
General Relativity Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"General relativity...leads us to the next chapter, a very important one on gravity."
"If Einstein had not put forth general relativity in 1915, it might have been a very long time before someone else would."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity is this idea that space can be curved."
"The presence of mass and energy causes curvature in space."
"One can quite easily derive E equals MC squared from this."
"One of the biggest paradoxes in physics is the black hole information paradox, a puzzle that results from the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity."
"Albert Einstein presented his general theory of relativity while working as a Swiss patent clerk."
"Probably if you did a survey of physicists today, the thing that they would say they want to know the most is how general relativity and quantum physics can be merged together into one self-consistent theory."
"The discovery of cosmic acceleration and the measurement of that acceleration... is in my opinion one of the greatest triumphs of general relativity ever."
"To move under the influence of gravity according to Einstein is to surf the warps and curves in space-time."
"We have a completely wonderful theory of...general relativity which is the fantastic description of the way things interact at the largest possible scales."
"LIGO's detection of gravitational waves was another confirmation of Einstein's theory, yet future deviations could usher in new physics beyond his general theory of relativity."
"A theory of everything must unite general relativity with quantum mechanics and a black hole is where these two theories converge at their limits."
"General relativity is the most beautiful physical theory ever invented."
"This combination...is called the Einstein tensor...the correct equation."
"If the theory of general relativity had failed to receive experimental and observation support, he would have felt sorry for the Good Lord because that was a really brilliant idea."
"The epitome of general relativity is a black hole."
"General relativity is a comprehensive description of gravity, the nature of space and time, and their links."
"Scientific thought and its creation is the common and shared heritage of mankind. General relativity and the understanding of the world that it offers belong to everyone."
"General relativity has been extremely successful in explaining the physics of outer space...but something that's not really often emphasized is that general relativity also accords well with our inner space or our intimate experiences."
"The fact that the GPS satellites can determine my location to within a distance of only a few meters is only possible because they take into account the effects of general relativity."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity... revolutionized our understanding of the physical universe starting in the 20th century."
"Einstein, in November of 1915 at a lecture at the Prussian Academy of Science, writes down the final equation... the mathematical way of talking about curvature... and this fella over here is the way you talk about energy and mass."
"Einstein's theory works beautifully both in the solar system and in more exotic things like the expanding universe and black holes."
"I think the general relativity is probably the most beautiful theory because it translates physics into geometry."
"Einstein’s general theory of relativity came from asking what were the inevitable implications of simple statements like the equivalence principle and the invariance of the speed of light."
"And general relativity implies that a clock, a timekeeping piece, runs slower in strong gravity than weak gravity."
"Instead of just sort of this force acting at a distance, [Einstein] thought of gravity as mass curving space-time."
"General relativity has passed virtually every test put to it over the past hundred years."
"Last time we talked about Singularity Theorems, and how they show that the singularities at the heart of the black hole and at the Big Bang are inevitable if you follow only general relativity."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity finally explained the why of gravity."
"From the equivalence principle and one more axiom that the speed of light is constant for all observers, an inevitable chain of reasoning led Einstein to the general theory of relativity."
"Singularities are considered endpoints of geodesics in general relativity; transferred to the cosmos, this means all geodesics of the universe converge."
"It’s general relativity – our modern theory of gravity – cast in terms of very abstract building blocks."
"The general theory of relativity forever changed how scientists understood the universe and shaped modern physics."
"Space time being this trampoline, and there's a big bowling ball sitting in the center, and it's just weighing it down and the space time around it starts to bend and things start to fall in towards it."
"Gravity is really just things traveling on straightest lines possible in the curved space-time."
"String Theory offers insights into the deep connection between quantum mechanics and general relativity."
"They're made only from warped space and warped time."
"General relativity is just beautiful and self-contained."
"This Theory emerges in part from the attempts to reconcile the principles of quantum mechanics with the theory of general relativity."
"...Einstein's theory of general relativity was tested as predicted the light of a star behind the Sun was bent."
"I actually think that not only is it possible that it's, but it's probably the right way to go to think of general relativity as emergent, but we just don't know yet."
"You can't get rid of the problem between quantum mechanics and general relativity by trying to claim that quantum theory is somehow wrong because it always works, its predictions are always borne out by experiment."
"This bending of light cones near massive objects is a crucial aspect of Einstein's theory of general relativity."
"Observations of black holes provide critical tests for the theory of general relativity."
"General relativity is a theory of gravity and what we think of as gravity is space and time bending due to heavy stuff sitting there."
"The collision of neutron stars probes general relativity in the strong gravity region."
"He has made unrivaled contributions to general relativity and cosmology."
"We know that GR cannot be complete because at the center of the black hole where everything is crushed to a point, GR has to come into Accord with quantum mechanics."
"When he did the calculation for general relativity and discovered something called the perihelion of mercury."
"Einstein's theory of general relativity provided a new and more complete understanding of the nature of the universe."
"It then follows that space-time must follow Einstein's equations for general relativity."
"Quantum gravity can be thought of as the mathematical structure that injects quantum mechanics into the classical geometrical structure of general relativity, which is Riemannian geometry."
"According to Einstein, gravity is a geometric curvature of a four-dimensional time-space."
