
Performance Metrics Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"You get points for everything. So made baskets, miss baskets, fouls, free like everything, you get plus or minus points."
"Now I can see projected revenue and then actual revenue which in a lot of states looks like it actually surpassed our projected revenue, so that's pretty good."
"Now this dashboard analyzes average daily gross profit based on various conditions or criteria."
"629 at 227. That is exactly what he was coming up here for."
"By any metric, it was probably the best performing ad of the Super Bowl."
"Our accuracy seems to be increasing almost to 90, okay, that's also a really good sign."
"Our business volume has gone up 82% in the last 10 years, 37% in the last three years... our customer satisfaction scores have gone up."
"Everything we do has a metric associated with it."
"The squat becoming so strong is a symptom of the training, not the objective of the training."
"EA was adamant about Dead Space 2 hitting a 90 rating from Metacritic upon its release."
"So over time what you want to do is get your target CPA down or get your target return on adspend up because you want to drive conversions at the lowest possible cost."
"PGA Tour average is about 113 miles an hour... LPGA Tour average is about 96 miles an hour."
"What is the one metric where, if everyone in the company is thinking about it and driving their product was that metric and their actions towards moving that metric up, you know in the long run your company will be successful."
"Your global stats don't matter; there's definitely some relationship between your matches and your past performance."
"Acceleration zero to sixty is in a low five-second range."
"Almost 80% right now looks like ascetics may cross 80%."
"A benchmark time for the rest of the field to either match or exceed."
"The more I/O bandwidth we have, the more that you'll be able to stream in that detail without noticing the difference."
"Minutes per big chance, City every 24 minutes now."
"Efficiency cores produce 40% more performance at 40% less power."
"So long as we're seeing a performance per watt increase compared to the 30 90 that is the same performance to you then that's a step in the right direction."
"Intel's higher clock speed and higher per core performance does make a difference to gaming."
"The only thing we can really judge our success on are the numbers and if you really think about the numbers the numbers represent people."
"6800 XT does achieve something extremely important, it sends out the message that AMD can get close to top-tier Nvidia performance."
"AMC crushed it! You've already seen some of the highlight headline numbers."
"It's not over when the clock runs out... Every time he gets 10 yards, he gets another point."
"Ads with a higher click-through rate tend to perform better in the long run."
"When it comes to quality score, it can take some time to improve your historic click-through rate. Focus on account structure and make sure your keywords are relevant."
"It's mad when you see... Salah. He's doing crazy numbers."
"Speed is one of the best all-time competitive advantages."
"A good leading metric is one that if you work on it, it would eventually move your lagging metric."
"I'm popping off, what's my hit rate right now?"
"If time Willie gets one takedown per round at the end of this fight that'll be as many takedowns as he's had me the entire UFC career."
"These are good numbers in many areas. We want to build upon this."
"Your stats are going to make a difference if you're ever looking for a random team."
"Elite three is here, we're at a hundred percent."
"The decomposition tree is an amazing tool for understanding contributing factors to your business performance."
"Trading is about losing, trading is like baseball. If you're awesome at hitting the ball, you're batting 300. In trading, we kind of hope for a little higher ratio than thirty percent, but it's similar."
"It's financially or performance wise going to give you much better performance."
"He's hitting historic highs in damage and laning prowess."
"There's very few players that get to like 20 goals and 10 assists a season."
"41 to 45 growth in '21... The numbers are all extraordinary and unbelievably strong."
"His damage floor is more than good for free-to-play players while Ultra sweaty gamer whales can sink their teeth into its enormous damage ceiling for some pretty impressive speed mountainside figure."
"If you can get it right 53% of the time, you're going to be successful."
"Look at how many numbers, having a really good stat distribution."
"According to the comments, I actually got a really good score. 228 is like pretty much the highest I've seen from what people said they got in the comments, so yeah, pat on the back Matt, well done."
"DLSS quality at 1440p does seem to get around 60 FPS."
"The 12100 f leads the 3600 by about five percent."
"Frame rate or FPS is the number most people can relate to in games, but there's also frame times, one rate is derived from time, rate is an abstraction from the base metric of time, measured in milliseconds."
