
Economic Transformation Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"If we took half the wealth of the richest and made it available to the bottom half, it would transform their lives."
"Blockchain technology will profoundly transform economic, social, and political systems."
"We are today in the midst of... a set of economic transformations which are comparable in their scale and their scope... to the Industrial Revolution."
"Vietnam transforms itself from an extremely poor country into a very successful middle-income economy."
"We're in the midst of the greatest economic and technological transformation in the history of the world."
"The whole American economy needs to go through a transformation from an economy where we borrow and spend to an economy where we save and produce."
"Commitments that will reshape their business models to fund the sustainable transformations of our economies."
"We're going through the greatest economic and technological transformation."
"China's transformation in trade partnerships is reshaping global economic dynamics."
"We're changing the face of our economy to be one that's much more work from home, stay with family."
"The imperative is to reverse this decade-long aborted structural transformation."
"It's transformative and disruptive capabilities, we would be remiss to ignore a now 2 trillion crypto market."
"The economic model of the day was industrialism... we have a different set of imperatives now for our children and for ourselves."
"Most of the proposals to transform the existing economic structure are proposals to move away from the neoliberal consensus."
"Blockchain's potential: beyond borders, transforming economies."
"This campaign is not only about defeating Trump; it is about transforming our economy."
"The whole idea is to use this crisis to destroy the economy as we know it and build it back better."
"Bitcoin isn't merely a digital asset, it's a transformative force in the global economy."
"We can deliver the most significant economic transformational investment in working people in poor people in families in black brown indigenous communities in women in nearly a century."
"The decentralization of the ways that humans communicate and transfer values throughout the whole entire world is coming with Internet 3.0."
"Changing from a war economy to a peace economy is as important as changing from a dirty economy to a clean economy."
"By 1890 2/3 of Americans worked for wages, rather than farming or owning their own businesses."
"From fishing village to powerhouse: the incredible transformation of Shenzhen."
"We need to completely transform our economy so that it puts people and planet before profit."
"The result was that the Desert State which had previously been almost exclusively associated with oil became the sixth largest wheat exporter in the world."
"If we get it right, we educate and train them, we really transform not just our own economy and our society, but the world."
"Events of this magnitude... they don't just come and go. They are more often than not the trigger for an acceleration of social and economic change."
"Bitcoin is collapsing into a much more efficient form."
"China's recent poverty alleviation record has fundamentally transformed the consumption possibilities of very low-income people."
"A 50-year transformation where companies across the world will use algorithms to create trillions of dollars in economic value."
"It will upend our idea of what the economy is."
"Occasionally an AI can so fundamentally transform the economics of a process... that they change the strategy itself."
"The only solution is to fundamentally transform the system and the way that wealth is produced and shared by the people who produce it."
"But what about supply chains? We can look at this as a way to quickly usher in the circular economy by indirectly deconstructing the linear economy in place currently."
"The sharing economy actually has a lot of transformative potential."
"Good judgment seeks balance in progress; lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
"The future of money, specifically how developments in payment technologies could transform our economy."
"This is all about creating an internet of value."
"Blockchain is possibly the shipping container for money."
"We are at a historic turning point, bold entrepreneurs gathered here today are reinventing how our economy works."
"Blockchain crypto assets could slash the cost of transactions and reshape the economy."
"We have an opportunity to transform our economy and rethink business structures for a democratic, fossil-free future."
"China was no longer that poor, miserable wasteland with no business activity at all."
"It is time to flick the green switch. We have a chance not simply to reset the economy but to transform it."
"We are in the midst of the greatest re-industrialization period in American history."
"The new economy is going to be based off of real and hard assets."
"We're seeing a huge shift in everything from where we live, how we do business, how we make our money, how we invest our money, how we spend our money."
"Financial reset: slow at first, then sudden."
"China is undergoing a profound structural transformation."
"Poland's transition from tragedy to thriving shows the power of free market."
"When God intervenes, the financial tables will flip."
"We're talking about the entire economy being digitized and tokenized."
"We were being forcibly converted from an economy of small farmers small engineers entrepreneur into a corporate economy."
"Its economic transformation from being a poor colony to being a powerful rich nation with powerful rich friends is one for the ages."
"People want radical economic transformation. Some want land back."
"Argentina transformed from a wheat importer to the world's third largest exporter."
"We have been decarbonizing our economy faster than any other G20 economy."
"China began transforming itself from a poor farming nation in the 1970s to an economic powerhouse."
"As long-haul flight times collapse from 10 plus hours to 2-3 hours, the global economy could transform."
"Philip transformed the Macedonian economy overnight."