
Moving Quotes

There are 575 quotes

"Moving, they say, is one of the most stressful things you can do in your life, and it's proving to be true."
"You never realize how materialistic you are until you move and you see all of your stuff in boxes."
"We are officially moving like moving living there by this weekend."
"We plan on decluttering a lot before moving because a lot of our things we don't think it's worth moving cross-country."
"I wish I learned this the last time we moved: to declutter as you go."
"Much love to all of you. Alright Grover, you ready to move? Let's do it buddy!"
"Moving could be a really good way of controlling costs."
"Moving is not cheap, the ability to do what's kind of a privilege."
"It's all happening so fast we're just moving in today so fast I don't know what to do I don't know what to do."
"Moving across the country with this man, that's your greatest sacrifice."
"You may just decide to move things around or move somewhere else. A new start can be really powerful."
"Moving can be really stressful and it may not seem like it now, but eventually all the boxes will be gone."
"It's been so long but in some ways it's flown by as well now to be actually packing up our home just being a few months away I know it's gonna go crazy fast."
"Positive thinking, we are gonna move in tomorrow."
"Imagine moving into your new apartment sight unseen and discovering that you've rented more than you bargained for."
"Finally getting everything moved in and then second bowl of Vietnamese noodles today."
"Yeah, I moved into a new house because I was in an apartment, and uh, the house uh, apparently doesn't have a trash like a trash like pickup."
"Relocation is something that's coming through here."
"Reassess where you're living - move for duty, obligation, or to create security."
"A massive massive thank you for all the love on my moving videos."
"So many fun things are happening, and we're literally moving in a week."
"Moving is a really important thing sometimes because a lot of emotions can exist within a physical space."
"Saying goodbye to an existing living situation."
"You're going to be talking about a home, either improving your home or moving into a new home. Okay, mm-hmm, I see that, and I see sweet energies around that, like happiness, which is good. Bless."
"The fact that I'm not bringing furniture is amazing because we don't even need a U-Haul."
"This was the best moving team we've ever seen."
"I've never been so unprepared for a move and this is the biggest move of my life."
"Right right away two once okay literally moving right away. Ten of swords is a bad card but ten of swords in on a moving question is just moving plain and simple."
"The footsteps never stopped till the day we moved out."
"It's just a hassle, it's annoying. I have to move, and it's just a line to go on top of all the [__] that I'm doing."
"I'm really excited to move for a few years; it's not going to be forever."
"I read the book of Matthew and I read the book of Acts and I found those very moving."
"We're officially moving out of the house tomorrow."
"It's our moving week and it's stressful because the whole thought of having to put together a house and one thing about me, I like things done quick."
"I'm moving and it's really hard but I'm gonna miss you guys a lot."
"I'm not opposed to moving already, like I'll break the money to break the lease."
"I have actually become Ali Gordon by the way because we moved in and I was unpacked before he was."
"We're moving man, this is great, and we are having a great time."
"We got super busy emptying this entire RV because today is moving day, which is sort of crazy."
"You two might be looking for a way out, to relocate, to move somewhere."
"It felt like looking at a super artistic drawing that's moving."
"So much change is happening. I'm moving. I've been apartment hunting."
"We've just been here in the whole transition period once again of moving from one place to another."
"The moving part sucks that part actually like actually sucks but the looking for flats and everything is very exciting like it's just you know it's exciting."
"I'm moving as we all know so we're looking around I'm super excited."
"I just picked up my keys. I'm in my new home. I can't, I can't even right now."
"This is the first official moving Vlog. So hello my beautiful people, welcome back to another video."
"I've also saved so much money not buying furniture furniture is so expensive and then moving it in New York especially is so costly because most people don't have a car so you're gonna have to hire movers."
"Now that we moved here to Florida I'm literally starting a nursery from scratch."
"So yeah I'm excited to finally start moving in next week and it's getting really cold so we'll see you guys inside."
"Moving on up to the east side, to a deluxe apartment in the sky."
"So emotionally impactful, so thoughtful and so moving."
"Overall it's usually a positive thing, then you're also stressed about how much freaking work it's gonna be, like so much."
