
Martin Luther King Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Why We Can't Wait is a book written by Martin Luther King detailing the struggle of black people for civil rights and how non-violent protests was the best way to achieve their goals."
"Martin Luther King is the perfect time to get the messages across that when there's injustice, we need to stand up to it."
"It took a hundred years to get to that point, to what Martin Luther King called a positive peace."
"Martin Luther King's dream, the fact that you would see yourself not in racial terms, but like character basis."
"Listen to Dr. Martin Luther King; give him what he's asking for and give it to him fast before some other factions come along and try to do it another way."
"I still like the Martin Luther King ideal... judged not by the color of your skin but by the content of your character."
"Martin Luther King actually had a program for change."
"Martin Luther King died for this, so I think that we really, really have to understand it's not about guns, it's about one slip of paper and one hour out of your life per year."
"When Martin Luther King spoke and he talked about judging somebody by the character of their soul, not by the color of their skin."
"Martin Luther King said he wanted his kids to grow up in a world where they are judged by the contents of their character, not their skin."
"For evil to succeed, all it needs is for good men to do nothing." - Martin Luther King
"Riots are always a morally dubious thing, but I tend to revert to Martin Luther King with 'a riot is the shout of the unheard.'"
"The biggest misconception is that Martin Luther King was a dreamer who had a dream."
"Justice too long delayed is justice denied." - Martin Luther King
"Less than 24 hours after he spoke those words, Martin Luther King was assassinated."
"To this day, James Earl Ray maintains that he did not shoot Martin Luther King."
"Martin Luther King arrived in Memphis on April 3, 1968, a day before he was assassinated."
"One of the realest quotes of all time is when Martin Luther King said, 'The absence of peace is not the absence of tension, but it's the presence of Justice.'"
"God's plan is to send Jesus Christ back to this Earth again. There's coming a day when the dream that Martin Luther King gave in Washington will come true."
"That's the way that I think Martin Luther King's statement is believable if we believe that the arc of history is longer, depends towards justice."
"Martin Luther King would have loved Son of a Boy Dad. He would have."
"Martin King, Ketta King, go to Ghana for the inauguration in March 1957. Now what do we do? How do we move forward?"
"Possibilities open up when you see Martin Luther King in Montgomery in 1955 and 1956... When you see Martin, you see them."
"Martin Luther King, Malcolm X... believed in what they said. Whereas today, you have people who are simply professional hustlers."
"Martin Luther King had a dream for a reason."
"The dream of Martin Luther King represents the best the human being can hope for, a world of Peace, development, and respect."
"We're living in some aspects of what Martin Luther King was pointing to in his dream."
"It means that if it wasn't for Martin Luther King and him fighting as hard as he fought for equality, I may not have this job."
"Martin Luther King said, 'The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.'"
"We'll see you guys when we all realize Martin Luther King's dream."
"The freedom to die before you're a teenager is not what Martin Luther King lived and died for."
"We will honor the life and the work of Martin Luther King; we will turn this around, we will give these children the future."
"I hate Mondays, but today I know a lot of you are grateful that it's Monday because it's Martin Luther King's birthday."
"As Martin Luther King said, it's about character not color."
"Martin Luther King believed America was a better country than many of these latter-day critics would appear."
"Martin Luther King exemplifies personally this huge arc of liberation of freedom."
"The King had to radically transform himself internally to be able to achieve what he did."
"Dr. Martin Luther King implored us to judge one another based on the content of our character and not the color of our skin."
"Martin Luther King's power was not that he fought for civil emotions; he fought for civil rights."
"Martin Luther King for me was hope for this country."
"Responding to hate and violence with hate and violence is not an effective strategy. As Martin Luther King said, you're just multiplying hate by doing that."
"Dr. Martin Luther King once said, 'We all got here on different ships, but we're all in the same boat now.'"
"Dr. King had a dream that we could all work together to make the world a better place."
"Dr. King thought that we should try to solve our problems without fighting with each other."
"Dr. King believed that we should try to love each other, even though we look different from each other."
"I always like to go and read 'I Have a Dream' by Martin Luther King; it's such an inspiring speech."