"How fast can you do that, how much and how fast can you do that and still survive? Well, it starts here."
"89 is a really good threshold to hit for elite interior defender."
"93 is a really good threshold to hit for that gold anchor."
"85 is a very good threshold to hit for rebounding."
"Numbers are upgrades, well at the moment numbers matters more."
"We love to see what we did at the end of the game, how many shots we had, how much possession we had."
"Being in the top 2,000 teams in America is considered good."
"Have at least one metric for acquisition, behavior, and outcomes."
"Took him at number 9, obviously. Star, we're better development, 82 finesse moves to go with 87 speed and acceleration. Really, really good."
"To get to this level, you have to learn how to fail."
"There's nothing more satisfying than numbers going up."
"It does 0 to 60 miles per hour in under 5 seconds."
"Frame rate average and 1% lows are very important."
"Ultimate performance can be measured in lots of different ways, and we chose ways that we think are more useful for the rider in their everyday use."
"In terms of kilowatts and horsepower, weight is everything in aviation."
"He saw a 15% improvement in three out of the four power dimensions."
"Your metrics matter. You need to know them in order to grow faster."
"Now we are pulling way ahead in terms of kills."
"The lowest performing students had the biggest drops... the gap between the highest and the lowest has widened even further."
"So how much could this twin turbo 6 make? You can see that the horsepower line has started leveling off by the end of the pull."
"Single-thread performance per watt is astoundingly good and destroys its competition."
"On paper, those numbers are frankly quite impressive."
"The Series S pulls ahead of the Pro on basically every meaningful metric here."
"Across a variety of cross-gen software, the Series S is in a much stronger position, delivering significantly more performant games than the enhanced last-gen consoles."
"Even with accounting for the number of people playing Eldar by these numbers at least they still seem to have the best ratio of event wins per number of people playing them."
"He's averaging 34 points per game close to 12 rebounds six four assists."
"But with that being said it is worth mentioning that there are unpatched speedruns of this game from over 5 years ago that have times under the 4 hour mark."
"Twitter Lite saw a 76% increase in tweets and a 2.7% increase in page views."
"The numbers are really impressive... most of the people don't know about this."
"He's gonna be a standard League winner... because he's gonna be all touchdowns all yardage and no catches."
"It's sort of silly to use percentages at this point so the takeaway is that 153 FPS average on the 1080 Ti allows graduation to significantly higher graphics settings or higher resolutions."
"I'm happy I'm proud of what I made as long as the stats are good."
"Win percentages directly show you exactly how strong an army is."
"As much as 90 crit is basically all the time critting."
"Our condolences go out to his family and friends."
"The game keeps a good pace and offers rankings and stat breakdowns for every chapter."
"The numbers don't lie. If you suck at a game mode, you suck."
"Immediate spike you can see right where they made that tagging change isn't that amazing look at that."
"Don't compromise the vision for the sake of numbers... your numbers are going down? Well alright, but this is the vision, this is what we're supposed to be doing."
"The M1 chip is still holding its own against competing chips."
"Make less mistakes than average and you will outperform your potential net worth."
"Anything that you need to develop on your own, those are metrics."
"The 4080 leads the 3080 by 53 percent with a similar price increase on MSRP, so that's a one percent performance bump for every one percent increase in dollars spent."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is ahead of the curve in nearly all of them and it is this combination of well executed factors that earn it a solid 9 out of 10."
"We do now have an agreed set of metrics... that we will all now be working incredibly hard to deliver."
"Our records show that the success rate of the Beavers accreditation stands at 98 percent."
"IRL Batman's strength to weight ratio is 3.214. Over 4 times stronger than Lego Batman."
"People are really good at doing their job if you give them a metric to measure how good they're doing."
"In our 60 to 0 braking test, we ran from 60 miles an hour back to zero in 120 feet."
"Significantly faster than the current z06 is 200 miles an hour and faster again than the c6 is zr1 205 miles an hour."
"So, if you are looking for the bike with the best brakes, that would be the KTM RC390."
"They're indicating about a 45 percent Improvement..."
"15 goals and assists this season, he's got ready."
"Viewer satisfaction... one of their best indicators."
"A 74% increase in performance at 65 watts TDP for the 16-core part, that's crazy."