"This film did surprise me with how moving it was towards the end."
"So we've gotten the floor in and we've gotten some furniture in here and a lot of boxes. I still have a lot more boxes to go."
"it's like a thousand square feet it's bigger than my first apartment um i don't have a box cutter this is gonna be fun"
"I'll be moving in to get the old removal van from Clara's house."
"Our official moving in date is two weeks tomorrow. That's the best news, I'm so excited."
"I remember when we first were telling people that we're gonna move here I said something on my Tick Tock and we got so much hate because like obviously we're together for like six months I think that's pretty fast and to a whole new country."
"One of the most moving endings I've read."
"The music he writes is so profoundly good and impossibly moving you just can't believe it didn't exist before you hear it."
"I might cry all the way home now that we got this place."
"Yes, oh my gosh, well you know what, this is great because we have no food at the new house right now."
"Moving isn't fun, it's a pain in the ass, but you're always happy at the end of it."
"This is why I hate moving. Yeah, me too. I'm in a situation ship with my boxes."
"At 12:00 noon tomorrow sharp, there will be a knock at the front door, and I will be there with my bags packed because I am moving in."
"Nothing like moving to motivate you to get rid of junk."
"Morning buddy, welcome to the first moving day. I cannot believe that the time has finally come."
"Visually stunning, unexpectedly moving, the film is a true epic."
"By the time I was done boxing my stuff up there was two well-equipped desks of four, no microwave, a 40 cup coffee pot and no USB serial cable to connect to the battery conditioner."
"Next time I move in somewhere, it's going to be in an apartment. I'm never doing this anymore."
"That's why I love moving that's why I could never you know I was I've always been fascinated with film is because it's it's just it's the collection of everybody's dream come true in in a way you hope in their in that process."
"Those last 15 to 20 minutes were just super, super good and got me choked up for real at the end there."
"We've made our decision, we're moving to Scotland."
"Lydia's death was less dramatic, but equally moving, I assure you, Sherlock Holmes."
"When it's moving day all the rules are out the window. It's just Mayhem."
"I feel like the best version of myself during this move if I self-tan if I take care of myself."
"I think we're like halfway done packing now, which doesn't even seem like that much, even though I've packed my entire closet."
"Last video in this office we're gonna move to a new one and get some more stuff going sorry you didn't get to see the tear down and build up."
"I can't believe it's here, I just it hasn't hit me at all and I'm so so thrilled to be moving."
"You don't realize how many things you have until you move."
"The biggest thing is that it's no longer your home, and you're going to make a lot of memories."
"Lots of us thought about making a big move abroad of late."
"Our children were amazing. They were so excited. The move was really seamless."
"We literally still got boxes upstairs packed up from the last house."
"Moving can get tiring, so you best bet I'm gonna grab a snack."
"I'm going to declutter what I'm not bringing with me. I'm about to move across the country, and it's really putting a lens of clarity over everything."
"Some of these can be fixed and even better if you're moving or you're lucky enough to be maybe building something or renovating, don't make the mistakes I did."
"Let me get all that moved out, get this thing in the basement and see if it'll run."
"Last morning in this apartment. It's moving day."
"I packed up my whole house in basically three days."
"Ryan and I moved into our new place."
"It's moving day. This is officially the last Vlog in this house."
"We were close with the first family who had lived there and they were tenants they were moving out because they had bought a house of their own and we had even helped them with the process."
"It was the scariest thing I ever did in my life, packing up all my stuff and moving."
"I can't wait to move in the house."
"It was quite possibly one of the most moving and extraordinary experiences of my life."
"It's officially freaking move-in day."
"It's always one of the heaviest things to get into an apartment."
"Eleven years later, my family finally moved to another home, and stepping into that new house never felt so calming."
"I cannot believe I'm freaking saying that we finally got to move into our house."
"I feel like people don't always talk about the kind of sad part of moving too. Yes, there is a lot to look forward to, but it's also unsettling. You know, you can feel a bit anxious about it."
"I'm just gonna move in. Maybe I shouldn't be going away. Pump the brakes. You're moving but you're trying to save money. But you don't fall get away, kill the fall getaway. Take that money, put it into your apartment."
