
Properties Quotes

There are 534 quotes

"Black holes have no hair, meaning every black hole in the universe is described just by its mass and spin."
"The similarities that exist between these two properties are infinitely outweighed by their differences."
"These [axions] have all the right properties to provide the dark matter."
"Obsidian, when you have it and fracture it, it's brittle; it fractures into very, very thin planes. How thin? Like molecular level thin."
"Speed is a scalar quantity, and velocity is a vector quantity."
"Water's not wet. Water is water and it gets things wet."
"The amazing thing is that conformal mappings preserve the solution of Laplace's equation."
"The world cannot be local and have these hidden qualities. What we're really learning is the world has non-local qualities."
"Turmeric will stain absolutely everything and anything it comes into contact with."
"Usually what we want to do when we pass in properties is make that into a state."
"Adding the inputs is the same as multiplying the outputs"
"Remember, bases have a pH that's greater than seven; acids have a pH that's less than seven."
"The most important feature of the fluid: arguably that it flows."
"The mind of God not only makes sense of laws of mathematics but their properties as well."
"It has anti-static and UV properties as well."
"Lists are mutable. But what exactly does that mean? What implications does that have?"
"Seriously, where did this sphere come from and what's the deal with its weird properties?"
"We want these forward tests that tell us whether the system has the property, not whether what it takes for us to think that it has the property."
"Spices aren't replacements for modern drugs, but they offer real properties we can learn from."
"Bronze does not produce sparks when struck, which makes it ideal for some modern industrial components."
"Real diamonds won't show up on x-rays."
"Blends can offer different properties."
"Antimatter, the mirror image of the matter that constitutes the observable universe, possesses properties diametrically opposed to that of regular matter."
"...they could see that it drastically increases all of their properties: their speed, their strength, their durability—everything."
"If a property is positive, then it's consistent."
"Alcohol is not only an excellent solvent helping us to remove any non water-soluble contaminants it's also hygroscopic which basically means it loves water and it wants to hug it and squeeze it and call it George."
"The defining property of water is that it likes to combine with stuff; it's clingy."
"Unlike bonds, they don't mature, don't fluctuate in price, and don't have to be managed."
"Aluminum is ideally suited for flying more than any other material."
"It is very lightweight, it's malleable, it doesn't corrode."
"More air creates a less dense and lighter final product."
"...melatonin is amphiphilic, which means that it's fat soluble and it's water soluble..."
"The major portion of its medicinal properties come from spruce."
"Your app is made up of components and controls, different pieces that you're going to put on the screen, and each one of those controls has a series of properties."
"Water has five Key properties that you need to know about."
"Water is so ubiquitous we tend to overlook what an extraordinary substance it is."
"Ice floats on water—an utterly bizarre property."
"The screen coating has oleophobic properties that repel fingerprints, grease, and other contaminants."
"Wool fabric is very breathable, so it allows sweat and vapor to escape away from your body. That's one of the things that makes it so good for these humid conditions."
"Cations and anions can have properties that are drastically different than their corresponding neutral atoms."
"How does that 360 loop start happening with materials?"
"This is acrylic lacquer. It's a thermoplastic, means it softens with heat."
"This alloy is particularly well suited for rods, it has really good impact strength and toughness."
"It's got all the properties of memory. It's long-term stable, it's rewritable, it's got conditional recall, and it has two possible outcomes."
"XLPE can withstand high electric fields in HVDC cables offering excellent electrical and mechanical properties."
"The bubbles in the aircrete also add insulation value."
"The codewords being so spread out lends it some powerful properties."
"Chrome is a highly reflective metal, resistant to tarnish and corrosion."
"The electric force governs everything from the properties of water to the boiling point and melting point of substances."
"Bitcoin offers properties traditional finance simply does not."
"These are all aluminum, isn't it all aluminum?"
"...Merino undoubtedly wins when it comes to odor management properties...that's always been a challenge of Merino...I think Mourinho clearly wins out in the odor category."
