
Helping Quotes

There are 449 quotes

"Helping people is one of his main motivations."
"I'm doing this for free because I like to help people."
"I was trying to help a friend, but I was stubborn and emotional instead of taking the proper time to hear how I could have done better."
"Sales is actually not about selling at all; it's actually about helping. It's about solving a problem."
"Don't try to fix people. There's a difference between helping and fixing."
"I chose to help because that's what I want to do."
"We're heroes, it's all about helping people."
"Shizu decided to become stronger and spent the following decades helping people."
"Being able to help those less fortunate, that's one of my dreams."
"For whatever extent I help people out or make their lives better, I'm enormously grateful."
"Handling 911 calls means you're helping people who are in a very desperate situation, all day, everyday."
"We tried to help you because we're your friends."
"They weren't pushing and screaming... people were helping each other."
"You can help people sometimes by challenging them."
"It just feels good to be able to help people."
"Sales is the process of getting someone to accept help."
"He's literally just trying to help people, and that's what he's doing."
"I genuinely have the capability to help people."
"You help people who are facing horrible times. I love the work."
"If you have a heart to help someone, why not?"
"She wanted to help people, that was just her main mission in life."
"For Reba, helping others isn't something she feels like she has to do, it's just who she is."
"You could be so focused on helping others and saving other people right."
"Leave a legacy where I help as many people as possible, that's it, dude, that's why we do what we do."
"I just wanted to become someone who helps people."
"I love YouTube, I love talking, and I love helping."
"He just wanted to help people and to hear their stories."
"Whatever I can do right now while I'm still here to help someone, that's what I want to do."
"I actually get a lot of enjoyment out of helping people."
"Help people when you can online by spreading awareness or donating money to places like Meals on Wheels or hospitals."
"She quickly volunteered to take on the responsibility, eager to help her mother with the day's orders."
"Our whole movement is impact over everything. If I can't help you, I don't want your money."
"If you got something that you can share you do that and help someone, yeah, help them."
"I appreciate having the privilege of helping people."
"I was learning a lot, making money, and helping folks along the way."
"It's always good to help people, but not at the expense of your own."
"The goal is to help people get better."
"It's one of the greatest feelings in the world to be able to help."
"Only a conscious egoist can help people."
"The greatest thing you can do to help somebody else is to witness your own desire to help somebody else."
"It's normal to want to help those in need."
"Excuses would just hit harder. I was like, 'Nah, dog, I'm sorry, I was helping the old lady get to the voting poll.'"
"You help others. You help others as much as you can."
"I love doing helping people. I love doing good work because I love when people, you know, tell other people, you know, when 'Hey, you know, I'm going to refer you to this and so and so.' I love that, you know what I mean?"
"Each one teach one, try to help out somebody else."
"My life has a lot more meaning now that I try to help people."
"I like to try to help as many people as I possibly can."
"I gotta see where do we start, how do we help those who need help?"
"Sora reassured her, emphasizing that their adventurer role was to help people in need."
"I would like to be a doctor or a nurse. They help sick people get better."
"It was not a bad thing to have the want to help others, even if they were involved with royalty."
"Helping and fixing is exhausting and people get burnt out."
"He just wants to help people. Yeah, he'll always be around to do what he can."
"It feels really good to be helping people."
"Being a financial advisor is the single coolest job in the world. You get to be an educator, a psychologist, you get to help people take advantage of financial markets and watch their money grow."
"And that's people say it's much better to give than to receive and that's absolutely true here it's a real pleasure to know that you're helping people and making a difference in their lives."
"I was born to be a coach, but also to end up helping other people."
"If I've helped one person through all this, it's been worthwhile."
"I just love the thought of helping people on their worst days or trying to make it a little better."
"I just feel like I'm here to make people laugh and help people out."
"I'm going to help someone today. I can't help but smile at the thought of saving someone's life."
"My motivation is really that I just want to help people."
"I think there's a lot of nonmonetary profit in just helping the people around you."
"But it's not always a good idea to help people, especially when we're wanting to help people for the wrong reasons."
"Make sure that your boundaries are healthy before trying to help someone."
"...we're really trying to help people and like obviously you're doing the same thing."
"I genuinely want to help people. It's the entire reason why I was going to become a therapist and why I made this video."
"This demon is so confused, he actually helps people sometimes."
"As you learn, teach. As you learn, help somebody."
"What drives me is helping somebody else all the time."
"It's time for the pups or the kittens to be weaned and you've done a lot of work helping others."
