
Disadvantage Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"My children have grown up in a wealthy family; it's a big disadvantage."
"My overall argument is that class, socioeconomics, is a better proxy for disadvantage."
"75% feel they have a disadvantage compared to other generations."
"Class, socioeconomics, is a better proxy for disadvantage...you actually get a better picture of who needs help by looking at socioeconomics."
"Forgetting things doesn't seem to be very evolutionarily advantageous."
"I just feel like so many kids who are disadvantaged don't know the power of knowledge. They're letting people write their narrative for them, and I just want to say, 'Look, learn, read, write.'"
"His legionnaires, brave as they almost certainly were, did not stand a chance against a naval bombing."
"Here's the beautiful thing about not having the advantages that other people have..."
"We're at a disadvantage okay but we still have to fight for this one."
"Heighten spell imposes disadvantage on a creature's saving throw for a spell."
"Bond was at a disadvantage and he had to improvise."
"You are already putting yourself at a disadvantage by not playing enabling champions."
"Either way, I'm not getting an advantage off Foreboding Ruins, so no thank you."
"Richard was now in numerical inferiority against the Ayyubids."
"People who haven't had much exposure to the water are gonna be at a disadvantage for this evolution."
"The hist is a double-edged sword, in the sense that an Argonian who cuts themself off from the hist is only going to be disadvantaged."
"Ukrainian troops are already outnumbered and outgunned even before Russia has committed the bulk of its forces."
"Cute is never going to stack up well against being able to transform into a big fat ancient chonkosaur."
"Contagion offers a pretty inescapable source of disadvantage to creatures' attack rolls."
"Every time I'm in disadvantage, it's like oh cool I just like landed with quick attack."
"It's Optic's map pick, so you kind of get that bad side to start."
"Ukraine is attempting to go on the offensive at a disadvantage in artillery... not a good combination."
"Game twelve and oh, you guys only have three players. What a shame."
"The plaintiffs argued that standardized tests put underprivileged and minority students at a disadvantage by creating a lucrative test prep industry."
"You ain't had [ __ ] in the first damn place."
"Kite was disadvantaged. Kite lost an arm before the fight started."
"A man: born into a world where he's always last."
"Well, what if you don't know anything? Well, you're screwed."
"We're all forgetting the word what equality means so even one person at a disadvantage things are no longer equal."
"If you don't have good positioning, if you can't see what's going on, you're gonna suffer."
"The concept of white privilege is stoking divisions and marginalizing the most disadvantaged in society."
"Honestly, The High Ground might not have been an advantage this time."
"If you have two fists, you don't tie one of them behind your back when you go into a fight unless you have to."
"The person who was most thoroughly screwed over by this was George R Martin."
"She did herself absolutely no favors, zero favors."
"When you add in the fact that he's already down material, it's really great."
"If we do anything short of that then the disbelievers will have an advantage."
"This is a very unpleasant position for black because of the static weakness."
"Sometimes when you don't know, you're at a huge disadvantage."
"If we're on the ground, we're already at a disadvantage."
"People that put things off are never ahead, they're always behind."
"It looked like chess where the other guy gets four goes for every go you get."
"Lack of money is not a disadvantage; it actually can be a big advantage."
"The downside of infrared is it's a detectable system."
"Higher education... does still have this incredible effect on social mobility, especially for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds."
"Without numerical fluency, you are like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest."
"You might go months without making a big trade. And you tell an investor that and they're like, 'I can't go months without making...'. So that's where the market is rigged against Wall Street because they can't do that."
"...if you don't believe in spiritual things you're at a deficit that you will not overcome."
"You're dealing with such a disadvantage in the striking."
"...setting them up for complete failure by asking them to do...this 100 commission which is just not a good experience at all for a young person starting in their career."
"In order to guarantee privileges for white people, you have to systematically disadvantage black people."
"That's going to be a pretty much a full lap that they'll lose."
