
Societal Integration Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"Most trans people...just want to live their life, expressing their gender identity and just having a life like the rest of us."
"Our system allows someone to serve their time and be considered rehabilitated."
"I think America is built upon different people from different backgrounds with different world views coming together."
"Alessia tailored a new pantheon, a compromise that satisfied all who dwelt within this new society."
"Gaming and eSports is so incorporated into their culture. It's really cool."
"The more we can get scientists to engage and participate in conversations like this, the better. I'd love to see science become more integral to our society."
"And we need to re-inject that into our culture and society."
"Racism robs white children of the ability to learn that other people are equal."
"Once she was human again, Emir found her way inside the walls and assimilated herself into the society of Parodies."
"I see freedom as being a part of this home... having access to what you need as you go along..."
"We're living in an era where technology rules our everyday lives more than it ever has in history."
"People are just like you and me, trying to live their lives."
"Our country is the country of diversity, and the diversity teaches us to live together."
"I really don't care if a bunch of Venezuelans come to the United States... it's not about race, it's about values."
"American identity is a complicated thing, one of the things that you said in the first part of that answer is the individual but tying it in to a whole that's greater than some of its parts, that's the biggest thing for me."
"And that would be an integrated way of living as a MWe."
"I'm very, very pro homeschooling. I think kids should be learning from working people in normal society."
"They need to have the right to rot like all of us that have come to this country had the ability to do so."
"We're all part of society. Scapegoating won't help. We need to focus on the real big picture."
"It's not just the language, it's the culture too."
"Immigrants work hard, they are usually in their working age, they become part of the taxpaying population."
"I think long term this technology is going to become so pervasive that it's going to be a part of everything we do."
"We all came here on different boats but god damn it we're in the same boat now."
"One of the chief contractors of the metro is a Muslim."
"But for the people that refuse to have an open mind, please, police, open up your hearts and your minds to the possibilities of someone else's experience."
"These creatures are not only real but live among us on a regular basis." - George Dory
"Regardless of how this resolves, let's just figure out how to give people an opportunity to live their lives even when they make mistakes."
"For me it represents a greater opportunity or more aligned opportunity for children to become socialized into what society will be for them as an adult."
"Flow with culture, ideas, values, products... think outside in, not just inside out... be adaptable and understanding of others."
"Islam today... producing citizens... ready to get on the Western values bandwagon."
"Kisuke is effectively fully reintegrated back into the soul Society."
"I can't wait till robots integrate into our society."
"Technology and machinery are probably going to become as important in people's lives as their old belief systems."
"America is a country where my child can play with children of all different races."
"It's everywhere, we have incorporated it into everything..."
"Football is interwoven into every facet of society."
"Most immigrants, and especially their children, assimilate peacefully into the existing culture."
"The greatest success of a school is that it stops existing because its fundamental teachings have become parts of the general body of commonly accepted thought."
"We can't live in two different existences. It's not gonna work."
"You teach your children what's right and what's wrong so they are able to integrate themselves in society."
"Once somebody has paid their debt to society, they've paid their debt to society and we should be doing everything possible to help them become productive members of society."
"Railroads made travel easier, opened up new vistas, and brought people closer together."
"We've created a situation in which there is no place for you to helpfully integrate into society and so you're just pushed out further and further along the margins." - Unapologetic Live
"Integration is happening but only in pockets."
"Legalized, regulated drugs are treated normally. They're treated as something which is a part of life."
"Can we imagine a scenario where, after serving whatever time he does, we can figure out a way to redeem and bring him back into the community?"
"We shouldn't be categorized as, 'Oh, these are Asian-Americans, these are Asians.' We're just people, period."
"Warforged exist on your planet. Are they treated like other sentient beings?"
"Multiculturalism has worked pretty well in America. We are the melting pot."
"We are literally learning how to share the planet with a digital super organism, one that we created."
"Multiculturalism is a powerful tool for survival."
"Life is not binary, you don't live Republican, you don't live Democrat."
"Immigrants become quickly successful. They adapt quickly."
"So, I think we have to demand integration and make it possible and push them into it."
"He shows the king how demons and humans are both in the city."
"Together we share common customs, common values, common dreams, and common heroes."
"Countries should be more lenient with foreign cultures."
"People just get on, so it's actually very multicultural and even multi-religious despite the fact it's in an Islamic country but it just works because people agree on those things."
"When that is the expectation of the people coming there turns out the immigration can work just fine because that integration just happens as a matter of course."
"English forms the connective tissue of global society as its lingua franca."
"We're seeing a real mixing of cultures here."
"We need to give them a way to become citizens."
"We are a technological society, we are only advancing, we have to figure out how to make it work with our society."
"For those who wish to control their power and live amongst civilization, there is one ring you'll want to get your hands on."
"Being kind, loving, and honest can at least help you find your place in it."
"All kinds of feedback, all kinds of perspectives, that's part of our Melting Pot of The Human Experience."