"You are this beautiful lightworker that's helping people."
"We don't care, the more people we can help the better it is."
"I realized that I loved sharing I love telling my crazy stories and you know my molecular structure of the deer and how I visualize and how I walk through how the deer walk through the woods or whatever and I realized I just loved helping people."
"Helping people recover means helping them feel heard and validated."
"If I can help one person today understand this better, my job will be complete."
"You're very passionate about what you do and you do it genuinely in the interest of helping people."
"I think the biggest mistake most people do is we try to help people who don't want to help themselves."
"If you're in a position to help somebody, no matter who it is, but especially your own, you help."
"I'm actually just going around helping people."
"What are the few things that matter most right now? Are we truly helping the customer? Because when I'm 85, I'm not going to care nearly as much about the money I made, but the people I have helped."
"It's so fun helping people, it really is."
"I love helping people out, crafting whether you're doing it for fun or whether you're trying to do it as a side hustle to make some extra money."
"I don't want anybody's money. I just want to help people."
"You might become a counselor, therapist, or a gifted healer."
"I love sharing my books. I love letting people borrow my books because I love helping people find awesome books to read."
"...we're actually trying to do the same things for people we just all have like different Specialties where we do it right but we're trying to help people you know feel like the best version of themselves take up more space live in more alignment with their values right."
"You literally get to help people and enrich their life and improve their life."
"Ministry is just one beggar helping another beggar to find bread."
"You're someone who actually cares and is passionate about helping people."
"I'm just a country boy that loves whitetails and I started out a long time ago wanting to just do one thing—shoot big bucks and help people along the way."
"And then the way, like how do you put the rubber to the road of that is by being a real person with the person that you're trying to help."
"That's all you need to do, try to help people."
"My passion and love is water features. My real passion love is helping people."
"At this point, I'm feeling good. I've helped somebody out."
"My goal, it's not like why I do this, what's your why? My why is helping people."
"I'm about helping others right now."
"What's more rewarding than really taking a person who's struggling or confused and helping them move forward?"
"I hope something that I've said has helped. That's really why I'm a coach, I really do want to help people."
"In these videos I'll always share what I learn along the way to help people as much as I can."
"That my passion isn't about making money... my passion is helping people."
"You're uniquely in a position to help heal others."
"As you get older, the metric of your success has less to do with money, less to do with automobiles, less to do with homes, and more to do with how quickly could you help somebody in a jam."
"I just wanted to help people live more happily with plumbing."
"What rings my bell is helping people somehow improve their lives."
"Maybe next time if you're gonna help out some homeless guy at least be a little bit more safe about it."
"Helping people is the best part of the job."
"Just an overall motivating inspiring person that just wants to help people."
"It just shows that people who have never met before want to help us."
"You haven't even exercised the gift to help somebody else's dream vision come to pass."
"People generally are drawn to you because you give off an energy of being able to help people be their most authentic selves."
"And then fif called me, and I'm helping, like, I'm helping my boy move, I got a refrigerator, like, I'm on a dolly helping my homeboy move out of his apartment, you know what I'm saying?"
"Being of use to others is an enormous good. Helping someone freely is certainly a great good."
"Winning a race is lots of fun but helping a friend is number one."
"Angels are passionate about helping others, always seeking ways to serve humanity."
"To me, being tough is helping others in a positive way."
"I'm not saying don't help people."
"I'm such a believer in helping is healing."
"Your ultimate goal should always be to help people go to a higher level."
"Life is so short, what better way to enjoy it than by helping another human being?"
"Nobody's better than nobody. I can wake up any day and say, 'Hey, look, let me go ahead and help these people out.' And that's what I'm gonna do."
"Talking about helping does not end in aid."
"I would like to help people not be afraid of dying. That would be my greatest gift."
"Helping people is when I felt like I was doing something important."
"I don't care about recognition, I care to help people."
"You're helping someone off the bottom of the pile."
"There's nothing wrong with trying to help somebody, but when the me that was there drops away, somewhere the way."
"People can go in trying to help someone but then feel like they're getting attacked, and then your first instinct may be to feed into it."
"You have to find that first, what does a guy can do to help me help people? You know, that's all I think about, how can we help somebody?"
"If you're put in a situation to help people, you make a difference."
"The helping of others is a noble interest indeed."
"That's why I feel so much joy when I help people."
"Every human being has a Basic Instinct to help each other out."
"I always love being asked to speak because I hope I can help somebody."
"The more I help others to succeed, the more I succeed."
