
Self-analysis Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"We do have an element like we're at least 50%, or at most 50%, depending on how you want to look at it."
"Instead of reacting to the fear or anger or hatred, I'm going to step back and try and analyze where it comes from."
"What am I doing wrong? And then I had to really kind of analyze what was going right on the way up, what was I doing wrong on the way down."
"Track your time meticulously for seven days. You will be shocked at how much time flitters away that don't create a ton of value for you."
"Once you know these six different triggers, you can now start to think critically about your own tasks and ask yourself, 'If I'm procrastinating, which of these triggers is causing me to procrastinate on this task?'"
"If you feel like other people are evil or you don't know where evil comes from, you should begin with an analysis of the self."
"Here you're learning about yourself, the thought process which led to you getting out too soon. Why is this important? So that you can go back, assess, and make improvements."
"Always be questioning; always question yourself, question your investment thesis, etc."
"It takes work for us to look at why we think what we think and more importantly, how do we dismantle it."
"If we do not bravely analyze what we are doing, we will find it difficult to learn and improve."
"Your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel. And your personality is intimately connected to your personal reality, your life."
"Pay attention to fleeting thoughts; investigate where they come from."
"The choices we make are compounding assets for our future."
"The very first thing that I feel like helped me to get on that path to reinvent myself was looking at me, just looking at the old me versus the new me and being extremely realistic."
"I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better."
"The root is what is it in your life, why aren't you moving forward in life?"
"Analyse the situation, analyze why you took space in the first place, and analyze if you could live with the reason why you took space."
"It's a constant quest for introspection and self-improvement."
"Acting out is not necessarily antisocial... in most cases it's self-defeating and self-destructive."
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare
"Nothing bad will come from assessing why we do the things that we do."
"Who you are now is a compound effect of what you were."
"Analyze for yourself. Wow, there was a red phantom on the other side too."
"Quarterly self-analysis and adjustments. Set milestone dates every three months. Measure your progress and challenge yourself."
"It's oftentimes very difficult on your own to kind of analyze your games and figure out exactly what you should have done differently."
"For me, I would say... I sat in silence for three hours and then I watched a video on myself."
"This is the biggest test of our lives this week if you understand the judgment card and you look at it."
"We also have Mars in Virgo almost perfectly trining Pluto and Capricorn... where are you holding yourself back?"
"I am not delusional or without all morals or decency... something in my makeup, my psychology, my neuropathy, my own particular pathology perhaps must explain it." - Steven McDaniel
"Record yourself and analyze your pronunciation, intonation, and fluency."
"Are you driven by guilt, your past, competition, or a sense of purpose?"
"Record yourself playing guitar to track your progress and analyze your playing."
"Your ability to like break down your emotions and like dissect like what you're feeling and how you're feeling... very impressive."
"Big changes for you, change using this Virgo energy to really analyze your situation."
"We are spiritual warriors and scientists, applying ourselves and analyzing based on results."
"Most profound is his introspection into why he is the way he is."
"Analyzing your own games is a delicate process; it's not just about finding mistakes but understanding the reasons behind them."
"The Essenes believed human beings should analyze their thoughts and feelings."
"You can cross-examine yourself and get to the root of your limiting beliefs."
"Analyzing your own content... incredibly useful... helps you grow."
"You have to reanalyze things, you need to look at reality, it's a reality check."
"Most of my trading faults are going to come from in here."
"Establishing your own baseline to understand yourself better is crucial."
"Is all of this really coming from depression or is it coming from narcissism?"
"Clarify your thoughts, actions, and desires."
"Every time you lose an engagement you need to ask yourself two simple questions: one, how did I lose this engagement and two, what could I have done differently to win this engagement?"
"All it takes is practice and analyzing yourself and being able to make the necessary steps to learn and grow."
"There's strength in stopping and analyzing why you are feeling the way that you're feeling."
"I'm scared that there is a mathematical formula of who I am that might be more than I myself ever was."
"It's a matter of looking at what your power is not looking at what's working against you to get what you want it's a matter of looking at it and considering it."
"Noah being a strong introvert thinker... liking to pick apart for himself what actually makes sense to him."
"That's why I feel like this one is my first one because it's like I did like it's like my dissertation on myself."
"There comes a time when you have to look at yourself."
"Accountability of oneself comes from the analysis of oneself and one's own actions."