"Sulfur is antibacterial and it also is antifungal."
"This stuff gets everywhere and has magical properties."
"This doesn't off gas. It's made from rock. It's hydrophobic, what that means is it doesn't hold water. Water will run out of it."
"Density: it's a matter of mass and volume. Just like displacing water with ice."
"More properties does not always equal more money. Better systems equals better profit."
"Spider silk is sterile and has antibacterial properties."
"Elements have different properties because they have a different number of protons, neutrons, and electrons."
"... so there's a lot of really interesting properties that mushrooms may hold answers for as we're trying to do more things ourselves and be a little more self-sufficient."
"The shield has great aerodynamic properties, able to slice through the air with minimal resistance and deflect from its path. It's virtually indestructible, resistant to penetration, temperature extremes, and the entire electromagnetic spectrum of radiation."
"...this wool can absorb as much as 30 of its own weight without becoming damp or clammy and wool retains 80 to 90 percent of its insulation even when soaking wet."
"People don't realize what a unique property that water is."
"Looking at a thing shouldn’t be what gives it properties… right?"
"Numerical identity, how are two things exactly the same thing? Qualitative identity is just an object having the same essential properties from one moment to another."
"Metals are shiny, conductive, malleable, and form cations."
"Gases have both high kinetic energy and freedom of movement because molecules are far apart."
"The results of this language model are still coming out but their recent work shows interesting properties."
"We use this stuff because it's kind of like it's really just like thinners isn't it and it evaporates and dries up really quick."
"There's electromagnet energy, there's mystical energy, there's all sorts of stuff due to these unique properties."
"These functions have the property that it doesn’t matter what order you plug the inputs in."
"...garlic is also an antiviral antibacterial wonderful properties if you're cooking you're automatically infusing that into your food and you're getting all that."
"Superior insulation properties six to ten times better than regular concrete."
"Exploiting k-space properties facilitates real-time imaging with high temporal resolution."
"So each of those wavelengths has a number of different properties... It has wavelength, denoted by lambda, it has an amplitude, and it has a frequency of oscillation."
"...the beauty of using data objects is that we can now access all of the properties we care about through this dot notation."
"The slugs are made of a very specific type of steel, 12:15, a machinable steel."
"You can't actually catch fire to carbon fiber."
"From the core collab Supernova side, I want to try to understand the properties of the first stars. So, it's very difficult to make connections from a star that's maybe 20 solar masses all the way to what kind of elements exactly what amounts of elements It produced."
"So now, if I have a different metal alloy with different characteristics..."
"If you're hydrophilic, you'll lower above the plane in the alpha orientation, but if you're lipid-soluble, you'll lie below the plane."
"Exponential functions and logarithmic functions cancel each other out when using the same base."
"Whenever you take the log of 1, no matter the base, it's always going to equal zero."
"Not every kind of metal is attracted by a magnet."
"Titanium has a lower density. So, basically it means it’s lighter weight than steel."
"Metal's weird. It's a different material. If you hit it with a hammer, your shot's going up."
"Titanium is the best material to make a bike frame out of because it possesses a lot more beneficial qualities than other frame materials."
"Researchers have noted eugenol has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and antioxidant properties."
"Topology is the study of those properties of a space that are not changed by homeomorphisms."
"It doesn't give the full picture of why properties perform the way that we do."
"Positive properties don't entail negative properties. That means you could have a positive property like having power or having knowledge without thereby just by logic having to have some defect or some kind of negative property."
"What we learned from that is that matter at the Nano scale can be very, very different structurally and regarding its properties from matter in a big bulk Crystal."
"It hardens it back up, pushes those crystals back together, and makes it more brittle."
"Bloodstone is a grounding and purifying stone."
"Water is also the universal solvent. There's no other liquid known to man that can dissolve more substances than water."
"Carbon fiber is twice the strength of steel, half the weight of aluminum."
"This is absolutely awesome, aluminum is great because it's lighter weight, it's extremely durable especially with the way our engineers develop it."
"Acrylic does not transfer heat and cold like glass does."
