
Zombies Quotes

There are 342 quotes

"This is insane. Look at how many zombies are following me right now. Are you kidding me?"
"The thing about viewing zombies as people who something terrible and tragic has happened to is that this way, zombies, whatever they represent, it's a sad thing. Sad for them."
"It's gonna shoot out a constant stream of energy and kill any zombies that come around to it."
"Zombie apocalypse is frightening because theoretically it can be real."
"The night is dark and full of terrors, but with the base I've built and all of my assistants by my side, even we can survive a giant horde of the undead."
"Every time we ever do add some zombies, you guys absolutely kill it. It's so much fun."
"This is a lot of fun. I've always loved dancing zombies."
"Train to Busan has this kind of element to it of class warfare that you don't quite see in other zombie films."
"Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? Nope, they eat the fingers separately."
"What's a zombie's favorite bean? A human bean."
"Hey, what do you call a dog that comes back from the dead? A zombone."
"What's a zombie's favorite shampoo? Head & Shoulders."
"It's kind of like The Walking Dead if all the zombies were high and wanted to chat."
"Zombies was a ubiquitously shared experience."
"Origins is really the origin, no pun intended, of modern Zombies because it pushed the player through the map to find parts and solve complex puzzles in order to power yourself up in the game."
"Arguably one of the best wonder weapons in zombies history."
"There's been a lot of attention to detail across the entire map with regards to the backstory, the design of the zombies, the actual design of the bosses."
"Black Ops Cold War Zombies is setting a precedent for an amazing title."
"This is legitimately Nazi Zombies, like the game mode is called Nazi Zombies."
"POV you're a country ball fighting zombies, finally my dream has come true."
"The story for zombies didn't always exist; there was not this comprehensive and forethought put into what this story was gonna be from start to finish."
"Ants can actually become zombies; a typical zombie apocalypse scenario we see in movies."
"The actual sound of all the zombies' feet behind you is so upsetting."
"What I really like about zombies is that the concept turns civilization upside down."
"All in all, I think the SMART ZOMBIES from ALONE were UNBEATEN."
"Rule number one for surviving Zombieland: cardio."
"The show that's like a baby zombie: small and unassuming but persistent and dangerous."
"Romero’s attempt to transition into feature film directing defined the modern idea of the zombie."
"There's hardly been any zombies maps that have been able to match how epic and ending this is storyline in this map is just absolutely incredible."
"We're introducing a new mode called Zombie Rush."
"You can't trust a zombie. They're always wrong."
"Zombies, it feels like especially a few years ago, zombies were everywhere."
"The modern concept of zombies has been largely shaped by popular culture."
"Prepare for a gameplay experience that gets you to the fun faster, all wrapped in a brand new dimension of zombies."
"I'm super super super excited to see how the overall main zombie storyline plays out."
"Sometimes you just gotta beat some zombies down."
"How could they make this facility without the authorities knowing? It's like Disney in Anaheim, except instead of happiness, it's zombies."
"Optimizing high round gameplay is the most intriguing puzzle I could ask for out of zombies."
"Forbidden power bar Easter makes more sense to dress up as zombies than Halloween. Love it."
"I feel like zombies are just like with us now."
"Brains! Brains because they've lo because they want to a mind again."
"The thing about zombies is that they're just background, they're just kind of a trigger, a catalyst to observe how humans behave."
"Is any news on Rocket? Bus route AB or Rocket Route V, I love you know. Yeah, we actually found a Rocket A, the biggest Easter Egg ever discovered on Call of Duty Zombies."
"Mob of the Dead changed the way that zombies works forever."
"Zombies do not obey the laws of conventional monsters."
"It's amazing how you'll never get bored of cracking a zombie's head open."
"Cold War zombies excels at the feeling of progression."
"I've always wanted to see a game totally dedicated to zombies created by Treyarch."
"These buffoons wander off by themselves, investigate strange struggle noises, get cornered in rooms, and miss zombies crawling on the floors beneath their feet."
"This zombies game is going to feature the deepest gameplay and Easter eggs that we love."