"Understanding where your hurt comes from and then dealing with that hurt."
"Playing default and playing for picks is a very powerful strategy... perfect defensive positioning."
"Not bad, not really. I think I'm just overthinking it. It's really one of those guns you just kind of have to look through and shoot."
"Fear is an attachment of the ego, not an attachment of intuition."
"The exploratory mind is ruthless and experimenting even on its weaknesses."
"Lapis Lazuli is a very complicated crystal; it's about analyzing feelings and understanding your deeper feelings."
"You've got to look within your own strategy, find the setups that you can go back in check and say they look the same they behave the same."
"Civilization flourishes until it starts to analyze itself. What happens is that we have mainly lived in harmony with nature, in harmony with society, in harmony with the myths, the rituals, the beliefs of our culture."
"Niki Lauda said winning is one thing, but out of losing, I always learned more because you don't waste time blaming somebody else. Analyze yourself, change yourself to be successful."
"When I overwhelm myself in one area and then I feel hollow in the other and I don't know when I get into it because of Art and art is a complete opposite and it's this like mental game that I play with myself of like artist analytical creative content creator which is it."
"It's like the conversation you have with yourself when you have a woman ready and you blow it, and then you hate, so it's two people sharing something that's usually one person. That's usually a lot of self-talk, but there's actually someone to project that onto."
"From there, listen back to it, study yourself, write a few fills out, and see what you can come up with."
"Another reason why he's an interesting case study is to self-analyze yourself and see how bad things can really get."
"He used this time down as an opportunity to continually improve and attack whatever his weak links were."
"If you think you're bad at your job, you should be trying to analyze which parts you're bad at and how to get better."
"It's really powerful to take your work and really dissect it and to really use that as a tool to grow and to get better and better as a photographer and to learn your craft more."
"You gotta be able to analyze yourself, the good and the bad. Take all your good qualities and make yourself a good person, but you gotta deal with your own flaws, too, babe."
"I try to analyze myself. I'm fairly analytical. I try to do that on a consistent basis. And I said, 'Oh my gosh, I need to be more honest in how I feel and communicate.'"
"You could argue that Nina is actually suffering a kind of self-envy, where she envies the disinhibited, sexually liberated, corrupted part of herself that's capable of adult eroticism and also of dancing the black swan."
"The book helps people understand how they can do the analysis themselves."
"I know, I know for sure what I did. It's a real thing when you actually take the time out to kind of parse out which foods are making you act a certain way. It's like, it's pretty damn obvious."
"There's something to be said about you in your second year always taking those mid-range pull-ups."
"...how much time I was spending on social media..."
"Notice our signs, notice the patterns, notice, analyze your life."
"By being able to take yourself out to the third person and look at yourself like you're looking down, you can make better decisions."
"Be a detective to figure out what it is that's helping you pull yourself out and see if you can do it for yourself."
"You've got to write down your fear list. Making the fear a superpower."
"I consider myself more as a doctor or as a patient, and the movie more like an X-ray."
"I don’t care very much about whether the death drive is an immutable, universal psychological principle or not, I care about whether we can use it as a symbolic marker to identify and understand the self-sabotaging behaviors that we unwittingly participate in."
"Shadow work is a lot to do with breaking down roles."
"My number one success, I think, is reviewing my post-analysis and studying what I did wrong first."
"There's always important to look critically at your own spending."
"I still use some of those... I try to keep track of how I spend my time."
"You have to do a lot of deconstructing internally."
"If you're analyzing your academic record, you want to see that semester over semester your grade point average is increasing."
"Trading is like a mirror; it shows you your best, it shows you your worst."
"I love seeing my arc and rotation on the ball; it almost like that self-feedback and kind of allows me to understand why I made or missed that shot."
"The hardest thing to do is analyze yourself."
"I looked at what the flaws were, did everything that they were doing as much as I could."
"Instead, let us begin analyzing what makes you up."
"The secret was in my losses, and by taking a collection of losses, cracking them open, looking inside for the common denominator."
"You as an individual, you must be analyzing yourself whether you are body-oriented or mind-oriented or soul-oriented."
"Trying your hardest is the only way you're going to really be able to identify why you lost the match."
"If you find that you pick partners that are not good for you, you might want to take a look at your childhood."
