
Vaccine Safety Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Transparency is the key to building trust and an important route to answering people's legitimate questions about the efficacy and safety of vaccines and treatments."
"The mortality signal emerged on the vaccines... I think a Data Safety Monitoring Board would have shut down the vaccine program for excess mortality."
"At every age group, you're much, much more likely to die from COVID-19 than you are from a vaccine."
"The CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and reduce the risks of COVID-19."
"The risk of pericarditis and myocarditis is more in COVID-infected people than vaccines."
"Myocarditis risk from COVID-19 vaccines are still less than the risk of COVID-19."
"The disease burden is such, and the vaccine safety is such, that it's a pretty straightforward decision for most kids that the benefits outweigh the risks."
"Vaccine harms are there, they are real, they are rare, but if we are more strategic in our thinking and personalize our vaccine recommendations, we can minimize the harms and maximize the benefits of vaccination."
"The overall goal is we want to make sure that any vaccine that's recommended for the general public, that we can be confident that it's safe and that it is going to be protective as much as possible."
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that a preliminary COVID-19 vaccine safety signal has been identified and is investigating whether the bivalent Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine creates an increased risk of ischemic stroke in people 65 and older."
"Vaccines don't cause autism because autism was already underway in early early brain development."
"The risk of a severe adverse event happening after getting a vaccine is roughly on the order of one in a million."
"Any important vaccine safety signature was clear within two months."
"My concern is the Persistence of the spike protein."
"It's a great vaccine and it's a safe vaccine."
"From everything we've seen so far, [the vaccine] looks to be safe in pregnancy."
"The risk of actually an adverse effect from one of these vaccines is greater than the likelihood that you will avoid hospitalization from getting the covid."
"It can’t be stressed enough that there is no mechanism by which mRNA can produce DNA in the human body, nor implement DNA into the human genome. It is literally impossible."
"The vaccines Moderna and Pfizer that are now being administered are clearly safe and are saving lives and every American should get vaccinated when it's their turn."
"The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe and effective."
"I have extraordinary confidence in the safety of these vaccines."
"There is a very strong temporal association between the rollout of the COVID vaccine and the increase in deaths in Australia."
"I think even with non-mRNA vaccines, if you were going to get three shots in one year, do you start risking having an immune reaction to prior variants?"
"Transparency and vaccine safety are top priorities for the CDC."
"Compared to the risk of COVID, the risk of the vaccines is much smaller."
"In New York City, what happened was there was a man I think a 27-year-old man in Rockland County who was part of an ultra-orthodox community that was under vaccinated, who got polio from the polio vaccine caused by this type-2 revertant virus."
"Once again, this is something that I am still concerned about: no serious side effects yet from 10 million people who have received the vaccine."
"Miscarriage just after getting her vaccine and she was very far along and many people said it's not a secret they."
"Yes, if those three questions... can be answered yes absolutely do it." - Conditional support for a vaccine contingent on transparency and safety.
"The goal of this is vaccines like any other drug they often have tremendous potential for benefit and they often have real side effects you got to take seriously."
"These vaccines were authorized without cutting corners or sacrificing our rigorous standards."
"The risk of the disease is so much greater than the risk of the vaccine."
"This is a vaccine that's gone through the large kinds of trials that we would expect."
"The vaccine will be safe, these are the greatest companies in the world that do this, the greatest labs, the greatest doctors."
"I think at this point with the known variants, you are really in a very, very safe position compared to about anybody else."
"Our message continues to be you should take any vaccine that is available to you. They're all safe, they're all effective."
"Is the COVID-19 vaccine female sterilization? Oh, this is a big one that's completely false."
"If vaccines are sometimes not safe which we discover in testing and sometimes not safe which we discover after they've been released to the public there's nothing inherently safe about this technology."
"Vaccines do not infect you with the disease."
"The benefits strongly, heavily, largely, completely outweigh the risks of this vaccine for almost every individual."
"The vaccine is safe and effective." - Dr. Amish Adalja
"The risk of these vaccines that have been given to literally billions of people is really quite safe."
"I would rather be covered and protected and if something does happen and I have to worry about repercussions of a vaccine versus being buried in seven days."
"The vaccine will be safe and it will be effective. It will defeat the virus and end the pandemic."
"Vaccine hesitancy is legitimate. You should do your research and gather information from reliable sources before you put anything into your body."