"The commutative property of multiplication shows that it is acceptable to rearrange terms when multiplying."
"As you can see from our work in this video, you have been using the commutative, associative, and distributive properties for quite some time without even giving the 'why' much thought."
"Unlike many of the things exhibited here, slime has actual chemistry happening."
"But because it's plastic, it reduces the friction a lot."
"Isotropy means the same in all directions. Homogeneity means the same at all places."
"Liquid nitrogen is a very, very cold substance."
"That's a way that you can just kind of test for just partial functionality or partial properties or something like that, okay?"
"Titanium allows knife manufacturers to do a bunch of different interesting and unique and really intricate things and still hit those marks with a lot of people."
"It's got all the properties of memory."
"...tallow is very hard even at room temperature..."
"Breast milk is called Liquid Gold because of its healing properties."
"Plastic, it's not a great, it's quite a conductor of heat actually."
"We handle properties in Spring Boot application using properties files where we define whatever property we have to declare."
"If you don't know what copolymer is, it's almost like the best of both worlds."
"Alcohols burn to produce carbon dioxide and water, but they have a smoky flame."
"Kevlar is five times stronger than steel, it's abrasion and heat resistant."
"Density equals mass divided by volume. It's how concentrated mass is in a material."
"Vectors are things that when you rotate them around by 360 degrees they come back to where you started, that's why vectors are spin one."
"The main difference: optical is sensitive to spectral properties, while radar is sensitive to structure and dielectric properties."
"Metals are good conductors so they have a high melting point, high boiling point, and they can conduct electricity."
"Aluminum fuel tanks... dissipates heat very quickly."
"It's lightweight, dimensionally stable, and almost indestructible."
"It's not just a collection of things; it forms some very specific properties."
"This is why silicon is spooky basically because silicon... has a really low internal resistance."
"In ancient Egypt, henna was prized for its decorative and beneficial properties."
"Crystals are energetic and have vibratory qualities and properties, just like we do."
"The higher the concentration of a solute, the lower the vapor pressure reduction, the higher the vapor pressure reduction, the lower freezing point, and the higher boiling point."
"Merino wool doesn't hold on to smell."
"Interestingly enough the properties of ultrasound are similar to light right so if I send a little packet of wavelength there it's gonna hit a certain surface and some of it is refracted depending on the properties of that surface."
"Wetness is an emergent property. It doesn't exist before you get H2O."
"Rock wool... it's fire, water, and Bug resistant."
"Water as a coolant: water has a high specific heat capacity and a large latent heat of vaporization."
"Advantages of mineral oil are that it does a much better job of holding particulate matter in suspension."
"Kevlar is a really good match for EPP due to the flexibility and durability."
"How do we know these are all the axioms? Are there any other properties of symmetries of an object that we've somehow missed out or forgotten about? And the answer is no."
"Hermitian operators are the ones, the special ones, which satisfy L is equal to L dagger."
"Hermitian operators have the property that their expectation values are real, their eigenvalues are real, and their eigenvectors are mutually orthogonal for different values of the eigenvalue."
"Unitary operators have one feature in common with Hermitian operators: they also have complete orthonormal sets of eigenvectors."
"Loaded with essential minerals and possessing remarkable cleansing properties."
"The space with this property is called a de Sitter space."
"Ceramic is hard and strong, non-porous, and will hold a vacuum."
"A combination of high strength, good forming properties, and vacuum tightness."
"It has the following properties: It's closed under multiplication, has a multiplicative identity, has inverses for every element, and the product is associative."
"Pumice is actually more vesicle than rock and will float on water."
"If you're wondering why I have two Whites, the flake white, the one furthest to the right, has this property."
"Now, the one who scored the best, all sixes and fives, this is the no-name brand, stencil material off of Amazon, this is mylar. It is translucent, it had a lot of strong properties for alcohol ink."
"You're gonna notice a reference to both properties and the state."