"Orlok by contrast is a monster who has learned to live among us, driven by the need to hunt, to feed."
"Maybe we can't find aliens because they've already found us and are actually walking among us, and we just don't know."
"Who wants to be good in jail? I want to be good on the street, with my family, financially, health-wise."
"Ultimately we want the secular world to be represented in our society."
"Language and culture go hand-in-hand; it allows you to be more empathetic."
"Integration means you can be authentically who you are and still navigate this world as a free person."
"We don't live in red states and blue states... but rather really two nations interwoven with one another."
"We need to bring back more compassion, acceptance, and empathy."
"Incorporate larger societies into otherwise random encounters with giants, adding depth and complexity to the campaign world."
"The bear that apparently protected and looked after the boy is clearly just one more example of why we should welcome them into human society."
"We're just inviting these things into our lives like it's okay. Maybe I'm just a stoner, but yeah, I don't know."
"It's become virtual, software, the operating system of our world."
"Anti-Semitism is cyclical, targeting the most integrated populations."
"Black people became successful... and it still wasn't enough for them to fit into this society."
"We're a pluralistic society and we have to find a way to make room for all of these different viewpoints."
"You're gonna have to mix it up with white folks. I never had this animosity."
"Representation is important, but it's just one of the very few components that normalize other cultures integrated into society."
"Most Christians that I know are pretty cool."
"AIs acting as agents will negotiate situations where humans struggle."
"The more of us that come out and are civil about it, the more it takes down that stereotype."
"If I get into a bad spot, just let me know that you can work me into society."
"In this world, superheroes have become a part of everyday society, the greatest have joined together to create the Super Six."
"Every country has the right to deny or remove immigrants who do not want to blend into the existing Society."
"The Muggle Prime Minister's interactions with the Ministry of Magic provided insight into bridging the magical and non-magical worlds."
"That's why we have closed borders. So when these people come in, we can place them in the most effective area so the economy does better and so they don't live in poverty." - Tim Cast
"Thank goodness immigrants tend to assimilate."
"It proved the new money's worth to old society, in showing that they can play their game just as well."
"I actually love living in a revolutionary multi-ethnic crazy quilt America that binds together different kinds of people under the aegis of our very specific founding ideals."
"He's the most non-racist... every person like the Samaritans."
"Diversity helps everyone; it helps the white students, the black students, the brown students, the male students, the female students."
"Just surrender. We will give you full rights under the Alliance if you serve society."
"I think the American people are ready to receive the dreamers as a permanent part of our society."
"We're all family actually, there's no such thing as a stranger."
"I personally think multiculturalism works pretty God damn well in this country."
"These kids have overcome immense obstacles to adapt to Human Society."
"We have to find ways of integrating [marginalized communities] because otherwise they are precisely the weak link in our societal chain."
"If judged by recidivism rate and how well a person integrates into society, profit might not be a factor."
"Instead of sitting down, laying down, feeling sorry for ourselves, we need to get up and realize that we're still part of society."
"We want to teach our youth that you've got to fit in kind of globally into the society right you don't want to stick out in every single way you don't have to look completely different actively different speak a different language you can fit in while still being unique."
"...education is necessary to build a cultural infrastructure for psychedelics."
"They neither lived under a separate regime, neither laws nor courts nor separate officers, nor behaved any differently than their fellow citizens."
"The Muslims are now beginning to be taken seriously as part of the American cultural landscape."
"I wanted to be accepted by The Wider world."
"Being an indigenous person, you can express it in any way you want so long as it doesn't threaten the basic premises of the liberal democratic society of Canada."
"The modern moral problem is not how do you stop people from being bad, it's how do you deal with a bunch of different moralities with people all trying to live together."
"We all bought into this Melting Pot concept."
"The sea monsters, they're not our enemies, and they want to rejoin Merkle society."
"These cryptids were tired of hiding; they were ready to integrate into human society."
"The more integrated our societies, the stronger they are."
"Though much has been learned in the past few decades about what drives people to become repeat offenders, allowing many former inmates to successfully reintegrate back into society."
"How do we all, with our varying abilities, disabilities, beliefs, and prejudices, all live in the same world together?"
"Affirmative action in hiring practices and college enrollment meant more black people in places white people weren't used to seeing them."
"How will they fit into the post-war pattern? How will the world receive them?"
"These older men who have autism that weren't diagnosed for their entire life seem to have integrated into society in a more meaningful, self-actualized way."
"Before our short war, the humans already drafted a generous plan for our integration in their society."
"There is a potential for greater mutual understanding between the head and the hands because we want one unified body; we don't want all of these segmented parts."
"It would be much nicer if it focused on his innocence and him learning how to be part of a galactic society."
"Once an individual is integrated, our behavior is orientated toward society's goals and needs."
"GPS has become embedded in our culture."
"...diversity exposes students to new ideas and ways of thinking, prepares them to live and work with one another in a diverse society."