"There is reason to keep children away from these vaccines that comes from the fact that they, by virtue of their age, are very well protected."
"No vaccine is without risk, but the benefits of the vaccines in protecting against covid-19 and serious complications associated with the virus far outweigh any currently known side effects."
"I know people personally who are young who have had strokes and died from the vaccine."
"I did not hesitate. I told America these vaccines should be pulled off the market."
"The safest one there is according to the briefing booklet and what we're seeing in the literature is novavex novavex is the safest one."
"There's extraordinary data to demonstrate the safety of these vaccines and in fact that they work."
"The chances of side effects from the vaccine are statistically lower than getting COVID."
"There's no problem, vaccines are perfectly safe, even though we paid out four billion dollars in damages."
"This vaccine needs to be suspended until all the raw data is released for independent analysis."
"If it's safe, which they all are, then you can inject it into me even if it is only 10% effective."
"It's completely absurd not to apply the scientific method to vaccines."
"If vaccines per their current standard are proven to be safe as a fact and effective than all other modalities practice for over a thousand years are also safe and effective."
"We're sacrificing some of these kids because even the Supreme Court said vaccines are unavoidably unsafe."
"I think the vaccines are safe and effective."
"The vaccines do what they do and they are safe and they are safer than experimenting or hoping that all will be well."
"The federal government is doing a terrible disservice to Americans by halting usage of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine."
"To deny that a vaccine can't have various adverse events or side effects in people when you roll it out to the general population is just anti-science."
"Previous vaccination and myocarditis only smallpox vaccine is the only one."
"Vaccines don't cause autism, it's all a myth."
"The vaccine is super safe and effective, it's the best thing in the world."
"Chinese vaccines may have underlying health risks."
"Let's maybe get into the EL reporto. Signals are mixed when it comes to vaccine safety."
"Research from across six studies in four countries involving more than forty thousand pregnant women showed that having the vaccine does not increase the risk of miscarriage."
"We're not saying these are caused by the vaccine yet."
"It seems that side effects at least based on the currently available data from vaccines are extremely rare."
"The findings imply that the mRNA vaccine may trigger a unique immune response leading to myocardial injury."
"No one is great at probabilities in math, but getting the vaccine is exponentially safer than 99.9 percent of things you do every single day in your life."
"No trial-limiting safety concerns were identified, supporting further development of this vaccine." - Moderna Vaccine Trial
"From what the data is showing from these companies there is very minimal side effects and that's a beautiful thing when it comes to these vaccines."
"All of these vaccines are safe. They are effective."
"Vaccines remain remarkably safe and effective."
"No serious safety concerns, it will be authorized, I am sure."
"It's definitely more risky to get COVID than the vaccine."
"The vaccine will be safe, effective, and will end the pandemic."
"Mixing and matching vaccines should not be a problem."
"Don't be an anti-vaxxer, it's absolutely safe. Let's get the vaccine, let's stay safe, let's enjoy 2021 together."
"Claims that an approved covid-19 vaccine will cause death infertility miscarriage autism or a contraction of another infectious disease I'm not allowed to say any of those so I'm going to uh stop reporting on that particular paper at this point."
"The risk of getting a blood clot from having COVID is around one in five or 20 percent."
"Vaccines are safe, well tolerated, and showed robust neutralizing antibody response."
"Absolutely no link between vaccines and autism."
"Trust the scientists, it's one thing for Donald Trump to say the vaccine is safe. Okay, then give it to the board of scientists."
"So, are these vaccines safe? Yes, of course they are safe."
"You need communication, you need education, you need to earn the people's trust by transparently showing them that the vaccine is safe and effective."
"Trace amounts of COVID-19 vaccine messenger ribonucleic acid detected in expressed breast milk suggests that breastfeeding after COVID-19 vaccine is safe."
"The best evidence we have for safety of vaccines come from phase four trials."
"We need people who are living with HIV to get these vaccines so we can make sure that it's safe for everybody."
"With modern molecular tools, it is possible to take all this into account and design your attenuated vaccine so that the chance of reversion is just basically off the table."
"The vaccines are safe, go get it please."
"All major medical organizations state that vaccines are safe."
"Vaccines are generally the safest of all of the approved drugs."
"More people have got this vaccine than many others, and safety has been proven."
"It generates an immune response and nobody's having serious problems with it, so it's safe."
"Evidence shows that complications with the vaccine are incredibly rare and are even more rare in the MMR vaccine."