struggles are just God's way of showing us that he's with us every step of the way."
"Your struggles are just the beginning of a supernatural journey with the Lord."
"I was really insecure I was jealous of everybody everybody had something that I didn't have and I wanted it and it was just really really self-destructive and I just was very unhappy in high school."
"I think it's more something we be fighting ourselves over."
"I am constantly feeling like I have to prove myself... At some point, it's like, 'Alright, I am who I am.'"
"This is not the first time you cried, this is not the first time you were hurt, this is not the first time you didn't have enough money, this is not the first diagnosis."
"I just, I'm so privileged and I'm so lucky as a human and my life is so great that like I was really killing myself and I was taking full advantage of that privilege and thinking nothing would ever happen to me and it did and it saved my life."
"This is the year where you win the battle against your addictions or negative cycles."
"Your brokenness is not going to last forever."
"Pretend all day that your life is more exciting than it actually is, all while secretly juggling your crippling anxiety about the future."