"That is the big advantage we have over the old school guys: being able to do film studies on ourselves any time we want."
"Working through your mood, meaning identifying what you're thinking and what's going on with you and doing your best to work all the way through it, is absolutely the first line of business."
"Write down your schedule, write down your hour, what you did for an entire week just once, and see how much time you waste."
"Procrastination is not a problem, it's always the symptom to a problem."
"I had to do a live autopsy on myself to figure out what was causing these insecurities."
"All you need to do is filter out your favorite pieces, your go-tos that you wear all the time, figure out what all of those pieces have in common."
"I'm trying to continuously analyze what now we're back at the word soul or whatever you would call it - your inner voice is telling you what is good for me now."
"It shows a lot of fortitude when you start to critique yourself at that level."
"Sometimes you gotta step outside of your own situation and analyze things from an objective perspective."
"They're not afraid of something that many people do fear which is self-analysis."
"It involves facing up to your fears, analyzing your work, and accepting what's wrong with your work and targeting to move forward."
"I think actually sitting down and finding out what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong... and study your behavior is really, really important."
"Once you figure out the root cause of why you perceive things the way that you do, why your internal matrix is constructed the way that it is, you can then deconstruct that matrix."
"Going to therapy is like analyzing different situations and understanding how you can handle it better. It doesn't mean that you did something wrong or that you're wrong in the head."
"Be nice to yourself, be kind, don't overanalyze your process."
"Study your winners, your losers, what you did right, what you did wrong, so that hopefully you can correct yourself the next time around."
"You start with whatever emotion you feel and you ask yourself why."
"Analyze your own body language habits; decide what aspects of your own body language may reveal things about yourself you don't want to reveal."
"It's almost an expression of like, analyze me and try and figure it out."
"You need to find out why you are the common denominator."
"Watching yourself play is a fantastic way to improve at table tennis."
"Happiness is based a lot around just being too distracted to analyze yourself."
"The future of us humans and indeed the future of the Earth system doesn't sit with scientists like myself; it sits with a really deep analysis of who we are, what's important to us, and how we can go forward in the future."
"Remember, you can always pause, set the position up on your own board, and you can do some supplementary analysis."
"If you want to get better at chess, you should be able to explain to yourself and to someone else who understands chess very well why you played each move that you play."
"Whenever you lose a game, you analyze what you did wrong, and you try to make sure that you don't make the same mistake again."
"If you analyze yourself, you will know the truth because the self itself is the ultimate reality."
"If you're having difficulty identifying what emotion you're feeling, try to figure out where it is in terms of valence and arousal."
"As you'll see with trading, it's a lot of you versus you. It's not you versus the market."
"That's how you get better, by analyzing things."
"Use a grading rubric to analyze your response... you have to watch the tape in order to get better."
"The most important thing that you can do is look at where you spend your time."
"I'm going to fill in this circle as a pie chart and I'm going to see where I spent the most of my time for the month."
"Learn from it, figure out where your weaknesses are, and do the work to get better."
"Understand what your strengths are, what your weaknesses are, and then work on developing your mindset."
"Step four is challenging for most of us; it takes a lot of courage to do a fearless and searching moral inventory of yourself."
"It's kind of embarrassing to read it because you see these repetitions you wouldn't recognize unless you had recorded them regularly."
"It's very helpful to start with what are the 20% of activities in my life that are causing 80% of the stress or negative emotions."
"Once you've located the source of your burnout, dissect it a little bit."
"By understanding why it looks odd or why it doesn't work, I can improve."
"They're analyzing themselves, maybe analyzing their behavior."
"Selfishness and self-centeredness that we think is the root of our troubles."
"By looking at the pattern of your habit tracker, you are given like this bird's eye view of your performance."
"Analyze your weaknesses and strengths."
"Watching yourself ride makes a huge difference."
"The only way is really through rigorous self-analysis and self-reflection."
"The best book you can read is last year's notebook because you have all of the mistakes you made there."
"Our psychic processes are made up to a large extent of reflections, doubts, experiments."
"Take a pen and paper, write all the things that you've seen that girl, that guy, write every single thing about her."
"When you approach these weird things from an analytical perspective... you can gain some insight about yourself."
"Write a page like 'My ideal partner is...' and then ask yourself, do all of the characteristics on that page apply to you?"
"You need to examine yourself really to understand the key to your success, the key to adding value."