"In 1993, Joe and a co-worker received the Nobel Prize in Physics for work done using binary pulsar stars to prove various aspects of Einstein's theory of general relativity."
"General relativity plus the standard model probably plus some other ingredients but a quantum field theory may in fact be all we need."
"In general relativity, it is possible to distort space-time such that a region can be kept flat, that is, without any gravitational fields or shifts in time, creating a bubble of flat space-time."
"In general relativity, space-time is a manifold because it's a curved space that is locally flat."
"We now have all the tools necessary to rigorously talk about black holes as general relativistic entities."
"Einstein's theory of general relativity explains how space acts like a fabric bending and stretching around massive objects."
"The event horizon is mathematically that point of no return, the surface in space that separates those things that can reach out to infinity and those things that can't."
"General relativity is a theory of gravity which takes space and time, or woven together into what's often called the fabric of the universe."
"Warps and curves in the fabric of space and time are Einstein's proposal for how gravity works."
"The differential equations of gravitation... are in agreement with the magnificent theory of general relativity established by Einstein."
"There is no such thing as superposition in General Relativity."
"Infinite curvature at an infinitely small point results in nonsense results in the math of general relativity."
"General relativity tells us how matter causes space to curve."
"We are just going to understand how to consistently marry quantum theory to general relativity."
"According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity bends and warps space and time."
"The general theory of relativity shows, that the universe expands and it is too in agreement with our observations."
"General relativity theory describes the curvature of space and time; and thereby the gravitational force is produced."
"In general relativity, we have a curved space-time and calculate the motion of objects using geodesics in space-time."
"Gravity breaks the existence of global Lorentz frames."
"When we study general relativity, we consider four space-time dimensions, so we'll always use four-dimensional tensors."
"This equation tells me about local conservation of energy and momentum in general relativity."
"General relativity is really the simplest geometric theory of gravitation."
"General relativity from its creation by Einstein to its current advances was a product of genius but it also was to a surprising extent a community effort."
"Every intellect which strives after generalization must feel the temptation to venture the step towards the general principle of relativity."
"Einstein's field equations... today we are going to discuss the metric tensor, also called a fundamental tensor."
"The central idea behind a general theory of relativity is curvature."
"General relativity is basically Einstein's understanding of how gravity affects the fabric of space-time."
"Under Einstein’s laws of general relativity, anything passing through a ringularity is actually passing through a wormhole and will pop out of a white hole."
"I work on testing general relativity."
"General relativity tides become the key thing that really defines what the action of gravity is."
"The SpaceTime of general relativity is active, it's curved, it responds to things."
"Space-time can be curved, which means that there is no way to undo the fact that the metric of space-time varies from point to point."
"Quantum field theory and Einstein's theory of general relativity together are the two deepest theories that modern physics has."
"Energy and momentum cause space-time to curve and bend."
"The last term is the correction from general relativity and corresponds to the one over \( r^3 \) term from the effective potential."
"General relativity also predicts that light rays will bend in the presence of mass and can even orbit the mass along the photon sphere at a radius of 1.5 Schwarzschild radii."
"The Einstein tensor, which does have a zero covariant derivative, represents the curvature of space-time."
"General relativity may be described either by a curved space and constant speed of light or with a flat space and a variable speed of light."
"Gravitational waves are caused by wobbles of mass-energy or momentum described by the energy-momentum tensor."
"Flat space time has a coefficient one."
"We can therefore view the metric tensor in two distinct but equivalent ways."
"This detection was the best confirmation we've had to date that black holes as predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity actually exist."
"The wormhole is a solution of Einstein's equations for general relativity telling us how gravity works."
"General relativity rules the world of the very large, where ordinary gravity is dominant, like planets, stars, and galaxies."
"We're learning all about black holes, about general relativity."
"Building theories that make this happen is not easy; you'll find very special theories that satisfy this, and those very special theories are Yang-Mills theory and general relativity."
"Now that we have the Einstein field equations, we're going to see how they predict the existence of black holes, gravitational waves, and the expansion of the universe."
"The Schwarzschild metric is the space-time metric for a spherically symmetric, non-rotating mass that has no electric charge."
"Nature has a way of picking the inner product spaces that matter in general relativity."
"Einstein says that gravity is just the curving of space in time."
"Einstein's theory predicts that mass will distort SpaceTime around it and that gives the surrounding space what we call positive curvature."
"Einstein was really science fiction's best friend because of all the implications associated with general relativity and warping space-time."
"And that is a beautiful test of general relativity right there."
"This is a unique GR experiment that I think is so much fun that I just had to show it to you."
"Even before you started studying general relativity, you all had a basic idea about Riemannian geometry."
"In general relativity, we're interested in Lorentz signature."
"You can learn basics of general relativity up to and including things like the Schwarzschild solution and its predictions for the motion of planets."
"Aspects of general relativity have to do with the implications of causality."
"The universe couldn't bounce; if Einstein's general theory of relativity is correct, there will be a singularity, a point of infinite density and space-time curvature where time has a beginning."
"In general relativity theory, space time can be curved, and that means that lines that start out straight and move in a straight line can cross."
"Black holes offer one of the most compelling cosmic laboratories for testing the predictions of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity."
"The detection of gravitational waves has opened a new avenue for testing general relativity."