
Orbital Mechanics Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Von Braun worked out the orbital data. All this was done with slide rules."
"As the Earth's orbit becomes more elliptical, that 7 percent sunlight difference turns into a 23 percent difference."
"Direct to geostationary orbits means the rocket has to do a lot more work."
"The crew will see a sunset and a sunrise every 45 minutes during their 170-day stay in space, traveling over 72 million miles."
"Once you're up there, getting around is very inexpensive. It takes huge amounts of fuel to get away from the gravity of the earth and get into orbit. But once you are in orbit, you can get anywhere on almost no fuel at all."
"As the orbiter rolls to a stop, our journey into the world of orbital mechanics comes to an end for now."
"What the calculations can tell you is a mass and an orbit."
"Launches occur when the ISS's orbital plane passes over the launch site."
"Orbital mechanics is hard... it's rocket science."
"Every one of the planet circles really stands for a much more complicated orbit."
"The real risk is for anything trying to stay in low earth orbit."
"The target given to us by our customer was to deliver the spacecraft into one of the six orbital planes of the GPS constellation."
"Every starlink if they're logic to a polar orbit will have lasers."
"There's always uncertainty associated with orbits."
"If you fuel up an entire Falcon or Starship in orbit in low Earth orbit and get it totally full to the brim, you will have enough energy to do an injection and do your lunar flyby."
"We're not going to just dip above the atmosphere and then dive back down again we're going to then fire up that rocket motor again at our apoapsis and circularize in an orbit allowing our tourists to spend as much time as they want in space."
"Objects, no matter what their size, are always in danger of being pulled out of their orbits by orbital decay."
"Getting to orbit is the trickiest thing for a new player, but once you've done it, it becomes routine."
"Staying in space is about going sideways very fast, not just going up."
"Adding energy makes your orbit bigger; taking energy away makes it smaller."
"The very act of landing on a comet means you've given your rocket the exact orbital trajectory of the comet itself."
"In addition to the damage sustained by Hyperion during the bulk of the meteor strike, it also appears the force of the multiple impacts was enough to knock it off its stationary orbit."
"Nature's great ballet while we actually get power back because of course the satellite is orbiting the Sun."
"We have a good orbital insertion burn. Starliner is in a stable circular orbit on its way to the International Space Station."
"It's like a million miles opposite the direction of the sun, and when you put a satellite there it kind of hangs out without requiring much."
"For a planetoid to transit as observed from our solar system, the course must be lined up edgewise to us."
"That should probably be enough to see him out of orbit."
"Venus though takes this to extremes, unlike some objects whose day and year are the same length from being tidally locked."
"Orbital mechanics can be a little counterintuitive and overwhelming at first, but when you understand what is going on, you would be amazed at what you can discover."
"Our moon has been placed precisely in the orbit it travels, there is no way it could obtain its orbit randomly."
"The launch window is limited by the angle between the direction of the sunlight and the orbital plane."
"And only a few days after actually it looks like the bigger moon started to change the orbit of the smaller moon already..."
"Gravity isn’t magic, spheres don’t have bottoms, moons and artificial satellites stay in orbit because of their incredible lateral velocity."
"That speed matters, stuff stays in space because it’s spinning around the planet fast, not because it’s high up."
"It's a beautiful sight. It certainly is the case that launch orbital mechanics are complicated."
"The shape of the orbit that you're in is going to be one of these conic sections."
"The attraction of orbitals is their matter efficiency."
"It's pretty fascinating to see and to try to figure out what affects each one of the orbits."
"The ship will go around the Earth once every two hours, but the Earth itself will rotate inside the orbit at a rate of one revolution in 24 hours."
"The only reason that Neptune doesn't eject Pluto is because they're locked into this very special orbit."
"This particular way of orbiting around Jupiter causes gravitational perturbations that result in tidal effects that produce heat and mechanical effects of high proportions."
"The HR 8799 system's direct imaging provides an unprecedented opportunity to study the atmospheric composition, orbital mechanics, and even the climate of exoplanets in great detail."
"More than half the stars in our galaxy travel in groups of two or more, orbiting around a common center of gravity."
"The square of the time taken to go around the Sun is proportional to the cube of the distance."
"The Sun and Earth revolve around a mutual center of gravity."
"The Roche Limit is the limit at which the force of gravity between two points and an orbiting object is insufficient to keep the object bound together."
"Astronauts are weightless not because they've left the Earth and are floating randomly in space; they are weightless because they are falling towards Earth."
"The average orbital speed of an object can be defined by the equation V equals to 2 pi r over T."
"If you only wanted to know one thing about the solar system, it should be that there are eight large dominant members of the solar system going in circular orbits around the Sun."
"The calculation yields for the planet Mercury a perihelion advance of 43 seconds of arc."
"Pluto and Charon orbit around a point in space between them known as the barycenter."
"If you want to escape from this, you will need a speed which is the square root of two times larger than that orbital velocity."
"All bound orbits have negative total energy."
"The orbital period of an ellipse is proportional to the third power of the mean distance to the Sun."
"Any satellite, man-made or not, remains in orbit because the force with which it is trying to fly away from Earth is matched by the gravitational pull of Earth."