
Pressure Handling Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Caitlin Clark has been impressive not just because of her stats, but how she's handled the pressure and noise, showing up every day and performing at the level she does."
"Pain tolerance is one of the biggest factors of someone who can handle pressure."
"What a drive by Adam Carroll, he did not put a wheel wrong, withstood all of that pressure."
"Composure is extremely important... the closer your opponent is, the higher your chance of missing."
"I plan on being here forever so this is the start of that and yeah the pressure's on."
"It's so hard and so important to close out those game fives."
"That's an athlete thought. Athletes inherently have to like pressure."
"I'm not your big homie or your little homie. I don't fold under pressure, I am pressure."
"I choose to walk the road where I accept pressure, I welcome pressure."
"His calmness and his ability to find throws and then make those throws were huge."
"I thought for sure Caitlyn would crack under the pressure."
"Apparently now we're immune to pressure. Okay, I really like that."
"Fantastic ability on the ball but when he gets pressed he struggles."
"Here goes mbappe Nelson oh the Danish Beast gets it for us he or she cannot handle the pressure then oh what a ball from Nelson that's honestly center-backs indica and Nelson have been crucial in this Champions League win."
"Narcissists perform well under pressure... and are particularly well-suited to strenuous jobs."
"The average person online... they're just not going to know what to do because people are not good under pressure."
"Formula One's not easy. There's always going to be pressure, there's always going to be difficult questions."
"All the stuff that makes Burrow and Tua so good in other ways, the quick processor, the accuracy, their ability to stay cool under pressure in big moments, I'm not so sure that Herbert has any of that right now."
"Last year we were just able to make like a lot of clutch calls and like clutch decisions in like a in a lot of bo5s."
"Certain players are built for pressure, bred to be under the lights. And I think he is one of them."
"Screw the pressure, just do what you want to do."
"He's got skill, not phased whatsoever, not pressure. No pressure, look at this, of the occasion, yes."
"He plays well in big games, does not fold under pressure, and has had some huge games in the last three years."
"A competitor has to be able to handle the pressure, otherwise they're probably not that good in a competitive environment."
"Whenever you're able to capitalize in the moment right there and get it done in a pressure-packed situation, great job Wings."
"When you're winning, you're under pressure late on, and these cup competitions that are coming up... it's about that winning mentality."
"Teaching her to not be afraid of pressure but to understand it and understand what it means."
"Six rounds to go when the pressure's really really on Lewis Hamilton who just seemingly, you know, he could well be out of this title but it's just not backing down."
"The most traditional and the best method of dealing with pressure and dealing with the dubious position is to trade."
"We can really use this pressure to absolutely accelerate our lives forward."
"This next week and a half is why we love football. You've got to win with pressure as well. You've got to win with pressure."
"We just need to play like we have nothing to lose."
"He does not flinch under pressure, he keeps that cool."
"The amount of pressure that was on him during that clip and his accuracy was unmatched."
"If somebody applies pressure to you, you gotta just apply it twice as hard. It's the only way to deal with it."
"You will never get strong running from pressure."
"I love being in the fourth quarter I love when the pressure is high I finish."
"Live up to it. Yeah yeah I'm saying. So to me that's the most appealing part of the Brawn stories, that he had pressure coming in from day one."
"Great players usually take that urgency and they play even better." - Ryan Iverson
"You don't work best under pressure, you just think you do."
"I'm so confused right now, I'm under so much pressure. I don't know... like, of course I can do it, but what happens to us?"
"I don't believe in pressure I just love the game I I played this game my whole life"
"If somebody is trying to rush you, you don't have to rush unless you're ready."
"These young stars handling the pressure at such a young age, it's such a privilege to see."
"I'm that type of person. I like pressure. I stand it because it challenges me."
"Outstanding performance today under intense pressure to take a well-earned Victor here at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix."
"Pros and high level players care about ranked more than anything but they don't let pressure affect their play."
"At the end of the day, if Mazal ball does pull this off and he seems like the type of person that just pressure just bounces off, we are in for some very fun basketball boys."
"That was unbelievable, that little ball over the cliff, ball over the top just under loads of pressure, cool as you like."
"You're always at your best when you're pushed up against the wall."
"Fear not... just because they're putting pressures on you... doesn't mean you're defeated."
"The longer this match goes on, the lead gets bigger, but especially in this situation though Gabby Vasanya stays so composed the entire time."
"Embrace the pressure that comes along with expectation."
"Canadian probably feels the heat inside of the kitchen."
"With a challenge like this, there are no practice runs, we've got one shot to nail it."
"We knew what we had to do and coming to that last game, being able to do that and perform under the huge pressure, shows exactly the quality that we had in that changing room."
"So much pressure, love it like you don't why would that do I just in case you leveled up at 51 during your battles."
"Best: Daniel Midnight Cowboy Carlson is clutch as nails."
"Desperation is a funny thing and that's often how we do our best work when our backs are against the wall."
"The story of remarkable courage and cool under immense pressure."
"The greater likelihood is that he's really not all that good at boxing, he really doesn't know how to deal with high-pressure situations, and I'm gonna go in there and I'm gonna beat his ass. That's way more likely than the other way, I agree."
"And we feel overwhelmed we feel stressed we feel like we're making bad decisions maybe we're making good we feel a lot of pressure."
"What an epic start here for Ryan Dungey. He is such a clutch performer, handles the pressure well."
"You've been able to survive under all this pressure and all these attacks because you don't flinch."
"How he handles if there's any pressure on his shoulders whatsoever."
"When everyone else is losing control, you're the person who's able to handle pressure."
"Ability to remain calm under stress and pressure is very important."
"Soak in the pressure and then counterattack. He was the best at that."
"There's power in your patience too, like you know how some people can be like 'yeah, I'm patient, I'm this, I'm that, I do what God says, I do what the universe tells me,' not you. A real patient, very go with the flow, tell me what you know but no pressure."
"She talks about Faucett and how much she has taught her about how to deal with pressure situations."
"A marvelous piece of work in a very tight situation by Greaves."
"And who said Ricky Leach can't pass under pressure? Twice now in the clutch, Ricky Leach rises to the occasion."
"It was a huge play from Billy Slater under pressure to have the presence of mind to come up with that play."
"He's accepting the pressure, accepted it, he just put away Durban with two of the best strikes I've ever seen in bowling under pressure."
"He's the man who could soak up any amount of pressure."
"I handle stress and pressure by making sure that I remain calm."
"He's checked the box to show that if it does come down to a final round, he can handle the pressure."
"We love the pressure. We rise to it. We're going to take it on, but that brings extra excitement for us, extra performance."
"Fergie was under serious pressure, but he won the FA Cup that year to buy him some time."
"You know, I really appreciate how Japan has been handling this pressure."
"If you have a solid technical delivery, it'll never let you down in a pressure situation."
"There's a lot of pressure here, I'm gonna relax myself."
"Great play design, great play call against the pressure."
"These guys are so calm and absolutely amazing under pressure."
"It's all about keeping the nerve."
"Sergio knows this better than anyone else; he's not the type of character to crack under pressure."
"You wouldn't buckle under the pressure; you know how to be resourceful."
"You're going to shoot without even thinking about it, and before you know it, it's going to be like, 'I don't feel pressure because I just know what I'm going to do every time.'"
"If you've never done it before and you want to really see how good of a shot you are and how you handle pressure situations, you need to sign up for that."
"You need to be both physically and mentally tough to handle all the tension and the pressures."
"He's not only handled the pressure, he's gone on with it and won in his very first weekend with a new team."
"Great shooters are fast, accurate, and able to perform under intense pressure."