
Food Production Quotes

There are 278 quotes

"We're going to have our own food production now, which is awesome."
"The devastation inflicted upon agriculture in these areas will undeniably have significant repercussions on China's overall food production."
"I'm just trying to show people, like what you do it's trying to inspire people that they can grow an amazing amount of food in a smaller space."
"The world's farmers have produced enough food in each of the last 10 years for 10 billion people."
"So much about how we grow our food right now is inherently unsustainable."
"More than 70% of the entire production of food in the world comes from farms less than 25 acres."
"We are contemplating an agricultural crisis, an ecological crisis, as well as the climate breakdown crisis, and it's being driven by the food that we eat and the way that it's produced."
"If we don't have pollinators, we don't get fruit."
"Industrial agriculture uses 75 percent of available farmland yet produces just 30 percent of the food."
"Research has shown that if we took that cropland... and instead grew human-edible foods... we could feed another million people in full."
"The victory seed dot-org is my effort to encourage people to start growing their own food."
"Feeding the future will require us to grow a lot more food, but it'll probably also require us to waste a lot less."
"To produce animal foods you need vast resources. We are potentially impacting our own ability to survive on this planet."
"Whether the food chain is broken by humans or by nature, our unlimited appetites continue to come up against the limited amount of what the Earth can produce."
"We're gonna grow our own hamburgers, it's gonna be amazing."
"We must change how we produce food in order to make it more sustainable."
"Food production is starting to look a little bit better."
"Russia has become self-sufficient in food and is now a food exporter."
"The massive resurgence of outbreaks in China in 2022 has hit food production hard."
"Doubling food production put enormous demands on labor."
"People are cultivators, they produce their own food."
"As long as there are trees around, you're going to be improving your food production one way or another."
"Meat production is turning out to be a pretty big problem for this planet."
"We are much more efficient in producing food today than we've ever been."
"In their next transformation, this paste will then be funneled into an edible casing, often the collagen from a cow or pigskin, giving you that familiar tubular shape."
"How many of us know what food does to the environment before it comes to our plate?"
"Can you grow food as if your life depends on it?" - LDS Prepper
"And we're producing plenty of food like we're at almost 27,000 calories."
"It's potentially crippling a food producer that hundreds of millions of people rely on."
"By having this greenhouse we're able to have food sooner."
"Every ounce every pound of food that we're able to produce the more successful we are going to be as a community as a family."
"Growing food is literally like printing money it's like printing your own paycheck the more food you grow the less money you're spending that is money in your pocket."
"Carbon dioxide shortage is also impacting the production of frozen pizza."
"Let's go build new food production methods that are resilient."
"Food is absolutely on that list, so start growing today."
"Our world in data points out that beef is like no other food for land use."
"January 6 was a symbol of the breakdown of justice."
"Sledge making is gonna bring us a lot of good food."
"Bees help pollinate 35% of the world's food."
"This meat, it's incredibly unsustainable but we figured out a way to solve it and we're gonna have to do it if we want to continue living on this planet."
"Things are on the up-and-up, look at that meat, thank you chickens."
"Mushroom production is otherwise a really sustainable way to produce food from waste organic material and really rich nutritious food as well."
"Without water, there is no food. California grows a lot of the nation's fruits, nuts, and vegetables."
"Aquaponics: More food from a smaller footprint."
"Ensure that California continues to grow food for the world."
"Producing food that I'm going to talk a little bit more about now."
"The notion that you're better off buying your food from the supermarket and not growing anything in the backyard is complete and utter bull."
"It's go time. We don't have any option. We can't be lazy or say the law said no. It's we gotta grow food to feed ourselves because they're not gonna do it and they're working against us."
"We don't need that marginal land to feed the current population nor even to feed up to 9 billion people."
"The main limitations for growing food are not soil-based; they're water, topography, and temperature."
"Our farmers are incredible they're producing levels of food like just unbelievable."
"Reducing the expectation of pain and the actuality of pain as much as possible in the slaughtering of the animals that you intend to then use for food and sustenance is The Sweet Spot."