"A 13 IPC improvement with a peak frequency of 5.7 gigahertz single threaded."
"The MacBook Pro just doesn't match in terms of pure performance."
"Quality control is more than just how many flips you can do in a match."
"This car is on its toes and a bit jumpy... it's very easy when we're at the sports car level like this to just look at numbers."
"Difficulty and quality aren't always interchangeable."
"The fact that they are that high despite turnovers being irrelevant to them is stupid."
"Let's make you a player that scores 20 goals a season but also gets 15 assists."
"He charges a lot but before fee is 66 on average since 1988."
"Horizontal movement speed is more important than vertical jump height."
"Each successive model offers increasingly powerful performance allowing users to select the optimal balance of intelligence, speed, and cost."
"Windows 11 versus Windows 10: it's not necessarily expected to be a big performance jump. It's possible that there can be a big change under certain parameters, but the way we tested it there was not."
"World of Warcraft is actually doing tremendously well by the numbers."
"0.74 overall... Whatever you're doing, keep that [expletive] up AG."
"Despite all of these obstacles, we still did almost as good in terms of peak viewership but better in almost every other metric of engagement."
"What this means for buyers though is that the 5500u provides a handy 16 performance improvement on the ryzen 5 4500u at 25 watts and a 20 uplift at 15 watts so nothing to scoff out there for a single generation upgrade to amd's mainstream skew."
"40 FPS at 8K resolution max settings? That's insane."
"S-ranking every hunt requires hunting under a certain time, breaking every part, and avoiding damage—a daunting task but one worth the challenge."
"Flawless steering, precise handling, and agile performance - a true driving delight."
"Higher speed is better and lower CAS latency is also better."
"High performance just means long-term success."
"Just because your score looks good doesn't mean you're doing well. Frankly, it does not. You need to look at pros and really try to analyze like why their movements typically have more impact than others."
"If his jumping reach drops below 20, it will be a sad day."
"I went 42 and 13 with 1 minute on the objective for my first game of Modern Warfare 3 ever."
"Records speak for themselves, numbers don't lie."
"Let's back up for a second and can you walk me through why? What are we trying to achieve here? How are we gonna measure this?"
"Get a match rating of at least 6.5, score at least one goal from outside the box, and get a pass success rate of at least 45%."
"Nine receptions from the running back position again for Mike Davis, he has tied for the league lead at the running back position."
"The Messenger: Top-tier base stats make it stand out among its competitors."
"Our stats: 6k health, 350 melee damage. This is exactly what we needed to get."
"A really high kill death ratio doesn't really mean much if you don't have a decent score per minute to back it up."
"Don't get discouraged. We put out videos all the time that underperform."
"He's done a 74 38.7, that's 211,000. That is just absolutely mental."
"If there are damage meters in the game, the meta basically evolves around being able to top those damage meters."
"Efficiency leads to quarterback success more than volume."
"Just because you're going unbroken does not necessarily mean you're going faster."
"Easily able to keep up with Tau custodies in terms of win rates."
"It's not just about outright lap time, it's also about drivability."
"The best possible score that you can get out here today is a hundred points."
"Jaren Jackson Jr. put together by all accounts a great summer league: averaged 13-7 shooting 50 from three."
"Consistency is the number one metric used to determine how good a champion is."
"A 35 to 60% architectural improvement in performance is pretty impressive."
"I guess if they look at it from a three-day perspective is there more people watching that's that's what they're gonna they're gonna basically judge it on."
"Small content patches never helped us...never moved the numbers up."
"Continuous improvement in AMD technology means it's dangerous to rely on teraflops as an absolute indicator of performance."
"Over time, as the fleet grows, these numbers just become bigger and better."
"Performance goals can be strength based performance based they can be you know any kind of like i hit a certain volume and certain uh my reps didn't drop off."
"It's a rarity for us to start off Q1 very quick but that's also very promising."
"You're driving the fastest car in the world."
"Impact is always more important than velocity."
"If you want to get the best possible performance... the 16-inch can be up to 16 faster than the 14-inch."
"This keyboard actually measures 10 times faster in scanning from a keyboard matrix than any keyboard guarantee that you use today."