"I love one-shotting these zombies. That never gets old."
"Dying Light definitely for me is a survival game and of course it's got zombies."
"Cargo pushes back against the wider tendency towards modern zombie movies as comedic fun or splatterfest to create a story with real pathos."
"It just feels good to have like a good terrifying zombie show after what feels like a drought of good zombie media."
"The zombies aren't villains; they were accidentally resurrected and are forced to adapt to their painful circumstances."
"The cycle of zombies is a continuous loop of events trying to fight off the undead every time."
"Perks are a really genuinely good staple in the Zombies universe."
"We should build an army by reviving like 20 zombies onto our team right now."
"Zombies wouldn't exist as we know it without our fans."
"Call of the Dead has a lot of content to offer... call of the Dead is a tried and true legitimate zombies experience that even to this day manages to stand up to the greats."
"Look at that, like there's not many games that lets you spawn in a quarter-million zombies and watch them go."
"Richtofen completes his grand scheme and swaps bodies with Samantha on the moon giving him full control of the zombies and ether."
"Days Gone: The incredible, overwhelmingly wild zombie game."
"We keep returning to stories where zombies are threatening our very existence."
"It's been a long day, let's hope the zombies don't break in overnight."
"One small step for zombies, one giant leap for me."
"I am literally attracting every single zombie towards me."
"Zombies touch the rope with their feet and there's a loud explosion."
"More feral ghouls actually makes a lot of them look like people so it works really well. It's not just a traditional feral ghoul mod but more like a zombie mod in a sense."
"It's almost kind of two different takes on the same concept. Do you want those 'I Am Legend'-esque zombies that will sprint at you and attack you but only at nighttime, meaning that the game is largely playable and functional during the daytime?"
"Zombies is a big part of what we do here at Treyarch."
"And as for tomorrow, will I never met a zombie that I didn't like."
"This zombies mode really takes the cake for me."
"It's a Zombie Massacre! We haven't had this much space since we left the farm!"
"Come on, zombies, you like shotguns, don't you?"
"Some of the best Call of Duty zombie maps we've had in a really long time."
"Zombies without eyebrows don't make any sense to me."
"Transit actually had the most potential of any zombies map."
"Ever wondered about a showdown between samurais and a zombie tsunami?"
"World War Z zombies are not driven by a need to eat or sate hunger instead like the virus that has infected them whose only purpose is to infect that becomes the infected's sole purpose."
"The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners is the best zombie game I've ever played on any platform."
"The lesson to learn from this game is there's no good guys in war... except the zombies."
"The main gameplay here does see killing zombies but I also like the fact that you have these smaller missions."
"Shinonuma remastered is the best zombies map."
"It was very easy to integrate [zombies] into the gameplay."
"Most of them are brainless globs of walking matter with one objective. Eat."
"The zombie is extremely flexible and adaptable to the changing times."
"Don't be afraid to take a bite out of a new great zombie movie."
"If you love zombies and/or apocalyptic survival settings and want to introduce a little more of those things into your D&D campaign, then this is the book for you."
"Feeding a normal army is a problem of logistics; with zombies, it is an asset. Feeding is why they fight, feeding is why they are feared."
"We're gonna find some happy little zombies because even zombies need a friend."
"After hundreds of movies and countless interpretations, there is still only one man who is synonymous with the zombie movie - George A. Romero."
"It was Romero’s Night of the Living Dead in 1968 that birthed the subgenre and Dawn of the Dead in 1978 that fully crystallized what a zombie movie could be."
"The early 2000s would finally make the zombie more popular than ever and George A Romero would find himself suddenly back in the mainstream consciousness."
"The time was now for Romero to return to the zombie apocalypse."
"Stay mad, and all hail George Romero, king of the zombies."
"Everything was very bad since a whole crowd of zombies had come close to the village."
"The horror of the game came not so much from the zombies themselves... but from scarce resources."
"Let's go to the gore card. In terms of gross anatomy, Zombie delivers."
"Old school zombies, a tropical island, and voodoo—all a far cry from the walking dead in a suburban mall."