"It should therefore be common sense for the government of South Africa... to control our food production."
"You literally just put it in the ground it grows, it's magic, it's amazing and then one day I got food."
"Major changes in how food is produced are needed."
"It's actually the only way we can feed the world."
"Stop telling us we're living wrong and start supporting those of us who grow the food that you live off of."
"Growing food is as foundational and fundamental as it gets."
"Plants are practical, let's make them generate food."
"The financialization of the food industry: the primary determinance of almost every action that happens in almost every food company that supplies say 90% of our calories—all the indicators are financial."
"You can raise your own food, guys. I promise you can."
"One to two plants can feed our family for the summer and create so much food."
"Surely we're going to learn things from your work that will help us produce food here on Earth."
"They just love farms so damn much and because we're swimming in farms, we're also gonna be absolutely swimming in food."
"There's a lot of empowerment when you have food just sitting around you like this and you work hard to grow food, a lot of empowerment."
"Step number one is to begin growing food because you may not even be doing that."
"People can get over here, it'll be great. We'll be able to produce some extra food whether it gets where I want it to go, different question but we'll try."
"Forest gardens are part of the food production solution for the future."
"We rely on Farmers shockingly enough food is good Farmers growing food is good I know radical take."
"It gives a lot of comfort to know that you can produce your own food."
"There's less land available to produce food, but the public wants more food and cheaper."
"You're not going to do it by growing everything you want to consume."
"We're feeding 7 billion people from a smaller acreage than we fed 3 billion people from."
"I firmly believe that food forests are going to be the salvation of mankind."
"Traveling Wilburys vol 1 was awarded the Grammy for Best Rock performance by a do or group in 1990."
"We're feeding 25 percent of the global population with Burgers."
"Buying food is one thing but being able to produce your own food is a whole other thing you need to be doing."
"If you left him alone they could feed the entire planet."
"We can only grow so much in our own backyard, but if we share this idea with a lot of other people, it's unimaginable how much food we can really grow."
"Taking the time to ferment will cut down your feed usage by 40 to 50%, which is awesome."
"We have a farm so we do raise a large amount of our own vegetables, our meat, our eggs, and our Dairy here ourselves."
"We're at war now... we need to re-engage people in the growing and production of food."
"I'm trying to get better at just growing things that I know we'll eat."
"The shrimp are just as good eating out of these tanks as they are in the wild."
"If you can support good quality local sustainable honey production, you are also inadvertently supporting good quality local food production as well."
"I don't think a lot of people actually understand how much labor and work goes into creating the product that they're eating."
"The most common food produced was wheat like IR corn or Emma barley."
"Gardening is just like putting a seed into dirt giving it water and sunshine and it will give you food."
"Growing food for five people takes a little more space, a little more space."
"My vision of things done right would be a tremendous number of small independent food producers producing food for their communities or greater communities all over the world."
"I will be in control of the world's food production. Think of the power I will have."
"To me, regenerative agriculture is a way of producing food by regenerating everything around you as you go."
"Regulations generally serve as a vehicle for preventing small independent producers from providing the kind of food that people actually want to have."
"The majority of pickle factories in America ferment their pickles in outdoor vats without lids, leaving them subject to insects and bird droppings."
"None of us would be eating if it wasn't for cover crops."
"We have already entered an era of food production instability because of the extreme climate events that are occurring with increasing frequency and increasing intensity."
"Food here in the states is so mass-produced."
"Food should never be so cheap that the people who produce it are themselves in a state of penury or misery."
"If we want to feed people going forward, we kind of have to change our mindset about how things are grown. I mean, constantly throughout time, we have to shift our mindset. It can't always stay the same."
"The orchard provides food for you without tilling the soil."
"The current approach to farming and food production has been a big fail for all of those reasons - health reasons, environmental reasons, and profitability."
"Folks, that animal was grown with solar energy. Not in a test tube, that is not impossible burger, that's real burger grown by sunlight."
"We could produce enough fruits and vegetables to feed every single person."
"We need to own it more widely as a society and say, look, we need to be producing food locally."