"The sermon that disturbs, the sermon that in some strange way moves the individual"
"No ring, no U-Haul. I don't move unless you've already committed to me."
"I'm having the best day ever. I moved into my new apartment yesterday."
"I mean any... you know everybody knows that moving to another place is just the hardest thing to do even if you do it with all the privileges."
"I'm fully moved in to my LA apartment. I have no more things really in Arizona."
"I have no regrets. None. That best decision for us was moving to the continent."
"It's going to be a great night. Listen, Claude, picture this: Tomorrow will be a great night 'cause you're going to unpack tonight. No, I'm G to unpack all day tomorrow."
"If you're looking to move to New York or anywhere really and you don't have any furniture, Ikea was really helpful for me."
"I hired movers who's the pro now."
"Moving is brutal. Moving a gym is worse than moving your house."
"This story really starts about 7 months ago when we sold our house in the UK moved into our van shipped ourselves over to Ireland and fell in love with the country so much we went on a mission to find ourselves our very own home on the Emerald aisle."
"Greetings internet! Welcome to my new apartment."
"I'm gonna post an apartment tour soon because obviously I just moved into a much bigger apartment and I'm decorating it all different."
"Yesterday we moved a whole couple of trees out of Matthew's place you know that's a that's a decent load and the engine was not strained in the least."
"You want to have enough for first month's rent and security deposit and then also you want to be figuring out how much will this move actually cost you."
"Now officially on the run, he moved the children all over the countryside."
"I feel really good because we're going to be moving into our house."
"I'm moving in my stuff today. I'm excited. I'm ready to be on my own."
"I feel like moving is always a bit like a big shift."
"We officially moved into our new apartment in Tokyo this week."
"It's weird to like not have anything like not have to get home and like start packing again right."
"There are very few things better than the first Target run after a move in."
"We all carry the possibility of biblical Transfiguration around with us and that is uh extraordinarily moving."
"I just wanted to encourage you to not only one you know kind of slow down but to enjoy the process because one day you're going to be in your new home and you're just going to be sitting there and you're gonna be like wow that is all over now."
"I think I found one that I want and hopefully I will be applying for it today and get approved within the next few days because the move-in could potentially be next Friday."
"Yesterday I started moving items from a little glass hutch."
"I'm finally starting to get settled."
"We're all done moving the small stuff. Look who's here!"
"It's day three of moving, and today we're moving all the big stuff."
"I decided today I'm just not gonna stress about moving because I just like am having such a hard time deciding."
"...everybody can see how they would this is not a hard question moving that far away from the intent would have moved them to a publisher."
"It feels really good to go through all of your stuff anyway and get rid of a bunch of stuff whether I'm moving or not."
"Moving can be stressful but packing it really doesn't have to be in my opinion."
"It's an empty living room, so we've been working all day, packing the last things and then we're also cleaning and painting and just making sure everything's nice for the next people that are going to move in our little home."
"Are you ready to go see your new home? Huh? You want to go see your new apartment?"
"I'm moving so soon, I'm literally going to be out here every single day just enjoying this as much as I can because I know I'm gonna miss it."
"Okay, guys, I'm on route to the new house. We are in convoy, and following Ben in the truck. Jack's in the van in front of me, and we are off with the first load to the new house."
"that's the most fun part of moving let's be honest"
"If you guys are thinking about moving then this video is for you."
"This feels like a really epic life reset, but someone else watching this they may not think so, but I feel like with like moving and stuff this is like really therapeutic and it's like really what I needed."
"Appliances have been ordered, so hopefully next time you see me we will be moving in and living here."
"Next time that I move I'm going to make sure that not every brand has my address because it's so wasteful"
"The kids will stay at the old house behind us but to think that'll last about a week before they start to wander down and move in."
"The scariest part for me is moving, it's saying goodbye, it's moving overseas."
"Honestly, this is one of the most moving pieces of poetry that I have ever heard in my life."
"This film is just so powerful, so moving yet it has all of those little cheeky light kind of surrealist artistic touches."
"Please let me know how you feel about your home. Let me know if you're moving or have moved or downsizing, just maybe share something about how you feel a house is a home."