"Introspection is one of the best things you can do. Ask yourself why did this or did this not work."
"A good wrestler is very critical and analyzing himself and his peers."
"The highest form of Socratic method is when you implement it on yourself."
"It's good to do and it's also useful over the longer term to see the trends over the course of years and to have a sense of where you are."
"How much time you spending by yourself? Is it helping you or is it hurting you? You got to figure that out."
"It makes you do a self-diagnostic of yourself."
"Analyze what you like to do and also what you're good at."
"Please make sure that you do a thorough analysis of your mistakes so that you get to know about your gaps."
"Reflective teaching is a process where teachers think over their teaching practices, analyzing how something was taught and how the practice might be improved or changed for better learning outcomes."
"The idea of perfection should absolutely not be a part of the equation of introspection; introspection has nothing to do with perfection."
"I'm going to take some time off and just analyze how I'm going to... make it through the rest of this life."
"What patterns do we need to enhance? Where do we have good starts?"
"There's got to be a certain element of self-reflection."
"I don't have any choice but to use my mind, even when I'm being irrational."
"Analyze myself and say, 'This didn't work for my mom, my mom deserved better than this. This didn't work for my father, he needed better than this. What needs to change?'"
"No human being is a computer, so a rational analysis of yourself must include emotion."
"If you feel like you don't have a lot of time, actually sit back and look at how much time you're awake on your current schedule, not what you want to be."
"The only thing more complicated than a hypothesis on love is putting your own heart under the microscope."
"What went right, what went wrong, what I'm going to start doing, and what I'm going to stop doing based on those lessons that I've learned this week."
"Once you reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, you'll naturally want to look for studying habits that will work for you."
"Look at where you're spending your energy."
"This is just 30 years of making mistakes and trying to analyze; I'm quite analytic."
"You got to be able to step outside of your life and analyze what you're doing right now and how you're gonna improve."
"To know thyself, the first stage is to transcribe your personality on a piece of paper, write all the negatives on the left and the positives on the right."
"You have to be able to analyze yourself, you have to be honest with yourself to say I need to get better here, here, and here."
"After he had those bad games, he made a list of everything that he did when things were going well and everything that he did when things were going poorly."
"Just tracking things for a few months and seeing what was working and what wasn't, that was so eye-opening."
"The only way you really grow is being able to identify your own work, what is not working."
"The fastest way, the most beneficial thing you can do to improve is watch your own games back."
"Once you start discussing and analyzing your dreams, it's really one of the keys to kind of understanding what you're really feeling."
"One of the things you should do for yourself at least once in your life is Time Track how you are spending your time."
"Step outside of who you are and look at yourself in the third person."
"If you start analyzing why you say what you say, why you do what you do, you begin to start seeing what's up under your words, your thoughts, your actions."
"A degree of distance from yourself and the ability to analyze your own life is the most important quality that you could have."
"I always replay my day, I replay my weekend, I replay everything so I can get more clarity."
"You learn more from those losses if you're aware and if you self-analyze it, and if you analyze as a team afterward."
"The success that I've had has been down to hard work, continual improvement, analyzing yourself."
"Reflection boils down to two major questions: Why did you do what you did, and what did you learn from it?"
"Before you analyze and try and fix others and other issues, analyze yourself first."
"I overthink every interaction that I have to make sure that my thoughts are my own."
"If 2020 was a bad year for you, think about why it was a bad year and what you could have done different in 2020 to make it a better year."
"The editor also runs the profiler framework, which means that it can profile itself in real time."
"If you start analyzing why you say what you're saying, why you do what you do, why you dress as you dress, why you act as you act, you begin to see what's up under your word, your thoughts, your actions."
"Giving players the ability to play against themselves, identify what their own weaknesses might be."
"I've reviewed the footage, I've seen my weak spots, I've seen where I can improve."
"It's time to evaluate the thought life."
"Record yourself and listen back; it is one of the quickest ways to improve."
"You need to look internally and try to figure out why it is you do what you do."
"If everybody analyzed themselves and like, you know, little flaws and stuff like that, you could just be so much more aware and prepared on fixing flaws and avoiding problems in the future."
"Introverted thinking when it's at its best is skeptical of its own thoughts; it doesn't think it's right, it's constantly believing that there is something in that information that could be wrong."