"All the disadvantages in this world are due to incompetence. If you want to curse something, curse your own weakness."
"To break even is to lose because they're still out there doing what they're doing, gaining territory, causing terror. It's not a good situation."
"Your bad day is their good day. They take, you give."
"They literally turned her disadvantage into her Advantage"
"The arrival of the French fleet really looks bad for the British."
"Your disadvantage is always in the things you don't know. Your advantage will always be in the things that you know."
"The clock is not on your side, especially if you're the little guy negotiating with the big guy."
"The disadvantages of pretty privilege weren't always so privileged."
"You do have the disadvantage of the blade not being connected on both ends."
"The problem for them is that their number is fairly small."
"We got him right where they want us."
"Power usage is the biggest disadvantage of induction cooking."
"I think that for clean comics, there is a big disadvantage because we will never get the attribute or the adjective 'edgy'."
"It's absolutely the case that if you are born into a family in which there is no working adult or in which there are no prospects for working adult your prospects are pretty grim."
"A major disadvantage for the British was that their soldiers were far from home, traveling for months over the sea on crowded ships."
"Sometimes height can be an advantage, sometimes a disadvantage."
"You guys don't stand a chance, especially on a Thursday."
"If they manipulate or gaslight you, you're already at a disadvantage."
"...wanted to try to figure out a way to make his country survive even though it has so many disadvantages, it has no oil."
"He's too tough for his own [ __ ] good."
"Nothing acts as a greater spur to innovation than the absence of advantage."
"The height is definitely a negative."
"They had military-grade weapons that could pierce armor. Bonnie and Clyde had no chance."
"It's like bringing a sword to a gunfight."
"If you're an adult and you've never played video games, you're going to be at a significant disadvantage."
"I think he's been dealt a bad hand in the brain department."
"The lady is already aware that she's at a disadvantage."
"If you don't have capital to start with, you are at a tremendous disadvantage because capital buys you time essentially."
"Michigan's in a great spot here's the problem I think their schedule is brutal."
"Their numbers may have been an advantage, but when faced with a severe numerical disadvantage, a conquering army must resort to tactics."
"He's zooming down on them and they're not able to reorient themselves to shoot up at him, but he can shoot down at them."
"I may seem like an unlikely Survivor with all my phobias and irritable bowel syndrome, but I had the advantage of never having any friends."
"The difficulty of closing the range was taken away from Valentina Shevchenko because Holly Holm was so keen to close the range herself."
"Common cause will never give you any actual advantage since it will either not work or will give every creature, including the enemy ones, the boost."
"This is really a case where you see the projector really, really get taken advantage of."
"Obsession isn't a bad word. It's how you use that obsession that makes it an advantage or disadvantage."
"What better way to try to get your losses back than by giving yourself a huge disadvantage?"
"I've always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage. Thank you for the final truth."
"It was crucial for them to overcome this significant disadvantage."
"Imagine trying to negotiate with a Russian president not knowing much Russian history. You would be at a huge disadvantage."
"It's looking like you brought a fist to a sword fight."
"The last thing that you should ever do is submerge that which is uniquely you. Anytime that you are trying to speak or behave in a way that is inauthentic to who you really are, you will create a competitive disadvantage."
"Honest people speak the whole truth even if it seems to be to their disadvantage."
"The stipulation can also be used to put one wrestler at a disadvantage since this stipulation shines a spotlight on the ref."
"Here's another point, this does not play in Chase Elliott's favor."
"Kill that narrative that battling me puts anybody at a disadvantage."
"Everything else out there has the advantage over me. I'm in their territory, their atmosphere, they know the area like no, no, no."
"Those boats stuck back in the pack... you're losing nearly half your horsepower when there's only this light breeze."
"The issue with all those things being locked before the game even started is that the odds were not that great."
"Interesting is a liability these days."
"It was in these parts of Afghanistan that the Soviet Union couldn't compete with the guerrilla tactics being employed."