"We need to be producers of food rather than just to assume that someone will sort out this problem."
"One time we had a farmer tell us in South Africa that peanuts are an underground crop and they absorb everything under the ground."
"...you now have a controlled temperature environment, a controlled humidity environment perfect for making cheese, salami, growing mushrooms, making wine, sauerkraut..."
"A lot of work goes into this from starting the seeds to growing the food to cleaning it to processing it and preserving it. But this is awesome."
"Urban farming: the production of food and other agricultural products in and around urban areas."
"Food production is so heavily regulated, and it's really in my gridlessness index."
"Organic produce will be efficiently grown in aeroponic and aquaponic systems complemented by traditional outdoor farms and greenhouses."
"We need to include in the bottom line the true costs of food production, the true financial costs and the true costs to the Earth."
"The point, surely, is to achieve a situation where the production of healthier food is rewarded and becomes more affordable."
"I don't use the term agriculture a lot. I talk about food production because I don't think that our general population equate what I do on the landscape with the food that's sitting on their plate."
"When you're talking about ranchers producing food keeping ranchers in business is what keeps us food independent right so that is a very key thing that the general public and ranchers need to keep in mind."
"This setup could be the most important setup you have in your garden to produce food."
"Well, I hope that after today, we've given you a few more great reasons to container garden, especially to grow more food."
"By maximizing our gardening space and growing vertically, we can almost double the amount of food we can grow in a single garden bed or container."
"The most important job we have as ranchers is to take care of the land that we're on and to produce food for the world."
"A huge part of our global food production is channeled either into farm animals, in which case a very large part of the nutritional value is lost, or increasingly into biofuels."
"The greenhouse gas intensity of producing animal foods is in most cases an order of magnitude greater than producing plant foods."
"Realize that this lettuce had to be grown, someone had to pick it, the sunlight and energy had to go into this."
"Producing enough food is not the problem. The world needs to feed itself."
"We've lost that connection with seasonality food production Hunting Fishing because everything's in a supermarket."
"It's more about the food industry changing itself, how the products are manufactured."
"Without bees, these foods would be much harder to grow."
"The consistency is the key... Because you want to produce natto to be able to eat it."
"Farming's an essential occupation; we help to feed the country, don't we?"
"There's so much food that you can grow, it really is easier to grow."
"Agriculture is not simply crop production... it is the production of food and fiber from the world's land and waters."
"There just really is no more efficient way to produce food than what we have right now."
"Growing food has just been more important, and I've placed a lot of emphasis on starting seeds for the garden."
"Fewer people are producing more food for a greater number."
"Gene editing will have the widest global impacts in the near term because everybody has to eat."
"Now on average, it takes ten calories of fossil-fuel energy to produce one calorie of food energy."
"I would rather get to the point with food production to where we can give it away because we have so much abundance."
"People will often look at my little farm and say, 'That's great, but you're never going to feed the world that way.'"
"Their passion and dedication is demonstrated not only through the daily care of their horses but also through the production of high-quality horse meat that meets market demand."
"At the end of the day, you eat, so why not produce what you eat?"
"Once upon a time, people produced food not to sell but to consume themselves and stockpile for the future."
"Our food choices matter; without addressing food production, we cannot meet our climate targets."
"That's how you make tahini, sesame oil, the best thing on the planet."
"That money that those people charged for that jelly was not too much, it's labor-intensive."
"I just couldn't believe how much work goes into making four jars of jelly."
"If you grow some of your own foods and have local resources, you're going to be less susceptible to supply chain failures."
"From the moment it first opened, the site has also been producing food for its workers and visitors."
"A great way to incorporate growing more food in your raised beds or your flower beds."
"Being self-sufficient and being able to grow our own food, not being dependent on a global industrial food system."
"Aspire Food Group's new plant in London, Ontario is ready to produce 9000 metric tons of crickets annually for both human and pet consumption."
"We're all in the food production business; we need good, clean product, we need a high-quality product."
"Not all bacteria are harmful; certain bacteria are important and are used in food production."