"I quite like change in the form of like moving and like a fresh space, I find it really inspiring."
"I cannot wait to share with you guys our move-in video."
"Goodbye old house, hello new house."
"Furnishing a space is my favorite part of the moving in process."
"You don't want to have a giant box that is so heavy because it's gonna be really, really hard to move."
"Everybody, it is moving day! I cannot believe this day has come."
"It changed my life like had I not moved here I probably would have just plateaued and given up."
"...make sure you're not leaving anything behind because when your home closes its no longer yours and it's the buyers and it's legally theirs and they don't have to let you back in so you want to make sure that you get everything out..."
"I just can't recommend getting movers enough."
"Welcome to moving Vlog number one."
"There's something very cool even if you're single and you move or you get a new place."
"It's already starting to feel like we're moving because my stuff is starting to go, which is exciting."
"...all the prices that they had put on the paperwork were way out of date everybody that was moving here that was probably planning on paying certain prices they were in for a rude awakening."
"Christmas is gonna be very different this year because my parents have just moved house. I'm only gonna stay for like one or two nights because I'll be on the sofa otherwise."
"Please wish us luck for packing and moving again."
"I'm happy man, um, obviously I just moved house, come on."
"The lesson here is don't be cheap when it comes to paying the people moving your stuff"
"The moving, trying to turn this into cash or That's Heavy cargo."
"Can we please just pack up your things and take them down the street to my apartment?"
"I just find moving house to be one of the most stressful things you can do."
"I've had a few meltdowns, but who hasn't when they move house, right?"
"I feel moving house is always a really great opportunity to really figure out what you need."
"We're about to give this apartment tour, clean up, and unload this U-Haul for the first trip."
"But I see a little bit more where Scorsese's talking about, especially when it comes to the character... but I did find it moving."
"We've never had professional movers before."
"I love to look cute on moving day. I don't care if I've been up since 5 something in the morning. I'm dressed and I'm putting the earrings on."
"I'm super excited to move into this apartment building, even though I've never set foot in it before. I think that's kind of an exciting aspect of it."
"When you move things will immediately begin to change for you."
"He recently moved into an apartment next to a vacancy that I share about."
"It blew him away. He started crying."
"It just felt so wise on Melancholy Hill wow fantastic song beautifully moving song fill me up with so much joy."
"This may not be a sin. I may not be rich enough to understand how hiring movers works."
"I became a dad. Now, to be clear, I didn't become a father. Our family was growing, so to speak, and it was moving day at the apartment. So, we were going from West L.A. to somewhere in the valley, and, um, adding roommates is what happened."
"And so on Friday and Saturday, I literally packed up all of my [__] and now today, chad, I am moving, okay?"
"We've been very lucky in the sense that do you know when some people complete an exchange and have to move all in one day? That's what Chloe did, literally everything."
"...there's something very humbling about being in your presence because just to hear a little bit about what you've experienced and done it's very very moving."
"I brought tears to my eyes, it was that level."
"He's come to our rescue and given us all these moving boxes because he's just moved in."
"I'm not trying to negate this concern because I get it if you've never lived outside of your country, you want to at least have some element of familiarity when you're moving to a new place which is completely understandable."
"I hate moving. It's all the worst."
"I have movers meeting us there so they're going to help me move everything into my apartment."
"I feel like you know the past like year I've been buying stuff to like make my home a home and now I'm just getting rid of it because I'm moving to Miami."
"Good morning y'all! It's move-in day!"
"The day that they left to move into the assisted living facility, we were left with the burden of downsizing for them. It was about the hardest thing we had to do."
"If you are ready to move a house what do you do? You're going to a better one. What do you do? Do you go like, 'Yeah, I'm gonna take the bed that I bought from Ikea?'"
"To watch that footage of a reckoning between good and evil, the merciless and the merciful, is truly moving."
"I was in tears. It was a very moving moment."
"I feel like moving is just Tetris, that's what moving is."
"I used to be able to just wash my comforter like in my washing machine and just like pretend like it got cleaned that way even like but now my washing machine is Tiny since I moved so I have to bring my bloody comforter to the laundromat."
"I am so excited because our move-in day is coming up."