"You got one big strike against you, you know Johnny, M-O-N-E-Y."
"There's nothing more cruel in all the world than taking advantage of a disadvantaged person."
"He's got the teeth, he's got the scales, he's got the claws, he's got everything. You have nothing."
"This battle... has been flipped on its head with him now being the one at a disadvantage by encountering hacks that he has no answers to."
"Zach abandoned ship and so now I think he's in a deficit."
"That's a bad position to be in, agreed."
"When you get behind them, it's like giving somebody a head start in a race."
"I don't see any of these things as a disadvantage. I see divergence as an opportunity."
"The additional latency can be a deal breaker."
"It's the rules that are supposed to be in favor of the rich working against them."
"You're rich. I'm rich. And that puts us at a very serious disadvantage spiritually."
"The system is rigged...against the majority."
"These are [ __ ] who've never had to live as an adult paycheck to paycheck. You know what I'm saying, many people who've been told nothing but yes since they was 12 or 13. [ __ ] like."
"Increasingly, poor kids are at a disadvantage relative to rich kids."
"The advantage of the off-road get-up does come at the cost of gas mileage though."
"That's like screwing me twice, this is what that's doing."
"Native English speakers may be at a disadvantage in Globish due to their use of sophisticated language."
"...black's position is suddenly really trashy."
"When you can't see what's in the water, you are at a severe disadvantage."
"If you don't give these kids love in the beginning, they're just at a disadvantage."
"Not knowing this will put you at a huge disadvantage."
"If you are slow to adapt to what's going on in terms of new tools and Technologies, you're only putting yourself at a disadvantage."
"It's a great disadvantage to the sword clan that the emotion sing Divine Dao is forbidden."
"Oh, you've caught me at a disadvantage, haven't you, my darlings?"
"We all have the advantages of our disadvantages."
"Aims to assist disadvantaged students who wish to pursue their education."
"If you actually walk into a meeting with a developer and you don't know your numbers, you are at a major disadvantage."
"Children who don't have supportive networks from a very early age are disadvantaged."
"There are societal norms that place women at a disadvantage, absolutely."
"The people who were most committed to fighting for the country of Afghanistan are the people who are the most disadvantaged at escaping now."
"Being born woman almost always gives you certain disadvantages relative to men."
"The data suggests that people who are having to not live as they wish to, loving who they love, certainly do have real disadvantages in being able to perform at their best in all parts of their life."
"If fear is a factor in why you're playing and trying to perform, you're already at a disadvantage."
"Expertise is an advantage if you're thinking clearly and you're not emotional, but once you're emotionally engaged, expertise can be an active disadvantage."
"To face life with low self-esteem is to be at a severe disadvantage."
"Zugzwang is a position where basically all legal moves make your position worse."
"This position just looks horrendous for White."
"But you begin now to realize," said the Invisible Man, "the full disadvantage of my condition."
"With every advantage comes a disadvantage."
"We all know that the human being is at great disadvantage in the presence of a mystery."
"Working-class white boys in coastal communities are some of the most disadvantaged people in the country."
"The Native Americans did not have the same advantages as the Europeans."
"If you don't have a library, you are at a disadvantage."
"Black Americans are disadvantaged in practically everything you can look at, from lifespan to vulnerability to various diseases to vulnerability to incarceration."
"He has given prominence to the cultural and identity aspects of these processes of disadvantage."
"It is Mara," he second-guessed. "She has arrived home to find herself disadvantaged, I hope."
"They lose out on the 'halo effect' benefit of getting sympathy and engagement from the audience easier."
"Black is in zugzwang; everything he does is going to negatively impact his game from this point."
"The third-class passengers were at the very bottom and had to take a lot of time to reach the lifeboats."
"We're such a severe disadvantage today due to our lack of knowledge in Arabic."
"This position is probably almost resignable for white even though he is a pawn up."
"This is starting to look ominous for Black."