"I want to maximize my space. I wanted to grow like if I'm growing food, I'm growing food."
"Eating is what sustains life, and for someone to produce something that literally sustains life is a very intimate thing."
"You don't need a massive space to produce food; you just need to think out of the box."
"The Central Valley is a major center of agriculture, with over 50% of all fruits and vegetables in the entire country coming from there."
"It produces a ton of food, it creates food 365 days a year with the methods and the seeds that we use."
"The Haber-Bosch process is critical for about half the world's food production."
"Billions of human lives depend on a technology from 1910, a single chemical reaction that helps produce most of the food that you and I eat."
"This type of Agriculture lets us feed a lot of people. We're able to now produce a lot of food at a very cheap rate."
"This can help feed a lot of people and a lot of people are looking at this as a way to produce more food that is a cheaper cost and can feed more without having to then worry about putting more of a burden on the land."
"If we can become more efficient in how we produce food, we can feed more people and with more people being fed, we can have a more stable society and a happier life."
"We're jazzed about producing our own food rather than being dependent on the grocery store."
"A farm is simply a place where food is either grown or animals are raised for food."
"One almond takes 80 gallons of water. You're like, what? I just ate like a lake."
"How many chicken nuggets come from one chicken?"
"This vertical farm represents a paradigm shift in the way we think about food production."
"To end this cycle of self-destruction, we must transform the way we see food, and transform the kinds of food we produce, and the way we produce it, for everyone's sake."
"To learn to grow and brew and to take control of your food, hit subscribe now."
"The goal in mind to grow food for our family to grow enough food that we can put away canning and preserving food for our family throughout the year as well as sharing."
"Homesteading is prepper extreme because you are actually producing your own food."
"This yeast could create massive amounts of food out of a little more than spare carbon dioxide and waste energy."
"You don't need perfect raised beds to grow a huge amount of food."
"The process of making maple syrup is pretty straightforward."
"We've got syrup, we've got syrup. This is great."
"Every batch has about 500 pounds of real fruit."
"It's amazing the amount of food you can fit into a small space when you garden year-round."
"The land's telling me how to use it, and the benefits are, obviously, I'm making money on it, but also the benefits, I'm feeding more and more people out of it."
"They know how to grow enough food to feed the world, they know how to make enough medicine if you need it."
"Food is among the largest driver of global environmental change."
"We also employ bacteria in industrial situations and in food applications."
"Over a third of all food produced for human consumption actually goes to waste."
"You don't have to be a professional grower to max out a professional grower amount of food in your backyard."
"We need to move to a situation where we are all growing food, a distributed model of food growing."
"That right there is honey, and they've filled it up and sealed it off with wax."
"This is really the future of food production as I see it."
"It's going to be interesting to see how much of our own food we can produce off of the homestead this year."
"Supporters say growing indoors uses less water and land and permits food to be grown closer to consumers."
"Now we're putting in some time and effort to maintain a backyard food forest, but we're getting insane amounts of food."
"Saving water at home is important, but we have to start thinking about what we eat and how we produce what we eat."
"We will produce many more calories of nutrient-dense food per acre than will any monoculture type model."
"I learned how to grow vegetables. And that's where a lot of my understanding of how the natural world, the needs for food production came from."
"Looking at a patch of potatoes like this, that is so much food, it makes me so excited."
"You ain't got to have all that... just go out, you can do the simplest stuff, it ain't got to be nothing real fancy, if it produces food and you get to eat, amen."
"A Green Revolution is not just essential to feed a young continent; it is an imperative to transform Africa into a surplus producer and the world's breadbasket."
"By 2050, we'll need twice the food we produce today."
"Respiration uses food to produce energy; photosynthesis uses sunlight energy to produce food."
"We rely on animal pollinators to pollinate plants... without those pollinators, these food crops cannot reproduce."
"Farm women specifically are the invisible food producers."
"Everybody should know how to grow basic food, everybody should know basic agriculture."
"With nine billion people expected to live on planet earth by mid-century, humankind has to develop sustainable new methods to feed the world."