"Looking for another film with what might or might not be zombies? Then check out my review of City of the Walking Dead."
"You survived for 11 days 5 hours you killed 140 zombies"
"Distract the jombies until I get close enough to put a whooshy finger hold on Jade zombies."
"In reality, you know what most people are going to be? They're going to be one of the zombies."
"It's like we've always wanted - zombies with a twist, evolving."
"The Survivor team knew that every exit they knew of was now filled with zombies. To escape, they had no choice but to fight to the end."
"Zombie movies have always been this trojan horse for social commentary."
"Zombies are a metaphor for the modern world."
"If zombies are conceivable, then introspection is entirely unreliable."
"A philosophical zombie is a physical or functional duplicate of a human being but which doesn't have consciousness."
"The mutant zombie growls that he is a fool and he cannot hide from him."
"Senan, clutching Cillian in his arms, tries to walk to a safe place in the city but soon comes to notice that the zombies are everywhere."
"Zombies are scary. They combine our fear of death, our fear of bodily harm, our fear of infection, our fear of societal collapse, and our primordial fear of being eaten by a predator all in one disturbing package."
"Why have we not had a zombie boat game? I mean think about it, the premise, you're on a boat, you have nowhere to go but the ocean, and you got zombies on the ship."
"...the modern idea of what a zombie is, you can trace that back to George Romero himself."
"Dave Filoni at times also delivers some genuinely great moments within the story like zombie stormtroopers."
"We're gonna see how gruesome and deadly we can get all these zombies."
"It is now full of black fog and zombies."
"I'm getting a refresher course on zombies or my dose of vitamin Z."
"It's good. Yeah, it's one of my favorite zombie movies I've ever seen."
"Only one could survive and so the zombie opened his mouth with a fierce Roar."
"A vehicle equipped with a barricade can offer reliable protection against brain-eaters."
"Train to Busan, an amazing zombie movie."
"The zombies were visible in the next street, an Avenue of dead trees and even more ruined buildings."
"Zombies are roughly on par with an ant in terms of intellect."
"Zombies might violate certain laws of biology or something like that if they were to come into existence, but there's a broad sense in which they are possible."
"This is sort of the antithesis of The Walking Dead because in The Walking Dead...we never actually learn the specifics of how the zombies came about."
"...the moment gets mushier than a zombie's gray matter."
"Humans are a whole lot more terrifying than the zombies themselves."
"It's just shooting zombies. That's the premise. That's what it delivers."
"This might actually be the best zombies map I've ever played."
"These zombies, they're not graceful. They're ferocious."
"The zombie's power is not in its genius, the power of flight or self-referential jokes. The risk they pose is one of mass plain material physical mass, an impolite mass of bodies that is capable of disrupting the settled state of affairs."
"The zombie is the external other that represents the fear of masses, a fear that coheres as an image."
"Zombies celebrate their differences. It's not about everybody being the same, it's about everybody being different, and that's fine."
"These zombies don't [__] around, man."
"They would have all had to have been skin changers originally, I think, to be the right kind of zombies."
"Double Tap soon as I see a zombie."
"The dead were coming back to life and attacking the living."
"Commanding an army of zombies is still kind of ridiculous if used right."
"Somehow Disney managed to make zombies cute and lovable."
"These pits are like the mouth of a chomper, being able to swallow three whole zombies at a time."
"If zombies need to rise up, does she like him? Please don't give me a love trial."
"I'll stop cause I don't know if it'll compare to the Black Ops 2 zombies."
"Now that four zombies are ready, the chamber will activate. The spinning zombie will spin faster and faster until the zombies appear in the world of Minecraft."
"It's kind of cool how it kind of just attracts, you know, the other Z's."
"Zombies can be anywhere at any time. Ridiculous!"
"It's literally a war between the humans and the zombies guys."
"It's a world where the concept of zombies does not exist in pop culture."
"One Piece has turned into Scooby-Doo on zombies."
"I like the part where they jumped out the window. All the zombies jumped out the window. That was the only part of the movie I felt was like inspired or interesting."