"...why because it is a veneer and a veneer has lime in it and lime is just say thee you crush the lime up and you you put it in so we got soundproofing we've got base coat we've got fire retardant we got structural strength we got we got it all at your head..."
"Simple moleculars: low melting and boiling points because you're breaking weak forces."
"If something starts with an H, it's typically an acid."
"Object.freeze only prevents you from changing the initial properties on the object."
"Your natural colors have three properties... they fit inside a light to dark range."
"Soap is like glue that likes to glue water to oils like if you wash a greasy dish with soap water so you're mixing water soap and fat the soap molecules want to stick to both the fat and the water."
"Life has other wonderful properties."
"Obviously the black hole itself does not contain any information on how it was born so we are going to rely on these correlations and the properties of the black hole and the galactic nucleus that it lives in to discriminate these models as we'll just see."
"It's very easy when you're working with addition because addition is commutative."
"The cool thing about gallium is that you can melt it very easily."
"The phase maps give us this information. They tell us how we can engineer properties in materials by engineering their phases."
"The eigenvectors of a normal matrix are orthogonal."
"Water sticks to other water because the water is sticky to water."
"Vector is an item that has both magnitude and direction."
"Jello is one of the few things that is thermoreversible."
"The cool thing is you see like hydrophobics inside, hydrophilics outside."
"Gold is a fascinating element; it doesn't corrode, it's malleable, and it conducts electricity."
"They're also the only fruit to contain the enzyme bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties."
"Water is liquid, therefore water is always wet."
"Our attention is going to properties that we feel familiar with or something that looks or seems great."
"Rubber comes in several types and flavors, each with advantages and disadvantages."
"The Fibonacci numbers have enormous numbers of slightly weird properties."
"Atoms are tiny, and yet they control all the properties of the materials that we see on our scale."
"Mass is just a property objects have, whereas the weight is the force exerted by gravity on those objects with mass."
"We can use these properties... to answer some very helpful problems."
"Density of water is 998 ish depending on temperature."
"A pure substance will have a fixed boiling point and should not boil over a range of temperatures."
"Metals have high melting and boiling points, they're good conductors of heat and electricity."
"A SysML model can represent constraints on physical and performance properties."
"Liquid metal is exactly that, it's liquid and it's metal, because of gravity when it's in the vertical position, it will slowly start to seep and group up on one side."
"Rare earth metals: once isolated, they have properties that allow a myriad of modern technologies."
"The square of an odd number is always one more than a multiple of four."
"The sum of the squares of two consecutive odd numbers is always two more than a multiple of eight."
"So now we know the 3 properties of a sine wave that we can modify, we need some mathematical system that combines all the things we have learned so far."
"If f of negative X is equal to negative f of X, then the function is odd."
"Analytic continuation is one of the most extraordinary properties of holomorphic functions."
"Quantum entanglement... is an even stranger property than quantum superposition."
"The symmetric property is when you can change the order and it remains the same."
"The reflexive property is anything can be equal to itself."
"The transitive property is like a train; the first is connected to the second, the second to the third."
"When you know the structure, it makes sense why things have the properties that they do."
"Hydrophilic loves water, and hydrophobic hates water."
"Methylene blue is actually blue... but what's really unique is when it begins to do some of its property, that means donating electrons, helping with oxygen, it actually goes to colorless."
"Asymptotes are lines that the hyperbola will never touch."
"Each object has properties and methods defined by their classes."
"Gas have particles that are so loose, they have no definite shape or volume."
"It's interesting that Amsteel likes being cyclically loaded."
"This kernel matrix has nice properties; obviously, it is symmetric."
"Air is non-toxic and non-flammable."
"If you are familiar with React, we should have some kind of props here."
"Financial time series, what are they or do they look like, and what properties do they have?"
"This is a very strange and interesting property of this kind of hyperbolic partial differential equation."
"What we really think about, and the things one should attach properties to or require properties of in our model of the world, is this guy: what the real path of the real chalk is."
"Intensive properties are properties that are independent of the mass of the system."
"Snapping for the animation editors is now a scene property."