"Netflix doesn't have an opinion on stand-up comedy... they base what they pay you by the amount of ticket sales for your last tour."
"Just goes to show how little a 0-60 time can explain about a car. Doesn't tell you the full story at all."
"Kevin De Bruyne has never scored those numbers never, but that's not his job, Donald."
"It was just wild to me that I did more power in a ketogenic state than I did when I was at a high carb state."
"Big differences in terms of the underlying numbers."
"Wonderful complex strange difficult stories of video game development are contained in this book."
"Above one percent and you're doing pretty good."
"Dortmund are just looking brilliant in general, they rank third for shots behind Leipzig and Bayern, first for shots against with just 6.2."
"Salah has more pace, more passing, more physical, more defending, more dribbling, and only three less shooting than Player of the Month Ronaldo."
"Critical success factors should be supported through metrics, key performance indicators. So, critical success factor provides the insight towards what needs to be measured and when you measure, what should be the focus."
"Cloud Monitoring collects measurements or metrics to help you understand how your applications and system services are performing."
"Unfortunately, you can't have both precision and recall high."
"The best television ratings in years, highest attendance numbers since the Attitude Era, record merch numbers, record social media numbers. That doesn't look like a company that's plateaued to me."
"The annual compound return is the best way to evaluate a fund's performance."
"The confusion matrix visualizes the model's performance."
"P50 is a pretty base low average it should be really fast the much higher up ones like the 99 percentile is like this is all of our queries are falling within this range."
"These behaviors keep happening. People are very interested in unexpected changes in performance or other metrics which may relate to AI safety alignment."
"...he's got power, doesn't strike out much, like, there's nothing not to like about Christian Walker."
"If you do not know what KPIs are correlated to the success of your company, I can guarantee you that you will eventually mismanage your business."
"Leading indicators are the actions that lead to results."
"The risk with proxies is it might give you an impression that hey we are doing well, our clicks are increasing every day, and everyone will be celebrating but in reality maybe after your click, the redirect doesn't happen."
"Why is society busy telling us that it's the big houses and the fast cars and the pay packets that define high performance rather than the truth and honesty with your partner or children at the end of the day?"
"...run rates going over 50% above average something like that and the higher the better..."
"...it's amazing that once again with Toots, we get the lowest time to throw along with the deepest intended yards per attempt in the NFL."
"...it's also going to impact those training load estimates we saw earlier."
"The biggest thing you can do in sales is turn sales into a statistical numbers game."
"I feel grateful to break 60, to achieve the goal of the entire thing. You have to be at least six under after five. I mean, you've got to be there. We're not even close. We're even."
"90% of the users faced the response time below 818 milliseconds."
"If the ratio is above three, it means that the promotion is going well and you have a sales problem. If it's below three, it means you have a promotion problem."
"Metrics allow us to demonstrate to ourselves that we are indeed providing value and we should be able to tie that back to our company strategy."
"You'll see this all over the place too if you're searching for different topics, videos that are outlier videos will stand out with like little blue chips like this or even red ones for like the really big outliers and this was one of those for them."
"...anything below 5 seconds is already ridiculously fast and the number sort of becomes meaningless below that."
"Wouldn't you like your shop to be selling 36% better? Yes, of course you would."
"We got our time, our speed, our hits, and our accuracy, and we have finished this project."
"They just blew past expectations."
"He wants to win the Tour de France, his FTP is already 6.58."
"It gives us an impressive top speed of around 75 miles per hour and somewhere in the region of 30 to 35 miles per gallon."
"He's averaging 19 points, five assists, and five rebounds a night."
"If total orders is greater than 5, then we are doing good."
"We're really trying to allow you to have real-time transactions flow through and give you an overview so you can set measurable targets, create performance-based metrics, and continually evaluate the performance of your warehouse."
"The delta shows the percent change in all of these aggregate metrics that are relevant for the last six months compared to the last year of performance."
"Power to weight: a simple but very important ratio."
"When you hit the ball hard, you're going to have a 50% chance or a 60% chance of getting on base."
"There are 28 sold, 33 listed; that is almost a 100 percent sell-through rate."
"Click-through rate and conversion rate plus lots of data equals organic ranking increase."