
Quebec Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Quebec is by far the safest province, has the second most diversified economy, second lowest unemployment rate, the highest average life expectancy, and third highest life satisfaction rate."
"I grew up in Quebec, one of the largest French-speaking provinces in Canada, and when it was time for me to go to college, I had the honor of being proposed a scholarship by McGill University, often considered by many as one of the most prestigious universities in Canada."
"Quebec has threatened independence multiple times getting remarkably close."
"The urgency made clear by the spike, almost 800 COVID-19 cases reported in Quebec in the last two days."
"In Quebec, it's normal to say you're on that political spectrum and you're not canceled."
"Quebec makes great films. It's English-speaking Canada that's doing a terrible job."
"Quebec is suffering while the CEOs of big grocery stores are gilding their pockets on their backs."
"He was fundamentally a Quebecer... when he made those two attempts with Meech and Charlottetown... it was because Quebec was so close to his heart."
"Hockey in Quebec was bigger than the church and Rocket Richard was bigger than the Pope."
"Quebec films, music, literary works, and food have international stature, especially in La Francophonie."
"This Quebecois dish consists of french fries topped with cheese curds and gravy."
"Our budget seeks to ensure fairness for all generations and for all Quebecers."
"In the geographic heart of Quebec, there lies a great wilderness of unspoiled beauty."
"The baron tundra, windswept taiga, and great boreal forest all converge against the backdrop of the remote and secluded Otish mountains."
"Over the course of 17 days, this expedition will see us travel 300 kilometers through the untamed wilds of Northern Quebec."
"Located at the geographical center of Quebec, the Otish mountains are the life-giving source of waters for rivers emptying into three of Quebec's major watersheds."
"In Quebec, they produce 77% of all the maple syrup in the world."
"Quebec is one of the most unique provinces in Canada."
"The impressive Parliament building of the province of Quebec was built at the end of the 1870s early 80s."
"It became the symbol of Quebec and is said to be the most photographed hotel in the world."
"The other way to get here is on the incredible 130-year-old Old Quebec Funicular."
"Welcome back to our short travel field test series from Quebec, Canada."
"Stay tuned for more reviews from our Quebec down country field test."
"Poutine is a Quebec classic, it's french fries sprinkled with cheese curds and they pour gravy on top of it."
"My beautiful molds made in Quebec by July over at Winston and Walter."
"The historic city of old Quebec... looks like it was ripped from the pages of a fairy tale."
"I have been to Quebec, and I realized that when you are in the French speaking Canada, even if you know how to speak French very not very well like me, no matter whatever language you start speaking in is the language they speak back to you."
"You can actually now get a prescription for a cannabinoid medicine today in Quebec, in Canada."
"Quebec is beautiful, oh my god, it's charming."
"It's almost like Quebec is a country inside of another country."
"I think a lot of English-speaking Canada really likes the fact that Quebec is a part of Canada."
"I love Quebec, I've been there many times."
"What an amazing trip to Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean in Quebec, Canada."
"Quebec is designated - and is now officially recognized - as a distinct nation within Canada."
"Did you know that Quebec never even signed the Canadian constitution?"
"This marks the end of our Quebec experience, our time in the french-speaking part of Canada, and it's been lovely, it's been amazing."
"In Quebec, we blaspheme! With 'torrieu', 'mautadit', 'viarge' or 'tabarnak', 'hostie' and 'calisse', we find the core of Quebec identity."
"Fries, gravy, cheese curds, that sounds like a heart attack but delicious at the same time. It's a French Canadian dish, my province of Quebec. Sorry, good so good."
"You're supporting independent makers here in Quebec."
"Don't hesitate to say bonjour Quebec."
"If you're a trail rider, any region in Quebec is going to give you an absolutely amazing experience."
"Every region in Quebec is going to give you an absolutely amazing experience."
"I love working at home in the province of Quebec."
"Quebec is a beautiful province, that's their slogan La Belle Province."