"Wow, a crap ton of zombies. How does this one even work?"
"What zombie is not complete without his brains? So his eyes just kind of go whoop."
"I've never experienced zombies in animated form."
"And when I look back, I don't see some zombie costume. No, I see some real ass zombies."
"this neighboring spit and peas and you're safe from the zombies cuz brains are something you lack simple but very funny"
"Fast zombies move with supernatural alacrity, catching their enemies by surprise."
"A necromancer who finds a pile of dead bodies and raises them up as zombies has animated the dead tissue with necrotic magic."
"Maybe the real zombie was movies."
"Caroline was unusually excited; she could finally fight zombies in reality."
"Zombies used to represent all sorts of things... but all of those analogies are dead."
"Honestly, in the normal everyday situation, I don't know, like, I would feel inclined to help. I've seen too many zombie movies."
"It's just so good. There is some heart and some story, but then there's just a lot of zombies getting f***ed up."
"The guy reassures them saying that zombies do not appear in the middle of the day."
"He couldn't believe that all the people there were dead too."
"Marvel Zombies first appeared in the pages of ultimate Fantastic Four and it basically went on a killing spree through all universes."
"The infected in Left 4 Dead aren't actually dead but rabies-like feral humans."
"The president hates zombies because of her past."
"Why do they like bathrooms so much? Also, what do the zombies do when they have eaten everybody? Do they build like a functional society?"
"We aren't the bad guys. There's a big [ __ ] difference between us and the zombies."
"It's just a really fun zombie movie."
"Return of the Living Dead was the first idea that Zombies Ate brains."
"Before the savior's slave community, Tara and Heath went out together and they were separated by zombies."
"It's a reference to this belief that they were in a battle against zombies and dark entities."
"We're just passing through, but heard you could use a little help with your zombie problem," Hammond motioned to the barricade.
"We just felt, what better way to represent it than let's make a zombie video?"
"The whole video is from the perspective of the zombie instead of being from the perspective of survivors. So the whole time you're watching this segment of the movie, was it called VHS? It wasn't on Netflix, I know if it still is or not, but it's pretty cool."
"Each new day the party enters this room there is a one in six chance that d4 zombies of recently killed adventurers will be found here."
"Fungus? Fungus, yes. That's the usual response because there are some fungi who seek not to kill but to control. So zombies, billions of puppets with poisoned minds permanently fixed on one unifying goal: to spread the infection to every last human alive by any means necessary."
"As they are near the exit the zombies suddenly move prompting them to run for their shitty lives."
"That's badass. I do like zombies."
"It's a very good introspective little book with some zombies in it."
"We can all agree that zombies are worse than living people."
"I've always been kind of a loner. I avoided other people like they were zombies even before they were zombies. Now that they are all zombies, I kind of miss people."
"It's so visceral the way that the zombies are drawn; they are a living virus themselves."
"It's very rare you really get to see a zombie epidemic breakout like the way you get to see this play out."
"We are all drawn to these stories, these discussion and these new mythologies we have about zombies, there must be a reason for it."
"George Romero's Living Dead series defined the entire zombie genre."
"Train to Busan, easily one of my favorite zombie movies of all time."
"Moral of the story, don't go swimming in a zombie outbreak."
"In case of DDoS, which is Distributed Denial of Services, we create zombies."
"Man, these zombies do more in a day than most of us do in a week. It's almost inspiring."
"...it's about drive, it's about power, we stay hungry, we devour, official motto of the Marvel Zombies."
"...the undercover zombie Morbius then proposed sending an agent to the zombieverse in order to get a blood sample from a human of that Earth so he could create a vaccine for this dimension."
"When we think of the living dead, we often think of a zombie apocalypse."
"Survival may speak to the human condition, but largely, today, zombie films, shows, and literature are made for entertainment value."
"Tales of the first zombie appeared in Haiti in the 17th and 18th centuries."
"The word zombie is derived from West African languages."
"The explicit connection of zombies and slavery dissolved, but it was still at the heart of the lore."
"This is the best zombie game I've ever seen."