"Helping people with their dogs gave me a sense of purpose."
"He said if you helped those closest to you, then you're gonna grow and you're gonna become better."
"I wanted to be the kind of guy who helps people in trouble."
"Desiring to bring someone a glass of punch or sacrificially helping a friend who needs you is an expression of our image bearing of a holy God."
"I love helping good people. Thank you very much."
"You are meant to help people is what I'm getting."
"There's so much to be made by helping everybody win."
"I like helping people. I like bringing awareness, and I hate toxic narcissistic abusive people."
"I want to help you guys feel like that as well."
"...but I've always told myself, 'At least they have reached out for help and I'm glad that I was there to help them.'"
"...and I wanted to help other people, right?"
"It's the right thing to do to help her."
"Think of something you're good at and how you can use that as a platform for you to help them."
"I'm so grateful that I went through what I did as a kid for every person child or adult that I can help save and get them healthy so they don't have to live with it and so other people don't have to lose people they love."
"I think it's nice as nutritionists to share information with each other so that we can be the best that we can be and help people, because that's what we're all meant to do."
"The mission here is to definitely help people and tell stories and different topics."
"Helping people is a huge part of that. When you do help somebody else, it really helps fill your heart with love."
"Natsume actually just wants to help people in need."
"really helping each other out that's my big goal for this year"
"They love to rescue people, they love to save people, they love to help people, they love to guide people."
"It's nice to be able to help people, you know?"
"I could be able to give back and help people."
"You're about to help somebody get their health back."
"It's comforting knowing that we're helping put smiles on other people's faces."
"You know how that is, where if you're helping someone else like, you just, you feel great."
"I want to be able to help others and to help make an impact."
"You know, sometimes it's like, 'Oh my God, what are we doing?' and then we get messages like that and it's like, 'Oh, we've helped and that's all that really matters in the end.'"
"It's truly a pleasure to watch you help people. I really appreciate what it is that you do."
"This is truly your calling, Stacy. I smiled. I hope so. All I want to do is help these poor women."
"I love helping and like whatever, doing the kitchen and the dishes and all that stuff, and I want you to relax."
"Helping people, there's no other feeling. You help somebody, that feeling, it's... you can't compare that feeling with anything."
"I treat everybody with respect... I just want to be happy and I love helping people be happy."
"She wants to help people and she wants to better people's lives."
"The ethics of virtue encourages those who can help the hungry to do just that, a virtuous deed."
"If you can help to make things a little bit better, that's a good way to spend your time."
"I'm addicted to helping people. My altruism is at a 99."
"CJ is someone who wants to help the world in her own way."
"So my mission today is to help as many people as possible wake up every day feeling good that they're going to go out there and play great."
"Expressing divinity, embracing intuition, and gifts to help others connect with their own."
"That investment is what makes a beautiful Journey that investment is what makes you actually want to do right by these incredible people that you've been given the opportunity to help."
"Because if you try to help somebody... if you run out of oxygen yourself, then your thoughts become incoherent and you can't help others until you have first helped yourself."
"You help people find their joy again."
"I like when I can help people out."
"It's 100% a way for me to help people to answer people."
"You don't know who you are helping. Your vibration might be the vibration that lifts someone else up and changes their life."
"If I can use it to be able to help somebody else out, I'm massively grateful for that."
"You're meant to help other people wake up as well."
"I'm excited about helping other people."
"Jews have the Torah, and the Torah says you'll always have the poor among you, so extend your hand to the poor and needy."
"Thanks for helping me. You're a good kid," he expressed his gratitude.
"You will truly be successful by helping other people."
"Helping those in need is pure and undefiled religion before God."
"Prosperity is not just about yours, it's about you helping someone else get theirs."
"No man stands as tall as when he stoops to help a child."
"For now, Explorer feels it's best to continue on as she has, helping out where she can."
"I want to help, and this is the best way I can."
"Do whatever you can to help people. The main reason to help people has nothing to do with money or status."
"As long as I'm alive, I'm trying to get people in and help them have a better trip on the way."
"You're still breathing, you're helping people get better with the health problems."
"I think there needs to be more positivity and more positive information and people that want to teach and help people out there."
"Never take anything for granted because you never know who you might be able to help."
"You're gonna be in a position where you can help others so whenever you get that chance make sure you do so."
"That's what I was going to say about how YouTube feels. It gives me a purpose in life to just help people with even like silly content or giving advice."
"I look at this as serving people."
"What matters to me the most right now is just me allowing helping others get to their next level."